Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Say something similar to the flowers on the other side, representing ominous items.

Say something similar to the flowers on the other side, representing ominous items.

This ominous flower grows on Mount Pangelange in Java, Indonesia. Because it can predict the time of volcanic eruption, local residents call it an "ominous flower". This kind of flower rarely appears at ordinary times, and it will emerge from the top of the mountain the day before each volcanic eruption. As soon as the nearby residents saw the flowers, they quickly moved to safety. The scene of black mass "... was held in a shabby church late at night, with a rebellious priest as the referee." His assistant must be an open prostitute, and the Eucharist is stained by human feces. He wore a black cassock with three needles inserted and lit a black candle. Holy water must be used to drown an unbapted newborn bastard. The altar is decorated with owls, bats, toads and some ominous animals. As a referee, the priest put his left foot forward and read the Roman Catholic Mass from behind. Then, the congregation indulged in various forms of revelry and excesses. Usually you will spit on the cross and then engage in homosexual acts in front of the altar. "This is the scene of Black Mass described by modern British writer Julian Franklin. According to tradition, a group of people attending Black Mass wore clothes similar to those of Christian priests, but the clothes were decorated with a sheep, symbolizing Satan. Other symbols of Black Mass include the upside-down cross, which is a mockery of Christian prayers and creeds; There are animal sacrifices, mocking blessings and routine indulgence of dirty water. In a book, there is a famous record of treating girls as shrines. In the book, the girl was stripped naked and prone on the table, and then a black mass was held on her hips. The History of Black Mass The Black Mass originated from a document called The Book of Witchcraft by Honorius. Sacrificing animals to encourage the devil after mass is an activity. In the 16 and 17 centuries, Satan worship activities were commonplace, and Paris was a center of such activities. 1678, not only poison was found in the home of a defendant poisoner, but also semen, blood and dirty things were found in the grave, which were used to make magic potions in the black mass. This man exposed another Satan worshiper, Father Guiberg. On his altar of sin, he cut the throats of countless children and offered them as sacrifices. Another famous case of Black Mass involves Louis XIV's lover. It is believed that she turned to Black Mass to ensure that she would continue to be loved by the king. These black mass also include using naked women's bodies as altars, cutting children's throats to sacrifice, praying to the devil, and being gay with the owner of the first sacrifice. Part of the body of the murdered child was added to the king's food along with the aphrodisiac. By the eighteenth century, Satan worship seemed to have disappeared, probably driven to the depths of the earth by the purification activities of witchcraft. 19th century, the activity was revived in Paris. Today's Satan worship and Black Mass Today's Satan may have developed only recently and has nothing to do with the excesses of centuries. The 20th century represents an era of new challenges and values. In this ever-changing system, the famous Satan messenger Anton Ravi established the Satan Church and wrote the Satan Bible. As Ravi said, today's satanists are encouraged to indulge in the seven deadly sins, but they don't seem to hurt anyone. Its main feature is sexual behavior, not deliberate opposition to Jesus Christ or more terrible behavior of sacrificing children. In this sense, the attraction of Satan worship in the 20th century is more of a hedonistic attraction. If you do this, you will violate the rules of the church and make yourself happy. That's not Satan worship at Black Mass, although there is evidence that the more harmful forms of Satan worship have continued to this day. There is evidence that modern secret satanism exists. 1963, Princess Irene of Greece described a Black Mass she personally attended in Paris. During this period, a little cock was used for sacrifice. In the same year, there was evidence that a black mass ceremony was held in a church cemetery: the grave was desecrated, the bones were taken away and scattered on the church floor. A Celtic cross was painted on the church wall, and a rooster was used as a sacrifice. 