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Free self-test depression, how to self-test depression.

Test whether you are depressed for free. Friends who have seen the talk show conference should know that Li Xueqin, the master of Peking University, looks optimistic and was once a depressed person.

Growing up in a single-parent family, she has always been a spiritual pillar. In order to make her mother happy, she studied hard, obeyed and carried everything by herself. However, the long-term depressed emotions are slowly eroding her heart, and she has moved her mind several times.

Eupolyphaga Sohu

No one found the fragility under her strong appearance. Everyone thinks she is optimistic and loves to laugh. How can it be difficult?

With Li Xueqin's word "smile depression", it once again entered the public eye.

First, the depression behind the smiling face

Professor Li Yi of Wuhan Mental Health Center said that "smile depression" is also a kind of depression, but it is very different from typical depression. Such patients are hard to see on the surface, because they often laugh, and you can't associate them with depression. But when he is alone, he often shows depression, loss, fatigue, physical strength and energy decline, and there is no rest or sleep improvement. Be careful about this kind of depression.

Generally speaking, smile depression usually has the following four manifestations:

Always with a smile.

On the surface, people seem to be laughing all the time, and even feel heartless, but their hearts are already "devastated" and their mental state is in jeopardy. All these hallucinations are their defense.

Don't admit that you have depression

Because their views on depression are mixed and even biased, they dare not admit that they may suffer from depression and are afraid of being hurt more.

Easy to be ignored.

Because the appearance is well disguised and presents an accumulated attitude, outsiders will not know their inner pain and it is easy to ignore their emotions.

Severe depression and pain.

Because of the influence of depression, they often have to endure great psychological torture, struggle every day, and even have a tendency in severe cases.

Therefore, we should pay more attention to the people we care about in life. If we find the above performance, remember to help them.

Second, the misunderstood patients with depression

Depression, a disease that I often hear about, feels far away from myself. In fact, a WHO statistical report shows that there are 322 million people suffering from depression in the world, accounting for 4.4% of the total population, and there has been a significant growth trend in recent years. Due to misunderstanding, many patients dare not express themselves, which leads to many tragedies.

Myth 1: Optimists are not depressed.

Many people think that only introverts and narrow-minded people will get depression, but people who are cheerful, like to laugh and friendly to others will definitely not get it. In fact, this idea is a bigger misunderstanding, and smiling depression is a better rebuttal. Sometimes, because they love to laugh and are friendly and cheerful, people are more likely to ignore their true feelings.

Myth 2: Depression is psychological fragility.

There are many reasons for depression, such as heredity, neurobiochemistry and neurogenesis. This is the result of the interaction between physiology and psychology. After the onset, people will lose the ability to perceive positive emotions, which has little to do with psychological vulnerability.

Myth 3: Depression is a "mental illness"

Many people regard depression as a mental illness, which is actually wrong. Depression is not a mental illness in the usual sense, it is more similar to a debilitating disease, which can be restored to normal within a few weeks or months through treatment, while mental illness is much more complicated and more difficult to treat. Let's not confuse things.

These misunderstandings may make people with depression lose the ultimate "life-saving straw". Only by learning to understand correctly can we help them or ourselves better in the future.

Three or four sentences warm a depressed heart.

If you find someone around you suffering from depression, you might as well say the following four sentences to warm their depressed hearts.

1, "You are not alone"

People with depression often feel "different" and often feel lonely. We should make them realize that there are others to face together. They are not alone.

2. What can I do for you?

We can communicate with them deeply, let them express their inner feelings as much as possible, and see if we can do something, such as walking and talking.

3. "It's not your fault"

People with depression often blame themselves and feel that everything is their own fault, and it is even more wrong to implicate others. At this time, we should encourage them more, tell them it's not his fault and help them cheer up.

4. "I'll wait for you here"

A little encouragement also has a very positive effect. Let them know that we will always wait for them and guide them.

Fourth, test yourself. Do you have depression?

Here, Xiao Jiu shares a test form for you, and you can evaluate your situation in the past half month according to the questions in the form. 0~3 on the right represents the degree of feeling, 0 represents nothing at all, 1 represents a few days, 2 represents half a day, and 3 represents almost every day.

Answer analysis:

0-4 points, indicating normal; 5-9, mild depression; 10- 14, moderate depression; 20-27 points, severe depression.

There is no need to be ashamed of depression. If you can find help in time and receive targeted treatment, you can recover. Remember, once you suspect that you or someone around you has depression, you should pay attention to it and solve it as soon as possible to avoid tragedy.


[1] There is a health knowledge | "Everything is fine" may be "help me", be alert to smile depression. Sohu Health.2022-04-25

[2] 320 million people with depression: You are close to them, and happiness is far from them. Mace Pharmaceutical Company, March 20, 2022

[3] Depression ≠ bad mood, Huaxi experts explain the self-rating depression scale (attached list). Health department. 2022- 12-25

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The above is the related content of testing whether you are depressed for free, and it is about sharing mental depression. See how to test whether you are depressed, I hope this will help everyone!