Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - If you want to express your respect for Shi Tiesheng, you'd better combine his works with no more than 30 words.

If you want to express your respect for Shi Tiesheng, you'd better combine his works with no more than 30 words.

Although fate, but tenacious life. He is not afraid of bad luck and ill-fated, and resolutely pursues his own life and happiness. And he finally broke free from the clutches of fate.

Ditan asked where to find the true meaning of life, and the literary world was enlightened. - .

Tell him to worship Buddha, but he didn't. Because the Buddha can't make his paralyzed legs stand up, because if the Buddha is willing to bless others, it is not called Buddha. He believes that the original meaning of Buddha is "consciousness", a verb, a behavior rather than a supreme throne. People ask Tiesheng to tell their fortune, but he doesn't count. Because, you have a good life, you don't need to count, "good" will come; If your life is bad, let alone live a happy day, you don't have to know that the future is sinister but step by step approach the disaster. Why bother! An expert said that he could "avoid disaster for you", but Tie Sheng didn't believe it either, because that's fate is uncertain, and what he "calculated" was a lie. What was it for? But Shi Tiesheng seems to "believe in life" again. He said: "if you predict the future of everything, you will say that it has countless possibilities, but if you look back at its past, you will know that there is only one fate." Isn't this the way a person walks? But this is not to lose control of "destiny". Tie Sheng's fighting spirit and creative practice prove that he is a man who does not bow to fate. He just doesn't insist on anything and doesn't be a slave to desire, because desire is endless and people can't be completely "satisfied" one day! In my opinion, among the young writers in the new period, Shi Tiesheng is the most knowledgeable, open-minded and sincere model. He is a disabled person. Because of this pessimism, he tried to commit suicide several times, but when he finally realized that there would be no world without differences, he frankly "accepted" his disabled body, "accepted" his differences with others, and tried to be a mentally healthy person. I especially appreciate Tie Sheng's generosity and understanding in the face of suffering. He said: "If suffering destroys nature, there is no sorrow, and if suffering destroys everything, it will be destroyed." Therefore, people should never pursue absolute fairness, eternal interests and completely carefree so-called "happiness". A life without regrets-this is the real life.