Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Why do you say "kindergarten teachers, nurses and bank women can't marry"?

Why do you say "kindergarten teachers, nurses and bank women can't marry"?

Why don't men get married, nurses, kindergarten teachers and bank girls?

Because I'm busy.

Busy at work, unable to take care of the family, and night shift, etc., three types of girls generally have little time to spend with their families, which is difficult to meet the needs of boys to take care of the family. Moreover, these three types of work are hard, and they may be irritable after working for a long time.

Why do you say men don't marry, nurses and kindergarten teachers and bank women?

There are three reasons why men don't marry nurses, kindergarten teachers and bank women:

1. Women are the most common of the three occupations, and most of the employees are women, which accounts for a high proportion of female occupations, so they are caught as typical. It represents a large part of women.

2. Don't get married because it is difficult for women in these three occupations to catch up, and it is difficult to catch up without certain strength. Ordinary professional men despise them, and high-income boys generally despise such ordinary girls. Similarly, men with high income and high education rate these three occupations as low education and low skills.

3. The nature of their work, nurses and bank women belong to the service industry, and their working hours will be longer and there will be no weekends. I can't look after my family. Nurse: I'm too busy at work to take care of my family. There are night shifts and so on. Some people think that work may come into contact with things that boys can't accept, while others think that some female nurses lead disorderly lives. Bank women: Bank women's daily contact with rich people will make bank women's horizons higher, and most people don't like it. After marriage, there will also be a psychological gap because the family is not rich enough. Some people think that bank women are easy to have sex with some men, and men are easy to be cuckolded; Kindergarten teachers: When dealing with children every day, their thoughts will become more naive and have an impact on the whole family. Some people think that the profession of teacher will make women in the position of preacher forever and cannot be tolerated.

So men don't get married.

Author: anonymous user


Source: Zhihu.

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Kindergarten teachers, nurses, and bank women are rumored on the Internet that these three women can't get married. Why?

Because people think that these three kinds of jobs are usually very tired when they go to work, and they don't have more energy to take care of their families when they go home at night, so these three kinds of women can't marry. But this is not absolute, and it varies from person to person.

First, kindergarten teachers and nurses.

Kindergarten teachers are kindergarten teachers. They have to take care of their children at school every day. These children are naughty and can't be disciplined strictly, which leads to these kindergarten teachers often going home full at school. When they get home, they are very tired and uneasy, so their attitude towards their families may be a little bad. Moreover, these kindergarten teachers are very tired when dealing with children every day. They may refuse to have children themselves, which will affect the inheritance of male families, so many men don't want to do anything. Nurses are busier than kindergarten teachers. They often go back to the day shift and work late, which makes them tired every time they go home and have no energy to continue cleaning the house. Because the high-intensity work of these nurses every day will also lead to the decline of their fertility, many men are reluctant to marry such women.

Second, the bank woman.

Compared with kindergarten teachers and nurses, bank work is the easiest. They sit in the bank every day to handle business for everyone. But everyone is biased against this kind of women, because many people think that they handle a lot of money every day, which leads these women to think that they are valuable, so they have high requirements for the other half when looking for the other half. These girls themselves are not particularly outstanding, but they have high demands on the other half, which will cause great pressure on the other half. It will be difficult for them to get along, so people are reluctant to go to work in the bank.

Personally, I think this is everyone's prejudice against these girls, because everyone has different personalities and different attitudes towards work and family, so don't refuse them because of their careers.

What's wrong with three girls not getting married in kindergarten teachers' nurse bank?

The reasons are as follows

1, kindergarten teachers and nurses

In the eyes of most people, kindergarten teachers and nurses are all graduates of professional technical schools, and their academic performance is not good. They want to compare with ordinary high schools and college students, and their self-discipline ability is not strong, and the school management is not strict.

In addition, women in these two occupations will come into contact with society prematurely, and many people are prone to have many emotional experiences, even with people outside school, and they are usually unwilling to be lonely after work. Nurses can easily meet doctors and some rich patients, while kindergarten teachers are basically learning to be parents, and there are few men in kindergartens, so their spare time after work is very rich.

