Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Is the last chapter of Ghost Blowing Lights II demonizing dragons?

Is the last chapter of Ghost Blowing Lights II demonizing dragons?


Ghost Blowing Lights Chapter 54 The original content of demonizing the dragon Muye Zhang

Chapter 54 Demonizing the Dragon I heard the blind Chen Man talk about the past. This old guy actually did a job of stealing chiefs from the hills. He is a great man with three Hunan and four rivers. If he hadn't learned a thing or two from the old sheepskin more than ten years ago and confirmed it with him face to face, he really couldn't believe that the blind man had stolen the identity of the chief. I'm going to the other side of the ocean to fulfill my American dream, and then I'm far away from Wan Li, and I don't know when to return home. Old sheepskin and Ding Sitian have been dead for many years, but what happened in Baiyandong fifteen years ago has always been a pain in my heart. Where do you want to hear the blind man lead the unloading ridge to deal with the corpse king of Xiangxi? I just want to know what kind of person old sheepskin is, and why he was finally killed by lightning after his death.

Old sheepskin worked under Chen Man, a blind man, but he was only a small and insignificant role. The blind man was not impressed with him, so I had to tell him the past of Inner Mongolia grassland.

Not long ago, I read the newspaper news that there are several physical objects on display in Hailar Japanese invasion exhibition hall, which is the only evidence of germ warfare research in the world. In addition to the full set of facilities of Dannick gas prison, there is also a German-made Aldersville Crematorium with a black ash door. When I saw the photo of the crematorium, I thought, "Isn't this the black incinerator that I almost climbed out of the chimney?" It seems that the modern relics of the White Cave have been excavated long ago, but the news is tightly sealed and not made public.

I told these things to Chen Man, a blind man whose face was as heavy as water. After stroking his goatee for a long time, he finally remembered two people, old sheepskin and sheep's second egg, and described them to me as children.

Looking for the remains of ancient tombs, we mainly rely on folk collection of tongue leakage. Therefore, whether it is to touch the gold captain or unload the mountain, it is inevitable to install the village to install the town. The most common thing is to pretend to be a feng shui master or a fortune teller. Chen Xiazi had a wide experience in his early years, and he was also proficient in hundreds of techniques, especially in Jianghu tricks such as reading people's faces and divining eight characters. So, now he is telling people's fortune. Although he only makes a living by cheating money, he can speak in an orderly way without revealing flaws.

In fact, physiognomy and physiognomy are illusory. Human faces and faces are innate. It is far-fetched to say that it has something to do with fate and personality. But blind Chen, an old Jianghu man, has his own face-reading experience, but how can we know a person's character and behavior?

It is true that people have a rank of 369. It's not that people should be judged according to their different status. Where there are gentlemen, there are villains. The way you treat people depends on how far and how wide their interests are. People's ambition and tolerance are by no means the same. Some people are short-sighted and eager for quick success, just like sparrows. They only think about the food under their paws every day, and there are only one hundred grains of food in their bellies. Their chirping goes as far as several acres of land. This is the generosity of sparrows. 2z6I, h4ms-but some people are just the opposite. They can be far-sighted, like husband and wife. Once they spread their wings and fly, they will fly a thousand miles at a time. It doesn't mean that the buttonwood tree won't sing until it sees the new sunrise. People who have wings to fly to the sky will not entrust the low wall to the hedge. There is such a big difference in the depth of people's temperament that half of them are born and half are acquired.

Xie Ling Lux is a robber and thief, belonging to Greenwood Road. Their standard of judging people is that it is better to meet a gentleman thief than a villain. By observing words and deeds and daily actions, we can judge whether this person is suitable for joining the company. This aspect should not be vague, so as not to be guilty of complicity or backstabbing villain.

In the impression of the blind, Lao Yangpi and his brother Yang Erdan are both very shallow people, and their horizons are not high, which is not pleasant to say. These two brothers are slaves, only suitable for humble servants, especially Yang Erdan. Although they seem to be loyal shepherds, ugly and confused, they are full of flowers and intestines, but they are not generous enough, so they want to do it because they give in to their hearts.

I heard the blind man say it was true. First, Yang Erdan was led astray and became a bandit, then he took refuge in the Japanese and became a traitor. Those who play with fire set themselves on fire and eventually died tragically. It turns out that every move at ordinary times can see that a person's intentions are wrong. But this skill of caring for others requires extremely sophisticated experience and experience, which is even more difficult than watching Feng Shui. After all, it's hard to draw bones when you know people but don't know their hearts.

