Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Examples of humor that can be used to write a composition

Examples of humor that can be used to write a composition

1. In your life, you have heard of the art of laughing by people who write humorous stories, and its main performance is humor.

The essence of humor is funny, ridiculous and meaningful. Humor is the crystallization of human wisdom and an advanced emotional activity and aesthetic activity. Any plain and mediocre value orientation and stereotyped way of thinking have nothing to do with humor.

In real life, we can often see that the arguments between the two sides are fierce, tense and deadlocked. Often due to a humorous remark or two from a third party, both sides of the dispute can lose heart, put down their words and make up. In a lifeless and monotonous occasion, people will live because of someone's humor and jokes, breaking this quiet situation and activating people's tired and numb nerves, thus creating a lively, healthy and humorous atmosphere.

Therefore, in a sense, humor is a mediator to solve human contradictions, a stimulant to enliven and enrich human life, an elegant spiritual activity and a beautiful behavior. The 68 humorous stories selected here reflect the social life and human feelings in ancient China, especially since the Middle Ages.

These jokes are illusory, real, revealing, critical, beautiful, ironic, ironic, explanatory and colorful, which bring people into an ancient and realistic fascinating world and thus obtain the greatest spiritual and emotional satisfaction. A meat thief went to Beijing to sell meat, stopped to urinate in front of a toilet on the side of the road and hung the meat outside.

Seeing this, the second man stole the meat. Before he went far, A came out of the toilet, grabbed B and asked B if he had seen anyone take his meat from the toilet.

B was afraid that A would see through, so he put the meat in his mouth early and said impatiently, "You are such an idiot! How to hang the meat outside the door without losing it? If you put meat in your mouth like me, is there any reason to lose it? " -Han Weiyuchun's "Laughing Forest" name game Xu Zhicai, the king of Xiyang in the Northern Qi Dynasty, is very eloquent, especially good at word games. When he is not the king, he tries to play with the king, a senior minister.

Wang laughed at the name and said, "Your name is Zhicai. What's the point? In my opinion, it is similar to call it' lack of talent'. " Hearing this, he immediately laughed at Wang's surname: "The word Wang is added to the left of the word, 呄呄呄呄呄呄呄呄呄呄呄呄呄呄呄呄呄呄呄呄2157

Wang was tongue-tied and embarrassed. On another occasion, Xu Zhicai entertained guests, and Lu Yuanming was present.

During the dinner, Lu Yuanming made fun of his surname and said, "The word' Xu' means not entering the people (Wei added' Yu' and' Jin')." Immediately mocked Yuan Ming's surname-the word "Lu": "The word" Lu "means" An "printed a public character as" Lu ",and then matched it with a horse to make a donkey. "

Lu Yuanming was flushed and speechless, and the room was full of laughter. -Old title Sui Houbai's "Qi Yan Lu" Bird's Nest and Calf Hou Bai later became an official in the Tang Dynasty and often worked with people in solve riddles on the lanterns. Hou Baixian made three chapters for everyone: "What you guess must be a visible object; Second, you can't make empty explanations to confuse everyone; Third, if the explanation is finished, but you can't see this thing, you should be punished. "

Then he first made a riddle: "The back is as big as a house, the abdomen is as big as a pillow (the crossbar behind the car), and the mouth is as big as a cup." Everyone guessed for a long time, but no one guessed right. They all said, "Where is an object with a mouth as big as a cup and a back as big as a room?" There is no such thing. You must make a bet with all of us. "

Hou Bai finished gambling with everyone and explained, "This is the swallow's nest." They burst out laughing.

On another occasion, Hou Bai attended a large banquet. During the dinner, everyone asked him to make a riddle for entertainment.

What you guess can neither be strange nor difficult to understand, nor can it be abstract and untrue. Hou Bai replied, "There is something as big as a dog and looks like an ox.

What is this? "People are competing to guess, some people say it's a roe deer, others say it's a deer, but they all deny it. Let Hou Bai tell the answer.

Hou Bai laughed and said, "This is a calf." -The old title "Qi" by Sui Houbai asks for the name of Tianbao. In his early years, the famous secret supervisor He wrote to the court and wanted to retire to his hometown of Wuzhong.

Xuanzong Li Longji respected him very much and treated everything differently. When He Zhangzhi left, he said goodbye to Tang Xuanzong, and his eyes were full of tears.