1964, the patriarch of a Presbyterian church in Scotland made a Black Mass in a dilapidated church. He found a broken Bible, a ruined Holy Grail and an inverted cross painted with chalk on the altar. Satanism first appeared in12nd century. Since then, the worship of Satan in different periods and regions is somewhat different in form, but it is basically carried out in accordance with a ceremony called "Black Mass". What do people who worship Satan think of their beliefs? The most typical explanation of these people is that Satan is the real ruler of this world. In Christianity and Judaism, Satan is the king of ghosts and the enemy of God. Satanism is an extreme resistance to the spiritual rule of Christianity and Judaism. The symbol of "living sacrifice"+drug abuse+heavy metal music+abnormal Satanism, the most controversial and creepy thing is that believers often hold sacrificial ceremonies in sacrificial ceremonies. More "polite", only killing animals such as cats and dogs. As for what is even more terrible, it is a "living sacrifice." This killing of living people in order to show their loyalty to Satan has never stopped since the beginning of Satanism, and it has intensified at the end of the 20th century. Some young Christians, in particular, are used to taking drugs at black mass ceremonies and playing deafening heavy metal music. Once they go crazy, they will become no different from animals. In addition to killing and offering sacrifices, Satan also engages in sexual hybridization and other [illegal content] activities, thus attracting many pedophiles and perverts to join the religion. 1. Their main purpose is to worship Satan. 2. Their founder is Anton Sador Ravi. They have their own church and club. 4. Their internal structure includes male and female high priests and convergence. When they get together, sometimes Satan appears as a handsome and tall man. 6. There are all kinds of ghosts and demons, and evil spirits are with them. 7. The situation of being possessed by ghosts appeared publicly during the rally. 8. After the rally, they all promiscuously. Their promiscuity also makes people have sex with animals and wild animals. 9. The most terrible thing is their sacrificial ceremony, including livestock sacrifice, children sacrifice and adults sacrifice. The cruelty and pain of sacrifice are beyond our imagination. 10. They often hold a ceremony in which a young girl is sacrificed and then madly crosses (including animals). 1 1. In their teaching, "doing whatever you want" often leads to violence and terrible situations. 12. Satan's important church Satan liberates the world church evil eye evil surveillance system Lucifer light group. They claim that the United States has been mastered by this cruel but secret Satanism, and more than 100000 children have been killed because of the religious ceremony of Satanism. They also use adult men and women as sacrifices, so they rob adults who want to make sacrifices in various ways. One of the ways they rob people is to find the person who raises his hand and wants to hitchhike. Satanism sacrificed thousands of people with their various witchcraft [illegal content], and life became a hell on earth. The word they often use is: 1. Psychic medium, 2. Myth, 3. Global unification, 4. Higher self, 5. Magic, 6. Extreme feminism, 7. Feeding in fourth grade of primary school, 8. Hypnosis Religious activities, 13. Yellow religion (originated from China), 14. Returns, 15. Yoga, 16. Soul ability, 17. UFO, 18。 Monotonous singing, 65438. 24. fortune-telling cards, 25. Telepathy, 26. Self-love, 27 Supernatural meditation, 28. Higher conscience, 29. Several pavilions and the gospel of prosperity, 30. Positive thoughts and confession, 365,438+0. Transcendental mind, 32. Alcohol-a drug that changes consciousness. 13. At present, the high priest of Satanism is Anton Szardor LaVey, who once commanded nine doctrines: A. Don't ban your desires, the more you indulge, the better. B. Satan is the present concrete rather than spiritual ideal. C. Satan replaced the clearest wisdom instead of pretending to be kind. D. don't waste your love on people who don't deserve it. E. Satan represents revenge rather than escape. F Satan represents a pragmatic but not illusory mind. G. Satan represents that people are the same as animals, and sometimes even worse than animals. H. Satan represents all the so-called "sins", but in fact it is only the satisfaction of body, mind and feelings. 14。 