Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Zhouzhi county, Shaanxi Nanshan fortune teller _ Zhouzhi fortune teller.

Zhouzhi county, Shaanxi Nanshan fortune teller _ Zhouzhi fortune teller.

Address of 90-year-old fairy in Lantian Zhong Nanshan

Lishan Mountain, Lintong District, Xi, Shaanxi Province. According to Baidu map, the address of Zhong Nanshan, a 90-year-old fairy, is located in Lishan, Lintong District, xi City, Shaanxi Province, starting from Yangjiabao, the easternmost part of Lantian County, Xi City, to Nanliangji, Taibai Mountain, the main peak of Qinling Mountain in western zhouzhi county, with a total area of about 485 1 square kilometer.