Tang Xuanzong asked him what other requirements he had. Zhang Zhi said: "I know that Zhang Zhang has a son who hasn't been named yet. If your majesty gives it a name, I will be honored to return to China. "

Xuanzong said: "Faith is the core of Tao. Blessed people have faith. The son of Qing should be named Fu. "

Know the chapter and thank humbly. It took me a long time to realize. I thought to myself, "The emperor is so happy with me.

I'm from Wu, and the word' fu' is the word' claw' followed by the word' zi'. He named my son Fu, didn't he call my son's paw? -Gao Songyi's "Living in Groups" does not know what poetry is. Ai Zi likes to write poems.

One day, Ai Zi swam between Qi and Wei and stayed in a hotel. In the evening, he heard someone talking next door: "A song."

After a while, he said, "One more song." Ai Zi was baffled and sleepy all night.

I lay down until dawn, and I heard the people in the next room say it about six or seven times, that is, six or seven songs. Ai Zi thought that the man in the next room must be a poet. He quietly concentrated on poetry at the foot of the mountain, and he felt respected inside. He also liked this man's quick thinking and decided to get to know him.

Early in the morning, Ai Zi got dressed and got up, adjusted her crown belt and stood at the door to meet her. Soon, a peddler-like man came out of the next room, thin and ill.

Ai Zi was disappointed, thinking: With this respect, you look like a poet. Perhaps, people can't judge people by their appearances, and they can't guess blindly. He went up to him and asked, "I heard that Mr. Wang has many poems." Can I see them? "

The man said, "I'm a businessman and I never know what poetry is." Has refused to come up with poetry.

Ai Zi stubbornly said, "I heard you say' one' in the house last night, and then you said' one'. Isn't that a poem? " Hearing this, the man couldn't help laughing: "You misunderstood. Last night, my stomach was upset. Every time I have diarrhea, I can't find toilet paper at night, so I wipe it with my hands.

Diarrhea lasted all night, and my hands were dyed almost six or seven times. When I say' hand', I don't mean the first poem. "

Ai Zi felt ashamed to hear that. -Old.

2. Humor language that can be used as composition material [Humor language that can be used as composition material] Humor language that can be used as composition material Author: Jiangshan still can be used as humor language of composition material 1. Red beans don't grow in the south, they grow on my face. I really miss you! 2. Dreaming about dream of eating spaghetti, I woke up in the morning and found my shoelaces gone! Holding your hand, you will know that your son is ugly and his face is full of tears. If you don't go, I'll go, which can be used as humorous language for composition.

I don't want to eat porridge every day. I went to the vegetable market yesterday. I think I'll continue to eat porridge. Every time I miss a girl, I put a brick on the ground, so there is the Great Wall.

7. Stay green and there is no firewood. 8. Pure, fictional, chaotic and beautiful.

9. Happiness is scratching when it itches. Unfortunately, this means it's itchy, but it can't be scratched. More unfortunately, the soul and body have not felt that itch for a long time. 10. Although I can't be a descendant of the rich, I must be an ancestor of the rich.

1 1. God didn't give me much responsibility, but it still made my heart ache and my bones and muscles tired. 12. Who held my hand and made me crazy for half my life; Who, kiss my eyes, cover my half-life displacement.

13. The crowd searched for her for thousands of Baidu, and suddenly looking back, that person still dismissed me. 14. After studying for more than ten years, I think kindergarten is better.

15. What is happiness? Happiness is that cats eat fish, dogs eat meat, and Altman beats small monsters. 16. Are you a dung ball that was once rolled by a small low-energy dog, a cockroach that was trampled flat, and adopted by a mentally retarded master in Shaolin Temple who is known as a pear flower crushing a begonia? 17. Journey to the West tells us that all monsters with backstage were taken away, and those without backstage were killed by a stick.

18. Advertisement on the subway: Is it crowded? Buy a car! Advertisements in taxis: Are they blocked? Take the subway! 19. I received a mobile phone message: there is a monkey in the zoo, so ugly that everyone threw up. One day I went to vomit. One day you went and the monkey threw up. 20. Say that money is evil and everyone fishes; Say beauty is a disaster, everyone wants it; It is said that the height is too cold and everyone is climbing; Say that alcohol and tobacco hurt the body and don't quit; Say heaven is the best, don't go! 2 1. Strongly protest against the TV play during the advertising time! 22. Thank you, thank you uncle, thank you family, thank you ancestors for 18 generations.

