Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Girls are slutty and cool. Talk about it.

Girls are slutty and cool. Talk about it.

1. When you have a girlfriend, don't forget to invite me to dinner or drink a bottle of beer to wash away your sadness.

Even the stars should smile at the camera. What reason do you have to show off your face to others?

3. Be strong with me and ruin your world!

4. Sisters said, tell fortune tomorrow and calculate the lives of those bitches.

No matter who you love desperately now, I won't frown.

6. Those who betray me, I will make your life hell.

7. Don't go near labor.

8. I am not the king of expression, and I can't play the kind of embarrassment you want.

10, I'm only forbearing now to get back at you severely in the future!

1 1. When you know how to cherish, you have already left.

12. Don't touch the person I love, even if I'm not with TA.

13, pretending to be struck by lightning, split into the Force from the beginning.

14, I'm just a supporting role in your life. I'm proud to have entertained you.

15, who is young and hasn't loved a few animals, brothers and sisters, stand up!

16. If I can't live proudly, I'd rather die.

17, I am a man you can never control!

18 Like a man, bear every slap that fate gives you!

19, as long as my parents are still alive, my brothers and my lover will not leave. Everything else can be fucked.

20. I am not good-looking, have a bad figure, have a bad temper and swear. I'm sorry for my disappointment.

2 1, you are not qualified to play with my love. If you dare to play, I will kill you!

22. Even if you freeze to death in the street, you won't shake your head like a dog.

23. Investing in yourself is king.

24. There is no breakup in my dictionary, only widowhood.

25, in fact, you don't have to be so cold, I never thought about entanglement.

26. Take your bitch and get out of my world. I'll make you shameless.

27. Good people take off their masks, and you don't even have a chance to kneel down.

28. Don't think that you have touched the whole of Russia, and you have forgotten that Russia still has a brave heart!

29. I have to say that you really have a high-end atmosphere.

30, my world I am the king, my woman Wang Zhongwang.

3 1, leave me alone and let me die.

32. Hard life needs no explanation.

33. You have no right to say that I have changed. Do you know the proverb that I owe you?

Don't talk to me about feelings, it will hurt more money.

Don't play the role in front of my sister, you are an animal at best.

You can't play with my feelings.

37. Girl, I am born arrogant and not a good person.

38. Loyalty is because there are not enough chips for betrayal.

Don't take me as a handle. I can't live without you just to hook up with others.

Your promise to me, as I told your mother, will never come true.

4 1, I look like you.

42, no sense of security, doomed to not understand love.

I can show you what you like about me.

44. Take out the same fighting power as men and fight against this bumpy world.

45. If you can't remember the past, why go hand in hand to tomorrow?

46. The unhappy days have passed, and no one can live without anyone.

47, angel face, devil figure describe me.

48. When I am cruel, I am doomed not to be soft-hearted.

We can turn back, but we don't have to.

50, the traffic lights of love, dare not overstep. ...

Cool words from girls, cool words from girls.

1. Don't compare me with anyone. I am not anyone's shadow, let alone a substitute for anyone.

Please don't look back when you leave, and don't look for me when you are alive.

3. Break up if you want. Needless to say, you don't deserve me. We are not cell phones and chargers.

If you haven't experienced my journey, don't criticize my path.

5. Speak if you have something to say, scold if you are dissatisfied, vent if you have emotions, and pour out if you have love. Our youth will soon pass, so don't be on tenterhooks all day.

6. It's too hard to live. Everyone is hurt, except no one!

7. White eyes are white eyes, and your face will be smashed. Why do you pretend to be happy when you eat shit?

8. People who don't like you are always busy, and people who want to take you home are on their way. /Shuo Shuo/

9. When I hold you, you are a cup, and when I let you go, you are a glass slag. If I treat you as you treat me, I'm afraid you've left. Therefore, regardless of family, friendship and love, we always look at things from another angle. If you were me, you might not be as generous as me!

