Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Kneel for the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Shanghai! !

Kneel for the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Shanghai! !

First, March into Shanghai

1949 In May, about 200,000 people from 25 divisions of 8 armies of Tang Group retreated to Shanghai and its surrounding areas.

Two huge red arrows on the "map of the liberation of Shanghai" indicate that the troops of the Eighth Army of the Ninth and Twelfth Corps of the Third Field Army are defending the enemy from the two wings of Pudong and Puxi, carrying out a pincer-like attack.

The leaders of the Central Military Commission and the General Front Committee ordered the troops to attack Shanghai. Shouxian attacked Wusongkou from two wings, cutting off the enemy's retreat from the sea, resulting in a situation of turtles in a jar. Then our western troops entered the city, cooperated with the eastern troops to attack the city and liberated Shanghai in one fell swoop.

"To catch this turtle, we must not only fight a military battle, but more importantly, we must fight a political battle, master the city's policies, and politically disintegrate and destroy the enemy; In order to destroy the enemy, but also to preserve the city completely ... ".

Shanghai is the largest industrial city in China, the birthplace of our Party and the cradle of the working class in China. But Shanghai is also an important base for imperialism to oppress our people for a hundred years. Kuomintang reactionaries have been using it to wage war against the people for decades. Now, Shanghai is about to return to the hands of the people; From our successive victories, we have witnessed the collapse of the reactionary rule of the Kuomintang and the outbreak of New China. How can this not make him particularly excited and excited!

At 7 pm on May 27th, after three days and three nights of urban fighting, Shanghai was completely liberated. The once "adventurer's paradise" is gone forever! Now it has completely returned to the people's hands and stands on the east coast of the motherland with a brand-new attitude.

Second, three areas enter the city convention and code.

Three conventions

Abide by all laws and regulations of the military commission and the people's government.

Abide by urban policies and cherish municipal construction.

Maintain the traditional style of hard work and simplicity of revolutionary soldiers.

Ten rules

Invincible, do not shoot.

Don't live in houses and shops, and don't disturb theaters and all places of entertainment.

If you have nothing to do, you should ask for leave when you are out.

Cars and horses are not allowed to run around in the street.

Don't eat in the street, don't carry your shoulders and don't crowd in the street.

Trade should be fair.

Clean the station and go to the toilet.

Divination, gambling and whoring are strictly prohibited.

No partiality.

Don't scribble on the wall.

Third, the PLA camping on the beach has become a big news.

Residents on both sides of the road are influenced by the old society's "good iron doesn't nail, good people don't serve as soldiers", and they are inevitably afraid of the troops on the sidewalk and secretly spy on the actions of these strangers through doors, windows or cracks. To their surprise, no one knocked at the door to enter the house. At midnight, the officers and men of the army lay quietly in the street. Occasionally one or two people wake up from the cold. They got up and stamped their feet, and then lay down quietly. The residents were curious from the snoring they heard, and the truth came out at dawn. Crowds of men, women and children approached, with expressions of surprise and respect, watching the soldiers get up from the concrete floor, banging their numb legs, packing their bags and sitting peacefully on their backpacks. There are more and more people in the street, surrounded by the army. I can't help wondering: Are these soldiers fighting the PLA in Shanghai? They felt that everything was fresh and could not help but go to the front and ask:

"What are the branches with leaves in your package for?"

"What is the hard bag tied with branches and bamboo poles for?"

"Why are your soles so thick? Who did it? "

"The northern eldest sister-in-law do military shoes how like a boat? Why is there a small pointed hook on the toe? "

"Why don't you live in the house?"

The soldiers patiently explained to them, talking and gesticulating. They understand and listen with satisfaction, but there are still many novel questions. ...

At breakfast, we have to eat dry food because the cooking room in Pudong hasn't delivered food yet. The soldiers poured brown fried rice out of the rice bag and swallowed it in their mouths. It was a little hard to swallow, so they opened the kettle and drank two sips of cold water, so they ate and drank. The citizens frowned and asked the PLA to go to his house to wash their faces and drink tea. Some quietly brought thermos bottles to the soldiers to drink, and some even sent bread, which were politely declined. The crowd said unhappily:

"We sincerely sent it, why don't you accept it?"

"Thank you! Please make yourself at home. The discipline of the People's Liberation Army does not take the masses, and we can't accept it! "

"Comrade of the People's Liberation Army, this is not for you, this is our voluntary! Take it! " The masses continued to demand.

"Thank you for your kindness. Although we didn't receive your things, we are equally grateful to you! "

At that time, although the masses expressed understanding, they were always uneasy. Some are admiring, some are shaking their heads, and some shed tears. The enthusiasm of the citizens also moved the troops, and the soldiers expressed their feelings with songs:

All revolutionary fighters should remember,

Three disciplines and eight points for attention.


Singing resounded through the road, the masses paid tribute to the PLA with warm applause, and the feelings of citizens and soldiers blended together. Mr. Chen's requirement that the troops strictly abide by the discipline of entering the city has been successfully realized, which is the best meeting gift given by the People's Liberation Army to Shanghai residents.