The blind man said that the old sheepskin brother followed him, but he didn't know about the Baiyan Cave. I only made the last sentence to his old sheepskin, saying that he would bury his naked body eight feet away after his death, but he was killed by thunder and fire, and he was burned in the grave with a huge weasel. In all these years, I have never seen such a thing. Looking back now, I am still confused and can't figure out why. Blind Chen has never seen the old sheepskin brother since he went south to Yunnan, and all kinds of troubles since then have been completely relayed to him by me. After listening to the strange things that happened after the death of old sheepskin, the blind man was thoughtful. He seems to know something about Jiao Yuan, and now he snorted: "People are not as good as the sky after all ..."

I asked the blind man how to say this. Is there anything hidden in these measures arranged by old sheepskin before he died? The blind man said, "Master Hu is also a master of inverted bucket. He must have seen countless things from the mountains to the barren graves. Have you ever heard of naked bodies buried upside down in the world? Of course not, because this is not the way to bury. I am afraid that the old sheepskin has ulterior motives. "

Chen, a blind man, tried to steal Huangpi's tomb before, but he failed all the time. It is precisely because of some important clues from the blind man Chen that Dan can successfully find the buried Wong Tai Sin Temple. The worship of Wong Tai Sin in Yuan Dynasty originated from Little Bole Mountain in Daxing 'anling. Once Huangpi lived for many years, its color changed from yellow to white. It is said that there is an old weasel on Little Bole Mountain, which is as big as a dog and can spit out red lead in its mouth. This lead was made by a creature a long time ago, similar to the treasure of bezoar. Some wizards use this old yellow skin to bluff, gather people to collect money, and even use witchcraft to confuse people. Later, this Sect gradually penetrated into more remote and wild areas, and ignorant people came like clouds. Finally, they were suppressed by the government because of the rebellion attempt. Those who become fine and yellow skin can capture people's hearts and are most afraid of Lama's curse. The loyalists killed them with the help of the Grand Lama of Gujiao, and most of the Yuan bandits were wiped out and slaughtered. The rest returned to the deep forest, where they made a fortune with the remains of Wong Tai Sin. I don't know how it happened so coincidentally. The temples in the deep mountains are built on gold veins. At that time, all gold miners and villagers did not believe in Wong Tai Sin until the vein was cut off, the mountain collapsed and the whole temple was buried underground. Blind Chen once wanted to lead his men to dig up the Wong Tai Sin Temple and steal the inner elixir from the evocation coffin, but it is said that the bronze coffin was endowed with array symbols, and whoever opened it would be killed. Blind Chen dare not make a move without knowing the truth. Yang Er Dan may know some clues because he let the cat out of the bag in his words.

Chen Man, a blind man, said this part, which is basically consistent with what I heard from the old sheepskin in the White Cave more than ten years ago, but after that, the blind man can only speculate on his own experience. He guessed that the old sheepskin might have discovered some kind of witchcraft of Jiao Yuan in the white rock cave, so he had a crazy dream. He intends to seize the secrets of heaven and earth, because Jiao Yuan has always said "turning dragons into dragons". After a person's death, if his feet and head are buried naked in the place where the dragon gas condenses, scales and claws and dragons can be born seven days later. Head-down is because the head is the head of the five internal organs and the source of the four dimensions and eight directions of the human body. With this evil method, you can use the dragon spirit in the earth vein to bless future generations for hundreds of generations. But the old sheepskin didn't accumulate that virtue, but wanted to go against the sky after death. After all, people are not as good as the sky, and finally there is no dragon. Although the technique is exquisite, the bamboo basket draws water with a sieve in the end. On the one hand, he was bound by his son's silks, on the other hand, he was dug out of the ground and struck by lightning. It is doomed in the end.

The blind man said that the so-called "dragon-changing" technique is illusory after all, but when he robbed the tomb before, he did see a body strangely buried in the ground and changed its shape, but it was not surprising that it gave birth to meat scales. Others believe that inverted bucket people should not believe this kind of thing. Besides this possibility, there is another possibility. The old sheepskin sneaked into the turtle bone hole alone, and the personnel did not know after uncovering the golden well. Because all the raw hoses in the white rock cave were broken by outsiders, there are evil things hidden in the white rock cave with old sheepskin. If it is not old sheepskin, it must be something evil attached to him. However, in the dark, it has its own destiny, and it was dug out from the scholar in less than seven days. All living things, like feng shui acupoints and meridians, have to finish what they started. Once they exist for too long, they will inevitably be destroyed. It seems that those yellow skins on Xiaobo Mountain are out of luck and can't hide.

