Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Ignite the dream of youth and cast a Chinese dream speech

In order to realize the Chinese dream and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, let's start from scratch, bloom our youthful dre

Ignite the dream of youth and cast a Chinese dream speech

In order to realize the Chinese dream and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, let's start from scratch, bloom our youthful dre

Ignite the dream of youth and cast a Chinese dream speech

In order to realize the Chinese dream and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, let's start from scratch, bloom our youthful dreams and work hard for the great Chinese dream. Let me share with you a speech about the Chinese dream of youth. Welcome to enjoy.

& gt& gt& gt More exciting "My Youth, My Chinese Dream Speech" click here. 1 Everyone's youth dream should be backed by the strength of the country. The messy American dream of the last century was based on the strong economic and cultural strength of the United States, which was the most prosperous period of the American economy. Similarly, with the rapid development of China's economy, its comprehensive national strength has been enhanced day by day, and its international status has been significantly improved. Now we have sufficient capital and ability to talk about "My Chinese Dream".

In the past, our country was poor, weak and bullied. At that time, everyone in China hoped to have a strong motherland, so that we could live a happy life. Country, country, there is a country before there is a home. Let the motherland bully and let the people of China stand up. This is the Chinese dream that our previous generation persistently pursued! After hard work, the dream of the previous generation has come true. Look around and see you smiling. As a witness to the dream of the previous generation, I feel honored and deeply responsible. They gave us bigger dreams. Today, we want to inherit this Chinese dream. Our motherland is now strong and the people are rich. There is no reason for us to do worse than the previous generation. My Chinese dream is to inherit the persistence of the previous generation and make the motherland stronger and the people richer. At the same time, let our next generation have better conditions to realize their Chinese dream.

The inheritance of the Chinese dream is the inheritance of the spirit of self-improvement of the Chinese nation. Although we don't need to experience the baptism of war today, we have the responsibility to carry forward the national spirit and contribute our own strength to everything of the motherland. Inheriting the Chinese dream of the previous generation, for the Chinese dream of the next generation, this is my Chinese dream!

The rambling of Xiongguan is really like iron, which is the pursuit of dreams; Now, starting from scratch is the persistence of dreams! Come on, let's join hands, respond to the call of the times and advance for a better tomorrow and a brilliant future! My dream, Chinese dream!

Dear judges: Hello everyone!

My name is Zhang xxx, and I come from xx Forest Management Company. The topic of my speech today is "Let the dream of youth plug in the wings of flying".

"Fake horse, not enough, and go thousands of miles; A man who pretends to be a boat can't swim, but he can't swim. The life of a gentleman is different, and goodness is illusory. " I think: If the "Dream of Youth" is inserted with flying wings, it will fly high, have a bird's eye view of the river and soar in Wan Li. When it comes to "youth dreams", you must rarely think of such people. They are all young women, wearing the armbands of managers and patrolling the prescribed sections. As long as you pay more attention, you can see the managers, who are interrelated and echo each other, forming a beautiful landscape at the foot of the mountain. In winter, they sometimes run on the road to keep out the cold; In summer, they can never escape the wind and rain. Some people say that they are propagandists of fire prevention and managers of forest resources. I said: they are the "guardians" who manage resources and make people rich!

When it comes to "youth dreams", you must rarely think of such people. They are all men. They are all dressed in camouflage uniforms. They climbed mountains and lay on the snow to put out the mountain fire. When they are hungry, they take a few bites of dry food. Thirst, take a few sips to control the landscape. Some people say that they are lighters, I said: they are the main force to protect the country and defend the country.

When it comes to "youth dreams", you must rarely think of such people. They gave up the idea of waiting, relying on and needing, and operated independently, developing black fungus and breeding forest chickens. Many people are waiting and waiting, from small vendors to big bosses. Nowadays, with a little attention, you can see their busy driving, and with a little attention, you can see their growing shops. Some people disdain to say that they used to be rangers and bricklayers. I said: they are the representatives of getting rid of poverty and getting rich, and they are the leaders of running a well-off society!