The martyrs who died for the liberation of Shanghai are immortal!

May 28th is Shanghai Liberation Day.

The leaflet issued by the Shanghai Federation of People's Organizations to celebrate the liberation of Shanghai and welcome the People's Liberation Army reads:

Liberated! All Shanghainese, who have been looking forward to this day for many days, have finally arrived. At present, every household, men, women and children, is beaming and in high spirits. What in the world is more worthy of making us happy? Now we can cheer and shout. Celebrate the liberation of Shanghai! Celebrate the days when Shanghainese come out! Welcome the People's Liberation Army! Welcome to liberate our people's army!

The reactionaries collapsed, and the days of our common people's suffering ended.

Today, we will celebrate the liberation of Shanghai with gongs, drums, lanterns, lion dances, dragon lanterns, stilts, yangko and parades ... to celebrate the great changes of our people in all aspects. We will demonstrate to all those who slander us. Let's see how our people celebrate this great day.

Pay tribute to Chairman Mao and the China Producers' Party, which led our people to turn over! Liberate the people. Pay tribute to the heroic PLA soldiers who avenged Liang Renda, Wang Xiaohe, Zhong Quanzhou and countless persecuted workers and students! Celebrating the liberation of Shanghai should comfort our people's army. Flowers, tea, snacks, cigarettes, towels, clothes, socks and daily necessities ... to comfort the PLA, which is fighting for the people in all aspects, we should show our warm heart and let our heroic brothers know how warmly we Shanghai people thank them, love them and support them.

5. The Central Committee congratulates Shanghai Liberation Force.

Comrades Chen Yi, Rao Shushi, Su Yu and Tan Zhenlin, the Third Field Army of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and comrades in command of the combatants! Party member, workers, students, Democrats, patriotic compatriots from all walks of life, the People's Liberation Army and all the patriotic compatriots in Shanghai!

China and Shanghai, the largest city in Asia and the most important industrial and commercial center in China, were liberated on the 27th. Our PLA captured more than a dozen enemies in this battle, and its discipline is very good. People from all walks of life in Shanghai actively cooperated with our army, so that most of Chiang Kai-shek's sabotage plans failed and the urban order was quickly restored. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China extended warm congratulations to the front line of the People's Liberation Army in China, the local organizations in the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Shanghai, the people of Shanghai, the People's Liberation Army in China and the people of the whole country. After the liberation of Shanghai, the primary task of party member, workers and revolutionary intellectuals in Shanghai is to unite as one, cooperate with the progressive industry and all patriotic Democrats, overcome difficulties, resume production, restore urban-rural ties and domestic and foreign trade, and continue to fight against the remnants of reactionary forces for victory. We believe that the people of Shanghai, who have a long revolutionary tradition and a high degree of political consciousness, will be able to accomplish this glorious task with the help of the people of the whole country.

Long live the new Shanghai!

Long live an independent and free new China!

(On May 30th, Mao Zedong drafted a congratulatory message on behalf of the CPC Central Committee).

6. The people of Shanghai welcome the PLA.

The Shanghai Federation of People's Organizations and 366 organizations welcomed the PLA. The manifesto reads:

The reactionary Kuomintang traitorous government and its troops in Shanghai have been wiped out, the People's Liberation Army has liberated Shanghai, and the day has come for the people of Shanghai to turn over!

The great fact that the People's Liberation Army liberated Shanghai fully proves that any stubborn attempt by the reactionary Kuomintang clique is just an absurd fantasy, and they are incapable of realizing any organized resistance.

The liberation of Shanghai by the People's Liberation Army has made this metropolis, the national economic center, no longer a paradise for imperialist adventurers, nor a dead city where industry and commerce are dying under the oppression of imperialism, feudalism and bureaucracy. In the future, with the joint efforts of workers, staff, scientific, cultural and technical personnel, Shanghai will develop production in an all-round way. From then on, the working class in Shanghai can give full play to its role, and students and young people can freely combine with the working people. The construction of new democracy in China will also leap into a new stage due to the liberation of Shanghai.

The liberation of Shanghai by the People's Liberation Army proved that the reactionary Kuomintang clique had completely failed militarily, politically, culturally and economically. From then on, the people of Shanghai can live a completely free and happy life as masters.

Shanghai has been liberated, so we should celebrate our liberation happily. In particular, it is necessary to organize the masses to express their grand welcome and comfort to the brave, skillful and hardworking People's Liberation Army. Shanghai Federation of People's Organizations and 366 organizations in Shanghai especially appeal to all citizens:

First, do everything possible to welcome and comfort the PLA spiritually and materially!

Second, maintain public order and prevent enemy agents from destroying and disturbing it.

Third, protect the property of the state and the people and prevent hidden destruction and robbery.

Fourth, mobilize the masses to eliminate counter-revolutionary saboteurs.

Five, let go of the development of community organizations and strengthen their own team.

6. Assist the Military Management Committee to be complete and orderly, and prepare to quickly resume production, business and class.

We believe that the people of Shanghai with a glorious revolutionary tradition will be able to accomplish the above tasks.