Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What four or five idioms?

What four or five idioms?

A. What are the idioms of "five, what, four, what"?

All corners of the country, five demons, four saints, five kings, four queens, five joys, four sorrows, five zero four scattered continents, four elements, four pillars, five stresses and four beauties.

B. What are the idioms five, four and four?

All corners of the country-all corners of the country

W Hu Saixi


It refers to all parts of the country and sometimes to all parts of the world.

The present tense is also a metaphor for broad unity.

C. Four-character idioms about "five whats, four whats"

There are only three four-character idioms of "five to four whats":

1, five elements and four columns

Pinyin wǔxing süzh

Explain the five elements: gold, wood, water, fire and earth; Four pillars: year, month, day and hour. Always refers to the basis of fortune telling by fortune tellers.

The origin of Jacky Guangzu Laojuntang is the first fold: "You circle the innate Zhouyi, and count my five elements and four pillars from zero."

For example, you can know the ups and downs of fortune without using five elements and four pillars to make sentences. -Feng Ming magnum "Warning" Volume 13

2. All over the country

Pinyin w ǔ hu sǔ h m: i

Interpretation refers to all parts of the country and sometimes to all parts of the world. The present tense is also a metaphor for broad unity.

Source "Zhou Li Xia Guan's Sex": "Immersed in the five lakes." "The Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan": "All men are brothers within the four seas." Tang Luyan's quatrains: "A hat is a sail, and you can sail to all corners of the country."

We all come from all corners of the country and come together for a common revolutionary goal. -* * * "Serve the people"

3,504 dispersion

Pinyin wǔlíng süsn

Explain and describe sporadic and lax.

The source of Li Qingru's "The Flower in the Mirror" is the ninety-ninth time: "The sons led the troops to gather and scattered 504 troops to escape."

D. what idioms are there in the fourth five-year plan?

What are the idioms about "Four Mountains and Five Mountains"? Four lakes and four seas, four points and five divisions, five continents and four seas, four links and five reaches, five elements and four pillars, four links and four pillars, four meetings and five reaches, four books and five classics, and four points and five scattered.

E. What is four and what is five? What are the idioms?

1) In the first case, four is in the second position.

Stick to four things.

La: involve, unite. It means that many people are involved in each other's specialties or things, and the relationship is complicated.

2) In the second case, the first position is 4.

Fragmentation description is incomplete, not centralized, not United and not unified.

Divide into parts, describe messy.

Scattered but not scattered describes scattered and messy. The same as "four points and five falls".

Divide, divide, divide. Describe dispersion and disunity.

Wu Da of Sihui described the transportation as extremely convenient. The way is also described to all parties.

Four from five is not together, scattered, separated.

Four Books, Five Classics and Four Books: Also known as the Four Books, namely, The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius and Mencius; Five Classics: Poetry, Calligraphy, Ceremony, Book of Changes, Spring and Autumn Period. Refers to Confucian classics.

Four mountains and five mountains refer to all areas in all directions.

Extending in all directions, the traffic is extremely convenient. The way is also described to all parties.

F. Which four idioms and which five idioms?

Four mountains and five mountains,

Four point five,

All over the country,

Four struggles and five falls,

Five continents and four seas,

Four links and five reaches,

Hang four, hang four,

Hang up four,


Four meetings and five contacts,

Five elements and four pillars,

Four books and five classics,

504 dispersion,

It's all separated

G. What are the idioms of "five whats and four whats"?

All corners of the country: refers to all parts of the country, and sometimes refers to all parts of the world. The present tense is also a metaphor for broad unity. return

Answer 504: Describe sporadic rambling.

Five continents and four seas: referring to all parts of the world.

The second word is an idiom of five.

Hang five hang four: refers to continuous.

Ninth five-year plan: ninth five-year plan: refers to the throne. It used to refer to the status of an emperor.

Groups of three or five: several people, several people together.

Duke Guo of Xia Wu: In the Spring and Autumn Annals, the word "month" is missing after "Xia Wu", and there is no record under "Duke Guo". Metaphor text leaked.

