Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - 2022-05-26 Folk Legend Zhang

2022-05-26 Folk Legend Zhang

Zhang is one of the myths and legends in China. According to historical records, Zhang does exist. During the Tang Dynasty, he lived in Zhongtiaoshan, Hengzhou and claimed to be a hundred years old. At that time, people said that he had the law of immortality and left many miracles.

polygonum multiflorum

Legend has it that a long time ago, one day when a monk in Nvshan Temple was digging a vegetable field, he accidentally dug up a huge, fat and tender root of Polygonum multiflorum, which was human. After eating it, he can live forever. The old abbot immediately ordered people to go to the kitchen to wash vegetables and cook.

The old abbot called all the monks in the temple to the main hall for a meeting to study how to share Polygonum multiflorum Thunb, who ate the head, who ate the body, who ate the arms, who ate the legs and feet and who drank the soup. All the monks are beaming. In order to prevent the kitchen from stealing vegetables, the monks also wanted to know how to distribute them, so they also attended the meeting. At this time, it happened that Zhang was driving a donkey back from the East to visit friends. He is travel-stained, hungry, thirsty and exhausted. You can smell the exotic fragrance in Nvshan Temple from a distance, which is refreshing and intoxicating. He hurried into the temple and found no one around. He immediately went into the kitchen and opened the pot. Ah, a pink Polygonum multiflorum was cooked and slept peacefully like a newborn baby. It was so cute. Zhang's mouth is watering. He doesn't care so much. He fished it up, cut it open and ate it. In a short time, he reimbursed the whole Polygonum multiflorum root three times, five times and two times. I feel comfortable, calm and refreshed.

After eating and drinking enough, Zhang scraped the remaining Polygonum multiflorum soup for the donkey to drink, then lay in front of the stove to rest in the sun, and soon entered a sweet dream.

After the meeting, monks flocked to share Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. When they entered the kitchen, they saw that the pot was empty and there was nothing left. So he decided it was Zhang Qian's and immediately reported it to the abbot. How can the dean stop there? After a moment of meditation, I think that the immortal thing has been eaten by this man. The urgent task now is to kill this man, share his meat, and get the immortal spirit.

The monks quickly picked up sticks and instruments, intending to commit crimes. But because of the noise, Zhang woke up. Seeing that the situation was not good, he turned and fled to the donkey. I don't want to ride a donkey backwards. I run to the east with dignity, but I'm in a hurry. The donkey's head faces west. He grabbed the donkey's tail with one hand and hit it hard on the ass with the other. However, the more you hit the donkey, the more you run west. As a result, I crossed the mountain ridge and ran to the first lake in Shanxi. I saw that the lake was boundless and there was no way out. On the verge of death, at this critical moment, the donkey let out a long sound, four hooves gave birth to the wind, took off, rode in the clouds, crossed Nvshan Lake and landed safely on a hill on the other side. It turned out that the donkey had a magical power, so Zhang was saved. So Zhang Song took a breath, sat down to catch his breath, hung the donkey, rode the donkey backwards, and walked leisurely, and became immortal from then on.

The most impressive thing is Zhang's mount and riding method. He rode a paper donkey, facing backward, and walked backwards on the donkey's back. It is said that Zhang's donkey is an extraordinary donkey. It can be "tens of thousands of miles every day". You can also fold it up and put it in your pocket when you rest (a bit like the Monkey King's wishful golden hoop). If necessary, spit on the paper donkey and it will become a donkey. This donkey can even cross the ocean. It's omnipotent.

Little Taoist priest

Zhang said that he used to be a waiter and could skip meals for several days. At dinner, he just drank some wine and took three yellow pills. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty asked him to drink in the Inner Temple, but Zhang refused, saying that he could only drink two liters. But I have an apprentice who can drink a lot and fight. Tang Xuanzong was very happy and asked Zhang to invite his disciples.

In a blink of an eye, a little Taoist priest flew down from the eaves of the temple. He looked only sixteen or seventeen years old, handsome in appearance and elegant in temperament. When I visited Xuanzong, my words were clear and my manners were comprehensive. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty asked the little Taoist priest to sit down. Zhang Dui said, "Disciples should stand by and wait on him, not let him sit down." The more Tang Xuanzong watched it, the more he liked it, so he gave him wine, and he drank a bucket in one breath. Zhang declined and said, "You can't drink any more. If you drink too much, something will definitely go wrong and make the emperor laugh. " Tang Xuanzong forced him to drink, and the wine suddenly poured out of his head, and the Taoist crown fell to the ground and became a golden box. Tang Xuanzong and his concubines all smiled in surprise. Look again, the little Taoist has disappeared. That gold coffin can only hold one bucket. It turned out to be the golden urn of Jixian Academy. Everyone laughed.

