Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What does the white tiger mean by eating children? Can it be cracked?

What does the white tiger mean by eating children? Can it be cracked?

Fortune-telling in the Book of Changes is a kind of Kuibao culture handed down in China for 5,000 years, which is beyond anyone's doubt. Everyone should look at the Book of Changes fortune-telling with a scientific eye. We should not blindly think that fortune-telling in the Book of Changes is superstitious because some poor prophets cheat money and color under the banner of fortune-telling in the Book of Changes, and we should not foolishly think that fortune-telling is immortal because some prophets who are proficient in five techniques and numerology predict accurately. After all, fortune telling is only a technology, and the knowledge of numerology mastered by the forecaster directly affects the accuracy of prediction.