Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Etiquette for eating

Etiquette for eating

The etiquette for eating is as follows:

First, avoid palms facing the bowl.

This taboo is also related to beggars, because beggars hold bowls with their palms up when begging; We usually eat by hand. Therefore, this kind of eating is also considered unlucky, and children should pay attention when they are young. For parents who want their children to succeed and their daughters to succeed, beggars' behavior can never be imitated.

Second, avoid knocking on the bowl with chopsticks.

Beggars used to knock empty bowls with chopsticks and beg from door to door to attract people's attention. Knocking on the bowl with chopsticks has almost become a symbolic action of beggars. Therefore, children with good family education are told from an early age that they can't knock on bowls with chopsticks. Naughty children will be severely criticized and even punished by their parents if they deliberately violate it. If adults still do this kind of behavior, it will be regarded as less tutoring.

Third, the most taboo is to stick chopsticks vertically in rice.

Traditionally, when offering sacrifices to the dead, chopsticks should be inserted directly into the rice for the dead to enjoy. Because this method of inserting chopsticks is very particular, it shows that this bowl of rice is for the dead. Adults will teach children not to pose like this when they are young, which has become the first taboo when eating.

Fourth, avoid opening chopsticks separately.

Chopsticks should always be placed side by side during the whole meal. Never separate a pair of chopsticks, lest "quick (chopsticks) separation" be homophonic and affect feelings.

5. Avoid talking with food in your mouth.

The ancients paid attention to "eating without talking, sleeping without talking". Nowadays, eating together has become an important means to communicate feelings and interpersonal relationships. It is impossible to eat without talking. But even so, there are still some details to pay attention to.

At the dinner table, people who open their mouths with their mouths full of food often seem to be afraid that others can't hear them clearly and speak loudly. The food in their mouths can easily be sprayed on the dinner table or even on others' faces. This kind of behavior is not only unsanitary and impolite, but also regarded as ill-bred.