Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Information about Jane Eyre and Charlotte Brontexq

Information about Jane Eyre and Charlotte Brontexq

The novel Jane Eyre

Comment on public figures and social affairs

Charlotte Brontexq was born in a village priest's family in the north of England. When her mother died young, eight-year-old Charlotte was sent to Covent Bridge Girls' Boarding School, a charity for orphans of clergy. The living conditions there are extremely bad. Her two sisters, Maria and Elizabeth, both died of lung disease. So Charlotte and her sister Emily returned to their hometown and spent their childhood in the desolate Yorkshire mountains. /kloc-At the age of 0/5, she entered the school run by Miss Wooler and worked as a teacher in this school a few years later. Later, she became a governess, but because she couldn't stand the discrimination and meanness of Miss Guo, she gave up her job as a governess. She had planned to start her own school, so she went to Italy with Emily and studied French and German with the help of her aunt. However, because no one came to study, the school failed. However, her experience of studying in Italy stimulated her strong desire to express herself and urged her to devote herself to the road of literary creation. Charlotte Brontexq was born in howarth, Yorkshire, England. His father is a poor priest in the local Anglican Church, and his mother is a housewife. Charlotte Brontexq ranks third, with two sisters, two younger sisters and one younger brother. Emily bronte and anne bronte are also famous writers, so they are often called "Bronte Three Sisters" in the history of English literature. Charlotte Brontexq had an unhappy childhood. 182 1 year, that is, when she was 5 years old, her mother died of cancer. Father's income is very small, and the life of the whole family is hard and bleak. Howarth is an inland mountainous area. Young Charlotte and her brothers and sisters can only play in the swamp. Fortunately, my father is a graduate of St. John's College in Cambridge. He possessed a vast store of knowledge. He often teaches children to read, guides them to read books, newspapers, magazines and tells stories to them. This is the only pleasure that children can get after their mother's death, and it also has an initial impact on Charlotte and her two sisters, making them have a strong interest in literature since childhood. 1824, my sisters Maria and Elizabeth were sent to a boarding school in Covent Bridge near howarth, and Charlotte and her sister Emily were also sent there soon. At that time, only poor children went to such schools. The conditions there are extremely poor, but the school rules are very strict. Children are punished by corporal punishment all year round, and they have to walk several miles to church in the cold or heat every Sunday. Because of the bad conditions, typhoid fever was prevalent in schools the next year. Charlotte's two sisters were infected with the disease and died painfully within a few days after being sent home. After that, my father stopped letting Charlotte and Emily go to that school, but everything there has left a terrible impression on Charlotte's heart. She will never forget this life. Later, in her novel Jane Eyre, she described it with great sadness. The image of the lovely little girl Helen in the novel was based on her sister Maria. After Charlotte returned to China, life was the same as before, but she and her sisters had more interests. They study music, play the piano, sing and draw together. They are most interested in learning to write. The Brontes have been living alone, and the Charlotte sisters have been withdrawn since childhood. In this lonely village of Howorth, the only comfort they can find is to let their imagination gallop in front of the wilderness and write bizarre and touching stories. At that time, Charlotte 14 years old had written many novels, poems and plays. According to her own book list, she has written as many books as 1 1 volume, each volume is 60 to 100 pages. Although these exercises are still naive, they have shown considerable literary accomplishment and rich imagination. Such works can be said to have fully prepared her for becoming famous in the literary world in the future. /kloc-at the age of 0/5, Charlotte entered Ms. Wooler's school in Rohead. A few years later, in order to earn money for her younger brothers and sisters to go to school, she became a teacher in this school. She continued to write while teaching, but so far she has not published any works. 