Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What does six hexagram mean?

What does six hexagram mean?

Liuyi, a simple and easy-to-learn term, is one of the divination methods in Yijing.

The prediction of six hexagrams and eight diagrams is a law summarized by the ancients by observing the operation law of nature. The forecaster put three copper coins in his hand, clasped his hands, thought about what he had measured, and let the measured information melt into the copper coins. After shaking his hand, he put it in the divination tray and threw it six times. Ibu, then change. Judging the development process and results of things by measuring the branches of divination on that day, six relatives and six beasts mainly rely on the words of combining the five elements with the Book of Changes. Six variables is one of the most popular forecasting methods.