Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Korean fortune tellers line up _ Korean fortune tellers

Korean fortune tellers line up _ Korean fortune tellers

Who played the fortune teller in the second episode of Ghost?

The second episode of Ghost is played by Huang.

Huang (? ), a Korean actress. Participated in Secrets, Diary of the Night's Watch, Let's Have Dinner 2, She's Beautiful, Ghosts, etc. Among ghosts, besides fortune tellers, there are also ghosts wandering in the world.

In her 500 s, she is one of the "strongest green leaves" in Korea. Up to now, there are still many supporting roles in TV dramas. Although there are not many scenes, she will perform wholeheartedly every time, which is a model of entertainment circle.

Participate in bodybuilding competitions:

July 3 1 2020 According to Korean media reports, Huang, a 49-year-old actress who plays ghost mother-in-law and fortune teller in the hit Korean drama Ghost, recently participated in a Korean bodybuilding competition. Although she didn't win the prize in the end, her ultra-low body fat rate is amazing. The huge contrast between her screen image and reality has also given a lot of drama superstitions in fitness.