Have you ever seen anyone thank you like this? ) 23. Although the famous flowers are taken, I will loosen the soil! 24. Excuse me! I'm already dead! But thank you for coming to see me! See you tonight 12! 25. I drown my sorrows in wine, but I learned to swim in this damn pain. 26. What are you unhappy about? Say it to make everyone happy.

27. Do you want to get rich? Do you want to get lucky? Do you want to be an official? Do you want to become famous overnight? Do you want to be young forever? -Stop dreaming and study hard! The fool stole the beggar's wallet and was seen by the blind. The dumb shouted, which startled the deaf. Camels come forward and lame people fly. The wanted man wants to take him to the public security bureau. Asako said, look at my face. 29. Loneliness is a person's carnival, and carnival is the loneliness of a group of people. 30. What are you unhappy about? Say it to make everyone happy.

3 1. Lei Feng did a good deed without leaving a name, but everything was recorded in his diary. 32. Love is a road, and friends are trees. There is only one road in life, and there are many trees on one road. If you have money, you won't get lost; if you lack money, you will rely on trees; if you are happy, you won't forget your way; when you rest, you will water trees.

33. An iron pestle can be ground into a needle, and a wooden pestle can only be ground into a toothpick. The material is wrong, and it's no use trying again. 34. I am not RMB. How can I make everyone like me? ! 35. I'm not a fortune teller on the overpass, so I can't say so many things you like to hear.

36. When life turned everything into black humor with malice, I went with the flow and turned myself into a hooligan with higher education. 37. My principle is: if people don't attack me, I won't attack; If someone attacks me, I will be angry! 38. I slowly discovered that talents are goblins! Some goblins eat people, but people eat everything. If you catch a leprechaun, maybe you can have a barbecue! 39. Time is too thin and fingers are too wide.

40. Actually, you and I are the same. Everyone is pretending. The key is to install, to install a circle, and to have a threshold. If you pretend, you will move forward and become a legendary temperament. If you don't pretend, it will get stuck there. It's Carmen.

4 1. Geography teacher: What would our world be like if the earth stopped turning? Xiao B: Even if the earth doesn't turn, we will continue to turn around the Party Central Committee with * * * as the center. 42. Little girls want to find a white horse in their dreams. When they opened their eyes, they found that the whole world was a gray donkey. After grief, they can only choose a strong donkey, and such a donkey is named: economically applicable male. 43. Once I looked up at the starry sky with my friends, and then we burst into tears. He was lovelorn and I sprained my neck.

44. I'm going to cry. I'm going to make trouble. I stayed up all night, holding a bottle of sleeping pills and hanging myself with a small rope. No matter how ugly, you have to fall in love. When the world is full of love.

45. Love is a luxury. It's like a fox coat in a Paris window, so dazzling and charming, but the price tag on it will wake people up.

Love is also a luxury, you can only look at it from a distance, don't fantasize, don't touch it, because it is indispensable to meet the right person at the right time and in the right place. 46. I am a passer-by who you turn around and forget. Why should I spend time with you on earth? 47. Although I am not very handsome, when I was a child, some people praised my left nostril as an idol.

48. Crowding buses is a comprehensive sport, including Sanda, yoga, judo and balance beam. 49. Spring is a season of colds and high spirits.

Someone accidentally caught a cold, and someone accidentally fell in love. I belong to the former. 50. I am also an infatuated seed, but it rained … I drowned.

5 1. It's not difficult to be single, but it's difficult to deal with people who try their best to make you end being single. I allow you to come into my world, but I will never allow you to walk around in my world.

53. After studying for more than ten years, I think kindergarten is better! 55. Money can buy a house, but it can't buy a home; Marriage, but not love; Clock, but can't buy time. Money is not everything, but it is the root of pain. Give me your money and let me suffer alone! 56. Boys are poor, or they don't know how to struggle: girls are rich, or they are coaxed away by a piece of cake.

57. When I was young.

3. Ask for a humorous story. Xiaoling sleeps on the table.

Iverson lost a book with him. Get out. Xiao Wu came in and took Xiao Ai's seat.

