Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Domineering, sharp and funny liar quotations are cheap all over the world.

Domineering, sharp and funny liar quotations are cheap all over the world.

Domineering, sharp and funny liar quotations are cheap all over the world.

1, you are the wind, I am the sand, lingering into a "sandstorm".

2. I just want to break up with you, and I can still afford the ten cents of SMS fee.

3. The meaning of children's words is to treat what children say as fart.

4. There is a lot of meat. If you eat it, you will not lose it.

No matter where we are, cheeky people will never fail.

The doctor told me to do photosynthesis and not to stay up late.

7. Holding a mobile phone in your hand and a bb in your ear. Don't be infatuated with me. I already have a wife.

8. I don't think I'm fit to be a mistress. I always lose at games.

9. You keep your word. I won't pay back until I pay back the money.

10, staying up late hurts, and sleeping is my only relief.

1 1, of course God will forgive, because that is his profession.

12, don't think that you are a literary youth because you are wearing stupid glasses frames.

13, drive mistress away with this hand and continue to fight for happiness in the future.

14. What I am depends on how others treat me.

15, don't underestimate the elder sister, she also fought for the revolution before.

16, money is a bastard, spend it and earn it back.

17, who can resist smiling?

18, do more possible, not useless.

19, I see you have a face, but you have a heart worse than an animal.

20. My sister is irresistible, but she was smoked back by your fart.

2 1, little me, wearing everything with secular eyes.

22. The gossip you heard is what my sister has been saying.

23. You like people around you, but I can just turn you unconscious.

24. Eat, drink, and order goods, and feel pain and call your wife.

25. Isn't it time to walk over and come back?

26. If we all obey the rules, it is not life.

27. I just put my heart on you for the time being. Don't forget, you have no right to hurt.

28. Who is your accessory, you or my spare tire?

I hate it when you say you like me, but you never take action.

Don't say I've changed, it's all because of you.

3 1, I want to be strong. God sent me into this world to be the boss.

32. Play my sister's love as a game. I'll see if you fight in the end.

33. All that can be robbed is rubbish.

To put it bluntly, I am a diehard, and I love you. There is no cure.

35. Women are used for pain, and men are used to support their families.

36. Put away your hypocrisy. Now, immediately, immediately, roll up your bedding and fuck off.

37, high-profile is the most hypocritical, low-key is the most cattle B show off.

38. Your eyes are poisonous, and you see through a beautiful woman's clothes.

39. spoony people are all killed by heartless people.

40. I'm low-key, but I'm a little long.

4 1. If you don't like this drag bottle, you can step aside.

I can live alone, but I want to have you more.

43. I am not so generous, watching you and others show off your love in front of me.

44. I always make you so free and easy.

You are so fat that I can't kick it out of my heart.

46. Swearing is my pet phrase, and ignoring others is my specialty.

47. Don't try to seduce my sister, she is already taken.

48. I am such a person. I am happy before people and poor after people.

49. I would rather laugh mercilessly than cry piteously.

You liar, I hate it when people lie to me.

These 60 signatures are cheap all over the world.

These 60 signatures are cheap all over the world.

1, who has no shit and who has no paper since ancient times. If you don't use toilet paper, unless you use your fingers.

2. I finally understand why I have no inspiration, because there is a saying that love can inspire people.

When we were young, we were princesses. When we grow up, we will be used to princess disease by our relatives and friends.

4. I always feel that in ancient times, the mood of getting married and lifting the hijab was similar to scratching the lottery.

It is said that marriage is the grave of love, so isn't the anniversary celebration a grave-sweeping?

6. When will mosquitoes evolve to suck fat instead of blood?

7. Is the daughter-in-law important or the game important? Daughter-in-law is of course important, so I only dare to play games, not dare to hit my daughter-in-law. Yao Jiaxin was sentenced to death in the first instance. After watching the news, the boss told us earnestly, look, this is what happens when you want a raise.


9. I forgot to tell you. Actually, I love you so much that I forgot to tell you. Actually, I miss you very much.

10, indifferent people, thank you for underestimating me, and let me live a more wonderful life without bowing my head.

1 1, at noon on weeding day, mines are buried. Li Bai came to dance and was blown to 250.

12, the biggest failure of a man is not that no girl likes him, but that the girl who likes him feels blind from the beginning.

13, a bitch is a bitch, even if the economic crisis, you can't be expensive.

