Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - I want to know about the prose features of contemporary popular writers Feng Jicai, Bi Shumin, Yan Lianke, Zhu Zengquan and Lin Qingquan. thank you

I want to know about the prose features of contemporary popular writers Feng Jicai, Bi Shumin, Yan Lianke, Zhu Zengquan and Lin Qingquan. thank you

Bi Shumin, female, 1952 was born in Xinjiang and studied in the affiliated school of Beijing Foreign Studies University. 1969, enlisted as a soldier in the troops of Ali Plateau in Tibet where the Himalayas, Gangdise Mountains and Karakorum Mountains meet 1 1 year. 1980 to Beijing.

/kloc-at the age of 0/7, Bi Shumin went to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau at an altitude of 5,000m to serve as a soldier. On the vast plateau, she saw with her own eyes the tragic situation that some young people were buried in the ice forever for the sake of the security and prosperity of the motherland. Those thrilling and touching "deaths" made her pay special attention to life.

After 20 years as a doctor, he began to write professionally and published 2 million words. He has won the 4th, 5th and 6th Hundred Flowers Award of Zhuang Chongwen Literature and Fiction Monthly, the Contemporary Literature Award, the Beijing School Literature Award, the Kunming Literature Award, the People's Liberation Army Literature Award, the Youth Literature Award, the Taiwan Province 16 China Times Literature Award and the Taiwan Province 17 Joint Literature Award for more than 30 times.

Bi Shumin really gained national popularity after the publication of the short story "The Covenant of Death", which is regarded as the masterpiece of "New Experience Novel". Based on the author's personal experience in hospice care hospital, it explores the hearts of people facing death and those around them, which is very wonderful.

National first-class writer. Attending physician of internal medicine. Master of Arts, Beijing Normal University.

Originally from Shandong. He has been a soldier for ten years in Ali area of Tibet Plateau, and worked as a military doctor, an assistant military doctor and a military doctor. He is the author of Bi Shumin's eight-volume anthology, novels Red Prescription, Blood Essence and Saving Breast. A national first-class writer, vice chairman of Beijing Writers Association, graduated from Beijing Normal University with a master's degree in literature and a doctorate in psychology. Attending physician of internal medicine, registered psychological counselor.

Attachment 1:

Preface to Selected Works of Bi Shumin Wang Meng

If her signature was Amy, crazy sister, raw water explosion or peas, maybe I would have seen her work long ago.

However, her name is Bi Shumin, as ordinary as-sorry-any princesa.

And she said that she was a good student since she was a child, and she was as good at math and Chinese (Wang Meng is so happy to finally find a colleague who likes and studies math well! ), she started writing because of her father's advice, and her arrogance and recklessness were due to her childhood mother's teaching. In order to write, she went to the Literature Department of Radio and TV University after finishing her medical studies and graduating with "excellent" results, and then went on to study for a master's degree (how many writers learn literature honestly like this? Besides, she is more or less a skilled doctor, and she is full of confidence and pride. ...

I didn't know there were such well-behaved writers and literary roads in the world. I thought that the newly rising writers may be incompetent, full of complaints, bitter, disrespectful to their parents (and have to judge their fathers), disobedient to teachers, disdainful of their studies and mocking diplomas. Breakthrough subversion, difficulties, disharmony with the world, big talk explosion, groaning and trembling, gaunt and lonely philosopher full of wisdom and pain, bloody violence of stormtroopers, or depression and mania of hospitalized patients.

Bi Shumin is not like this. She is too normal, too kind and even too obedient. Even after writing a novel, she doesn't seem to forget her doctor's purpose of saving lives, her lofty aspirations, patient's patience, orderly rules and clear medical mind. She has a way of thinking, writing and acting, transforming her concern and sympathy for people into a calm prescription, and integrating morality, literature and science. ...

Therefore, Bi Shumin's normality, kindness, peace, calmness and even cleverness are even more commendable. Even though she wrote the funeral of Kunlun, such a severe and thrilling event, she still maintained kindness and justice to every party and responsible person. Goodwill and calmness always follow Bi Shumin's writing like twin sisters. Only calm can be fair, only fairness can be kind, only the world with good intentions can have hope, and only oneself can have hope, so as not to let readers fall into a vicious circle of national and social ruin. Maybe she lacks due criticism and hatred, but at least she deserves it, and in fact she is far better than those who lack due love and kindness. She faces death and blood, and her works are often frightening, such as The Purple Man and The Covenant of Death, but the theme is still dull and pleasant. She wants her readers to live, love and work better. She would rather repent the paranoia and vigilance of "I" and praise ordinary human nature (Fan Jiang), which is different from the curse and incitement of the pan-evil theory. As for her prose, it is Ming Che.

She is really a real doctor, a good doctor, and she will become a angels in white of literature. The experience of being a soldier on Kunlun Mountain, the identity and mind of a doctor, and the consciousness of being a good citizen since childhood have made her a new, distinctive, harmonious and healthy factor in the literary circle.

