Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - There is something wrong with boys' sexual orientation. How to scientifically test your sexual orientation?

There is something wrong with boys' sexual orientation. How to scientifically test your sexual orientation?

Exclusive original series course "Psychosexual Analysis" Lesson 9

Introduction: How to judge sexual orientation-Kinsey Scale specially used for sexual orientation test in psychology In this section, we will discuss sexual orientation in depth, and provide readers with a scientific and accurate method to test their sexual orientation by introducing the most authoritative and widely used classical sexual orientation test in psychology. Through this section, readers can get the following knowledge points:

What is sexual orientation? How to classify? What factors lead to different sexual orientations? Is sexual orientation innate or acquired? Will sexual orientation change during growth? Popular science objectives:

Through this section, we can judge readers' sexual orientation in popular science and help readers understand themselves and others from a scientific and objective perspective.

The proportion of heterosexuals in the population and the differences between men and women. 20 16 Psychologists from Northwestern University, UCLA and other institutions published a latest review on sexual orientation, summarizing the current academic understanding of sexual orientation (the title and abstract of the literature are as follows). Psychological researchers from Northwestern University, UCLA and other institutions have published document titles and abstract screenshots.

Non-heterosexual ratio: less than 5%. Psychologist Dr. Michael Bailey and others found through data analysis in recent years:

Dr Bailey and others further found that men and women have different sexual orientations:

The reason for this difference is usually attributed to the different intimate relationship and sexual arousal patterns between men and women. Men's sexual orientation is closely related to their sexual arousal and excitement, that is, they are more inclined to physical stimulation; On the other hand, women are more inclined to emotional stimulation. In intimate relationships, women are more attracted to the same sex than men, and emotional comfort has different effects on sexual arousal. With the change of time and situation, the way to attract women may change, such as from bisexuality to absolute homosexuality or heterosexuality, but men are unlikely to have such a change.

Methods of self-testing sexual orientation: Kinsey scale in psychology, there are usually two methods to judge sexual orientation: self-reporting measures; Psychophysiological measurement (psychophysiological measurement). Among these two methods, the most commonly used method is self-reported measurement. Among them, the most widely used and authoritative self-assessment test method is Kinsey Scale designed by Alfred Kinsey, a pioneer of sexual psychology, also known as heterosexual homosexual rating scale.

In this part, we will focus on the test contents and methods of Kinsey Scale to help readers judge their sexual orientation scientifically, objectively and accurately.

The test purpose of Kinsey Scale is to measure a person's sexual orientation according to his experience or reaction at a specific time.

Professor Kinsey believes that sexual orientation is not only homosexuality and heterosexuality, but also a person's sexual orientation is unstable, and his tendency will change with time [2].

So the Kinsey Scale designed by Professor Kinsey is a continuous linear integer scale from 0 (absolute heterosexuality) to 6 (absolute homosexuality). The original Kinsey Scale divided people into 30 genders.

Orientation, but later, according to more than 8000 tests done by Professor Kinsey, he finally divided sexual orientation into seven categories, so there are seven categories in the scoring scale of Kinsey Scale. The content of the golden race scale is shown in the following figure:

Kinsey scale content

test method

Through Kinsey Scale, everyone can classify their sexual orientation through self-reporting measures. The main reference standard is that I classify my sexual orientation according to the degree and frequency of sexual behavior, which are sexual desire and sexual experience of the opposite sex and the same sex respectively.

test result

Kinsey scale test results.

According to the above figure, the statistical category of Kinsey Scale is 0-6. These include:

"0" refers to the opposite sex: it refers to having absolute and complete sexual desire and/or sexual experience for the opposite sex, having no sexual desire for the same sex at all, and never having sexual relations with the same sex; "6" is homophobic: it means that you have absolutely complete sexual desire and/or sexual experience for the same sex, have no sexual desire for the opposite sex at all, and never have sex with the opposite sex; Between the grades of "1" and "5": it means that the sexual desire of the two sexes has different grades and degrees, or they have had different frequency of sexual behavior with the opposite sex and the same sex. Similar to "bisexuality" in the usual sense. Grade "X": It means no contact or reaction with social orientation, that is, no sexual reaction or activity to individuals of any sex. Details and analysis of sexual orientation test results: human male sexual behavior and human female sexual behavior.

Through Kinsey Scale, Professor Kinsey investigated the sexual orientation of men and women, with a total of more than 8,000 people. Professor Kinsey published the results of male and female sexual orientation in two books: Human Male Sexual Behavior (1948) (Male Sexual Behavior) and Human Female Sexual Behavior (1953) (Female Sexual Behavior).

By consulting Professor Kinsey's two sexology reports, we found that there are statistical differences in the test results of sexual orientation between men and women in the population, as follows:

Male: 65,438+065,438+0.6% of white males aged 20-35 passed the Kinsey Scale self-rating, showing a grade of 3; Among the American men surveyed, 10% have been gay for at least three years between 16-55 years old [4]. Female: Among single women aged 20-35, 7% rated themselves as Grade 3 in the survey; Among married women aged 20-35, 4% consider themselves Grade 3; 2-6% of women aged 20-35 rated themselves as Grade 5, while 1-3% of unmarried women rated themselves as Grade 6 [5]. There are more gay men than lesbians. According to Professor Kinsey's survey data, there are more absolute gay men than absolute lesbians [6]. This conclusion is consistent with the research conclusion of psychologist Dr. Michael Bailey and others mentioned above in 20 16.

Conclusion: Kinsey scale is the most widely used method to test sexual orientation so far. Compared with psychophysiological measurement of sexual orientation, self-report measurement is simpler to operate on the basis of ensuring accurate evaluation, and can greatly protect personal privacy and let yourself know yourself through self-evaluation.

Write at the end: face up to the sexual orientation of yourself and others, you can disagree, but you can't help but respect it. As Professor Kinsey emphasized, the biggest feature of sex itself is diversity. As we mentioned in the last section, everyone's sexual experience and sexual preference are not necessarily the same, and we can't consider ourselves strangers because of these differences.

The diversity of sex is actually easy to understand. Just like some people have earlobes and others don't, you can't say that those who don't have earlobes are disabled. So is sexual orientation. You can't be surprised just because you come from different backgrounds. According to Professor Kinsey's theory, sexual orientation will show different tendencies at different stages of life.

So, face up to your true thoughts, even if you feel a little strange, in fact, that strange self-feeling is only due to the lack of scientific and objective understanding of your differences. Therefore, we have repeatedly advocated that everyone should learn scientific methods to overcome ignorance and face themselves correctly, so that their ignorance will be less, the gap in their hearts will be deeper, and their life will be clearer for decades, so that this life will not be in vain!

Even if you disapprove of sexual orientation, you have to respect yourself and others.

References [1] Bailey, J.M., Wasi, P.L., Diamond, L.M., brid Love, S.M., Villain, E.,&; Epure Hitt, M. (20 16). Sexual orientation, controversy and science. Psychological science in public interest, 17(2), 45–101.

[2] Kinsey, Alfred C and others (1948/ 1998). Male sexual behavior. Philadelphia: W.B. Sanders; Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

[3] Kinsey Sexual Behavior Rating Scale. Kinsey college. Retrieved 2020- 12-28.

[4] Jin Sai et al., 1948. Sexual behavior of human males, table 147, page 65 1.

[5] Jin Sai et al., 1953. Sexual behavior of human women, table 142, p. 499.

[6] Alfred C Kinsey; Wardale Pomeroy; Clyde Martin; Paul Gebhard (1998-05-22). Sexual behavior of human women. Indiana University Press. ISBN 97802530 19240。

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