Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What's so particular about engagement?

What's so particular about engagement?

What's the point of getting engaged? First, the custom of engagement ceremony

According to traditional customs, the whole process of engagement ceremony and the items to be prepared are quite complicated. However, the traditional engagement ceremony is too troublesome recently, and more and more people want to carry out the engagement ceremony in a simple way. However, although the simple ways are different, the degree of attention and ideas will be different, but both sides can acquire knowledge in advance. There will be some differences in matters such as bride price and return gift due to different regions. It is best to discuss intensively in advance and get to know each other. No matter which way is adopted, the customs are mostly simplified, and six kinds of gifts, ancestor worship, sweet tea and rings are prepared. Until the engagement party and other basic processes, it is still the most common content of engagement ceremony for ordinary people. Among the six kinds of gifts, "watch" can be said to be a very popular gift in return. Although there are no so-called six kinds of gifts abroad, there are cases where watches are given in exchange for engagement. Some newlyweds will engrave the same name as the ring on the back of the watch, such as the anniversary, as an eternal commemoration of the two. The bride-to-be can design different engagement ceremonies after consulting her fiance and considering her parents' opinions.

What's the point of getting engaged? 2. Engagement ring.

When you are engaged, of course, you should wear a ring ceremony at the same time as the bride price. In addition to gold rings and bronze rings, engagement rings are becoming more and more popular with newcomers, mainly diamond rings. Since the ceremony of wearing a wedding ring symbolizes that the couple will get married from now on, it is an important ceremony to invite relatives and friends to share this joy. Prospective couples remember to face it with a sacred and happy mood. #p# Subtitle #e#

What's the point of getting engaged? 3. engagement party

After the engagement ceremony, the woman usually holds a banquet. Recently, some hotels have begun to launch some engagement plans for prospective couples. Because these engagement schemes are usually more cost-effective, it is also a good idea to use them effectively. In Europe and America, after the engagement ceremony, it is also a common way to entertain close relatives and friends and hold a natural and warm party. Don't get bored with the form and method, hold a family dinner in a warm way of holding an engagement party at home, and those who come to congratulate can also attend in a more relaxed mood. On the other hand, in Japan, there is also a so-called "engagement" after the ceremony. Generally speaking, family members or matchmakers of both sides choose Japanese kiosks, or recently some newcomers choose to hold banquets in high-style restaurants or restaurants.

If you want to send 3 gold, it means 3 gold jewelry. Platinum and gold are not required to send 100 1 yuan, which means to prepare a box. Put the back of the second bed in the box. Ten thousand is ten thousand, and the so-called three gold, clothes for the daughter-in-law. Sweaters, shoes and socks. Cotton jacket and watch. Then there are your conditions. But when the man goes to the woman's house, he must put cigarettes and sugar in the box.

The woman bought a good suit, shoes, tie and socks for the man.

The man also needs to find a glib woman over 40 as a matchmaker (either divorced or widowed), and he will also go and sit with her parents that day. Secondly, on the day of engagement, in addition to the money given by her mother-in-law and father-in-law, the girl changed her name to parents, and other relatives of the man, such as aunt, also gave red envelopes. It's not for nothing that girls call me aunt. My aunt also costs money. This custom in Jinan is also very different in various districts and towns. Be sure to say hello. It is best to let the woman go home and ask the elders if there are any taboos and special attention.

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