10. As for feelings, I admit that I am unstable, but if it is broken, I will not give up.

1 1. I like you, but I can't be shameless all my life.

12. When you feel lonely and helpless, think that there are hundreds of trillions of cells living only for you.

13. It's never too late for the latecomers.

14. Nothing to complain about. Every step today is to pay for every choice before. Every time you do something, think about whether it will hurt when you hit your face in the future.

15. If anyone really treats me, I will cherish my life. This sentence will never expire.

16. Don't insist, don't stay, you turn around and I'll leave.

17. People who like me are good people, people who don't like me are bad people, and people who hate me are not people.

18. Without a particularly good eloquence, it is impossible to please everyone. Play if you can. Break up if you can't play. No one is the world, no one will die.

19. Don't ignore me just because I like you. I'm telling you, I can take you down at any time.

20. I can suffer a lot, but I can't stand the injustice for half a minute.

2 1. I always see some girls showing off how many spare tires they have. In fact, I am embarrassed to say that the more broken the car is, the more it needs a spare tire.

22. Don't just stick your foot into my world unless you promise not to leave.

23. Sometimes what we need is not a bowl of chicken soup, but a slap. Some people appear in your life just to tell you that you are gullible.

24. If you like something, don't ask others if it looks good.

25. In the face of ridicule, always work hard. Even if the cocoon breaks into a butterfly, it will become a moth and dazzle those people's eyes.

26. Your monkey king is on his way. Don't be blinded by wild monkeys.

27. You don't care how different my photo is from myself. I am tall, fat or short. You know, my future life is not with you. Cool sentences for girls, girls.

1. Walking in the street in the middle of the night, looking like a pervert.

There are always a few people. The whole class laughed as soon as the teacher told them to get up and answer questions.

I want to be a king who belongs to me, not a princess who can only rely on men all her life!

Xiao San, thank you for taking away the man who is not worthy of my love. Xiao Si, thank you for your revenge.

Without you, who else can I rely on in my world?

6, Valentine's Day does not accept gifts, gifts only accept boyfriends.

7. Do you know why beautiful women have been unlucky since ancient times? Because no one cares how long ugly people live.

8, they all say that I have a bad temper, I can joke, I am good-looking and I have a good temper.

9. I am not lonely, because I am lonely with my sister.

10, girl, have a snack, don't treat the slag in a sea as a flower by the river.

1 1. Because I broke up with the quilt this morning, the quilt is very cold to me now.

12. If some knots can't be untied, tie a flower.

13, having a good temper and not being angry are two different things.

14, who didn't love a few scum when he was young!

15, some people appear in your life just to prove that you are so gullible.

16, labor and capital are born of originality and will not die of imitation.

17, even gold will shine, not to mention I am a diamond.

18. You rowed beautifully.

19, leave me alone.

20, you always don't consider the feelings of others, and you don't know how hurtful it is to say a word casually.

2 1, 10,000 people are not as miserable as one person, and 10,000 people are not as familiar as one person.

22. I am generally sweet and don't love ordinary boys.

23. You just need to stand on my side indiscriminately.

24. The power consumption of my brain is three times that of my body. I just want you to make me hungry soon.

25, don't play tricks between girls, anyway, we will go to the square dance together in a few decades.

I want to be a proud little princess in your world

27. He is her happiness and never belongs to me.

28. Live up to your desires and satisfy your status quo.

You don't have to take the initiative, but don't move when I take the initiative.

30. Because I am beautiful, no one will take the initiative to chat with me.

3 1, I knew you were a monster when I opened my eyes.

32. If you love me, fuck me, no matter whose bed I was in yesterday.

Let me live in your heart or under your bed.

Don't show off your love in front of me. I have the power to turn him into a tragedy.

Don't think so much, just think about me.

36, with a strong man's figure, but a girl's heart.

37. Don't cry at my grave, it stains my path of reincarnation.

38. I am not RMB. How can I make everyone like me?

39, learn to be a tough bitch, not artificial, hairless, not timid, how to live proudly!

