Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Fortune telling txt

Fortune telling txt

love story

Spiritual spider

I'm just an ordinary spider, an ugly and humble creature in the world. I'm an extraordinary spider, because I made a spider web under the eaves of Lei Yin Temple in the west.

Listening to the sound of wooden fish and Sanskrit fragments recited by monks every day; Enjoy the offerings of good men and women in the world.

Slowly, I began to have spirituality, and I also realized some difficult jurisprudence. Finally, one day, Buddha felt my existence and my progress.

The Buddha asked me, "Spider, what is the most expensive thing in the world?" I carefully replied: "I think nothing in the sky is expensive, and you only have two pieces, one is lost and the other is gone." I am very proud of my answer.

Buddha said, "Spider, you are wrong." Am I wrong? Is it really wrong?

The Buddha is going to travel. Tell me before he leaves, so I can understand. He still wants to ask me when he comes back.

I don't know how long it took. It seems that after a thousand years, the Buddha came back. When the Buddha saw me, he asked me:

"A thousand years, what do you think?"

I didn't say anything. I don't know what was wrong with my last answer. Buddha smiled and ignored me. I think the Buddha is angry with me. So, I am still busy spinning and weaving nets there and studying Buddhism in my spare time. It's another Millennium in a blink of an eye.

One day, Master Guanyin passed me, perhaps in a hurry. A drop of dew fell from the branches and leaves in Yang's hand and stopped on my cobweb impartially.

The fate of manna is to melt the rain and nourish everything on the earth. My net is just its place in stop for a minute.

It is dazzling, and it exists only to make me feel inferior.

I don't care about its existence, because it will eventually disappear into my life automatically.

It's another long Millennium. It never left, but it accompanied me in obscurity, obscurity and no interest. Finally one day, a long wind blew past me and took it away.

After it left, I began to understand that all I had before it came was loneliness, and it left me endless loneliness.

There are many things in life that I may never have, but if I don't, I won't feel any regret. It's a pity that something is missing. I can't calm the feeling called loneliness. Although I keep myself busy every day, loneliness is like poison, which runs through my limbs and makes me suffer a lot.

Finally shocked the Buddha. Buddha said, "Spider, this is your destiny takes a hand's doom. Go ahead, you have a different look in the world of mortals. "

I fell asleep, I don't know how long it took. There is a noisy sound in my ear. Someone is hitting me. I couldn't help feeling pain and opened my mouth. I have voices and tears that I didn't have when I was a spider. What sounded in my ear was my loud and sweet cry. In this way, I became Master Lin's little daughter-Lin Zhuer.

Yes, it is the loneliness that I can't compete with that pushes me to this world of mortals. Maybe I will find what I want, maybe forever. Who knows?

I think the Buddha is partial to me, otherwise I won't keep the memory of being a spider. I want to find my nectar, the nectar that has silently guarded me for a thousand years. I want him to stay with me forever and kill all the loneliness and loneliness in my heart.

My father is a court teacher and the first emperor is a brother-in-law, which means my mother and the queen mother are sisters of the first family.

My brothers and sisters are all rich and expensive. There are two husbands and three princesses in our family. Buddha cares for me. He let me be born in this family where people eat and drink, and I got the love of everyone in this family. When I was sixteen, I was so eager to find nectar that I was afraid I would miss it unconsciously like last time.

Fate finally brought me and manna together. On the 50th birthday of the Queen Mother, I was allowed to attend the royal birthday party with my mother. This banquet is much bigger than I expected.

Because it is the birthday of the Queen Mother, not only the royal family, but also the families of all senior officials have come.

The emperor also invited the champion of the new department to come to recite poems and compose poems.

I think my appearance surprised everyone present, and many people's eyes focused on me, which made me feel very scared. Yes, I think I am beautiful, but this beauty is displayed for dew. My eyes searched in the crowd. I want to find nectar. My family rules are very strict. I almost never leave my house, so I want to seize the opportunity.

My eyes were finally attracted by a pair of bright eyes. Yes, that's right, that's him. I can't breathe. When the light that made me fidgety in Leiyin Temple appeared in front of me again, it was him, the new champion-Ganlu, who didn't even change his name. He is busy writing poems for the Queen Mother. There are many women around him. They are all daughters of bureaucrats, and their eyes show their yearning for him. I'm not jealous. I want my lover to chase me when I am an adult. I am sure that only I am his destiny takes a hand's wife.

I was so good that I just sat there quietly watching him and he found me. His eyes told me that my existence had deeply shocked him.

When our eyes met, he smiled at me and then buried himself in writing poetry. My father-in-law presented his poems to the Emperor and the Empress Dowager, and after their comments, the ladies-in-waiting sang with Qupai.