One hundred and fifty: five, ten: counting unit. Count in five places and ten places. Metaphor narrative from beginning to end, from the source to the book, without omission. Also describes the count number.

Go through five customs and slay six generals: a metaphor to overcome many difficulties. This is a story about Guan Yu in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Hang five hang four: refers to continuous.

H. Four-character idioms about "five whats, four whats"

1, all corners of the country

Pinyin: w ǔ hu sǔ h ǔ i

Explanation: It refers to all parts of the country and sometimes to all parts of the world. The present tense is also a metaphor for broad unity.

Source: "Zhou Li Xia Guan's Sex": "It is soaked in the five lakes." "The Analects of Confucius Yan Yuan": "All men are brothers within the four seas." Tang Luyan's quatrains: "A hat is a sail, and you can sail to all corners of the country."

Pinyin code: whsh

Synonym: extending in all directions, five continents and four seas.

Antonym: square inches of land

Two-part allegorical saying: Jiujiang and Liangjiang.

Lantern riddle: nine rivers and two rivers

Usage: as subject and object; It refers to all parts of the country

English: Every corner of the earth.

2. Five stresses and four beauties

Pinyin: w Ji ng měI

Explanation: five stresses: stress civilization, politeness, hygiene, order and morality; Four beauties: beauty of mind, beauty of language, beauty of behavior and beauty of environment. Refers to people's code of conduct in the new period.

Make sentences with examples: Five stresses and Four beauties should be grasped from an early age in order to improve people's cultivation.

Pinyin code: wj ***

Usage: as subject, object and attribute; Used in written language

English: "five stresses and four beauties"-the requirement of revolutionary culture.

3. Five continents and four seas

Pinyin: w ǔ zhu ǔ h ǔ i

Explanation: It refers to all parts of the world.

Pinyin code: wzsh

4. Five continents and four seas

Pinyin: w ǔ zhu ǔ h ǔ i

Explanation: It refers to all parts of the world.

Pinyin code: wzsh

Usage: as object and attribute; Used in written language

5, five elements and four pillars

Pinyin: w ǔ xí ngszh

Explanation: Five elements: refers to gold, wood, water, fire and earth; Four pillars: year, month, day and hour. Always refers to the basis of fortune telling by fortune tellers.

Source: Jacky Guangzu's "Laojuntang" is the first fold: "You circle the innate" Book of Changes "and count my five elements and four pillars from scratch."

For example, you can know the ups and downs of fortune without five elements and four pillars. Feng Ming magnum "Warning" Volume 13

Pinyin code: wxsz

6504 is dispersed

Pinyin: w·ǔ· Pei Lin Susang

Explanation: Describe sporadic and rambling.

Source: Li Qingruzhen's "Mirror Flower Edge" 99 th time: "The son led the troops to gather, and scattered the troops at 50: 00, and fled."

Pinyin code: wlss

Synonym: scattered, fragmented.

Antonym: complete

Usage: as predicate and attribute; Describe sporadic dispersion

Idioms of one, five, what, four, what.

All corners of the country refer to all parts of the country, and sometimes to all parts of the world. The present tense is also a metaphor for broad unity. return

Five stresses on four beauties, five stresses on civility, courtesy, hygiene, order and morality; Four beauties: beauty of mind, beauty of language, beauty of behavior and beauty of environment. Refers to people's code of conduct in the new period.

504 San describes sporadic rambling.

Five elements, four columns and five elements: refers to gold, wood, water, fire and earth; Four pillars: year, month, day and hour. Always refers to the basis of fortune telling by fortune tellers.

Five continents and four seas refer to all parts of the world.

Five continents and four seas refer to all parts of the world.

J. What is the idiom of five and four?

Four books and five classics, four points and five falls, five hundred scattered, four mountains and five mountains,

All corners of the country, divided into four sections, five hanging four, four fighting five falling,

Four links, five links, five links, five continents and four seas, points,

Can neither cultivate land nor distinguish grains; I can't do manual labor, and I can't tell rice from wheat.