40. Will it be sad to hide from the rain for a lifetime?

4 1, the sourest feeling you feel is jealousy. No, the sourest feeling is that you have no right to be jealous.

42. It's no big deal, except breasts.

No one needs to give sunshine, we are the sun ourselves.

44. People who take themselves too seriously are often good at pretending.

45, don't expect to lose weight, Bajie walked a hundred and eight thousand miles and didn't lose weight. Besides, he is a vegetarian!

46. You are so cute, you should meet me.

47. You look like you're invited to scold me.

48. It's the twenties. What the fuck is IQ?

49. Forgive my unruly face and my love of food.

Your wedding has nothing to do with me, I'm only interested in your funeral.

5 1, bitch, you are like a bus, anyone can get on it.

52. May the good girls in the world shine brightly.

53. I won't attack if people don't attack me. If people attack me, they will do the opposite. People don't scold me, I don't scold. If people scold me, they will curse to death!

54. I am so cute, kind and naive that even now no boys like me. Am I retarded or blind?

55. Without you, the earth would go round and round. Every morning when I get up and look up, the sun in the sky still rises.

56. He has a bad temper and is really cute.

I prayed to God for a perfect life, but he gave me a perfect figure.

If beauty can be a meal, then I can feed the whole world.

59. I know all the reasons. I also drink chicken soup. Fool or me.

60. When can I sleep, turn over and throw myself into your arms?

Cool girl domineering qq signature

1, what if there is no lover? It hurts like a girlfriend.

2. Girlfriends are two bodies and one soul.

3. What is a man? Sisters are the sky.

4, girlfriends, we are not gay friends.

Sisters, it is enough to have you with me this winter.

6, sisters are bigger than the sky, men roll away.

7, sisters hug, talk about your heart, talk about your vicissitudes and changes.

8. Only true and eternal good sisters can truly understand happiness.

9. Real girlfriends will never ignore each other's feelings.

10, girlfriends, even if the whole world doesn't want you, don't be sad, I want you all my life.

1 1, sister, don't forgive me. I don't care about you, and I don't comfort you when you are sad. That's because I want you to be strong I'm sorry

12, it's good to have sisters. When you are in a bad mood, blow them up. That's so cool.

13, men are full of shit. It's those women who can always be with me, not my God.

14, it is better to love men than sisters.

15. Whoever dares to touch my sister Lao Zi will kill that little watch by hook or by crook.

16. If you dare to break my sister's heart, I will break yours completely.

17, Wanshui Qian Shan is always in love, you can't touch my sister.

18, girlfriends, I am very happy to have you, I have you in my life, and I don't want anything else.

19, a sister is bigger than the sky, where there is a sister, there is warmth, and there is a sister who is bigger than the sky.

20. People who know best have the warmest partner, best friend, warmest partner, sister flower and good friend.

2 1, we won't get married after girlfriends, I support you.

22, sisters, not just talk.

23. Sisters are the only ones in my life.

24. Sisters are still here and will never be separated.

25, sometimes happiness is so simple, just because you are around! My dear friends.

26, girlfriends, you have to laugh together, be crazy together, make trouble together, and explode together!

27. I am not gay, but I just like your girlfriend.

28. You don't need many close friends. It is enough to have a sister who understands you.

29, girlfriends, we watch the sunset back to back.

30. Thank you for knowing me when I was young. Best friends are preferred.

3 1, the only wish is to be your sister for life, to be a dead child for life, and to be each other's sisters for life.

32, girlfriends, laugh together, cry together, and be happy with you.

33. What is my best friend afraid of? I have sisters to support me.

Although we are crazy, we love it more than anyone else.

35. Sometimes your best friend is not everything to you, but can be your pillar.

36. Uh-huh, uh-huh, dancing and rubbing touched my sisters.

37. A man is a fart, and sisters are king.

Sister, we watch the sunset hand in hand.

39, girlfriends, not just screaming.

40, girlfriends, never give up.