Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Fenghuang town comprehensive construction

Fenghuang town comprehensive construction

Fenghuang town is an important commodity gathering place adjacent to the town. In recent years, * * * invested more than 300 million yuan to build the first phase of Shantou-Fengfeng Highway and Baifeng Highway and other infrastructure construction, which made the Phoenix Highway start from Raoping in the east and reach Nantong and Fengshun in the west, forming a transportation network extending in all directions. Invested 654.38+0.2 billion yuan to transform the old city, open up the new city, and further improve the supporting facilities such as education, culture, environmental protection and health. Increase communication investment, improve communication quality, and effectively serve the economic development of Phoenix. 1999 and 200 1 were also rated as advanced health towns in the province. Now, fenghuang town has a beautiful environment, active commerce and trade, prosperous market, stable society and people living and working in peace and contentment. Fenghuang town is a famous eco-tourism area. The climate is pleasant, with fragrant forest tea everywhere, beautiful scenery and lush; Phoenix Tianchi and other unique natural landscapes, as well as other characteristic cultures, specialties and food cultures, has become a well-known eco-tourism area, attracting a number of enterprises headed by Chaozhou Naixing Agricultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. to settle in Phoenix, further developing Phoenix's eco-agriculture and tourism industry, and forming a gratifying situation in which all industries are thriving.

Fenghuang town is a famous hometown of overseas Chinese. There are more than 30,000 overseas Chinese in more than 20 countries and regions. The vast number of overseas Chinese love their country and their hometown, enthusiastically donate money to build roads, bridges and schools, and actively participate in the construction of Phoenix, which has promoted the rapid development of various undertakings in their hometown.