Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Fortune-telling dharma _ fortune-telling dharma encyclopedia

Fortune-telling dharma _ fortune-telling dharma encyclopedia

Do Buddhist monks tell fortune in temples?

1. The Buddha made it clear that monks should not engage in divination, but want their homes and fields. This is not as good as drawing lots to see Feng Shui as stipulated by law, and it is easy to be kidnapped by businessmen or lawless people (even wearing monks' clothes) under the banner of Buddhism.

2. Entrustment is obsessed by the world because of lottery. Many monasteries also set up lucky draws in order to promote Buddhism conveniently. This is fair, but how to distinguish a real monk from a fake monk? The standard of identification is to see whether the other party wants you to take the initiative to pay money or implies that you take the initiative to pay money, rather than relying on worshipping Buddha and chanting spells to solve your problems.