Xiao Ai (entering): Oh, man, this is really confusing. Are you kidding? Don't you see, I've already occupied this seat! Xiao Wu: Ding is Ding and Mao is Mao. Actually, I took it before you! Xiao Ai: I came early in the morning. Why didn't I see you? Wu: I took it last night. Xiao Ai: The last row is my patent! For it, I get up early every day, grab the head and bleed like a river. I can't lose this position! Xiao Wu: The last row is my pride. This place is unique.

If you want to get rid of me from here (AI:-Why? ) I advise you to pull it off early! Xiaoling woke up: What was that noise? It's a waste of youth to quarrel in such a sacred classroom early in the morning! Do you know what mistake you made? Huh? Xiao Ai: Yes. Wu: Let's stop arguing.

Xiaoling: What you can't forgive is that you woke me up! Iverson sat in front of Xiaoling. Xiao Ai: Last but not least, develop style.

Dude, take the exam as I say! Wu: Huh? Today's exam? Xiaoling: Really? My hands are numb today! Xiao Ai: Scared? Xiao Wu: Did you sleep? Xiaoling: None of them are right! I'm tired of playing with grass! Xiao Ai: Hey, I think I spent the middle of the night burning a lamp and boiling oil! Xiao Wu: Oh, have you studied hard? Xiaoling: Do you also play with grass? Xiao Ai: Oh, I'm thinking about the exam strategy! Xiao Wu and Xiaoling leaned over: What do you think? Xiao Ai laughed wildly: I tell you, this is a great move! Xiao Wu and Xiaoling: Come on! Xiao Ai: Copy from the book-(picks up the book) Xiaoling: Go to hell! Wu: Good idea! Why didn't I think of that? Xiaoling: Come on. You call this a trick? Well, to ease the tension, I'll give you a humorous quiz.

Xiao Yi and Xiao Wu ignored her. Xiaoling: Say, how many steps are there in the exam answer sheet? Xiao Ai and Xiao Wu leaned in: How many steps are there? Xiaoling: Three steps! Step 1: Write down your name.

(Both nod) Step 2: Read the topic again! (Both nod) Step 3:-Hand in the paper! Xiao Ai: Hand in a blank sheet of paper! Wu: What's the problem? Xiaoling: I'll give you another question; Say, who didn't come to the exam today? Xiao Ai: Who can't take the exam today? Xiaoling? Xiaoling: I'm not here! Xiao Ai: Look around, Wu? Xiao Wu: Yes! Xiao Ai: Ah! I see-little moxa! Wu: You came for nothing! It's not the same whether you come or not! Xiaoling: Answer, teacher! Not yet! The teacher came in. Three people are startled: coming? Why did you come without saying anything? Oh, dear! Teacher: What's your name? Did the toad come in? Three people laughed.

Teacher: Be serious! What about this exam! No professional ethics at all! What is the most important thing these days? Score! On and off, your lifeblood! (Laughter) Exams are our magic weapon! Xiao Ai: Copy, copy, our unique skill! Teacher: Give out the roll paper quickly! Don't come early after the exam. What time is it now? The exam has started for half an hour! What did you do? Teacher: The exam time is two hours! Don't hand in the papers for more than an hour! Students who want to answer questions, please pick up the pen. Students who don't want to answer questions, please rest in place.

Students who want to go to the toilet-please restrain yourself! Xiao Ai: I compare my teacher. He is a mouse looking for a cat as an escort-unreasonable demands! Xiaoling: Exactly! Is he a legendary rapper, or why can't he keep mumbling? Teacher: Be quiet! You are quieter than a tree! Do you know how serious a mistake you have made? Heavier than the salt sea! Three people copy. Teacher: (referring to Xiao Ai) Please don't copy this classmate! Xiao Wu and Xiaoling: I didn't copy it! The teacher came to Xiao Ai: Classmate, stop copying! Xiao Ai: How do you know? I copied it in my desk! Teacher: You dropped the board in front of your desk. I saw it! Xiao Ai: (looking at it) Ouch! Unfortunately, the teacher confiscated Xiao Ai's roll paper, and Xiao Ai just wanted to get up and go.

