Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The story of mathematician Sue.

The story of mathematician Sue.

At the invitation of famous mathematician Chen, Su, a famous mathematician, returned to China on March 193 1 with a doctor of science from Northeast Imperial University and was employed by National Zhejiang University. He has served as an associate professor, professor, dean, provost and provost of the Department of Mathematics. Until June 1952, due to the adjustment of colleges and universities all over the country, he was a little reluctant to become a professor. He was the head of the Department of Mathematics at Fudan University in Shanghai, and later served as provost, vice president and principal. He has served many times as a member of the China People's Political Consultative Conference, a deputy to the National People's Congress, a vice-chairman of the 7th and 8th China People's Political Consultative Conference, and a vice-chairman of the NLD Central Committee.

Looking back on Su's life in the past century, it is also rugged and muddy, with many stories. Here are a few to comfort readers.

Story 1

September 23rd 1902 was an ordinary day, but it was a rare day for Su Zushan's family who fled from Tongan, Fujian to Daixi Village, Pingyang, Zhejiang. God knows, and God bless the people. Su Zushan's family added a ding, and the couple laughed from ear to ear, and finally had a "successor" who had been farming for generations. However, Su Zushan and his wife never went to school all year round, and they suffered from illiteracy. They are eager for success, so they chose the name "Qing Bu" for their son, and the fortune teller also said some nice words. In the name of "Qing Bu", they will be able to "climb the summit and worship their ancestors" in the future.

After all, a name is not a ladder of fame and fortune. Just as his peers were carrying schoolbags to school, Su Zushan gave his son a bullwhip. From then on, Sue wore a big bamboo hat made by her father and coarse cloth sewn by her mother. He rode barefoot on the back of the cow and came to the foot of Woniu Mountain with a wave of his whip. Sue's family is a big buffalo, fat and strong, and never takes the short cowherd seriously. Once, when the buffalo got angry, it ran and jumped, throwing Sue into a newly cut bamboo garden. Blessed by God, he fell into several bamboo roots and survived.

When herding cattle home, Sue walked through the gate of the village private school and was often attracted by the sound of books. Once, the teacher was reading aloud: "Sue, at the age of 27, began to read books on fire." After listening, he read it several times. From then on, he remembered the jingle and sang in the mountains when herding cattle.

Su Zushan often listens to his son recite three-character classics and hundreds of surnames, which is puzzling. Once, I happened to see my son "eavesdropping" at the gate of a private school. Father's heart finally moved. As soon as the couple got together, they decided to tighten their belts and send Sue to a private school.

Story 2

At the age of 9, Su's father took a cart of rice as tuition, walked 50 kilometers of mountain roads and sent Su to Pingyang County, where he became a high school placement student. From the mountainous area to the county seat, Sue is really an eye-opener, and everything is novel. The first time he saw the minced meat in the steamed bread, he often changed his meal ticket into money to buy "meat steamed bread" to eat. A month's meal ticket has been used up long ago, so I have to go hungry. When he saw the water boiling in the tiger's stove, he felt very interesting. He threw the eggs he brought from home into the pot, and a pot of boiling water turned into a pot of egg drop soup. When the boiler saw it, it grabbed him and hit him.

Sue plays all day. He often comes out top in exams. At the end of the final exam, he came last in the class. However, his composition is not bad. "Eavesdropping" in the private school stimulated his interest in learning Chinese and laid a little foundation for his composition. However, the more Chinese teachers read it, the less they believe it. They always thought that Sue's composition was plagiarized. Therefore, he was awarded a low score. In this way, his stubbornness was even more aroused. The more the teacher says that he is not good, the less he studies hard. For three consecutive semesters, he was the last one. Both classmates and teachers say that he is a "fool".

