Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Full text of Wolong yin and yang immortals

Full text of Wolong yin and yang immortals

Wolong yin and yang fairy, half "Wolong tactics".

There are countless ghosts and gods in Nanyang, and all kinds of karma are unclear.

An ignorant teenager accidentally got the story of Wolong tactics, a wonderful Feng Shui book. ...

The first chapter Wolong Yin and Yang Fairy, now the snake dragon on the coffin is

In old Nanyang in the 1990s, grandpa was the "Yin and Yang Fairy" on Wollongong.

What is a "Yin and Yang Fairy"?

This is the collective name of local people in Wancheng for Yin and Yang teachers, witches and fortune tellers. Most of the people who come to see these Yin and Yang immortals are married, or ask about their marriage and future.

Because of the influence of my family environment, I have always been dubious about these supernatural things.

The reason why we are dubious is not disbelief or belief. All because of the miracle I experienced with my grandfather when I was seven or eight years old.

If I remember correctly, it should be about 95 years ago. Maybe the locals who live near the west end of Xuefeng Bridge have heard of it.

Go straight to the southernmost tip of Chezhan South Road, cross Tangwan Village and go forward. At the intersection of Xuefeng Bridge, there is a bright modern city.

In the south of Minglun Modern City, next to it is a village called Wang Ying.

This happened in Wang Ying village in 1990s. The miracle at that time not only caused a sensation in seven miles and eight townships, but also shocked the leaders of government departments.

I have two aunts. My first aunt married Wang Ying, and my second aunt married panzhuang, a village in the west of Wang Ying. So every day my grandfather took me to town. He first threw me to my aunt's house to play with my two cousins, and then he went to the stall in Wollongong.

It is said that children aged five or six have no respect for dogs, and our cousins get together all day to make trouble. On this day, when the three of us were playing with eggs at the intersection, we heard people in the village shouting and running to the village.

After listening for a while, the three little brothers understood that it turned out that a family in the village was going to move the grave, and specially invited Yin and Yang fairies to come and see Feng Shui, and then they were going to sing a big drama and show a movie. ...

"Zhao Lei, where is the family grave? Why don't we have a look? Let's see what it looks like. "

Get up from the ground and put away the glass eggs. I glanced at my big cousin and whispered.

Big cousin lives downstairs in the brigade headquarters at the entrance of Wang Ying village, and my uncle has set up a facade of seed pesticide to do business here. The three of us are playing at the intersection in front of my uncle's shop. My uncle greeted business in the shop and looked up at us from time to time for fear that the three of us problem children would get lost.

Among the three cousins, the eldest cousin is the most naughty, followed by me. According to the principle that the minority is subordinate to the majority, Li Yu, the youngest second cousin, has always been the general direction and has little right to speak.

After listening to my proposal, my big cousin Zhao Lei winked at my father in the shop, and then looked around. Finally, his eyes lit up and he saw an uncle pulling a child to the village to watch the excitement.

At that time, our little brother was the most, that is, seven or eight years old. The uncle in the greeting shop naturally doesn't trust our little brother to run around. So I told my neighbors that our cousin suddenly screamed all the way to the village like a dog caught in a rope.

After listening to the adults' comments all the way, I realized that a rich family had developed in the village in recent years. I didn't know what to think, so I wanted to move my ancestral grave, so that the geomantic omen at home would be better and future generations could be protected.

But ordinary people, where will know the stress of "poor don't change doors, rich don't move graves"

We should not be blind in geomantic omen, nor should we be careless in moving graves.

The family's grave is outside Wang Ying village. There are many people in front of the grave in the field.

Children are like monkeys, they get into the crowd and can't find the shadow at once.

Finally, I pushed my way through the crowd. Only then did I see my grandfather wearing a black coat, stroking his goatee and measuring around the cemetery with a compass.

When we met grandpa here, the three of us jumped up with joy and ran noisily to him.

"Grandpa, why are you here?"

"Leaf, there is wood to bring delicious food to me and chief instructor julee ..."

Three children dragged beside grandpa and looked up at him eagerly. Big cousin has been grinding his grandfather for delicious food.

"A group of rabbits, just know to eat! Go there to play, don't delay grandpa doing business for others, and then take you home. "

Grandpa smiled awkwardly at the head of the family in front of the grave, then fumbled in his pocket for a long time and took out some mints to send us little guys away.