On the other hand, many talented writers are really sick friends in the literary world. I respect and sympathize with my patients. I know that many great writers in the world are ill. They have suffered too much, and they have become more and more great because of their pain. But at the same time, I also praise and thank the doctor. For the sake of the physical and mental health of the whole country, I hope the doctor-patient ratio will not be too unbalanced. There are patients and doctors, this is the world, and this is the endless story.

I don't know if this is my luck or misfortune, nor do I know that this is one of the reasons why I was misunderstood and attacked. I think the patient is pathetic and the doctor is amiable and trustworthy, especially when I write a preface to a writer younger than me, I admit the value of every leaf. Of course, I prefer to praise more peace and rationality. I may have given too much bitter medicine. I'm really sorry.

Attachment 2:

Angels in white of Literature —— Chai Fushan

Angels in white of Literature was specially written by Wang Meng for Bi Shumin. On the one hand, it is Bi Shumin's literature, on the other hand, it is his decades of life experience as a doctor, which is summed up too aptly.

1969, the Cultural Revolution in Beijing was in full swing. Bi Shumin, under the age of 17, quietly put on his military uniform and bid farewell to Beijing. As the first batch of female soldiers in northern Tibet, she reached the highest land of the Republic. This is the intersection of Himalayas, Gangdise and Karakorum, with an average elevation of more than 5000 meters. Not long ago, I accompanied her to visit JD.COM Yajishan Forest Park. After all, it is spring, the sky is blue, the sun is particularly warm and the air is particularly fresh. She took a deep breath, as if to breathe in all the blue sky, sunshine and air, and then sighed: there is nothing in northern Tibet. The air is thin and lack of oxygen, so it is almost impossible for people to survive. She doesn't understand that the sun shines on such a high mountain that she can't feel warm. She was accompanied by five female soldiers. That army has never had a female soldier, which is unprecedented. Today, the head of the military region told her: not now, only them, and there will be no one in the future. Three years later, she went to the Military Medical School of Xinjiang Military Region to study. Originally, she wanted to go to a military medical university. Due to the Lin Biao incident, the military medical university in the hardest hit area postponed enrollment and could not wait any longer. She had to go first. Excellent grades in school, the hospital let her stay in school, trying to train her to be an excellent surgeon. If you really stay in school and devote yourself to saving lives, you may really become an excellent surgeon and professor expert. Will there be an excellent female writer who is almost a household name today and a national first-class writer? She sincerely thanked her alma mater for her love and retention. She told me that it is not easy to train a doctor in the army. If she doesn't go back, there will be no place for her troops in the future. She resolutely returned to Ali's place, but the female soldiers were transferred. When reporting, the cadre section chief dug up the past list and found that there was a Bi Shumin, but the gender was written as male, because there were no female soldiers in the army in recent years. The first class was five years, until she moved back to Beijing and worked in a factory in 1980, where she became the medical director and attending physician. 199 1 became a professional writer and practiced medicine for 22 years. She has a special liking for the profession of doctor, especially when several lives are on the verge of death, she pulled them back with one hand. Seeing the resurrection and revival of life, that kind of emotion is very enjoyable.

Her father is also a soldier, from the official to the division level, and he is very talented in literature and art. It is only because of the environment of that generation that the old man has been a soldier all his life and has been unable to engage in literature. One day, her father suddenly said to her, I think you can write something. She really wants to show the military life in northern Tibet. Encouraged by her father, she quietly started writing, and finished her first novel "Wound of Kunlun" within a week. This is 1986, when she was 34 years old. For a person who has never written anything, it is inevitable that he will have no foundation and grasp when he begins to write a novella. But there are often exceptions. This novella was published in Kunlun magazine in the second year, which caused a sensation and won the fourth Kunlun literature prize. From then on, she entered the literary world of China. In the meantime, she wrote while working as a doctor. Later she found that writing and doctors can't do it at the same time. She has great respect for the profession of doctor. Although she is a grass-roots doctor, there are not many critical cases, but she should do it wholeheartedly and not be distracted. This is a pragmatic world, and we can't exaggerate and modify the delay at will, let alone make any mistakes. After all, her life is at stake, and her sense of responsibility and professionalism require her to do so. So, a laid-off worker in her factory went to her friend's house to be a nanny, talked about her, praised the good doctor again and again, and chatted happily for a long time, but didn't even do the work she should do. She knows that writing is an imaginary world, a virtual world, which can be exaggerated, modified and even recreated if dissatisfied. Even if it is written and published, it doesn't matter if it is not published. After all, it's your own business, not people's. She jumps between these two worlds all day, always feeling in a dilemma. At this time, China Nonferrous Metals Corporation had a good eye and wide knowledge, and transferred her to be a professional writer. Twenty-two years later, it was painful for her to take off her white coat and leave her post as a doctor. Besides, she is nearly 30 years old, and she is not sure about her future creation. She has held the command in her hand for two months. After some painful wandering thinking, she finally took off her white coat, put down her scalpel, gave up something and did something. It is difficult to take care of everything in life and have both. Since then, she devoted herself to writing, writing, and deeply lacked self-confidence, so she tried her best to make up for it. First, I taught myself the Chinese Department of Radio and TV University, then got a master's degree in literature, and now I am studying for a doctorate in psychology. Wang Meng said that she "really didn't know there were such well-behaved writers and literary roads in the world." It is with such a solid step that she stepped into today's literary world.