Once, the geography teacher Chen Yufeng called Su to the office and told him a short story: "When Newton 12 years old, he transferred from a rural primary school to a city to study, and his grades were not good, so his classmates looked down on him. Once, a classmate bullied him rudely and kicked him in the stomach. He rolled in pain. That classmate is better than him in health and homework, and Newton is afraid of him at ordinary times. But at this moment, he couldn't bear it, jumped up and fought back, forcing the classmate into a corner and pressing it against the wall. This classmate saw that Newton was furious and had to give in. There are only so many reasons for Newton to learn from this incident: as long as he makes up his mind, he can subdue it. He worked hard and soon became the first in his class, and later became a great scientist. "

Sue is grateful to Mr. Chen for not criticizing him and telling him stories. Seeing his drooping head, Teacher Chen touched his head and said, "I think you are a clever boy. If you are willing to work hard, you will definitely get the first place in the exam. " He added, "Your parents have worked hard and saved money. I hope you can read this book well. As you are now, what will you repay them in the future? " Sue couldn't contain her inner shock any longer. Tears rolled down his chest like broken pearls, and he felt that he had done something wrong for the first time. Since then, he has completely become a sensible child, stopped playing, studied hard and won the first place in the final exam.

Story 3

A math class in Zhejiang 10 Middle School in Wenzhou led Su to the road to the kingdom of mathematics. Teacher Yang, who returned to Wenzhou from studying in Japan, took a math class with a real feeling of worrying about the country and the people: "In today's world, the law of the jungle prevails. The world powers built cannons by ships, carved up China's beans and wolfed them down. The danger of national subjugation and extinction of the Chinese nation is imminent. In order to save the nation and survive, we must revitalize science. Mathematics is the pioneer of science. In order to develop science, we must learn math well. " Teacher Yang's words touched Sue's heart. Since then, his interest has shifted from literature to mathematics. Once, Sue proved a geometric theorem in 20 different ways. When the headmaster first learned, he called Sue to the office, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Study hard and send you abroad to study in the future." When he graduated from Suzhou University, President Hong had been transferred to the Ministry of Education in Beijing, but he still cared about Su's study and sent 200 yuan money to help Su study abroad.

19 19, 17-year-old Sue bought a boat ticket to Japan, and the rest 170 yuan could hardly live for three months. He can only eat two meals a day and has no money to hire a Japanese teacher, so he has to learn from the landlord. Finally, he answered the examiner's questions in fluent Japanese, and entered the famous school-tokyo institute of technology Electrical Engineering Department with the first place. 1924 was admitted to the Department of Mathematics of Imperial University in Tohoku, Japan with the first place, and studied under the famous geometer Professor Tadashian Watanabe. 1927 after graduating from college, he sold newspapers, delivered milk, proofreaded magazines and taught family after school, and paid tuition with the money he earned, so he was promoted to the graduate school of our school without an exam. With a strong will, he studied hard and published 4 1 research papers on affine differential geometry and projective differential geometry, which opened up a new field of differential geometry research and was called "a brilliant mathematical star rising from the East" by the mathematical community. 193 1 in March, 2008, he obtained the doctor of science degree with excellent results, becoming the second foreigner to receive this degree after Chen. Since then, invitations from home and abroad have flown in like snowflakes, and Sue refused them one by one. Because two years ago, when Chen got his doctor of science degree, he sent Su to Zhejiang University, where the conditions were very poor. Sue said, "Go home first, and I'll come back after graduation. Let's make the Department of Mathematics of Zhejiang University a world-class department in 20 years ... "This may be the reason why Su did not want to leave Zhejiang University when the departments of colleges and universities in China were adjusted.

Since taking office, Sue has made brilliant achievements in scientific research and teaching. In addition to the quartic (cubic) algebraic cone discovered by graduate students, it was praised as "Su cone" by academic circles. Later, it made recognized achievements in projective curve theory, projective surface theory, high-dimensional projective space conjugate network theory, general spatial differential geometry, computational geometry and so on. He also proved that the closed Laplace sequence and structure (T4) are called "Su (Qing Bu) chain" by the world academic circles. Therefore, the famous German mathematician Brasuke called Su "the first geometer in the East", and mathematicians in Europe, America and Japan called him and his colleagues "Zhejiang University School". Indeed, during the period from 193 1 to 1952, Su trained nearly 100 students, of whom 25 served as deans and vice-presidents in more than 10 famous universities nationwide. Five of them were elected academicians of China Academy of Sciences. Together with the three academicians trained after liberation, a total of eight academicians were trained. In Fudan Institute of Mathematics, there are Gu Chaohao and Hu He in Suzhou, which is a rare gratifying phenomenon that three generations and four academicians work together.