Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Everyone knows the Boxer Rebellion, but do you know how the Boxer Rebellion was formed?

Everyone knows the Boxer Rebellion, but do you know how the Boxer Rebellion was formed?

As we all know, China survived the national crisis in the late Qing Dynasty. At that time, in order to defend the country against foreign enemies, a number of organizations appeared, and the famous Boxer Movement came into being. In fact, the Boxer Rebellion was a small group from the beginning, but in order to resist foreign enemies, the organization grew bigger and bigger, so there was the Boxer Rebellion in history.

However, it is conceivable that the original intention of the Boxer Rebellion was not to protect the Qing Dynasty from foreign aggression. Formerly known as the Boxer Rebellion, it was a non-governmental organization in the late Qing Dynasty, which was developed from the private secret societies and martial arts organizations of the Boxer Rebellion, Shandong and Zhili.

The reason why the Boxer Rebellion was able to grow rapidly in a short period of time and became popular all over China was because of the official acquiescence, support and connivance. After all, the Qing government was so corrupt and incompetent that even the Qing government was controlled by foreigners. So, for the country, those people can only resist themselves. After all, only they can save themselves.

But at that time, China's strength was too low, the country was feudal, and the people's thoughts were backward. Compared with western countries, its military strength is even worse. So the boxer movement was in full swing at first, but it soon failed.

In the early days, the Corps was defeated in almost every battle. In the middle of the Boxer Rebellion, there was a fear of fighting, so there were not many praises and criticisms of the Boxer Rebellion in history. In the eyes of many people at that time, the Boxer Rebellion may not have any effect at all, but if you ask me, it was a kind of resistance to the society at that time.

In a word, we need to make progress in thought at any time and keep up with the progress of the trend at any time.