Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Natural disfigurement fortune telling _ Is natural disfigurement fortune telling accurate?

Natural disfigurement fortune telling _ Is natural disfigurement fortune telling accurate?

Why do girls have a good life?

This is wrong. All fortune-telling stories about fate are false and have no credibility. Generally speaking, fortune tellers are basically feudal superstitions and have no scientific basis.

First, disfigurement and dignity. Some fortune tellers will say that only when a person is disfigured will he become rich, which is obviously unreasonable. No matter what kind of things, there are basically various reasons, but he can't tell the truth when he says so. Even if it is cracked, the fortune teller can't say for sure. However, this is indeed a way of facial transport, but this statement is not worth mentioning in front of scientific theory.

It is not unreasonable to vilify a powerful person, but it is not like a face, but a character. The phrase "disfigured and distinguished" breaks not the face, but your own personality. Only by changing your personality can you get different development.

Second, Buddhism and Taoism are actually opposites. It is basically impossible for a Buddhist to believe in Taoism, and it is basically impossible for a Taoist to have Buddhism. So the fortune teller said not to believe in Buddhism. Just like someone told you not to buy a competitor's house next door. In the same way, Buddhism is a competitor of Taoism, and you won't believe him if you believe in Buddhism, so he said not to believe in Buddhism.

Third, is fortune telling true? Fortune telling is definitely not true. Some people will think that fortune-telling is very accurate. This is actually because fortune tellers have relevant life experiences or they have a special way of distinguishing, and they can see the experience shown by a person's general behavior. Just like a psychiatrist, seeing a psychiatrist is not as good as seeing a fortune teller. Things like this that have not been scientifically proved are basically feudal superstitions. Fortune telling has been handed down because ancient people didn't know enough about natural science, so they believed in related things.