"Hey, isn't this a tiger's child? Come, come to uncle. Don't delay the old man doing business ... "

Most people in the village are familiar with my uncle Zhao Laohu, who lives at the entrance of the village to do business, so a man saw the three of us, problem children, getting in the way and waved to my big cousin.

Being pulled out of the circle by adults, we three little brothers ate candy and watched curiously as Grandpa took an old big compass and walked a few steps left and right in front of the grave, muttering something, not knowing what to say.

I don't know why, I always feel a little cold standing around this grave garden, even in the sun. Over the years, I have forgotten the concept of hours. Anyway, I've been there for a long time, and I always feel a little uncomfortable.

Just like once I went out to school and met a snake with a triangular head in a corner of the village. ...

At that time, it was that terrible feeling of being particularly scared, particularly panicked and particularly cold, which is very similar to the feeling of standing in front of this grave now.

After watching it for a long time, I didn't see anything lively, so I was bored and ready to find something interesting to do.

At this time, a group of strong laborers in the village have dug the ground to dig graves, which is to "raise coffins."

I don't know what I was thinking, but I suddenly felt very panic and a little scared. So I ran to find my grandfather who was supervising the people to dig graves and carry coffins.

"Ye, there are long worms (snakes) here. I'm afraid ..."

I held grandpa's leg and whispered.

"What do children talk nonsense? ! Go away quickly, and I'll punish you for making trouble here later! "

Grandpa, who stood with the head of the household and looked unusually solemn, suddenly heard my words and immediately flew into a rage and gave me a good lecture.

I don't know whether I was cold, scared or wronged by my grandfather's lesson. I sat on the ground crying, and no one could persuade me.

There were many people around the grave, and a group of children were making noise, which didn't attract the attention of adults. After all, the grave has been dug here. In the face of such a big event, no one can consider the noise of the children, and everyone's attention is attracted by the deep pit dug in front of the grave.

"Choke solicitation solicitation ..."

Suddenly, a group of grave diggers in the village threw shovels on the ground and ran away. Some timid people turned pale with fear and screamed.

Hearing the noise here, the neighbors immediately gathered around to see what had happened.

"Rebuild the grave!"

At this time, grandpa's expression shouted at the crowd, asking people to fill in the excavated grave soil again.

But at this time, none of the strong laborers who dug the grave dared to go forward with a shovel, and they all hid far away and dared not gather here.

"What is this?"

"Looks like a white dragon? ! "

The uncles and aunts around the cemetery got together and whispered.

There seems to be something strange when I hear the movements of adults around me. I forgot to be afraid, too, and leaned over with my two little cousins with my nose.

The grave soil has been dug up to reveal the rotten wooden coffin with a white snake on it? !

On the head of this white snake, there are actually two small protrusions, which seem to have two small horns. ...

The second chapter Long Hudou, offensive in a hurry.

"The real dragon will be sentient beings, and it is true that the pulse stops gathering gas. Seeing the fierceness has a knot, and seeing the fierceness of good fortune will harm people. "

I don't remember much when I was six or seven. When I grow up and have more knowledge, I think of these vague things when I was a child, and then I think of this sentence contained in the book "Distinguishing the True Dragon from the False Dragon".

In the dug grave, the white snake on the rotting coffin is more than one meter long, with two protruding white horns on its head, like a little white dragon.

I lay in front of the grave and looked down with my probe. I don't know if the excavated grave soil is wet or scary. My hand slipped and fell into the grave.

The white snake vomited a letter in horror and swam back and forth in the grave like a long white silk shadow. ...

I have never seen such a big snake. Buried in the ground of rotten wooden coffin, you can vaguely see the white and yellow skull and one or two bones inside. ...

I was scared out of my wits. After a while, I was in tears.

I don't know if I was out of breath from crying, or if I was scared by the serpent and skeleton bones. My eyes were black and I was unconscious.

It seems that I had a long nightmare, dreaming that I was chased by this white snake everywhere in the grave, and then somehow climbed out of the grave.

Crying and crying, I couldn't find my grandfather and two cousins, so I had to run to my sister-in-law's house at the intersection of the village by memory. The long white snake behind me is chasing me like flying. ...

