Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What are the obstacles to the application of Feng Shui in China?

What are the obstacles to the application of Feng Shui in China?

Qualitative rectification of Feng Shui heritage application The first thing Feng Shui should understand is its qualitative problem. Modern China people have given many names to the appellation of Feng Shui, and they are opposed to it, such as: the four old, superstition, cultural dross, feudal ideological trend, idealism, deception, pseudo-culture, pseudo-science, etc. Supported by science, quasi-science, potential science, metaphysics, mysticism, traditional culture, folk culture, experience culture and national quintessence. China people who have been influenced by geomantic omen for thousands of years still don't know what it is, what its real connotation is, what it means to the Chinese nation and what its role is to human beings. The two camps that deny it and affirm it are still arguing fiercely about its authenticity and future. Theoretical Integration There are many schools of Feng Shui in China with different theories. Among the ancient books, only the book Qin Ding Xie Bian Fang was hand-picked by Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty for official approval, and the rest of the ancient books were written by some literati officials or wizards, so the essence and dross coexist, the classics and vulgarity coexist, and the methods and theories of various schools of books even contradict each other, making future generations unable to agree. In fact, there are many confusing, bizarre, useless and harmful contents. We should sort them out, develop useful things in practice, analyze and correct useless or harmful things. The unknown is left to future generations to study. The problem of scientific argumentation: Ancient and modern Feng Shui masters used their eyes to shape and compass to orient. They saw the location of the scenery and deduced the good and bad results, but they didn't know why, so they could only use the five elements theory of gossip to scrutinize the argument. This series of mysterious practical theories was accumulated by the long-term experience of the ancients, and it was already a great discovery and creation in ancient times when science was underdeveloped. Today, with the development of science, it is obviously out of date to use this method of accumulating experience to test and develop Feng Shui. Due to the government's prohibition, ideological intolerance, the influence of long-term left-leaning ideological trend, people's suspicion, the ignorance of scholars and the contempt of scientists, this traditional academic with high practical value still stays at the level of hundreds of years ago. Aren't you sad? In fact, in the traditional culture of China, there are at least many things that can be used for reference and inspiration, many of which are priceless and mysteries that need to be explored. Many secrets discovered by Chinese and foreign scientists in the Book of Changes are proof. Because Feng Shui has never been scientifically demonstrated, it is not surprising that people only take it for granted that it is superstition. Strangely, many cultural elites and scientific pillars in China today regard this quintessence of our ancestors as dross and rubbish, which is very sad. Disconnection between theory and practice. At present, there are few senior scholars, scholars and scientists who study Feng Shui. In addition, the government prohibits the printing and distribution of classic works of geomantic omen, and colleges and universities do not offer specialized courses of geomantic omen, which makes it difficult for students to get in touch with this subject. However, some people who make a living from Feng Shui in society have not received higher education or professional training, and even bought several Feng Shui books. When making a judgment, I was well informed and asked about its scientific principle, but I was speechless and could only be mysterious. On the issue of innovation, the ancients talked about Yin and Yang rooms, which were designed for cemeteries, thatched earth walls, blue brick houses and official palaces. Today's reinforced concrete and high-rise buildings did not exist in ancient times, so many theories are no longer applicable to today. Now, when Feng Shui masters encounter such problems, they can only apply ancient theories. Therefore, modern people need to innovate the theory of geomantic omen, keep pace with the times and better meet people's needs. The innovation of geomantic omen is difficult, which is a collective task and also a historical task. We can start from two aspects: first, the verification of scientific methodology, the exploration of modern tools-the innovation of tools, means and methods; Second, summing up practical experience and accumulating scientific data-innovation of legal theory. Professional requirements "Mr. Geography passed by the door, it is wrong to stay, and it is also wrong not to stay." "Ten gentlemen have nine breaks, and they do it without breaking it." We are talking about people's ambivalence towards Feng Shui and Feng Shui masters. This is not the fault of feng shui itself, but the result that people don't understand feng shui and can't identify the technical level of feng shui masters. Since ancient times, the knowledge of feng shui masters has been self-taught, and their morality depends entirely on self-discipline, their level depends entirely on boasting, and their professional titles depend entirely on self-styled. No one has assessed the academic level of Feng Shui masters, and no one has set moral standards and codes of conduct for Feng Shui masters. This is a shortcoming of China Feng Shui. The problem of knowledge popularization: Feng Shui in China has always been in the hands of a few people. There are nine schools among the people, namely "first-class scholars (teachers), second-class doctors, third-class scholars, fourth-class fortune tellers (fortune tellers), fifth-class painters (painters), sixth-class fortune tellers, and seven monks, eight roads and nine qingqi (dramas)". Feng Shui master ranks third, which shows the position of Feng Shui master in people's minds. It can be seen that Feng Shui is difficult to learn, understand and use. Without a certain knowledge of ancient Chinese and long-term training, it is difficult to understand its mystery. Ancient prose is difficult to understand, some are mystifying, and some are like reading gobbledygook, which makes people puzzled. The problem of knowledge inheritance and talent shortage Because of the government's disapproval and the ban and crackdown during the Cultural Revolution, only some Feng Shui masters who studied with teachers were secretly invited to see Feng Shui, so there was a gap in knowledge practice for decades. Now there are very few Feng Shui masters with certain skills in society. Now, although academic diversification can be said to be a foregone conclusion, there are still many people who hesitate to get involved and despise it. The theories of folk feng shui masters are mostly copied from the oral pens handed down by ancestors. However, there are many portals between the factions, which are incompatible with each other. "Keep one step in ten steps to prevent the apprentice from hitting the master." Just like China Wushu, many experiences and secrets have been lost among the people. As a problem, Feng Shui has been passed down in China for thousands of years and is deeply rooted in people's hearts. It is impossible for anyone to crowd it out, put an end to it and ban it. Why don't we guide it and standardize it? Now, because the government turns a blind eye, academic diversification is loose, and people who practice Feng Shui for a living rush into it, so the good and the bad are even more mixed. This will only make Feng Shui more misguided, more harmful and more difficult to advance. To solve this problem, the government should take the lead in the academic field, legalize the profession of geomantic omen, set up research institutions, set up teaching materials, list disciplines, set professional standards, standardize the scope of professional engagement, set up examination institutions, examine and approve geomantic omen qualifications, set up supervision institutions, formulate degrees, evaluate professional titles, and actively apply for world cultural heritage and legislative protection. Make this ancient traditional culture of China develop further in a tolerant, pluralistic and harmonious social atmosphere, and benefit the country and mankind!