14. Do I know you well? Just play a video if it's okay. Think of it as your TV. When you press it, people come out.

15, I eat quietly, just like I gain weight quietly. I went to bed late, but I brought a piece of fat.

16, life is really ironic, a person will really become what he once hated.

17, people who say good night to sleep are often still showing off in an ostentatious manner after half an hour.

18. The teacher didn't talk in the middle of class, indicating that some students died.

19, the parents' meeting, like the mistress, aims to destroy family harmony!

20, acne, more than 700 million a year, acne can circle the earth twice.

2 1, Journey to the West tells us that monsters with backgrounds have been taken away, and those without backgrounds have been killed by a stick.

22. I am the gum in your hair. You want to get rid of me unless you cut your hair.

23. It is said that all the characters in Hyun Dance have good figures. I'm telling you, if you bounce around like this every day, you'll lose weight.

24. When I was a child, I blushed whenever someone stared at me. Now whenever someone stares at me, I make him blush.

25. It is said that falling in love affects learning. Doesn't study affect falling in love?

26. If I can travel through time and space, I must plant a durian tree in front of Newton's house.

27, so shameless and heartless, your weight should be very light.

28. You will never understand my sadness, just as the fat man doesn't understand why the thin man wants to lose weight.

29, I'll go. Who are the fast men this year? They look as if they were joking with the singer.

30. At that time, I was also an infatuated seed, but I was killed by lightning.

3 1, listening to songs is divided into two situations: single cycle to death, random play of various cuts.

32. It's not that I don't want to be a lady, it's life that makes me a bitch.

We are good friends. I'll give you a hand when you fall, but only after I finish laughing.

34. I really admire Zhao Ting. These movies didn't say anything about a makeover. I can't do it.

35. The highest level of being a handsome guy is not that you pick up girls, but that girls pick up girls.

36. Never hang yourself from a tree. You can try it several times in the surrounding trees.

37. A real brother is your woman when you need her most.

38. Oh, I'll go. Life flies. I am officially a sophomore today.

39. Zhao Wei said that good-looking people have youth; Guo Xiaosi said, no, rich people have youth.

40. Learn from Tencent if you have nothing to do, and call me dear every day!

4 1, I always thought I was a talent, but I was wrong, I'm not! I am a genius.

Please don't cry, because your sad face looks too ferocious.

43. One day, I changed the automatic reply to and then? As a result, someone talked all afternoon.

44. Narcissism is to be a man in the next life and marry a wife like me!

45. When I was a child, I thought bleeding was a serious matter. Whether it hurts or not, cry first.

46. Mix and match is our business. Then don't worry, don't compare behind your back.

47. Everyone else is holding hands, but I am holding a dog in my hand. Take a walk and see who is dissatisfied with biting.

90% women don't like men in pink shirts, but 90% men in pink shirts don't like women.

I can't sing out of tune, I just like to sing my own songs.

50. I don't want to take off the clothes I just bought, whether I wash them or not.

5 1. When I have money, I will take the person I hate the most to the best mental hospital.

52, weeding day at noon, class is really hard. A little broken book, sitting all morning.

53. From primary school to university, the only constant is a heart that doesn't want to learn.

54. I planted girlfriends in spring and harvested a bunch of men in autumn.

55. As the best rogue in the world, I have the dream of pursuing drunkenness and debauchery.

Only when there is a long queue at the railway station can we really realize that we are descendants of the dragon.

57. I set my mobile phone to flight mode. Why is it broken when you throw it downstairs from home?

58. The so-called pig-like roommate should be that I have a cold. Tell him to come back and bring me a box of black and white. He brought me a pack of Oreos.

59. This thing of love feels that once it comes, the principle has long since rolled away.

60. Borrow a friend's car, and the friend said to refuel the car when he returned it. When I returned the car, I rushed to the car and applauded.

The shocking quotations are too classic and domineering.

1. One day, Xiaosan cried, and then Xiao Si appeared. 2. I accidentally want to grow old with you.

Miss the saddest memory, but it is the most touching memory.

4. Eating food to lose weight shows that she is unhappy.

5. Innocence in cruelty and cuteness in bullying.

6, ice, melted, is water; Tasteless water!

7. There are many ways to make money, but it's not you!

8. Daughters-in-law can stay together for a long time, and a girl can't replace a wife.

9. If you are a chopstick in your next life, you won't be lonely.

10, the best day is nothing more than you making fun of me and laughing.