Catch a demon

One day, Zhang found a lot of noise not far away, which affected his practice. So he followed the sound and came to Yinshan.

There is a strange village at the foot of Yinshan Mountain. From a distance, there is not much life. Zhang was very strange, so he went into the village and found an old man and a blind mother-in-law who were ill in bed.

Zhang asked the old man, "Old man, I think there are rich products and fertile land here, but why is this village so desolate outside?" The old man said, "Sir, I don't know. It turns out that this village is thriving. Only recently, ghosts began to appear on this shady mountain, and some chickens, cows and sheep were often lost. Later, older girls and kannika nimtragol in the village began to disappear. So, the villagers invited some Taoist priests to catch ghosts and exorcise demons, but they all went and didn't come back. In the end, there was nothing to do. The villagers scared away from home one by one, leaving us to die ... "

Zhang understood at once and said, "Let me clean up these evils." The old man listened and said, "Sir, this is absolutely impossible! You don't know how many talented people have surrendered to these ghosts, but they all went and never came back. Sir, don't waste your life. " Zhang smiled and said, "The end of these monsters is coming."

After that, Zhang took out a pill from his medicine cabinet, went to the bed, handed it to the blind old woman, slapped her on the back three times, bowed to the old man and suddenly disappeared. Before the old man could react, the old woman on the bed suddenly sat up, opened her eyes and asked the old man, "Wife, who's here?" My eyes suddenly healed! "The old man was surprised, knowing that he had met a fairy, and hurriedly helped his wife to kneel down and worship at the door.

It is said that after Zhang returned to the mountain, he calmed down and thought carefully: "Where there are immortals, there must be monsters. This ghost in Yin Yue Mountain must have some means, otherwise, so many people will not be able to subdue them. We need to make some preparations first. " After thinking about it, Zhang began to practice attentively.

Three days later, it is the fifteenth day. At night, a full moon hangs in the air as bright as day, with a peach sword in his left hand and a Buddha dust in his right hand, and walks into Yinshan Mountain. From time to time, creepy voices came from the Yinshan Mountain. When I walked in, the ghosts were shaking and crying. Yinshan at this time is a world of monsters.

Only Zhang shouted, "You harmful thing, show yourself quickly, lest you be beaten out of your wits and never be reborn." Those ghosts are not afraid at all. They screamed out of the crypt one by one and descended on Zhang. Zhang held a sword in his left hand, Buddha dust in his right hand, and a golden light was dancing in his hand. These kids suddenly disappeared. At this time, a big monster with red hair and green teeth and five steel forks came out of a cave not far away.

In an instant, black fog covered the moonlight. When Zhang saw it, he said a spell, and the peach wooden sword in his hand flew into the air and took the monster straight. With a loud noise, the monster was fixed on the boulder by the peach wooden sword, and Zhang read the formula again. At the same time, point the Buddha dust to Tianyi and move to a big mountain town in front of Yinshan Mountain.

The ghost mountain in the town was moved by Zhang from Putuo Mountain in the East China Sea. Hundreds of Buddha statues appear on the mountain from time to time, so people call it "Thousand Buddha Shadow Mountain", and later it is also called "Thousand Buddha Mountain". And the peach wooden sword tied to the boulder has been left there. Over time, the peach wooden sword became a peach tree and gradually formed a peach forest, so Yinshan was renamed "Taohua Mountain". It is another example that immortals benefit people.

Ride a donkey backwards.

Once, Xuanzong saw that Zhang rode a handsome donkey, and he always rode the donkey backwards every time he went out. He felt very strange and funny, so he specially invited him to ride a donkey into the palace and walk around the imperial garden for fun, which also made him happy. Zhang walked into the park with a letter, riding a donkey head down and turning around, making a big turn. He is a strange donkey, and he doesn't need to turn around to command. Naturally, he can run fast and slowly according to his own wishes and never make mistakes.

The son of heaven thought it was very interesting and gave the donkey a drink. As soon as the donkey finished drinking, he rolled his eyes and lay down and died. Soon, he became a paper donkey. The son of heaven was surprised, and Zhang quickly said, "I rode a paper donkey, but only because I used some tricks to mix it with a real donkey." Once your majesty was drunk, and the truth came out! " So everything that happens in the world is real. Hypocrisy is not enough. "Hearing this, the son of heaven smiled and said," Qing is very humorous! "

The stranger said, Zhang thinks it's fun for people to ride donkeys. This is human stupidity. How do people know what Righteousness Avenue is? How can a person feel the wrath of heaven when he is complacent and even attracts the scourge without knowing it?

Zhang tried Lu Ban.

