Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - A fortune teller's comic book

A fortune teller's comic book

Du's early family was very poor. He was once so poor that he could only sell fruit. Later, he was appreciated by Huang, the boss of green gang, and Du slowly made his fortune. But in front of Huang, the fortune teller said that Du will develop better than Huang in the future, which means that Du will replace him. How can Du Yuesheng not be afraid? You know, yellow is a heartless commodity. The fortune teller said that he could kill Du directly.

1902, Du became a member of green gang. At that time, green gang's boss was Huang, and Du was sent by Huang to be responsible for the management of French Concession casinos. Du is a very talented person. He is not only clever, but also popular. He soon became Huang's right-hand man and regarded him as his confidant.

But on this day, Huang had nothing to do, so he went out to look for it with Du, and happened to meet a fortune teller, so they decided to calculate a divination.

But after reading their palms, the fortune teller said in front of Huang that Du's future fate would be better than Huang's. At this time, Huang, as the boss of green gang, is in need of wind and rain, and Dolby Huang is better. What does this mean? It's hard to say whether Du will rebel in the future. Will Huang lose his big brother status?

So when Du heard this, he broke out in a cold sweat, shook his head and accused the fortune teller of talking nonsense. The fortune teller smiled and stopped talking. Du successfully dodged a bullet.

However, time later proved that the fortune teller was right. Compared with his eldest brothers Huang and Du, he is better at associating with warlords. Moreover, his mind is flexible, and soon his business is getting bigger and bigger, bringing in a group of brothers. The limelight has already overshadowed the eldest brother Huang, who has become a veritable boss in green gang.