When it comes to the "dream of youth", you will rarely think of such people. They have built mineral development bases, comprehensively promoted shantytown renovation projects and central heating projects, and made the town colorful and changing with each passing day. Some people say that the development here is too slow. I said: They built a low-carbon town in China. Therefore, when I say "Dream of Youth", it is not a passionate expression, not a moonwalk, not an illusory concept on the Internet, nor a crazy dance step in KTV ... "Dream of Youth" is a paean to dedication, and [Lotus Hill Class] is a persistent step to seize the day!

How many people's youth chose to escape and avoid, and how many people's youth chose to sink and rebel. I remember a poem that said, "Can't you see that the farewell of the whole family on the train station platform can only turn into a thousand tears ..." Youth only gives us healthy and strong bodies, fearless determination and sunny smiles. If you don't have a dream, bury your youth in the game.

With the implementation of the natural forest protection project, the project of making families rich has been integrated into people's lives, and the under-forest economy has caught a fast-developing train, making our "dream of youth" colorful ... Xing 'an in May is full of spring. I wonder, does the mountain forest spend a lot of time brewing such rich content because it is looking forward to the arrival of spring? As foresters and young people, should we also spend a lot of time weaving our "youth dream"? "There was no road in the world. If there were more people walking, it would become a road." Young friends, let's work diligently, positively and honestly, put wings on our "youth dream", fly in the mountains and realize our "youth dream" in the mountains!

In Africa, there are only two kinds of animals that can reach the top of the pyramid. One is an eagle, flying to the top of the pyramid with its powerful wings. The other is a snail, which has no wings and can only crawl, but it keeps going up step by step and finally realizes its dream at the top of the pyramid like an eagle.

I also have my own youth dream, and one day I can climb to the top of the pyramid and overlook the beautiful scenery. Looking back on my day and night when I entered the power industry, I was filled with emotion. Today, I can't say that I have realized my dream, but I can definitely say that I am on the way to realize my dream. Next, I will tell you a story about me and my masters, and another story about me and Gaoxin Thermal Power.

Seven years ago, as a college graduate, I entered the power industry with the expectation and longing of my youthful dream and became an ordinary front-line executive. When I first entered the factory, I dreamed of flying like an eagle. But just after a month, I found that my daily work is meter reading, inspection, inspection and meter reading. At that time, I felt that my youth was like a power plant, a gray chimney, a gray cement wall and even a gray overalls. Repeated inspection and meter reading every day gradually made me lose my original enthusiasm. I complain every day, is my youth dying in this gray like those masters who have worked for more than 20 years? I always feel like an eagle. I don't want to fly in this gray power plant at all.

However, some people and events later gradually changed my view.

I just entered the factory in the summer, and I am going to get off work soon. We received the task of indirectly installing a temporary power cord on the locomotive. Reluctantly, I followed the monitor Dong Zhang and slowly swayed there. In order to get off work early, I cleverly and simply separated the strands, put the nut in the middle, and screwed it at will to start fixing. At this moment, Dong Zhang stopped me: "How could you? This does not meet the joint specifications and will cause serious safety hazards. " Before I could tell the difference, he pushed me aside and began to operate by myself. I clearly remember that it was a set of multi-strand aluminum core wires the size of a ballpoint pen. It's hard, it's hard to bend the ring that holds the nut. When he struggled to bend a phase line with pliers, I said, "Forget it, monitor, it's past the off-duty time, let the next shift do it slowly!" " However, the monitor didn't seem to hear what I said, so he continued to work hard. It's over 40 degrees in the turbine workshop, and I'm standing next to it sweating. When the monitor fixed the last nut, his work clothes were completely soaked. When I looked at the textbook standard connector, when I saw the sweat dripping from the monitor's forehead on the wet ground, my heart was shocked. Isn't this the meticulous persistence of electric workers?