1 1, I want to give you happiness with my own hands, I don't trust others.

12, I don't lose my temper, I just don't lose my temper easily.

13, eat big brother, drink big brother and grass big brother at the critical time.

14, people who care don't understand, and people who know don't care.

15, if you don't have my sadness, don't feel my pain.

16, no one can walk into my heart like you.

17, my buddy's greatest wish is: beautiful women don't wear clothes!

18, full of love, all beautiful women in the world have lovers.

19. If you have children, just like Sun Zhongmou. If you find your father, you will find Kim Il Sung.

20, salary is like a holiday, you will be dumbfounded if you don't come in January.

2 1, when is the time to hug each other, Yang is watching.

22. Nothing is a shortcoming except that I have no advantages.

I treat money like dirt. My dad treats me like a septic tank.

24. The strength of a man is the RMB in your pocket.

25. My life is decided by me, not by God. God wants to destroy me and I will destroy God.

26. The most painful thing in life is the price increase of instant noodles.

27. If you want to lose, you will lose to the pursuit. If you want to marry, marry happiness.

28. Real people never show their faces, and those who show their faces are not real people.

29. Asking what the world is like will only teach people all kinds of jealousy.

30. I am an actor. As soon as I see the beautiful MM, my eyes are greedy!

3 1, if you don't ask for it, you will feel at ease. If you don't do it, you will be safe.

32. I let those who help me never fall.

33. If the garden can't be closed in spring, I will draw an almond out of the wall.

34. Put down the shelf of your college students and find a bowl of rice first!

35. I am just used to having you, not wanting you.

36. First friends, then sisters, and finally babies.

37. A love story refuted by reality is not as good as a love song.

38. I was young and frivolous yesterday, and I also had a one-time injury.

39. I hate Qin Shihuang. He didn't finish burning the book.

40. Chopin can't play Lao Tzu's sadness no matter how awesome he is!

4 1, memory is a bridge, but it leads to a lonely prison!

42. Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, so don't worry about them.

43. Take fewer pictures, or your inferiority complex will come out.

44. I have my own discretion in falling in love, which will not affect my study!

45. Low-key men are high-profile, and high-profile men show signs of being beaten.

46, forcing death is only an instant, shameless that is eternal!

47, 10,000 games of happiness and drunkenness, the world is idle on the ground.

48. Men and women do not give and receive. The population of China is 65.438+300 million.

49. If you were a flower, cows wouldn't dare to shit in the future.

When my mother became a swan, you were still an egg.

5 1, I regard money as dirt, and my father regards me as a cesspit.

I said I love you to the sky, and it thundered.

53. Money makes many people who don't love each other sleep together.

Don't take my tolerance as your shameless capital.

55, you didn't spoil the word youth, you are in beginning of autumn.

56. As long as the hoe jumps well, which corner can't be dug down?

57. One day, San Xiao cried because San Xiao appeared.

58. I am not a TV. Don't always stare at me.

Don't say you are overbearing, because some people are very low-key.

60. What a beautiful chrysanthemum, but you pinched it.

6 1, people can play with nose bubbles if they are bored.

62. If you don't know water, how can you win or lose if you don't fight?

63. Men dare to do business, while women dare not put on makeup.

64. TV, a square box that laughs at lonely people.

65. Cover your crotch and respect others' crotch.

66. The cock fights head-to-head, and the husband and wife quarrel without holding grudges.

67, where there is no cow dung in the end of the world, why unrequited love for a piece of shit.

68, diaosi will eventually counterattack, and the fungus will not return to powder.

69. Even if everyone is lost, at least there is me.

70. Youth beckoned to me, but I clung to it.

7 1, there are ten thousand possibilities in life without you!

My eyes are crying for you, but my heart is holding an umbrella for you.

73. I'm not afraid of thousands of people blocking me. I'm afraid of surrendering myself.

74. Sit up when you are dying, Kieran, where are you?

75. If you can't forget, you should forget. If not, you should do it.

76. It is not a hero who is not grinded by the sky, but a mediocrity who is not envied.

77, the left eye jumps, the peach blossoms open, the right eye jumps, and the chrysanthemums open.

78. What you play is diving, and what I play is lurking.

79. Eat and drink. Don't take it to heart.

80. Don't deteriorate in debauchery, but change in silence.

8 1, there is no way out but to take the bus.

