Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What do you think of the sentence "Do good deeds, the future of Mo Wen"?

What do you think of the sentence "Do good deeds, the future of Mo Wen"?

But doing good, the future of Mo Wen; What the heart wants, don't ask east, don't ask west!

"But doing good deeds will lead to the future of Mo Wen" comes from "Zengsheng" in the Ming Dynasty (the author is unknown). Baidu knows that the explanation is: do more good deeds, live the present, and don't ask about the future.

"But good deeds are the future of Mo Wen; What the heart wants has nothing to do with the West and the East. " Csi's understanding is: whatever good you think is worth doing, regardless of the vast road ahead and difficulties, you should be brave and indomitable, regardless of personal gains and losses; Your inner yearning and dreams, you don't need to worry about other people's comments and criticisms, you don't need to look around, you should have no distractions, stick to your own pursuit and forge ahead.

Many years ago, CSI was destined to learn the living method from Daosheng and Kazuo. Daosheng Kazuo believes that the result of life and work = way of thinking x enthusiasm x ability.

Kazuo inamori said, "Only this equation can explain my own happy life, the smooth development of Kyocera and KDDI, and the successful reconstruction of JAL." In this equation, he put "thinking mode" in the first place and "ability" in the third place. Why?

Here, "ability" and "enthusiasm or effort" can be scored from 0 to 100 respectively, and they can be multiplied.

Compared with those who think they are capable, conceited and unwilling to work hard, they think they are average in ability, but they can achieve better career results than those who work hard and have burning enthusiasm. On the basis of this product, multiplying by "way of thinking" is equal to the result of life or career.

The so-called "way of thinking" is the attitude towards life. The score is from–100 to+100. Because it is a multiplication relationship, a slightly negative "way of thinking" will bring negative life results.

Therefore, in the "life-work equation", personal efforts and abilities are important, but the most important thing is that people must have a correct way of thinking as people.

For many years, CSI has been thinking: What is the right way of thinking? How can we cultivate a correct way of thinking?

Recently, in "Four Instructions for Leaving Fan", Lao He learned four psychological methods on how to grasp and control his own destiny: the study of establishing a life, the method of reforming, the method of accumulating virtue, and the effect of being humble.

Csi feels that it is a compulsory course for everyone's life and an important cornerstone for achieving a complete life. It is worth learning and thinking by all interested friends.

"Four major disciplines", mastering one's own destiny, relying on these four points, will benefit one's life.

"Four methods of abstinence from fans" is a family motto set by Mr. Wang at the age of sixty-nine. This family precept is based on one's own personal experience, telling how to transform one's destiny and get what one wants.

Mr. Fan lives frugally, and often helps relatives and friends who are in trouble when family circumstances permit. He is introspecting and reforming every day, constantly cultivating his sexual ability in Xiu De. In order to educate his son, he wrote four short essays, which were named Discipline and Xunziwen at that time. Later, in order to enlighten the world, people of insight renamed it "Fan Siji".

Making family instructions and family rules has always been a major feature of China's family education, such as Zeng Guofan's family instructions, and Xiu De's summary of these career experiences in the world is increasingly regarded as a model of family education, and even affirmed by all walks of life at home and abroad.

Zeng Guofan is the most respected of the four disciplines. After reading it, he even changed his name to "Washing Life". The living, in the words of Yuan Lefan: The past is like yesterday's death, and the future is like today's life. "

This family precept is divided into four parts: the study of life, the method of transformation, the method of accumulating goodness, and the effect of modesty.

First, study and live.

"Everything is blessed, not centrifugal, and everything feels." As the saying goes, "I create my life, and I seek my own happiness." Mr. Yuan Lefan told his son about his experience and the test he saw in changing his destiny, hoping that his son Yuan Tianqi would not be bound by fate.

One day, he went to Qixia Mountain to meet Yungu Zen Master, a monk. So he sat face to face with the Zen master in the meditation room for three days and three nights without even closing his eyes. Zen master Yungu said: The reason why a person can't become a saint is only because of delusion and constant entanglement in his heart. But you sat still for three days, and I didn't see you delusional. What is the reason?

Yuan Lefan said: My life has been decided by the fortune teller. When you are born, when you die, when you are proud, and when you are unlucky, it is fixed and there is no way to change it. Why should I waste my mind thinking?

Jackson Yungu smiled: I thought you were a great hero, but in fact you are just an ordinary person.

"What do you mean?" Yuan Lefan asked.

"As long as it is a normal person, a heart keeps thinking, and it will be bound by the luck of Yin and Yang. If he is a very kind person, he will not be arrested. This good power will make him turn disaster into happiness. Of course, people who commit the most heinous crimes cannot be arrested by numbers. This evil force will turn him into a blessing, "Jackson Yungu explained.

The Book of Songs says: Be responsive and ask for more happiness. People should always think about what they have done, whether it is in line with heaven or not, and there are many blessings, and they come without asking.

The Book of Changes is also for some virtuous, benevolent and righteous gentlemen, helping them to pursue good fortune and avoid evil, and move towards an auspicious direction.

If fate cannot be changed, how can it be auspicious and where can it be avoided? I ching said: if you accumulate good things, there will be Qing Yu; If you accumulate bad things, there will be more disasters.

Second, the law of reform.

"Zuo Zhuan" said: "People don't make mistakes, but they can correct them, and it doesn't matter." If a person wants to mend after the sheep is dead, he must have three hearts: first, shame; Second, fear; Third, courage.