My uncle was lying at the counter, looking down at the newspaper. From time to time, someone comes in to buy seed fertilizer, and my uncle is smoking a cigarette and talking to others. I stood by crying and wanted my uncle to help me get rid of the big snake. He ignored me as if he didn't see me. ...

The thick white snake crawled slowly along its legs, and the cold greasy snake scales stuck to its neck, making it stiff all over.

A snake head the size of a child's fist sticks out a slender snake letter under the tip of his nose, making a hissing sound, which makes people afraid to move.

I think I'm going to bite ...

Afterwards, I heard from my uncle that after I fell to the bottom of the grave, I was like a dead man, blue in the face and stiff in the body, lying motionless in the grave.

The white snake slowly slid down from the coffin, coiled me into a big circle, and the huge snake head swam around my chest and neck.

My grandfather turned pale with fear and ignored many taboos. He shouted, picked up the shovel and went down to the grave.

About 85 years, it was the time when family planning was strict. My grandfather is the eldest son of Tian Jiazu, and my father is the eldest son. At that time, he was also the first one among the sons and nephews of the Tian family to get married.

By that time, I already had two sisters. My parents hid in Tibet for a boy at home, and my family was fined a lot of money by the brigade. That's why I was secretly born in my parents' home in Hexi.

As the great-grandson of Tian family, he was also the only son of Tian family's grandchildren at that time. Grandpa, even if there is no way out, he will keep the family incense.

After driving away the white snake, grandpa took me out of the grave rolling and rolling. There are too many cooks in the neighborhood to help, and no one cares much.

At that time, the little white dragon was dug up in the grave and spread all over Wang Daying. Many people in the village put down their work to watch the excitement. There are many people on the third floor outside the tomb.

Some old people saw the white dragon in the grave and knelt in front of the grave, praying for the blessing of the dragon god. The head of that family turned pale with fear and kept burning incense and kowtowing, hoping not to run into a white snake.

At this time, my grandfather has been desperate to show people the matter of Feng Shui moving to the grave. He anxiously called my two little cousins and took me to the village clinic.

My uncle heard people in the village say that I fell unconscious in the grave, so he quickly locked the shop door and ran to the village to find our children.

Looking at me, my whole body was cold, my lips were white, and I was curled up in a coma. Grandpa's face was so gloomy that he could wring water, and his brow wrinkled into a ball.

The doctor in the village clinic couldn't see clearly what was going on, so he had to send water and ask my grandfather and uncle to take me to the hospital in the city.

Grandpa is a fairy of Yin and Yang. He knows that I just fell into the grave. I may have inhaled the body and bumped into an evil spirit.

At that time, communication was far less developed than it is now, and a phone call told people far away. Grandpa asked my uncle to go to the village to find a big rooster, and then asked someone to go to Panzhuang, a neighboring village, and asked my uncle to ride a bicycle to the flower and bird market near Baihe to find someone to buy a live turtle and bring it back.

"Dad, Xiao Fei, what is this?"

Fortunately, my uncle was very popular in the village and soon brought back a fat Danding chicken. Seeing me huddled up and shivering in bed, my uncle asked with concern.

"Xiao Fei is a tiger, but it is the life of a white tiger that goes down the mountain. Today, families in your village saw dragons and tigers fighting in their graves, which is a crime. The baby is still young, and evil spirits easily enter the body. This is the loss of three souls and seven souls. We must find a way to get his soul back. Otherwise to the hospital, it is useless ... "

Talking, grandpa has been looking at the road outside the door, trying to collect these evocative things early.

It is said that a thousand-year-old turtle is 80 thousand years old, so it is extremely easy to buy turtles in Nanyang. But it still takes some effort to buy a turtle.

Finally, before dark, my uncle rode back from the city with a big man and brought back a live turtle.

Grandpa specifically told the second uncle that he must buy the turtle back, not the old turtle.

Turtles and turtles, in feng shui, can not be treated equally.

Turtle, a spiritual thing, is also called Xuanwu.

Grandpa is looking for this thing, in order to put down the "four-elephant evocation curse" to evocation.

What are the four elephants?

As the saying goes, Zuo Qinglong, Right White Tiger, Former Suzaku and Later Xuanwu are the four elephants.

Now, Grandpa will use the "Four Elephants Evocation Curse" to deal with the evil of the White Dragon. ......

Let's call it a day. It is too long. I'm afraid you are tired of watching it.