Legend has it that in ancient times, one day, the fairy Zhang heard that Luban had built a big stone bridge overnight, so she rode a donkey and went to see the big stone bridge with Prince Chai she met along the way to test whether it was strong or not. Luban didn't care and let them experiment. Three people stepped onto the bridge, and Zhang used magic to put the stars, the sun and the moon in their wallets. Chai Daguan and he also used magic to move Wuyue to a cart. Due to the sudden increase of load, before the three of them got to the top of the bridge, the bridge couldn't stand it and began to swing. Ruban saw that the situation was not good! Jumped into the river in a hurry, raised his hand and tried his best to hold the bridge, and the bridge turned the corner. Three people crossed the stone bridge safely, and Zhang looked back on his donkey head down.

Juvenile Luo

In the 23rd year of Kaiyuan, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty sent a general to Hengzhou to invite Zhang, who died before him. He was so scared that he quickly burned incense and prayed, explaining the intention of the son of heaven to seek Tao, and Zhang Fu lived. Mr. Scheeren didn't dare to insist, so he hurried back to Beijing to report to Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. Tang Xuanzong sent a calligrapher from China to invite him with a book, and Zhang followed him to Dongdu. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty placed him in Jixian Hospital and took a bus to the palace, which was more respectful. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty was also predestined, otherwise he would not have seen it.

One can see ghosts. Invite him to meet Zhang. The man ran to the emperor and said, "Where is Zhang? Let me see. " In fact, Zhang was standing in front of him, but he couldn't see it. There is another person who is good at fortune telling. Every time he sees a person face to face, he can quickly calculate his name, wealth, good and evil, and life span. He has counted back and forth thousands of times and is always accurate. Tang Xuanzong knew his ability, so he was recruited as Count Zhang. The man worked for hours and was exhausted, but he still couldn't figure it out. Fairy things, this is not the right way on earth can peep. How can ordinary people spy on the man of God?

Luo looks like a boy of sixteen or seventeen. He usually runs around and his whereabouts are uncertain. When he traveled to Ezhou, the local satrap was surprised by his magical power and planned to play in the imperial court, and recommended him to Tang Xuanzong, who respected Taoism.

When Luo learned of this, he said to the satrap, "I didn't like dealing with emperors and dignitaries, but I heard that Zhang and Ye Fashan were in the palace and I was happy to make friends with them." Soon, Luo received an imperial edict to pass him into the palace.

When Luo entered the palace, Xuanzong was sitting in Qingyun Pavilion watching Zhang and Ye Fashan play chess. Seeing that he was coming from a distance, Luo said to Erxian, "That's the master from Ezhou." Zhang Heye looked up and saw Luo's weak figure and tender appearance. They couldn't help laughing: "What can such a child do?"

Luo saluted unhurriedly, and Xuanzong asked him, "Do you know these two immortals? They are Zhang and Ye Fashan. " "I've heard a lot about you two," Luo said. "I'm lucky to meet you today." Zhang smiled and said, "It is normal for the younger generation not to know me." Ye Fashan said, "Does anyone still know about Zhang Shixian?" Luo said calmly, "Everyone knows the names of these two immortals, but it's nothing to regret to see them so arrogant today, even if they don't know each other." Zhang couldn't help laughing and said, "I won't talk to you for the time being. Since everyone says you are a master, I will try you with the simplest spell. "

Zhang Lao Guo finished, and Ye Fashan each took a few pieces in his hand and said, "Guess how many pieces I have in my hand." Luo said to him, "None." They smiled and spread out their hands, only to find that all the pieces were gone. At this time, Luo held out his hand and smiled and said, "I have all the pieces. When the two old immortals meet the younger generation, they are also empty-handed. " Zhang and Ye Erxian were frightened and stood up to pay their respects.

Tang Xuanzong was very happy to witness this scene. Then he gave a banquet in the pavilion, gave Luo a robe and a house, kept him in the palace, and honored him as Luo. Since then, Luo has often exchanged Taoist experience with Zhang and Ye and respected each other. What a pity!

Xi-an Lu

Once, Zhang took the son of heaven to hunt. As a result, he caught a big deer. The son of heaven ordered cooking and drinking. Zhang Xian said, "This is a fairy deer! It has a life span of thousands of years. I once captured Emperor Wu alive when he took office for five years. I didn't expect it to be still on earth. " The son of heaven smiled and said, "Where is the evidence?" Zhang Xian said: "When Emperor Wu released the deer, he hung a small bronze medal on the left corner." The son of heaven had it examined and found a bronze medal two inches long, but the handwriting was illegible. The son of heaven lives in the right corner of the deer, hangs another card and lets it go.