82. Small trees will grow big, big trees will grow old, and old trees will wither.

83. Laughter is the extension of feelings, and tears are the purification of feelings.

84. When do you hug each other? I'm watching the fun.

I may not be at home when I am pursuing Happyness.

86. Who is the best, who is the hottest, except Lei Feng!

It's my bad luck to meet you at the best age.

88. When riding the world of mortals and Galen laughed, they knew it was Zhao.

89. Try two pillows when you can't sleep alone.

90. I will send you salt if I love you, and send you to Japan if I hate you.

9 1, don't ask others why, ask yourself why.

92. When I opened my eyes, I knew you were a demon!

93. I'll boil the cold water you spilled and pour it back to you.

94. Why pretend to be pure when it's all water? Why pretend to be a sheep when they are all wolves?

95. The only thing I can lift in my life is chopsticks.

96. I am not green tea, so I have no chance to drink another bottle.

97. Just because I think you look back, I miss your morning and evening.

98. Don't go against me, I'll give you a big fright.

We want to fly in heaven, two birds are one, and I want to be a pig in the same circle!

100, choose a gesture to make yourself irreplaceable.

10 1, who should be robbed by who has become the obsession.

102, I would rather be proud of being moldy than humble in love!

103, if you can't beat and scold, this is fucking love.

104, if the sky is sentimental, people are old and women die young.

105. We will know tomorrow the day after tomorrow.

106. Looking at it, it's all goods. Who do you want to live with, sister?

107, I can resist anything except money and beautiful women.

108, the antonym of love is not love but love.

109, who will understand how painful the sadness is after the fireworks are gone?

1 10, it is better to fight with the wise than to talk to someone.

1 1 1, the sky is gray, the night is boundless, men dress up as women and play hooligans.

1 12, beauty is in the eyes of the lover, but beauty is in the eyes of the enemy.

1 13, I only like two kinds of flowers: rich flowers and leisure flowers.

1 14, live a solid day and hide for a lifetime.

1 15. If I can't beat you, I will turn against you.

1 16, the highest state of self-help: help the wall in, help the wall out.

1 17, since ancient times, anyone who has no shit has kept healthy one lump a day.

1 18, forget it if you are not smart, learn from others' baldness.

1 19. When I sing, the wolf comes. When you sing, the wolf runs away!

120, fall in love no matter how ugly. When the world is full of love.

Funny and deceptive, tell me about it.

1. If you can't say it in your mouth, it will flow out of your eyes.

2. Handsome players are handsome, while ugly golfers are like shoveling shit.

3. Some people test strength, some people test eyesight, and I test imagination.

I used to know nothing but reading, but now I know everything except reading.

When I am in a bad mood, I will make harassing calls to others in the middle of the night to wake them up and I will sleep.

6. I was very young. What about you? Are you old?

You must come when I lose weight, because I lose my appetite when I see you.

8. I am not a fortune teller on the overpass. I can't say so much you like to hear.

9. I don't swear, because I have strong hands-on ability.

10, sleeping is an art, and no one can stop me from pursuing art!

1 1. If the sun doesn't come out, I won't go to school. If I come out, I'll go back to sleep!

12. Without you, there would be no fool.

13, wallet, I never thought you were fat. What have you swollen over the years?

14, Spirited Away, the most inspiring words-don't eat too fat, you will be killed.

15, you have a good figure. Even the Monkey King will give you three sticks when he sees you.

16, those who always say that others pretend to be awesome, you are not even pretending to be forced.

17, people who don't like me, you can pretend to be blind or commit suicide.

18, the weather is good today. I stayed indoors for a long time and am going to play in the living room.

19, many times I'm not stupid, I'm just too lazy to be smart.

20. When the mushrooms get cold, find someone who can ruin your lipstick, not someone who will ruin your mascara.

2 1. When I find my boyfriend, I will slap him twice. I have to ask, where have you been hiding all these years?

22, when the history exam, history will be rewritten by me!

When I stood in a long line, I realized that I was a descendant of the dragon.

24. When you see a beautiful woman, touch your pocket first to see if you have any money!

25. If you can't find a lantern, I want to say, is your lantern too dark?

26. You are a bitch, and you always sow discord between us and our parents.

27. Don't say you have nothing, at least you are still sick.

28. Don't flirt with me, or I will flirt with you!