2. Female bank employees

In the past, most taxi drivers graduated from college. Although most employees are ordinary college students now, because banks have basic assessment and marketing tasks, some employees need to deal with customers for performance, and some female employees will lose themselves especially when maintaining customer relationships.

In addition, dealing with rich people or money all day, it is easy to compare, and cool thin, who is used to human nature, is also easy to form the values of the supremacy of interests. In fact, it is not that ordinary men are looked down upon, and some men with capital also look down on bank women.

Men don't marry stalks.

1, men who don't marry mainly refer to women who have three occupations: kindergarten teachers, nurses and bank women, and men will avoid marriage.

2. As for why this stalk is produced, it is mainly because some netizens on some social platforms have been cheated by women in these three occupations. Although it is a bit extreme, many people say that there is a basis for dividing people by occupation.

3. As the talk about men's "three don't marry" intensifies, women are not to be outdone, and they also pick out occupations that women don't marry from men's occupations. In fact, all walks of life have wonderful works in that industry, but most people are good, and the morality of men and women cannot be defined by occupation.

Why can't kindergarten teachers, bank girls and nurses marry?

Because people think that these three kinds of jobs are usually very tired when they go to work, and they don't have more energy to take care of their families when they go home at night, so these three kinds of women can't marry. But this is not absolute, and it varies from person to person.

As we all know, nurses have a hard job. When the nurses work in three shifts, they come by turns during the day and night shift. So nurses don't have enough time to take care of their families and children.

Kindergarten teachers are also a very great profession, and they can be said to be the first teachers of many children. But this kind of work is also very hard, and I have to face many children every day. Everyone knows that children are naughty, and it takes him a lot of energy to be a kindergarten teacher. Then he has no energy to take care of his family and children.

Why don't men marry nurses, kindergarten teachers and bank women?

Nowadays, there are many people who marry late and have children late in social development. Their requirements are generally higher, and they will be selective in the case of choosing points, which will lead them to become older young women. There is nothing wrong with being cautious about their married life. As the saying goes, "Men are afraid of getting into the wrong business and women are afraid of marrying the wrong person", and the goal of finding a job is particularly critical.

After all, it is related to the daily life afterwards. Previously, the most popular wives were generally financial institution operation specialists, nursing staff and kindergarten teachers. However, the work style has changed in recent years, and even these three positions have never been married. Why?

1 Don't marry-don't marry a nurse

Nurses are called soldiers in white. But after all, angels save the earth, not themselves. I think everyone will have a certain grasp of the office environment of nursing staff. They have to deal with many kinds of people every day, and these people all have some negative emotions. After a long time, it will inevitably be contaminated with some bad mentality!

Most importantly, there are many nurses who just want to have a good rest after a hard day in a busy office environment. She is irritable and unwilling to do housework and be gentle with her husband. Because of her smile and carefulness, she has spent all her work in broad daylight. 2 don't marry-don't marry a kindergarten teacher.

Kindergarten teacher is a very decent and good post. Their job is to wait for the children and take care of them. Caution is very necessary. As a kindergarten teacher, it is inevitable that there will be some minor problems. Children nowadays are spoiled. If they make mistakes at work, they will be scolded by their parents. Therefore, they should not only stay with their children all the time, but also deal with their parents' accusations.

In the long run, all their care is given to the children who go to college. After returning home, all that remains is resentment and bad temper. If you want to let it go, once the goal goes wrong, they will be angry with their own goals. They don't have that kind of serious problem, but they don't talk because of her resentment and noise, which will deepen the contradiction between husband and wife.

3 don't marry-don't marry the employees of female financial institutions in banks. Although it is said that it is nine to five, I must often work overtime, and I am likely to be late when I get home. At the same time, they don't have sundays, and they have to sit in financial institutions on sundays. Needless to say, their wages are low and there are many new punishment measures.

Girls who work in banks are more frugal. Some people say that thrift is not just a virtuous wife who lives. However, some people worry that getting along with the commodity quota every day in a bank employee will make people lose their nature and become more and more vain. Maybe one day they will run away with rich people and feel too insecure.

These three kinds of jobs are good in themselves, but for various reasons, there is no time to take care of the family, which is also an objective problem for post girls, and it is difficult to ensure the balance between work and family. Gentlemen, if you read this article, do you want to marry the girls in these positions?