Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Is it better to give a gift or a double one?

Is it better to give a gift or a double one?

Give even numbers when giving gifts.

In the traditional culture of China, people prefer to be in pairs and pay attention to Nuo Nuo, while the singular often gives people a feeling of loneliness. Therefore, when giving gifts, there is also a saying that "gifts are not given", that is, don't give odd-numbered gifts. For example, when giving gifts, you can choose an even number of similar gifts, or you can choose an even number of gifts.

In terms of quantity, it is best to choose the numbers 2, 6 and 8, because "2" symbolizes yes-man, "6" symbolizes "66 Dashun" and "8" symbolizes bon voyage. If it is a special relationship, such as a gift from a boyfriend and girlfriend, sometimes a "9" will be given, which means a long time. Although the recipient may not care so much about the specific quantity when giving gifts, as a gift giver, it is better to pay attention.

Don't give gifts with price tags.

When shopping for gifts, some gifts will be labeled with price. Some friends will think that only cheap gifts need to tear off the price tag, but expensive ones don't. In fact, no matter what the price of a gift is, it is a basic etiquette to tear off the price tag before giving it.

If you send a gift with a price tag, first, it will make people feel that you are deliberately showing off how much the gift cost; Second, it will make the other party mistakenly think that you want the same price in return. Although I don't usually say much, such a gift is easy to open the distance between the two sides. So everyone must remember to check whether the price tag has been removed before giving gifts.