I heard a song: Why did Ji Xian leave Yaotai? She walks three steps at a time. Just because of the birthday of the queen mother, there is a dance between heaven and earth.

I know, it must be addressed to me. I was immersed in my dream that the chamberlain of the Queen Mother came to see me and took me to see the Queen Mother.

I haven't seen the queen mother since I was sensible. She seems to have a good impression on me, fondling my hand affectionately and squinting all the time. She also introduced her youngest son Prince Xiang to me. Xiang and I were born on the same day of the same year. Xiang has been watching me. He is so shy and inarticulate. Although he is a little prince, he is loved by the whole palace.

I don't remember when the China party ended. All I know is that I drank a lot of wine and got a little drunk. I am so happy, because I found him-Manna, he was the happiness and life of my life, the life of sixteen years, until the day I met him.

I told my parents my feelings for manna without hiding it. As I wish, they don't object, my parents love me, and they can't even see me being wronged even a little. They will always agree to what I want to do as long as it is not too ridiculous.

The second time I met Ganlu was at Baima Temple in the suburb of Beijing. My mother accompanied me and begged me for a good marriage.

As soon as he entered the temple, the abbot told Gan Zhuangyuan that he was accompanying his wife to burn incense, so he introduced us to each other. Mother was chatting with Mrs. Gump, and they separated him from me. I know, my mother must want to tell Mrs. Gump about me and him.

A burst of joy in my heart was mixed with some inexplicable excitement and shyness. He accompanied me to the temple, followed by a large group of servants.

He was so close that I almost choked. He is very polite and always calls me miss. I was a little annoyed with him and said, "Call me a spider!" " Spider Spider, can I call you Brother Manna? "He asked," this is not appropriate? "I laughed." Isn't that what you always call me? "He was confused by me.

"You used to call me that in your mind. At that time, I was a spider weaving a web under the eaves of Leiyin Temple, and you were the dew that accidentally dripped on the branches and leaves of Guanyin Tadashi Yang. You have been with me for a whole thousand years. Then you left like a gust of wind, and I began to be lonely. Loneliness made me fall into the world of mortals, and interrupting my practice also made me meet you again. "

I just want him to get back the memory of Manna, so that I can listen to him tell me what it was like for him to be with him in that thousand years.

His performance disappointed me. He is laughing, as if an elder brother were listening to his sister's dream. I heard a bang, which was the sound of my heart breaking. Has he forgotten me? Or is Ganlu heartless at all? I prayed to the gods in my heart.

"Your idea is too romantic. With such talent, your poems must be well written. "

I began to despair. What's wrong? I entered the world of mortals in search of my nectar, but the person in front of me obviously is manna, but he has no memory of it.

He seems to be playing a trick on me, making fun of me and saying, "You said you used to be a spider, but you are so beautiful, don't you look like it at all?" You look ten thousand times better than it. "

This is a compliment, but it hurts. I began to accept my fate. I'm so stupid. Manna's fate is to go to the desert, and my net is not his real destination.

I left him slowly, with despair and sadness, and said, "It spits out affairs every day, weaves affairs at night, and finally gets stuck in it.

Your man thinks it's ugly and makes fun of it, thinking it's just infatuation. "Sweet dew! Manna! I think you didn't mean it after all.

I finally reached the end of the monastery. I drew a label, which was a great irony to me. The abbot personally untied the sign and said that I would hold a red phoenix wedding in March, and this wedding would be held in the following spring. Mom is still happy, and I have realized that there will be no joy.

Three months later, people came to the harem, and the whole family set up the incense table and knelt down to listen to the imperial edict. The long, elegant and obscure wording only expresses one thing: the queen mother promised me to marry her youngest son, Prince Xiang, next spring. At that time, I will be Princess Xiang. It's like a bolt from the blue,

What can I do if the disappointment with manna is a sword that has penetrated deeply into my heart, and the queen mother's marriage is like sprinkling arsenic on my wound?

There may be only one result waiting for me-if the injury does not die, the poison will kill. I was in a trance, and the little maid helped me, sweating and wobbling.

I only heard my father's voice. He wanted to keep my father-in-law from eating. My father-in-law smiled and refused: "Master, it's very kind of you. I don't have to go to Ganzhuangyuan to announce the imperial edict!

By the way, you don't know! Miss Changfeng, the little princess of Lord Luo, has taken a fancy to the champion, and the queen mother is in charge. The queen mother said she had to ask the champion herself. I didn't expect the top scholar to answer the queen mother as soon as he saw the princess Changfeng. No, I'm announcing today that I'm getting married next month. "I can't stand it anymore. I fell down before my father-in-law went far.