1836, that is, when she was 20 years old, she had the courage to send her short poems to Southey, the poet laureate at that time. However, what I got was reprimanded by the great poet. In her reply, Southey said to her rudely: "Literature-it is not a women's cause, and it should not be a women's cause." This pot of cold water made Charlotte very sad, but she didn't lose heart because of it, and she still wrote silently. 1838, Charlotte left Miss Wooler's school. The next year, she went to a rich family as a tutor. This profession was discriminated against at that time, and Charlotte personally experienced the hardships and humiliation of being a governess. In a letter to her sister Emily at that time, she wrote: "Private teachers ... are meaningless and are not treated as living and rational people at all." Therefore, she soon hated and even hated the profession of governess. She worked as a tutor twice in 1839 and 184 1 respectively, but each time it was only a few months because she couldn't stand it. It was in these two years that someone proposed to Charlotte: one was her girlfriend's brother and the other was a young priest. But these two proposals were rejected by her, because she felt that they didn't really love her and just wanted to marry a wife according to tradition. Charlotte and Emily don't want to leave home to make a living outside, but they can't live on their father's income, so they want to set up a school in their village to teach local children to read, so that they may make a living. They all want to teach French, but their French is not good. At this time, menstruation, who helped with housework in their home, stepped forward and took out all her savings to let the two sisters go to Brussels to study French. So they entered a French school in Brussels. This school is run by a couple named Herge, and French is taught by Herge himself. Mr. Herge has made great achievements in French literature. Under his guidance, the Bronte sisters mastered the basic knowledge of French in a short period of one year, read a lot of famous French literature, and learned about the creative styles and artistic characteristics of writers of various schools. However, for Charlotte, during her one-year stay in Brussels, it was Herge himself who left the deepest impression on her. He is not only knowledgeable and clever, but also has a kind of masculinity that is very attractive to young women. He is easily excited and a little rude, but he is straightforward and frank. Charlotte has fallen in love with this married man in her heart, but she has never made it clear. Hergé has no interest in her at all, so she keeps this subtle emotion to herself. After returning from Brussels, Charlotte began to organize the school with her two sisters, and hung up the signboard of "Bronte Sister School". However, they never imagined that after a few months, no students came to school, only officials who came to collect taxes. The ideal of running a school is shattered. Charlotte thought writing might have a way out. /kloc-in the autumn of 0/845, she accidentally read some poems written by her sister Emily, and suddenly thought that the three sisters could be combined into a collection of poems. So they discussed it, each took out some poems to piece together, and published a book of poems at their own expense with some money left by menstruation that had died at that time. Instead of their real names, they used three pseudonyms: Kohler Bell, Ellis Bell and acton Bell. Although their poems were beautifully written, no one paid attention to them, and only two copies were sold after publication. However, in any case, the publication of poetry is always a major event for them. Their creative enthusiasm was aroused, so the three sisters began to bury themselves in writing novels again. By this time, Charlotte was thirty years old. It took her nearly a year to write a novel called Teacher. Sister Emily and Anne wrote Wuthering Heights and Agnes Gray respectively. Together, they sent three novels to the publisher. Soon, the publisher wrote back that Wuthering Heights and Agnes Gray had been accepted, but Charlotte's Teacher would be returned. This is a big blow to Charlotte. But she didn't flinch, but started writing another novel in one breath. This is Jane Eyre. Twenty years ago or earlier, the book Jane Eyre was very popular among young women who were growing up. Even men-men who like to keep a little literary accent-like to ask women who are willing to further develop their relationships: "Have you read Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontexq?" Whether you look at it or not seems to indicate the taste of this woman. Life is like this. Charlotte Brontexq has brought us into a world of love and hate.