Confucius said, "Knowing shame is almost brave. He also said: "If you don't change it, you will go too far. "If you make a mistake and don't correct it, it's really a mistake. Therefore, it is a kind of courage and virtue to dare to admit your mistakes and correct them, and it is also a ladder of continuous self-improvement and progress.

Too much is mind-made, but also mind-changed, such as cutting the poison tree and cutting its roots. Don't simply pick a few leaves or cut off a few branches, but thoroughly understand and change from the bottom of your heart.

Small mistakes must be corrected, and big crimes cannot be repeated. In Zuo Zhuan, Guoyu and other books that record historical facts, it is said that during the Spring and Autumn Period of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, officials from various countries had frequent exchanges, and in daily life, it is often possible to infer a person's good or bad luck only by his words and manners.

When a person hasn't happened, the phenomena of good fortune, bad luck and good fortune revealed in advance are all from the heart and manifested externally.

People who are steady and kind tend to have deep blessings, not solemn behavior, and are mean to others, which is easy to lead to disasters. If you want to get good luck and avoid disaster, you must start by correcting your mistakes.

First of all, we must arouse the sense of shame. Many times, we secretly do some immoral things, thinking that others don't know, but we show arrogance without any sense of shame, so we go on and make mistakes again and again.

Then, you should have awe, and you should know that there is a god holding your head three feet high. If you want people to know, you must do it yourself. Don't have a self-deception mentality, thinking that others can be unscrupulous if they don't see it.

As long as a person can send out brave and resolute good thoughts, he can control his own destiny. For example, in the dark valley of the Millennium, as long as a bright light shines in, the darkness of the Millennium can be removed. Therefore, mistakes, big or small, are valuable as long as they can be corrected.

Finally, be brave. The reason why people can't correct their mistakes is mostly because they muddle along. When they realize their mistakes, they will make up their minds immediately. They can't delay, hesitate, wait, and deceive themselves.

If you commit a minor crime, you must get rid of it as soon as possible, just like a sharp thorn sticking into the meat. If you commit a major crime, suck out the venom as soon as possible like a poisonous snake biting its finger, and cut off the blood circulation without hesitation to prevent the venom from spreading throughout the body.

If you can have these three minds, once you find your mistakes, correct them immediately. It is certain that the dead wood meets the spring and the fortune is profound.

Third, the way to accumulate goodness

For the judgment of good and evil, we should have a correct view of right and wrong, be rational and be good, and don't be emotional for a while, thinking that we are helping others, but actually creating evil.

There are many ways to do good, in short, there are about ten:

Be kind to others. If you see others have a little kindness, help them and let their kindness grow. If you see others doing good deeds, you will help them, so that good deeds can be completed.

Have a loving heart. People who are better than themselves, people who are older than themselves should be respected, and people who are younger than themselves should be loved as their own.

The beauty of adults. For example, if someone wants to do something well, but has no determination, he should be encouraged and supported to complete it. If others encounter difficulties and can't move forward, you can help and guide them. Don't be jealous of others and sabotage them.

Persuade people to be good. Don't do it because of small goodness, and don't do it because of small evils. Not only do it yourself, but also persuade others to do more.

The danger of saving lives. People all over the world would rather add flowers to their necks than send charcoal in the snow. When others encounter difficulties and dangers, they lend a helping hand, with money and no money to help others solve the crisis.

Building Italy. People with great power can do things that are beneficial to the public. For example, officials can do more good deeds and practical things for the country and the people.

Give up wealth for happiness. "To explain everything, give it first." Among the 10,000 kinds of good deeds in Buddhism, giving is the first. You can make some charitable donations to help others and accumulate blessings within your power.

Guarding Buddhism. Know good and evil, distinguish right from wrong, read more classics of sages, and have right knowledge and right views.

Respect your elders. We should have respect for people older than ourselves and more knowledgeable than ourselves, and we should not vilify them because of jealousy.

Cherish things and life. Cherish food and care for animals. Don't spoil and kill at will.

Fourth, the effect of modesty.

In the Book of Changes, the only divination is "modesty", and all six are auspicious. The Book of Classics says, "Full loss, modest benefit".

The Book of Changes says: "Heaven is profitable and modest, while the tunnel is profitable and modest, while ghosts and gods are harmful and modest, and human nature is evil and modest."

Heaven means that whoever is complacent will lose money and whoever is modest will benefit. A tunnel is a conceited person who wants to change and can't be satisfied forever, while a modest person keeps him moist and inexhaustible, just like a low-lying place, which must be filled. The truth of ghosts and gods is that proud people make him miserable and modest people make him happy. The truth of human beings is to hate conceited people and like modest people.

"Four Seasons from Fan" said: "Heaven will be blessed, and you must be wise first. This wisdom is made, the floating person is true, and the arrogant person is self-sufficient. "

If a person can be modest, he will certainly gain the broad support and trust of the public. Only those who know how to be modest can know the importance of "being unconventional". We should make progress in learning and treating people. Every progress comes from modesty. If we don't have modesty and feel that we are already great, we won't make any progress, so we call it modesty.

These four parts are all about the importance of cultivating the mind. As the saying goes, "One point of respect, one point of benefit, very respect, very benefit."

Kazuo inamori read The Four Seasons of Fan Fan in his early years, and then guided his life.

Later, he also said in his works: I met Yuan Lefan's "Four Discarded Disciplines", and when I had an epiphany, I felt an epiphany. It turns out that life is like this. Our life may encounter all kinds of experiences. How do you think and describe your wishes in every experience? These thoughts and beliefs will change a person's fate. You are all beautiful in your hearts. What you do is good, and it will definitely pay off. On the contrary, if you do evil every day, you will be rewarded. After that, I think.