I can only vaguely hear people hurrying, shouting and making a mess. Just like when I was born. I think I will leave soon and go back to Lei Yin Temple.

Ganlu finally followed Changfeng, and I can't find any reason to continue living in this world. Let's go! Don't struggle, what doesn't belong to me doesn't belong to me after all!

I told myself that I began to dream. In my dream, the Buddha said to me, "Silly spider, why do you care about manna?" Sweet dew will accompany you for thousands of years, because you have to wait for Changfeng. Only when you are with Changfeng can you travel all over the world and nourish your life, and its existence is meaningful. For you, he was unintentional. "

I prayed to the Buddha: "I know I was wrong. I don't want to stay here any longer. Take me back! " ! I still want to be a spider under the porch. "

The Buddha thought for a moment and said, "If you insist on coming back, I won't be forced, but you haven't had sex yet. Ok, I'll give you three days, and I'll cross you after three days. "

The firewood floor knocked three times again, and I woke up. To my surprise, Xiang is smiling at me. A shy smile can't hide fatigue.

He just said softly, "I'm sorry, I should have told you about getting married earlier."

His smile makes me feel distressed. I silently apologized to him in my heart. I can't be his princess.

When the maids saw that I was awake, they said, "Girl, you scared King Xiang and all of us. You know, for you, Wang Xiang made you eat and drink for three days and nights. Miss, get better soon! " Said unexpectedly began to cry. I feel a little sad again. If I leave all the people here, they will be sad.

And my parents who gave birth to me, how sad will it be for them to send their white-haired people to their black-haired people?

However, I no longer have the courage to live in this world. My life is for nectar. Now that there is no nectar, I don't even want my life.

Xiang seemed to see through my mind and said, "Forget the nectar, okay? Let me give you happiness in this life instead of him! "

Do you know that?/You know what? Spider! I have been waiting for you for three thousand years. I recognized you at my mother's birthday party. You are so smart and steady, just like your peerless grace under the roof of Lei Yin. I am a grass under the bodhi tree in Lei Yin, and I have been waiting for you for 3,000 years.

I look up at you every day and want you to see my existence, but you are above me. You have never found that tiny me, but I will not give up. One day you will know that there is this tiny me waiting for you silently. But there is only one kind of nectar in your heart from beginning to end.

The dew was finally taken away by Changfeng, but you still couldn't let it go, so the Buddha asked you to come to the world of mortals. I begged the Buddha to let me go with you, and the Buddha agreed.

Buddha said we were predestined friends, so I believed him. Finally, the dew came out of your life. Finally, I persuaded my mother to let my brother issue a decree, but you still couldn't let go of the dew. ..... "He said not bottom go to.

I began to feel shocked. After three thousand years of waiting, I never gave him any promise, but he didn't complain at all.

"Spider, please don't live up to all my sincerity to you. Why don't you stay with me all day? "

He took my hand and my heart was shaking. I thought my heart was dead.

Three days will arrive soon. I should have pulled my Yuan God out of my body without hesitation according to the instructions of the Buddha. But my ears clearly heard a sad cry.

"Spider, you still don't want to be with me, right? It doesn't matter, just please don't go. I don't have to marry you, as long as you live happily and let me see you every day.

Don't go, okay? "I don't know why I hesitated, as if moved by something. He hugged my body and cried. Even stone people cry.

My parents were still crying and comforting him, and then he seemed to remember something, pulled out his sword and muttered, "All right! Spider, since you insist on going back to Lei Yin, I will follow you, no matter where your soul goes, even if it is poor and melancholy, down to the grave, or to the ends of the earth and Hunan, I will accompany you. " When he said this, he would raise his sword and kill himself.

The Buddha said, "Spider! Xiang has waited for you for three thousand years, but you can't let him go! Go back! Before you go too far. If you do, it will be in vain for me to send you back to Lei Yin. "

My Yuan God re-entered my body.

I just moved my lips gently: "Xiang, no, I'm back." I am willing to be your princess and be your princess for life to repay your waiting for 3,000 years, okay? "

I only heard the sword in his hand fall to the ground. He hugged me tightly, we cried, and my parents. Yes, if I had known that my departure would make people who love me so miserable, I wouldn't have wanted to leave so willfully.

I finally understand that what we lose and can't get is not expensive enough, but what we hold tightly in our hands is the most precious.

I once wanted nectar, but now I understand that the precious nectar is for the monarch of Changfeng.

He has been with me for 1000 years, which is enough. What I should cherish now is Xiang Yu's love for me!

Those who love me and those I love, an eternal theme: how do we choose today?

I think the most painful thing in the world should be: he is by my side and I don't know that he loves me, but how much love can be repeated? Cherish now!

Cherish every love that others give you! Understand that happiness is in your hands.