Bronte sister

From 65438 to 0847, Jane Eyre, Agnes Gray and Wuthering Heights were published in Britain. The appearance of these three works caused a strong sensation in the literary world; These three immortal masterpieces were written by three little-known sisters, and they became a much-told story in the history of English literature. The three sisters are Charlotte Brontexq, emily bronte and anne bronte. Charlotte's Jane Eyre immediately attracted the attention of critics at that time with its novel theme and sincere feelings, while Emily occupied a prominent position in the history of English literature by virtue of Wuthering Heights, a novel with strange imagination. However, people did not expect that the success of these three sisters stems from their lonely, depressed and unfortunate lives.


Jane Eyre, written in Sheffield, England, is an autobiographical novel, explaining such a theme: human value = dignity+love. Jane Eyre's pursuit of life has two basic melodies: passion, fantasy, resistance and persistence; Longing for freedom and happiness in the world and pursuing a higher spiritual realm. The theme of this novel is to successfully create a female image who is uneasy about the status quo, unwilling to be humiliated and dare to fight through the rough life experience of an orphan girl, reflecting the call sign and censure of an ordinary soul and the desire of a lowercase person to become a capitalized person. Jane Eyre is a book with great response. The publishing house published this work on June 1847+00. Thackeray praised it as "the masterpiece of great genius". When the third edition was published the following year, the Review Quarterly mentioned that "Jane Eyre and Vanity Fair are equally popular. George Eliot was deeply intoxicated by Jane Eyre. "

Writing characteristics

The novel has a bright ending-although Rochester's manor was destroyed and Rochester himself became disabled, we can see that Jane Eyre is no longer in the contradiction between dignity and love, but at the same time she is satisfied-she has dignity and love when she marries Rochester. This novel tells us that the best life of human beings is human dignity and love, and the ending of the novel arranges such a life for the heroine. Although we think this ending is too perfect, even this perfection itself marks superficiality, I still respect the author's ideal of this beautiful life-dignity plus love. After all, in today's society, the realization of the formula of human value = dignity+love is often inseparable from the help of money. People are so crazy that they seem to bury their love for money and status. Choose rich between poor and rich, and choose not to love between love and not to love. Few people will abandon everything for love and personality like Jane. What Jane Eyre shows us is a simplification, a return to nature, a feeling of pursuing wholehearted devotion, and a sense of simplification regardless of gains and losses. Like a glass of ice water, it purifies the mind of every reader and is considered as a duet pursued by life.

brief Introduction of the content

This is a romantic realistic novel, which mainly describes the love between Jane Eyre and Rochester. Jane Eyre, the protagonist, is a pure-hearted and understanding woman. She lives at the bottom of society and suffers a lot. But she has a stubborn personality and the spirit of pursuing equality and happiness. With rich lyrical brushwork and profound and delicate psychological description, the novel shows the ups and downs of the love experience of the hero and heroine in a fascinating way, praising getting rid of all old customs and prejudices. Rooted in mutual understanding. Deep love based on mutual respect has a powerful artistic power that shocks the soul. Its most successful place is to create a female image that dares to resist and strive for freedom and equal status. Jane Eyre is a well-known work and an unquestionable masterpiece. Charlotte Brontexq, a famous British woman writer in the 19th century, is her masterpiece. At that time, people generally thought that Jane Eyre was a portrayal of Charlotte Brontexq's poetic life and an autobiographical work. Jane Eyre, who has dignity and pursues equality, is a seemingly weak woman with a strong and tenacious heart, because this work has become a model in the hearts of countless women. Jane Eyre is an orphan girl, born in a poor priest family. My parents died of typhoid fever within a month. Young Jane was adopted by her uncle and aunt. After her uncle Mr. Reed died, Jane lived a life of discrimination and abuse for 10 years. Once, Jane was put in the red house for resisting her cousin's beating. Physical pain and mental humiliation and fear made her seriously ill. My aunt regards her as a thorn in her side and separates her from her children. Since then, the confrontation between her and her aunt has become more open and determined. Later, Jane was sent to lowood orphanage. The orphanage has strict rules and a hard life, and the dean is a cold hypocrite. Jane continued to suffer mental and physical abuse in the orphanage. Because of the poor living conditions, children often die in orphanages, and her best friend Helen died of a big typhoid fever. This typhus has also greatly improved the orphanage. Jane received six years' education in the new environment and taught in this school for two years. Because of Miss Temple's departure, Jane got tired of life in an orphanage and advertised for a governess. The housekeeper at Thornfield House hired her. Rochester, the male owner of the manor, often travels abroad. There is only one girl under the age of 10 in such a big mansion. Rochester is her protector and she is Jane's student. One night, Jane went out for a walk and met her host who had just returned from abroad. This is the first time they have met. Later, she found out that her master was a moody person, and his attitude towards her was sometimes good and sometimes bad. The whole house is gloomy and empty, and sometimes you can hear creepy strange smiles. One day, Jane was awakened by this laughter in her sleep and found Rochester's room on fire. Jane woke him up and helped him put out the fire. Rochester often holds family dinners after he comes back. At a family dinner, she courted a beautiful lady named Ingram. Jane was called into the living room, but was snubbed by Blanche and her daughter. She endured humiliation and left the living room. By this time, she had fallen in love with Rochester. In fact, Rochester has fallen in love with Jane, and he just wants to test Jane's love for himself. When he proposed to Jane, Jane promised him. On the eve of the wedding, Jane saw an ugly woman wearing her wedding dress in front of the mirror in the dim light. The next day, when the wedding was quietly going on in the church, suddenly someone sent a certificate: Mr. Rochester got married 15 years ago. His wife is the crazy woman locked in the secret room on the third floor. The law hindered their love and made them fall into deep pain. Jane left Rochester on a stormy night. On the way to find a new way out of life, I lived in poverty, begging along the way and going through hardships. Finally, I was taken in by pastor St. John and taught in a local primary school. Soon, Jane learned that her uncle had passed away and left her a legacy. At the same time, she found that St. John was her cousin. Jane decided to divide the property equally. St. John is a fanatic and intends to preach in India. He proposed to Jane and went to India with him. Jane turned him down and decided to return to Rochester. She returned to the ruined Thornfield Manor. The crazy woman set fire to the building and fell to her death. Rochester was also injured and disabled. Jane found him, married him and got her ideal happy life.