The belief of Satan's migration A. Without God, man is God. B. god is only a universal energy source in the world, and people can use it for their own use. C. God is myself. Recently, Satanism has also vigorously developed the online market! You can sell your soul to Satan online. I believe that you can really sell your soul to the devil. It's like the devil testing the Lord Jesus Christ that day, and worshipping the devil will give you "happiness" on earth. For example, we are determined to believe in the Lord, but the man who sold our souls to the devil is "determined" to believe in Satan, so don't try! Of course, the website will not be published here! Satanism worships [illegal content] and thinks that death is a way to escape. Early American rock was dirty and decadent, opposed to mainstream egoism, and very close to the teachings of Satanism. This is also the reason why many young people who love rock and roll join Black Mass. It is generally considered to be a flower that grows along the Santo River. The legend of floral fragrance has magic power, which can arouse the memory of the deceased before his death. Flowers that attract the soul-flowers on the other side, flowers on the other side, the gentleness of the devil. Legend has it that the flower that voluntarily went to hell was sent back by many demons, but it still lingered on the road of death. The demons couldn't bear it, so they agreed to let her drive on this road to guide and comfort the souls who left the human world. This kind of flower is a manzhu sand flower, and the red flower is also called the other side flower, also called the red spider lily. People call it "grass can't see flowers." In Japan, it is called "マンジュシャゲ", which is pronounced as "Manzhushahua" and flowered as "separation/sadness/unlucky". The countries of origin are China and Japan, with Japan being the largest. According to legend, this flower only blooms on the dead, and it is generally considered to be a flower that only blooms on the other side of the Santu River and the Forgetting River in the underworld. Flowers are as red as blood, with flowers and no leaves, and they are the only flowers in the underworld. The legend of floral fragrance has magic power, which can arouse the memory of the deceased before his death. This flower blooms in large numbers on the road of death. From a distance, it looks like a carpet paved with blood. It is called "the road of fire" because it is as red as fire, and it is also the only scenery and color on this long road of death. When the soul crosses the river of forgetfulness, it forgets everything before its death and everything that once stayed on the other side. Under the guidance of this flower, the deceased leads to the prison of the underworld. The flower on the other side belongs to Lycoris herb, and its common name is the name of the goddess of the sea in Greek mythology. Because Lycoris radiata is characterized by first pulling out the flower scape (total stalk) to bloom, and then leaving leaves after the flower ends or flowers wither; There are also some species that pick leaves first, and then wither, so you can't see the leaves when the flowers bloom there, and you can't see the flowers when there are leaves, and the flowers and leaves don't meet, which is wrong. Therefore, there is a saying that "flowers bloom on the other side, only flowers are seen, but leaves are not seen". Spring is a bulb, leaves grow in summer, flowers bloom in autumn, and leaves slowly recede in winter. You can't see the leaves when the flowers bloom, you can't see the flowers when there are leaves, and flowers and leaves don't meet. This is wrong. Miss each other and cherish them forever. Such samsara and flowers and leaves never meet, and it also has the meaning of sadness and love that never meet. In the folk, the three days before and after the vernal equinox are called the other side of spring, and the three days before and after the autumnal equinox are called the other side of autumn. Today is grave-sweeping day. Flowers bloom on the other side of autumn, which is very punctual, so it is called the other side flower. Most of the places where it grows are field paths, riverside paths and cemeteries, so it is also called dead flowers. As soon as autumn comes, it blooms almost red and black rare flowers, and the whole flower on the other side looks shocking red, like fire, like blood, in full swing. The flower on the other side is the flower that blooms on the road of death. There are a lot of flowers there. From a distance, it looks like a carpet paved with blood. Because of its fiery flame, it is called "the road of fire". People follow the guidance of this flower to the prison of the underworld. The flowers on the other side are the only scenery on Huang Quan Road. The name Manzhushahua comes from the Sanskrit "Mahamanzhushahua", which means the flower in the sky, the big red flower, and one of the four auspicious flowers falling from the sky. Buddhist scriptures also say that Shuman Shahua (Shuman Shahua) is a flower in the sky, white and soft. If you see this flower, evil will be removed. Buddhism believes that tea is the last blooming flower in the flower season. When it comes to tea, there are only flowers blooming on the other side of the forgotten past life. "The flowers on the other side bloom for a thousand years and fall for a thousand years, and flowers and leaves will never meet. Love is not