Teacher: Sit down! Go out in an hour! The teacher went to see Xiao Wu, who took the roll paper to the table and copied it. Teacher: Come on, come on, stop pretending! I despise you people who cheat with books most. You have no technical content at all.

How did you copy it? Like this? Like this? Wu: Lower it! Lower it! Teacher: (confiscating Xiao Wu's roll paper) You also sit and reflect. Why did you cheat with this book? Xiao Wu: I don't want to take the book either! I can't play grass as well as her (Xiaoling)! Xiaoling stared at Xiao Wu. Teacher: That's right. Remember to mow the grass next time! I like this kind of hard-working child.

Teacher: Time is up! Hand in the papers. Put away the roll paper.

Teacher: OK. Remember to take the advanced math exam this afternoon! Xiao Ai: Ah! Still taking the advanced math exam in the afternoon? Xiaoling: Ah! ! Take the exam in the afternoon! (Picking up grass) What did you take just now? Wu: Gao ... number? ! What kind of tree is that? Three people: study how to mow the grass! The teacher came in (all teachers can dress up alone).

Xiao Ai: Chinese teacher! Teacher: Xiao Ai, how is your composition? (Handing the paper roll to Xiao Ai) Xiao Ai: What's the matter? Teacher: You read it. Xiao Ai: "My teacher", my teacher has a melon face ... Teacher: Wait, (takes out a big sign to write claws) Are you a melon with a melon face? You wrote that my teacher has a claw face! Xiao Ai: Teacher, paw face is also a face. Can't you make do with it? Teacher: Keep reading.

Xiao Ai: My teacher is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful … Teacher: Stop! You wrote so much. It's beautiful. Why? Just write it to the end! Xiao Ai: Teacher, isn't the composition required to be no less than 500 words? Teacher: So you are only * * beautiful? Xiao Ai: Isn't it required to write true feelings? This is all my feelings! Teacher: Hum, tell you, you are only 496 words! Xiao Ai: Oh! Then add: how beautiful! Teacher: Look at your translation of ancient Chinese. Touch the tree and die. Xiao Ai: Find an old pagoda tree to hang yourself! Teacher: Why is it an old pagoda tree? Look, you explain words, explain death, and you write death! Xiao Ai: Oh, I want to write to death! Teacher: (with a helpless face) You, you hung up again! Xiao Ai: Give me another chance! I have rebuilt it five times! Teacher: OK, I'll give you a chance.

4. A humorous little story. No one bothered a rich man's son to take the exam. His father gave him a test in advance and got good grades. He thought he would be admitted, but his son's name was not on the list.

Father hurried to the county magistrate for trial. The magistrate turned to look at the scroll and saw a faint mist on it, but there were no words.

As soon as dad got home, he scolded, "Why is your paper so ugly?" My son cried and said, "No one grinds ink for me in the examination room, so I have to dip my pen in water and write on the inkstone." There is an old lady chanting Buddha, with several beads in her hand. While chanting Amitabha and Amitabha, she shouted, "Han, Han, there are too many ants in the pot. I hate it. Please burn them with fire for me. "

Then read: "Amitabha, Amitabha." Then he shouted, "Han, Han, help me take the ash off the bottom of the pot, and don't use your own dustpan, because if it burns out, you can borrow it from your neighbor's house."

Remember, remember. Amitabha, Amitabha has never been a vegetarian monk to visit others.

When the master saw that he was a monk, he asked, "Master, do you drink?" The monk smiled and said, "Drink a little wine, but never be a vegetarian." In addition to that idiot, another person complained to the county government: "I lost a hoe tomorrow, go and have a look."

The county magistrate asked, "you slave! I lost my hoe tomorrow. Why didn't you report it yesterday? " The beadle beside him couldn't help laughing. The magistrate immediately closed the case and said, "You must have stolen the hoe! What did you steal? " The deacon replied, "I want to get rid of that idiot."

The old man is very sad. There was an old man with deep pockets and a full house of children and grandchildren. On the occasion of his centenary birthday, the house was crowded with birthday guests, but the old man was very unhappy.

Everyone asked him, "You are so blessed, what are you worried about?" The old man replied, "I'm not worried about anything, but I'm worried that hundreds of thousands of people will come to congratulate me when I celebrate my 200th birthday. How can I remember them one by one? " A man is playing outside the door with his son in his arms. The neighbor jokingly said, "The blood of father and son really comes down in one continuous line. Just look at your son. His face is really the same as mine. " The man holding the child said, "Yes, you and the child are brothers born to a woman. How can your faces be different? " There are two wicked little people with poisonous sores on their backs. Please see a doctor for treatment.