Character list

The heroine Jane Eyre is a strong, simple, flexible, independent and enterprising woman. She despised the arrogance of powerful people and laughed at their stupidity, showing her self-reliant personality and beautiful ideals. She has tenacious vitality and never gives in to fate. Finally, I have a beautiful life I yearn for. Edward Fairfax Rochester, the owner of Thornfield Manor, has wealth and a strong body. He led a dissolute life when he was young. Later, he decided to live seriously, liked Jane Eyre and proposed to her. In his later years, he lost an arm and an eye because of his first wife's crazy arson. Finally become Jane Eyre's husband. Bessie, the servant of Gateshead Manor, is very kind to Jane Eyre. Later, she married Levin, the doorman, and visited Jane Eyre in the manor. Jane Eyre Mrs. menstruation Reed promised her husband to adopt Jane Eyre against her will, which is unfair to Jane Eyre. Her son's suicide caused her a stroke. Before she died, her conscience found out and told Jane that she loved her and her relatives were alive. Jane Eyre's uncle, Mr. Reed, was very kind to Jane Eyre, but died prematurely. Eliza Reed, Mrs. Reed's daughter, is used to arranging her day in order, and her daily life is as accurate as a clock. Suffering from her brother's behavior and the decline of her family, she decided to live in seclusion and become a nun. Later, she became an abbot and donated all her property. Mrs. Reed's daughter, Georgiana Reed, is beautiful and yearns for the upper-class social circle. She was often immersed in the memories of her winter in London, and later she married an old and frail rich man. Mrs. Reed's son, john reid, has a bad temper and likes to make trouble. He used to bully Jane Eyre when he was a child. When he grew up, he squandered all the property in his family and committed suicide. Helen burns (deceased)-Jane Eyre's good friend at Lowood Charity School, smart and studious. Died of tuberculosis. (Dead) Blocker Hearst, director of Lowood Charity School, hypocritical and mean. Miss Temple is a teacher at Lowood School and a mentor of Jane Eyre. Later, I married a priest. St John Levis, Jane Eyre's cousin, is handsome and has lofty beliefs. Propose to Jane Eyre, but on the grounds that Jane Eyre is suitable to be a missionary's wife and assistant, and then she went to India to preach alone. Jane Eyre's cousins Diana Levis and Mary Levis are smart, kind and studious. Diana is very lively. Alice Fairfax, Rochester's housekeeper. Aadilah is the daughter of Rochester's old lover (a French dancer). She is addicted to the luxurious lifestyle and likes beautiful clothes and accessories. Changes in British school education. (Rochester is her guardian, Jane Eyre's student) Miss Ingram Branch-a beautiful aristocratic lady, Mr. Rochester's pursuer, but not for love, but for money. Miss rosamond Oliver is a lively, beautiful and kind noble lady, and the daughter of the only rich man in St. John's parish, Mr. Oliver. She helped St. John set up a school to help the poor, but they loved each other without expressing it. St. John rejected Jane Eyre's kindness on the grounds that she was unfit to be a missionary's wife. She finally married Sir granby.