Rong zhangxin Lao Guo

Once, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty saw that Zhang was old and weak, and asked him, "Mr. Wang is a man of virtue. Why are you still senile? " Zhang said, "It's a shame that I've lived for a long time and I don't have any magic to rely on." . Wouldn't it be better if they were all removed? "Then he pulled out his hair in front of Tang Xuanzong, knocked out his teeth, and his mouth was full of blood. Tang Xuanzong was surprised and said quickly, "Sir, let's have a rest and talk later." After a while, when Zhang saw Tang Xuanzong again, he was brand-new, with white teeth and black hair, and became a mature man. The appearance of a fairy can really be arbitrary!

Tang Xuanzong became more curious and decided to test him with poisoned wine. He didn't expect that Zhang had drunk three cups in a row and looked drunk. He said to the people around him, "This is not good wine." Then I fell asleep, slept for a meal, suddenly got up and picked up the mirror to look at my teeth, all of which were burnt black. He told the boy to get an iron to shoot down all the teeth and put them in his belt. Slowly take out a smooth reddish medicine from the belt and apply it to the tooth cavity. Then I lay down and fell asleep. After a long time, I suddenly woke up When I look in the mirror again, my teeth grow back, white and strong, even better than the original.

Can the world be like this? Royal is really too much!

Zhang's prediction of "troubled times"

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, Zhang Yu, Wang, Huang Lingguan and others talked about the social situation at that time.

Zhang said that in a thousand years, there will be a phenomenon in the world: "In official positions, officials are indifferent to the public and only know how to pay bribes. Bribery can be a business trip, but it doesn't have to be late at night, even if it's a ghost grabbing soup and rice. In ordinary people, filial piety can be abolished and lewdness can be promoted. I just want to benefit others and myself, and I don't want to be ashamed of comity. (3) All these have appeared, and now you can see apocalyptic images such as corruption and pornography in the media every day.

Zhang's exposition of disorderly characters is really incisive. He said: in essence, first, a knife and a gun, life and death, melee in all directions is often called chaos, not real chaos. Because of this chaos, chaos is just a word. Although things are different, people are still people, which will lead to people's death and become ghosts. That's the real chaos. As the saying goes, people are deceived and heaven is upside down. These eight words are just footnotes that confuse the text. Such a real chaos can be in a relative position with the rule of Huns in the chaotic era, that is, the Huns were in the Quanyang era and the ghost world was in the Quanyin era. 〞

It turns out that the past chaos is not really chaos. This is just a war. Only now that people are dead, people become ghosts, people are bullied, and heaven is upside down is the real troubled times.

Good luck in life and death

No one has ever figured out where Zhang came from. According to historical records, Zhang is a real person. During the Tang Dynasty, he lived in Zhongtiaoshan, Hengzhou and claimed to be a hundred years old. People at that time said that he had the method of immortality. Immortals are different from ordinary people, and princes and ministers are just ordinary people. It's hard to see immortals. Wu Zetian also told him to go out of the mountain and play dead with Zhang in front of the jealous jar. It was a cool summer, and his body began to rot and worm in the blink of an eye. Wu Zetian heard about it and thought he was really dead, so she had to give up. But then someone saw him in the mountains of Hengzhou. That's what you should do, just don't associate with the royal family!

Zhang doesn't know what to do.

1990 unearthed the epitaph of Cui Gong in Song Dynasty, which was the first year of Shaoxing, Song Gaozong (1 16 1). It recorded in detail that Cui Mingyuan, a scholar of the two cities, led many people to Beijing to intercede and put him in the cave where he practiced. Truth means immortality, and truth means immortality. At present, there is still a portrait on the cave wall of Dengzhen Cave. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, people have described the inscription of his cultivation of immortality and enlightenment here, which confirms the vicissitudes of human life since the Millennium.

When Xuanzong first ascended the throne, he was diligent and loved the people. Later generations compared his Kaiyuan rule to Taizong's Zhenguan rule. But in the end, because I was addicted to wine and color, I gradually alienated the state affairs. Because Zhang has many magical miracles, whenever he is happy, he is invited to play some tricks. And Zhang had already seen the change of the world, knowing that there would be chaos in the future, so he repeatedly admitted his illness to Xuanzong and asked him to return to Hengzhou. Xuanzong named him "Dr. Yin Qing Guanglu" with the number "Mr. Xuan Tong" and escorted him back to Wupu County, Hengzhou.

Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty named Zhang as Dr. Guanglu. Zhang later insisted on returning to Hengzhoushan. In the early years of Tianbao, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty summoned Zhang again, and Zhang died suddenly after hearing about it. His disciples buried him, but when they opened the coffin, they found it was just an empty coffin. So Zhang doesn't know where he went.

The stranger said: There are many strange people in Zhang Zhong, but many people who are enlightened but can't be understood by ordinary people are unknown, which is also common. Only after penance can you know how wonderful it is!