Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Cao Xian No.4 Middle School Business

Cao Xian No.4 Middle School Business

The typing club of No.4 Middle School, which is located on the east side of the school gate of No.4 Middle School, and Mr. Zhang's campus canteen can be regarded as two commercial evergreen trees in No.4 Middle School, and almost everyone knows them. The owners of the two stores are teachers in No.4 Middle School, which shows that being a teacher was free at that time, and no one challenged them to start a business, so the stores were always open, which brought convenience to the students in No.4 Middle School and some stories.

The typing club in No.4 Middle School belongs to a teacher surnamed Wang, who teaches high school English. He is not tall and wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses with sly eyes hidden behind them. His thick hair and beard are quite striking, but what is more striking may be the rumor that he married a former student ... but it seems that no one jumped out to accuse and stop this teacher-student love. The free air in the 1980 s was really not casual! This teacher Wang must love his former students very much, because he took good care of his wife after marriage, so that when we entered No.4 Middle School, we met Ms. Wang who was fat and rich in vain, but if we look closely, we can still recognize the once exquisite facial features.

I haven't made any specific textual research, but I remember that the predecessor of No.4 Middle School Typing Club should be a green tin house outside the school gate, which mainly rented and sold books. When I was a child, I went to visit with my friends. I remember renting a comic book for fifty cents a day, but I had to pay a deposit of twenty cents. When Cross took the favorite comic book from the window of the tin house, I saw Mr. Wang's smiling face and his sly eyes under the cover of his thick beard. I don't know when the tin house disappeared, but a storefront named "No.4 Middle School Typing Club" appeared in the east of the school gate, probably because No.4 Middle School was just at the time of development, with many students and great demand. In short, Mr. Wang's business is very busy, and he is often seen in a hurry, holding piles of mimeographed test papers in his hand, always stained with ink. The year before I left No.4 Middle School, my English was taught by Mr. Wang. It turned out that he not only walked fast, but also spoke fast. He whizzed past the English test paper like a bullet, and he was at a loss with his ears! I guess he can type fast, too. How else can he meet the demand of two thousand papers and exercises? You know, printers were still rare high-end equipment in rural middle schools at that time.

Compared with some cultural typing clubs in No.4 Middle School, Mr. Zhang's canteen is much more famous. This may be because the canteen sells things that are closely related to students, so it is naturally handled more; This may also be because of teacher Zhang's widely circulated nickname "Grandet". Who gave this business Chinese teacher such a nickname, and for what reason, there is no way to verify it; Teacher Zhang's shop opened from the west side of the old school gate of No.4 Middle School to the geomantic treasure behind the high school teaching building in the middle of the campus, and his nickname followed everywhere, becoming an important part of the contempt chain of old classmates and freshmen in No.4 Middle School:

-"the power is out! Go to Grandet and buy two candles. "



-Is there? ...

-"Grandet, you don't know who it is? ! "

With a little teasing and smug cold hum from your classmates, you quickly wrote down this knowledge point and honestly followed your classmates into the legendary canteen behind the teaching building for the first time-now think about it carefully, it's actually just a small bungalow less than 20 square meters.

A joke widely circulated among students is that a fledgling freshman didn't know much about this important knowledge point, so that he said at the counter, "Mr. Ge, I'll buy a pen"-it is said that it was not Mr. Zhang who just sat in the canteen that day, but Mr. Zhang himself:

"Get out!"

Idiot fled in a hurry, unable to understand.

If this passage is true, I doubt that the teacher actually knows this nickname.

Fortunately, I have experienced Mr. Ge's simple marching orders. At that time, the canteen sold hot water for 50 cents a "tea jar"; The so-called tea urn is a round and flat white porcelain cup used by students living in school to cook. Once, I borrowed a tea urn from a classmate who lived on campus and went to Mr. Ge's canteen to buy hot water. I only had a penny in my hand. At that time, the market price of hot water in No.4 Middle School was fifty cents for a full teapot and thirty cents for a half teapot. I realized that there was not much difference between two points and three points, so I took it for granted that I put the two-point coin on the counter and handed the tea can to Teacher Ge. "Teacher, I'll buy half a can of water." The teacher should be in a good mood that day, smiling and holding it to scoop water. I went on to say, "Teacher, I only have twenty cents, okay?" Teacher Ge just saw the coins on the counter. Then, I saw the smile withdraw from Mr. Ge's face a little bit; Finally, he poured the water back. ...

Accompanied by a binge drinking: "Not for sale!" I picked up my two cents and ran away with an empty tea urn.

Compared with the incoherence in that joke, I understood the teacher's anger at that time: it was not just a penny, but also a principle and dignity that Mr. Ge could not challenge ... three points against two points, which was a price reduction of up to 33%!

The largest number of students in the history of No.4 Middle School, our freshmen of Grade 95, strode into the school, and business opportunities blossomed everywhere inside and outside the school: some people came in to sell steamed buns and steamed buns near the dormitory, some went to the instant noodle factory in the town to wholesale broken instant noodles and sell them to hungry students in the evening study, some made a hole in the wall of their dormitory and turned it into a miniature canteen, and even the uncle who rang the bell went down to the sea and started a fight with his wife not far from the boiling water room. Teachers' rural families have a business as a family subsidy, and students don't have to starve when the canteen is closed. Good, good.

Twenty years have passed in a flash.