Famous dialogues in novels

Patience for a while, don't make me answer, I-how much I rely on you now, alas, what should I do? Jane Eyre, there is such an example. There was a young man who was spoiled since childhood. He made a big mistake, not a sin-a mistake. Its consequences are terrible, and the only escape is to get away with it and enjoy yourself. Later, he met a woman, a noble woman he had never seen in twenty years. He found a chance to be born again, but worldly wisdom hindered him. Can that woman ignore this? Everyone is responsible for God with their own actions, and can't ask others to bear their own destiny ... Your doubts torment me ... Promise! Promise ... God forgive me and don't let anyone interfere with me. She is mine and mine ... We are equal, and I am not a heartless machine. "I told you I was leaving!" I retorted, feeling impulsive. "Don't you think I'll stay and be a nobody to you? You think I'm a machine? -An emotionless machine? Can I tolerate others taking a bite of bread from my mouth and spilling a drop of water of life from my cup? Is it because I am poor, obscure, plain and small, so I have no soul and no heart? -There's nothing wrong with you? -My mind is as rich as you, and my heart is as full as you! If God gave me a little beauty and a lot of wealth, I would make you inseparable as you are now. I'm not talking to you according to customs, conventions, or even flesh and blood, but my soul is talking to your soul, as if the two of us had passed through the grave and stood at God's feet, equal to each other-that's it! "

book review

Jane Eyre is a literary work with many years of history. Up to now, it has a history of 164 years (1847), which successfully shaped the first female image in the history of English literature who took an independent and enterprising attitude towards love, life, society and religion and dared to fight for freedom and equality. The publication of Jane Eyre once caused a sensation in the literary world of19th century. In the history of English literature, it is called a classic handed down from generation to generation. It attracts thousands of readers with an irresistible aesthetic feeling, and an irresistible impulse drives people to pick up this book, which deeply touched them and made their hearts tremble. This is an autobiographical novel written by Charlotte Brontexq, one of the three famous British sisters in the 19th century. This is a book forged with my own heart and strong spirit, which contains the author's infinite emotion and personality charm and has won a brilliant sky for women. Any literary work is the crystallization of the author's experience of life, and the author's shadow can be seen from the book. The same is true of Jane Eyre, many details can be confirmed in the author's life. Of course, "Jane Eyre" is not an autobiography, and the author just integrates his rich life experiences into an imaginative article. People all know that Jane Eyre is a portrayal of the author's life, but how many people know under what circumstances the author wrote Jane Eyre?

Brief introduction of the author

Charlotte Bronte is thinking.

