Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Your own destiny and the fate given by books.

Your own destiny and the fate given by books.

Knowledge is power-bacon. If you have knowledge, your fate will be different from your fate without knowledge. At the same time, you will change your destiny because you have knowledge. (For example, you know how to save yourself in a crisis) But reading is not the only way to acquire knowledge. Mark my words, go your own way and control your own destiny! !

If the book you are talking about is a fortune-telling book, I will tell you that fortune-telling books (here refers to good fortune-telling books, and some fortune-telling books are pieced together according to other people's books) are written according to the typical characteristics of a certain kind of people, and it can often sum up some of them (for example, people with blood type ○ are good at helping others), but people are complex, and everyone's personality has another side, just how many problems there are. If a person has leukemia and changes his bone marrow, and O-type blood becomes A-type blood, will his personality and fate change? It's hard to say. If a person's family was rich when he was a child and went bankrupt when he grew up, will his personality change?

Therefore, it is impossible for a fortune-telling book to predict everyone's fate, but because it is a summary of most people's experience (although not comprehensive), we should see if we have any problems it says, carry forward the good ones and only do the bad ones. Even if it is not changed, there will not necessarily be problems, because it only talks about the general situation without considering the specific situation. For example, people with type A blood are impulsive and prone to cerebral hemorrhage, but nothing else is considered.

If this person likes sports and tea at ordinary times, it is not easy to get cerebral hemorrhage.