So far, she has published nearly four million words of works, mainly novels and essays. The contents are summarized as follows: First, it reflects the military life in northern Tibet; Second, it reflects the life of doctors. In her works, she has always been concerned about people's living conditions, except the special experience of living in Tibet and being a doctor, and who is a woman and who is a mother in our nature. Therefore, almost every time she finishes a work, it will always cause a sensation in the literary world and cause social repercussions. Although it is not a big hit, the works can be reprinted for a long time, such as the prose collection Su Miantian, which has been reprinted many times; The eight-volume Collected Works of Bi Shumin was published on June 5438+ 10, 2002, and reprinted in February. Today, when pure literature is in the doldrums, the "Bi Shumin phenomenon" is really worth studying. Because she is a doctor, her novels never forget the doctor's purpose of saving lives, her ambition to help all beings, her kind patience, her orderly rules and clear medical mind. She has turned her care and enthusiasm for people into a way of thinking, writing and behavior that integrates morality, literature and science. She faces death and blood pollution. Her writing is often frightening, but her theme is still plain and pleasant. She simply hopes that people can live a better life, make our society more harmonious and make our world better. It can be said that her novels bear the cold of the plateau, the heaviness of youth, the heaviness of life and the calmness of death, which are enough to shock everyone's soul. The calm and rational narration makes her works have a rare majestic atmosphere. Indeed, creation requires not only the writer's familiarity with what he has written, but also the writer's unforgettable experience, which should be the basis of her success. The novels Red Square and Blood Exquisite are good, the novella Mourning of Kunlun and The Covenant of Life and Death are good, and the short stories The Purple Man, One centimeter and The Covenant of Women are good. Undoubtedly, her novels have a unique style and are unique. As for her prose, frankly speaking, I prefer it, not because I wrote it. Her prose is true and natural, and I have always disdained those pretentious and false articles. I have read many of her prose collections, such as Marrying Shoes, Plain Face Facing the Sky, Where are the Wild Goose, etc. She thinks that prose is a specimen that contains the pain of flesh and blood. The operation of the heart is transparent, and its footprint is fixed by language and becomes prose. Novels are often written according to mood, and there is no rhyme or reason. Prose seems to be casual, but in fact it is disciplined. This is an emotional memory of what happened. So prose is historic in a sense. In the novel, she hides behind the characters and whispers. In prose, she stood in front of floating literature and talked to herself. Because of this, reading her novels reveals her view and image of the world. Only by reading her prose can I really read a vivid Bi Shumin. I learned that her 17 birthday was spent in the northern Tibetan plateau. Comrades poured canned fruit juice into a dark brown toothbrush jar, and they touched each other to congratulate her. For them, who have only one and a half cans a month, this is a grand celebration. Knowing that she was trekking in no man's land with weapons, red cross boxes, dry food and marching tents, she climbed more than 6,000 meters of mountains, and her heart seemed to burst out with her breath. She looked up at her head and looked down at the abyss. She thought of death for the first time. Knowing that she changed the bloody shroud for the 20-year-old monitor, and that she returned to Beijing at the age of 28 to get married, have children and take care of her family, she did everything a woman should do when she came into this world. She is a good wife, a good mother, a good doctor and an excellent writer. This is the unanimous evaluation of people.

As far as creation is concerned, she is one of the most powerful and individual female writers in the literary world today, and has won more than 30 literary awards at home and abroad. Moreover, she is also very modest, and never publicizes herself whenever and wherever. This character should be said to come from the mother. She was born in Bayandai, Xinjiang. When she was six months old, her mother carried her all the way to Beijing. When Wang Meng was sent to settle in Xinjiang, he was also Bayandai. Once, her mother met Wang Meng and talked about Ba Yandai. She was very moved, so she accompanied her mother to Bayandai to find her roots. This time, her mother came to Jiya Mountain in JD.COM, although she is 72 years old. Whenever she meets a slope, she always comes forward to help her. In some places, her mother can't go. She would rather not go and stay with her. Sometimes we are too busy to say something. Thinking that her mother was behind, she shouted and turned to look for it. She doesn't want her mother to take advantage of the opportunity to speak and wait slowly by the stone in front. It can be seen that she is not only a husband and wife, but also very filial to her mother. Virtuous and kind, based on this kind of personality and mood in the world, and then create, can the work not be touching, can it not be deeply loved by readers, and can it not stand the test of time? Character and literature are unified after all.

