Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Touch bones to tell a girl's fortune _ is it accurate to touch bones to tell a fortune?

Touch bones to tell a girl's fortune _ is it accurate to touch bones to tell a fortune?

Know life in osteopathy

After the Yellow Emperor pacified the war, he ordered Cangjie to create characters, and recorded all kinds of occult arts in the gobbledygook of Xuan Nv. This book was later regarded as a treasure by Jianghu people. After four thousand years of circulation, there are scattered additions and deletions, or differences, which have produced many schools. Roughly divided into: mountain, medicine, life, divination, phase, collectively known as the five techniques of metaphysics. Metaphysics is one of them.

Face reading is something that anyone with a discerning eye can do. Some blind friends also do numerology, but they can't see people's faces, so ancient clever masters invented the fortune-telling method of touching bones. The first theory of physiognomy is face, followed by lines, and the secret of physiognomy is to look at bones independently and comprehensively analyze fate, that is, the uplift or collapse of the main bones of the face and their combinations, so as to calculate people's fate.

Folk artists have a unique prediction technique in physiognomy, that is, touching bones. There are few such artists left in modern times, and many good formulas have been lost. In fact, there is a deep relationship between touching the bones and fortune telling, but the blind people in ancient times have never read the Book of Changes. Teacher Liu Heng sorted out and excavated a formula that touched the bones.

Part of the formula left by bone contact;

1, the jade occipital bone is high and positive, and the flat one is low. Note: jade occipital bone generally refers to frontal bone, which should be full and plump, and should not collapse and narrow.

2. The head and shell are prominent on both sides, smart and rich. Note: such a face is also bold.

3, the bridge of the nose is like a bamboo joint, and it is uncoordinated. Note: people with knotted noses are strong and difficult to change. People with collapsed noses are husband and wife.

4. If the cheekbones are high, the master is in power, the woman is the husband, and the flat is not dominant. A woman with high cheekbones will kill her husband, and a woman with collapsed cheekbones will still kill her husband. Women with high cheekbones are good at using means, while women with collapsed cheekbones are feminine and good at calculating behind their backs.

5, the mandible and neck bones are oblique, mean and ruthless. Note: people with zygomatic valgus are ungrateful and bite the hand that feeds them, commonly known as anti-bone.

6, the throat bone is round and small, a hundred years old, and the sharp and big one has a hard life. Women have Adam's apple, but men have worked hard all their lives but got nothing.

7. People with empty ears are smart and activists are arrogant.

8, the skull and chest ribs are flat and not convex and concave, and they are happy all their lives.

9. The round hips are precious for a long time, and the low hips are pitiful for life. A man without an ass can't keep his family business after all, and a man with a rich ass has plenty of food and clothing all his life.

10, the phalanx is slender, the elders are smart, and the short people are stupid and pure. People with long and thin fingers, people who are lucky all their lives, and people with short and protruding fingers have a hard life.

1 1, the thin arm is strong and the thin arm is weak.

12, people with thin feet are hard, but people with thick feet are comfortable.

13, cheekbones cross elders, ingratitude, bite the hand that feeds you.

14, those with prominent brow bones have high vigilance, distrust others and ups and downs in life.

15, forehead collapse, short temper and bitter life. The forehead is low and narrow, the field of vision is narrow, and there is no long-term future.

16, cheekbones, changeable personality, can share weal and woe. People with inverted triangular faces do things without principles and lack credibility.

17, the nose bone is horizontal and the elderly, with great courage and explosive personality. People with wide and low noses are bad-tempered, easy to bully and irritable.

18, those with protruding teeth are full of attack power. People with concave teeth are introverted, while people with convex teeth should be reasonable and wait for no one.

19, the mandible is slender, suspicious and sensitive.

20. People with short jaws have no patience and have little savings in their lives. Even if you have money temporarily, you will be defeated by unscrupulous descendants sooner or later.

2 1, people with sunken eyes attach importance to interests and power, and their family ties are thin.

22, broad cheekbones, trying not to be discouraged, and strong revenge.

23, dentures, life is more expensive.

24, sternal protrusion, a hard life.

25. Those with prominent frontal bones are slow to respond and good at thinking.

26, nose exposed, picky personality, poor life.

27. People with soft ears have no problem.

28. People with hard ears have strong personalities.

29. Tang Yin has a lot of backbone and courage.

30, eyebrow bone collapse, lack of ability to do things

3 1, sternal protrusion, exhausted all my life energy and finally sleepy.

32. those with protruding parietal bones are smart at an early age.

33. Two people with similar eyebrows concentrate on their work.