a cause and effect, and fate is doomed to life and death. " -"Buddhist Sutra" The beauty of Manzhu Shahua is the ominous beauty of rarity, disaster, death and separation. Either because its bright red color reminds people of blood, or because its bulbs are highly toxic, its image is usually associated with the concepts of "madness and blood" in general literary works. In the encounter article "The Voice of the Zhen Hao", Sangyuan wrote about the moment when Jinghu committed suicide and saw the flower-like blood spray on the other side. Legend has it that a long time ago, the edge of a city was covered with large areas of manzhusha flowers, that is, the flowers on the other side. Its floral fragrance has a magic power, which can remind people of past lives. There are two fairies guarding the flowers on the other side. One is a flower demon named Manzhu, and the other is a leaf demon named Shahua. For thousands of years, they have been waiting for the flowers on the other side, but they have never met, because there are no leaves when the flowers bloom, and there are no flowers when there are leaves. They miss each other madly and are tortured by this pain. Finally, one day, they decided to meet secretly against God's rules. That year, the safflower of Manzhu Shahua was particularly enchanting and beautiful against the striking green background. It is not surprising that God blames it. Manzhu and Shahua are reincarnated, cursing that they can never be together and suffer on earth from generation to generation. From then on, Manzhushahua is also called the flower on the other side, which means the flower blooming in the sky. The flower is shaped like a palm that only prays to heaven, but it has never appeared in this city again. This kind of flower blooms on a dead end. Every time Manzhu and Shahua are reincarnated on a dead end, they can think of themselves in their previous lives when they smell the flowers on the other side, and then swear not to be separated and fall into a cursed reincarnation again in the next time. When the flowers on the other side are in full bloom on the other side, they are only red; Flowers bloom without leaves, and leaves grow without flowers; Miss each other but can't meet each other, alone on the other side. The flowers on the other side will bloom leisurely on the other side forever. Only in this aspect can we hesitate how many fireworks we have paid, how many dusty dreams have been extinguished with the turning point of the water flowing eastward, and what has disappeared has been remembered ... The memory left is just a petal ... The wind has blown away, and there will be no more ... I met you in my dream that night. You are a white rootless lotus. I am a red flower on the other side. You are as white as snow. I am as red as blood. You fell into the Tianshan mirror pool. I'm lonely. I fell in love with your life in that long moment in the nether world. There's nowhere to run. I will wait 3000 days. You are old at last. I still fall. You come to the underground river in front of the ferry. Black water gurgled at me. Meng Po's soup bowl is empty. I am still alive, I have no soul, only my body, but I insist on loving you at that moment. There's no way out. When you die, I'll wait for 3,000 days, and I'll still fall. According to legend, "Three Rivers" is the dividing line between life and death. Because the water flow can be divided into three types according to the behavior of the deceased before his death, it is called "three roads" Just as life and death can only be crossed by reincarnation, there is only one way to cross the "Santu River", that is, the ferry on the "Santu River", and there is no other way. However, the ferry has to pay the fare, and the soul without the toll can't get on the ferry. Even if there is, it will be thrown into the "Santu River" by the boatman. Those souls who can't cross the river, driven by the desire of reincarnation, will wade across the river, but the water of the "Santu River" is not only lifeless, but also highly toxic and corrosive to the soul. Those souls who enter the water will never have a chance to land, but can only become water ghosts in the "Santu River". The pain that can never be reincarnated and the cold river water make those water ghosts jealous of other souls with hope of reincarnation. As long as a soul falls into the water, they will rush to it, pull it into the bottom of the river and become a water ghost like them. A woman who has broken her palm "breaks her palm" (also called "horizontal palm", that is, there is a thick and deep grain on the palm running through the center from left to right, such as through the palm), and thinks that this kind of woman is "hard" and doomed to kill her husband (the man who has broken his palm is regarded as the life of a high official).