After entering the factory for half a year, I began to learn to write operation tickets. As a professional, I think writing tickets is the easiest thing. I wrote an operation ticket for bus switch maintenance in two minutes, but when I showed it to Master Zhang Wei, he returned it to me: "Did you see the equipment number clearly?" This is the circuit breaker 100 1. How is it written as 1002? "When I disapprovingly changed 1 to 2, Zhang Wei shouted," Don't you know that the equipment number of the operation ticket can't be altered? ""Nothing, 1 changed to 2, no one can see it. " "No, you are not only responsible for the safety of the device, but also for your own safety!" "Is it not a number, as for it! It's too much trouble to copy it again, so I won't write it! " "Well, you don't write, I'll write, this task, my monitor and I operate. When can I write a qualified operation ticket and when can I go back to work! "When I watched Zhang Wei write the operation ticket word by word, when I watched him and the monitor sing and repeat the operation ticket seriously on the simulation diagram, my thoughts were touched. Isn't this the almost harsh seriousness of electric workers?

Time passed in a hurry, and it was 20xx years in a blink of an eye. 165438+ On June 9th of that year, an unexpected snowstorm seriously affected the traffic and life in Shijiazhuang. The snowstorm has lasted for 20 hours. I was in the middle class. Just after dinner, the telephone in the control room rang. It was Yang Zhenlong, the night shift supervisor. He was worried about what was wrong with the factory, so he called to find out about the arrival of the employees. When I wanted to hang up, I joked, "Yang, there is a snowstorm on the road. Don't come tonight." But what I heard was that Yang Shichang simply said, "Don't worry, I will arrive on time." At the end of work, I saw Yang Zhenlong come in from the outside, flushed and panting, and all the clothes below the knee were soaked. Afterwards, I learned that his home is more than ten kilometers away from our unit. That night, he went out before eight o'clock, and the bus could not continue on the way. Yang Zhenlong walked alone in dozens of centimeters of snow for more than two hours. And all the 4 1 colleagues who work night shifts at night arrive at their posts on time. When I recall that he took off his shoes soaked with snow and sweat, and when I recall the simple promise of "Rest assured, I will arrive on time", my eyes are moist. Isn't this the selfless dedication of electric workers?

Looking at them, think about yourself, Dong Zhang, Zhang Wei, Yang Zhenlong ... Thousands of electric workers in Qian Qian are working and contributing to that responsibility and the brightness and warmth of thousands of families in their ordinary posts, and what am I doing?

Finally, I realized that I am not an eagle, I am just a snail, but I want to be a snail crawling on the road of my dreams.

I have been in the power plant for seven years, and I have been confused and flinched. It was the lessons that the masters gave me with simple movements and simple language, which made me cheer up and work hard. The following time was very full, studying and working, taking part in cultural performances and basketball games, organizing colleagues to ride for an outing, and offering love to Yingshanhong Association. I told myself that I was a snail. Only by climbing, climbing and climbing again can the dream of reaching the top be realized. In these seven years, I have tears and sweat; There are joys and sorrows; I have paid and gained; I have failed and I have succeeded. But one thing has never changed, that is, I have been working hard towards my dream.

In this way, I studied and grew up with Hebei Company, from an ordinary electrical attendant to a long-term intern. From outstanding members of Shijiazhuang, to advanced individuals who "fly the league flag" and then to "outstanding members of central enterprises"; From trade union activists to "youth employment experts" of China Power Investment Corporation, and then to Hebei Province, we pay special attention to "the most beautiful young workers". My achievements come not only from myself, but also from the teaching and encouragement of the masters; Tolerance and encouragement from high-tech thermoelectric group; The opportunity and stage for our youth from China Power Investment Hebei Company.

Finally, I still want to say: I can't say that I have realized my dream, but I can proudly say that I am firmly on the road to realizing my dream. I am a snail, but I firmly believe that I will climb to the top of the pyramid like you and realize our youth dream!

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