After reading one, the doctor looked at the second one, pretended to be scared and said, "His heart is worse, but it can be cured." Your heart is so bad and rotten, how can I cure it? " Sparrows treat a day, sparrows treat birds to drink. It said to the kingfisher, "You are wearing such bright and beautiful clothes, so naturally please sit on the table."

He said to the eagle, "although you are big, you have to be wronged to sit at the next table in black and ugly clothes." The eagle replied, "You slave, why are you so snobbish?" ! "The sparrow replied," No one in the world knows that I am a small-minded sparrow. "

A man asked a beggar, "Why do dogs bite when they see you?" The beggar replied, "If I have a good coat and hat to wear, the animals will respect me." The emperor came back from Beijing disguised as a beggar and boasted that he had seen the emperor.

Others asked him, "What clothes does the emperor wear?" Answer: "I wear a hat carved from white jade and a golden robe." Q: "How can you bow in a golden robe?" The beggar spat at him and said, "Haha, I really don't understand the world! Now that you are the emperor, who do you bow to? " Afraid of drowning the guests, I went into the store to buy wine to drink. After a glass of wine, the two said the word "Dun" and talked endlessly.

Others asked, "I think it's because I drank too much wine." Are you afraid of having loose bowels and going to squat down to go to the toilet? " The man pointed to the glass and said, "No, I just want a chopping block so that I can climb up and not drown in this thin water." The owner of the hotel asked someone to write a shop proposal. After that, the man scratched a knife on it.

The boss asked in surprise, "What do you mean by drawing a sword?" Answer: "I want to kill the steam in the wine with this knife!" " "There is a rule in a hotel: any guest who comes to buy wine and eat wine will be punished and tied to a wooden post as long as he says the wine is sour. One day, a Taoist priest walked into the shop with a big gourd on his back. When he saw a man tied to a wooden post, he asked why.

The boss replied, "He cheated me of sour wine, so he was fined." The Taoist priest said, "Please give me a cup to taste."

The shopkeeper brought the wine, and the Taoist priest took only one sip and ran away in a hurry. The boss was very happy because he didn't say the wine was sour. He cried, "You forgot the gourd."

The Taoist priest ran away and said, "I don't want it. I don't want it. You can keep it as a vinegar sign. " A banner There is a family in Huizhou who has been litigating with others all the year round. They are both resentful and bored.

On New Year's Eve, the father and son discussed: "We should all say something auspicious next year, so as to bless the good luck in the coming year and avoid lawsuits." The sons said, "Dad, you say something first."

Father said, "Good year." The eldest son replied, "Less bad luck."

The younger son also said, "No lawsuit." They asked someone to write a banner with three words (1 1) and put it on the nave, asking their families to recite it in a clear voice from time to time for good luck.

Early in the morning, the son-in-law came to pay a New Year call. When he went to the hall and looked up at the banner, the clear voice wrote: "This year is very unlucky, and there are many lawsuits." The father and son were so anxious that they said, "Bad luck, bad luck!" A group of friends were sitting together when someone suddenly farted. I don't know who it is. Everyone suspects someone and blames him.

Actually, the man didn't fart, didn't refute, just laughed. They asked, "What's so funny?" Answer: "The one who laughs fart still scolds me with everyone."

"Pay off" Every year, someone borrows 6 taels of silver from someone, saying that the interest will be 5 points in January and February and 3 taels at the end of the year. A year later, the borrower asked the creditor to repay 4 yuan's money and exchange it for an IOU of 10, and the creditor agreed.

At the end of the second year, according to the calculation of 10 Liang, the interest should be 6 Liang, and the person was unable to repay it, so he asked for another 4 Liang and changed it to 20 Liang IOU, and the creditor agreed. At the end of the third year, the interest on the principal and interest of 20 taels was 32 taels, and he couldn't afford it, so he asked for 8 taels and another 40 taels of IOUs.

The creditor hesitated, and the borrower got angry and said, "You have no conscience! Lend your principal and interest, which year is not counted.