I think what the blind man said is more likely. When he came back from the Baiyan Cave, the old sheepskin suddenly became very strange and uncharacteristic. It's really strange to think of it now. I thought he was suffering from heart failure, but I was anxious to get him to the hospital for treatment, and I didn't think about it anywhere else. Where would I have thought that he was possessed by yellow skin?

The thought that people will be used by Huang Bei after death suddenly dawned on me. Maybe neither possibility mentioned by the blind man exists. Old sheepskin is really going to be buried in the geomantic potential to shade future generations, but how can there be a geomantic cave in the yurt? Is the bronze Long Fu secretly recovered by the old sheepskin in the bronze coffin of Wong Tai Sin an ancient Feng Shui hidden weapons? That thing has been hidden in the coffin of the old weasel for hundreds of years, and it must still have the body of Wong Tai Sin. Long Fu was finally found in the charred wreckage. It must have been swallowed by the old sheepskin before dying. The yellow leather knew the smell of its ancestors, so a yellow leather got into the body and tried to take Long Fu away. As for what Grinch said, I don't quite believe it, but the way of Feng Shui can be poor. Is it because Long Fu was buried? Falcons blow with their hands.

I used to think that Long Fu was just a funerary object of Wong Tai Sin, but after a long talk with the blind, I thought about it carefully from another angle, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt. Unfortunately, it has been thrown into the weeds by Ding Sitian. The past is over, and those experiences are like a big dream. These conjectures are my guess and that of the fat man. We may not know the truth unless we bring the dead back to life. I'm still obsessed with it, and I just want to give myself an explanation. I thought of Long Fu, so I casually asked the blind man what a jade bronze dragon was.

The copper dragon without eyes, with a simple shape, should be an antique thousands of years ago, with vague symbols cast on it. I think it's a dragon-shaped bronze symbol, and the insect fish monument on it is a prop to communicate with the spiritual world in secret language. In earlier times, bronze, jade and stone were different. Bronze symbols are common, but this Long Fu is rare in Baiyan Cave. Legend has it that Long Fu was brought from the sea by a giant turtle buried where the turtle slept. But later, as I learned more about the mystery of Feng Shui, I realized that some so-called turtle sleeping places were artificially built. The giant turtle can be killed and buried underground, and it belongs to artificial feng shui cave by using the aura in its bones.

After listening to my description of Long Fu, Chen Man, a blind man, said strangely, "Symbols protect doors, while Long Fu has no eyes? What's the use? It is even more important to make the finishing point ... "But then he seemed to think of something, and his look suddenly became dignified:" Brought from the sea? In the sea? That's ... that's not aimless ... but invisible. Is it an ancient 16-character divination? " Then he raised four thin fingers to me and made a gesture of four.

I'm even more curious when I hear this. How did I get involved with the divination address deduced by Duke Zhou? I was about to ask the blind man to tell me the ins and outs of the matter carefully, but the blind man suddenly withdrew his hand and his face changed. He sniffed his nose upwind, as if he had caught a dangerous signal in the air. He stood up and shouted, "It's no big deal, but I'll go ..."

With that, he groped his way into a pine forest in Taoranting Park with a bamboo pole in his hand and disappeared. I thought that the blind man had just gone far away and was about to catch up with him, but I looked around and saw a group of people in the park, all of whom were aunts of neighborhood committees wearing red armbands, pointing to my pavilion and noisily saying that the fortune teller with sunglasses was here. I just saw it from a distance. How did I get there and no one was there? I'll chase them separately quickly. If I catch him, I will send him to the police station, feudal. We must divide our forces to hunt down the blind man Chen.

As soon as I saw this posture, I knew it was 89 points at that time. Chen Man, a blind man, must have cheated money by telling fortune. However, this old guy's nose is so clever that he really deserves to be the leader of unloading mountains. In order to cover his safe transfer, I quickly pretended to be an enthusiastic witness, raised my hand in the opposite direction of the blind man's escape, and said to the people in the neighborhood Committee, "I just saw that old liar who engaged in feudal superstition activities run there."

This group of old ladies wearing red hoops believed this, so they followed my instructions and followed the blind Chen Man all the time. I lied about my military status for fear of being caught by the neighborhood Committee. Naturally, I didn't dare to stay in Taoranting Park, and I hurried away through the pine forest to look for the blind fortune teller who fled first. But there is no sign of him inside or outside the park. I have been looking for him at night and searched his residence and daily activities, but his whereabouts are still unknown.

① yùyù porridge originally described birds singing harmoniously, and later described many women and noisy voices. From Cao Qin Luo Fei by Tang Hanyu: "When flying east and flying west, pecking and pecking, a group of mother porridge."