5. A funny example of my classmate's composition. A classmate sitting in front of me, with a chubby figure and endless mouth, often makes us laugh. As long as he hears any topic, he naturally leads to a lot of humorous words from this topic. His name can be said to be "loud" in our class, because he was the first classmate who rushed to the podium when introducing himself in our class. Although his voice is not very loud, we can clearly hear his name is Wang Leifeng. Although study is not the best, his humor can make us relaxed and happy in boring study. In the past, when he was distributing books, he occasionally picked up a rope for binding books and smiled and said to us, "I tell you, if one of you is impatient one day, I will lend you this rope enthusiastically!" " Don't! If you really need it, you can have it. I hope we can cooperate happily! "What he said almost made us laugh. Isn't there a TV series called Ji Xiaolan with iron teeth and copper teeth? Here, we can call him "the glib Wang Leifeng", which is the most appropriate name for him.

I don't know where Wang Leifeng got his interest after class today, but I talked about his team leader again. He said humorously, "am I not the leader of our group?" So, I am now the "pig leader", you are all piglets, I am the keeper, managing you! If a little pig doesn't listen, I will use the method of little pig! First, those who don't eat should be whipped, and second, those who don't study hard should cost eight yuan. We adopt a scoring system, with 5 points at a time, and it will be true if it reaches 100. "Everyone laughed at his words. A classmate said, "That depends on whether you can be the' pig boss'. Just after that, the bell rang. "Pig Leader" said, "Goodbye, little pigs." "forbear, pig dragon!" Although these ten minutes are short, they are full of laughter, so happy! Don't make people feel bored again.

6. Who can tell me some humorous stories? Teacher: When writing an article, you should pay attention to observation. Du Fu learned a lot from Sun Erniang's sword dancing.

Student: It's a pity that Sun Erniang died. Where can I see it?

Wo Chun, I'm stupid.

Mume smells flowers, I have no culture.

I have low IQ.

I heard it from a distance, as if asking who I am.

Eduardo Chun Lv. A big donkey

The coast is green. I am a donkey

The coast is green. I am a donkey

The shore is dark green, and I am an ass.

A Scotsman went to London to visit an old friend, but he forgot the address, so he sent a telegram to my father: "Do you know Thomas' address?" Quick notification

On the same day, he received an urgent call back: "I know."

Three people went to new york for a holiday. They booked a suite on the 45th floor of a high-rise hotel.

One night, the elevator in the building broke down and the waiter arranged for them to spend the night in the lobby. Three Gorges blog

After discussion, they decided to walk back to their rooms and agreed to tell jokes, sing songs and tell stories in turn to reduce the fatigue of going upstairs.

After telling jokes and singing songs, we finally climbed to the 34th floor, and everyone felt exhausted.

"Well, Peter, you tell a humorous story.

Peter said, "The story is not long, but it is extremely sad: I left my room key in the hall."

The monk in the monk's restaurant said to the service lady, Miss is really beautiful! Miss Unhappy: How can a monk say that? The monk asked: can't you look at the menu with a donkey if you are a vegetarian?

Wife is a big tree, you must hold it; Lovers are grass and must be protected. Carrying a big tree, planting a piece of grass, enjoying the cool under the big tree, walking birds on the grass, harmonious society, environmental protection, ah, what a wonderful life.

It's time for class to end, and the professor is still giving lectures in a leisurely way. A boy was anxious and cried, I have to pee! Teacher Wang was furious after hearing this: How can you be so shameless and openly ask for a young lady in class!

Confucius said: fight with bricks, according to the surface, and should not be chaotic; Since, how can a person be lonely? It is a pleasure to have friends together and work together. No more, no more, no more; Forget it.

The professor shakes his lips and makes money everywhere, becoming more and more like a businessman; Businessmen appear in the pulpit, writing books and making statements, more and more like professors. Doctors who destroy and ignore human life are more and more like killers; The murderer acted quickly, leaving no future trouble, and became more and more like a doctor. Stars show off and pay for it, more and more like * * *; * * * Cute, clearly marked, more and more like a star. The police bully the weak and fear the hard, becoming more and more like local ruffians; The local ruffians are one of our own, and they are more and more like policemen. Rumors are well-founded and basically true, more and more like news; News catches the wind, exaggerates at will, and becomes more and more like rumors. "