Charlotte bronte is the author of Jane Eyre. She was born in 18 16, ranking third in the clergy family in Soto, Yorkshire, England. There are two sisters in front of her, and two sisters and a brother behind her. Six brothers and sisters. Because she lost her mother when she was a child, her father had to send Charlotte and her two sisters and brothers to a boarding school founded by a charity because she had no money and energy. The environment and living conditions there are very poor, coupled with the strict control and severe punishment of the founder, freezing hunger and corporal punishment have become the normal life of children. Soon, lung disease claimed the lives of two sisters, and my father quickly let Charlotte and her brother escape from the cave of death and return home. 183 1 year, Charlotte entered the boarding school in Rhodes. The situation here is completely different. Charlotte not only made great progress in her studies, but also lived a happy life. Although she only stayed for one year and four months, the warm life here left an unforgettable impression on her. Later, Charlotte returned to Rhodes 1835 to teach, and her two sisters followed her to study, which offset some of her remuneration and left three years later. From 1838 to 1842, she and her sisters traveled around to make a living as tutors. However, due to the low professional status, the salary is meager. It also makes it difficult for sisters to be together. They resolutely gave up and decided to run their own school. After all kinds of efforts, although they were keen on running schools and made all kinds of preparations, they failed in the end. At this time, my father fell ill, and my brilliant brother got into the bad habit of drinking and taking drugs and became a cripple. However, the family's economic pressure is getting heavier and heavier, so in this extremely difficult situation, Charlotte and her sisters began to write. The three sisters often write poems together. Charlotte sent some of her best poems to robert southey, the best writer at that time, but she was ridiculed by Southey as "not a woman's career". At this time, the three sisters decided to write a book. The three sisters often get together and read, draw and write eagerly. Books opened their hearts and improved their education; How hard life makes them precocious and good at insight into the world; The unique experience provides a sufficient source for creation; So when their creative enthusiasm gushed out, miraculously, three masterpieces were born in the same family in the same year in the history of world literature; Jane Eyre by Charlotte, Wuthering Heights by Emily and Agnes Gray by Anne. The sisters are called the Bronte Three Sisters. In addition to Jane Eyre, Charlotte also wrote Shirley, villette and Teacher. Although all of them have good reviews, they are not as influential as Jane Eyre. But who knows that God envies talents? God created this genius family without stint, and seemed eager to extend a hand of destruction to them. Their talents have just been recognized by people and disappeared like meteors. First, the versatile brother died. Emily, who wrote the immortal Wuthering Heights, died in February of the same year. Then, in May of the following year, another nun Anne died. Five years later, on 1854, Charlotte got sick in the rain while going out for a walk with her husband, and died on March 3 1, 1855 at the age of 39.

Make an appreciative comment

This is a novel with the theme of love. Jane Eyre, the protagonist, is a pure-hearted and understanding woman. She lives at the bottom of society and suffers a lot. Her life experience is sympathetic, but her stubborn personality and the spirit of pursuing equality and happiness are more appreciated. In Mrs. Reed's house, Jane, who is 10 years old, showed strong resistance to the discrimination and abuse of menstruation and her cousins. Cousin hit her, she dared to fight back; When menstruation called the children to stay away from her, she shouted "They don't deserve to be with me"; When she was imprisoned in an empty room, she thought of her abuse and shouted "injustice" from her heart. In the orphanage, Jane's rebellious character is more distinct, which is in obvious contrast with her friend Helen Burns's patient and obedient character. Although Helen Burns was persecuted, she believed in "an enemy who loves you". Under the paralysis of religion, he has no hatred, but resigned himself to fate. Jane hates cruel principals and teachers who destroy them. She said to Helen, "If she hits me with that piece of paper, I'll take it from her hand and smash it to her face." It fully shows her stubborn character of not being humiliated and not giving in to fate. This novel mainly describes the love between Jane Eyre and Rochester. Jane Eyre's view of love deepened her personality. She believes that love should be based on spiritual equality, not on social status, wealth and appearance. Only when men and women really love each other can they get real happiness. In the pursuit of personal happiness, Jane Eyre showed unusual innocence, simple thoughts and feelings and indomitable courage. She didn't give up the pursuit of happiness because of her servant status. Her love is pure and noble. She despises Rochester's wealth. She loves him because he can treat others equally, treat her as a friend and be honest with her. For Rochester, Jane Eyre is like a fresh wind, which makes him feel refreshed. Rochester was used to the cold hypocrisy of the upper class, and Jane Eyre's simplicity, kindness and independence rekindled his pursuit and yearning for life. Therefore, he can sincerely express his good wishes and determination to reform in front of Jane. Jane Eyre sympathizes with Rochester's unfortunate fate and thinks that his mistakes are caused by objective circumstances. Although he was ugly and later went bankrupt and became disabled, she saw his inner beauty and poor unfortunate fate, so she finally married him. Through Rochester's two completely different love experiences, the novel criticizes the concept of love and marriage based on money, and always describes Jane Eyre's love with Rochester as a complete tacit understanding of thought, talent, quality and spirit. Jane Eyre is a woman who is unwilling to endure social oppression and dares to pursue personal happiness. Her poor and low social status and wandering life experience were a true portrayal of the lower class life in England at that time. In the novel, the author can put an awakened new woman from the lower class in the leading role, enthusiastically praising the protagonist's tenacious struggle against oppression and social prejudice, striving for independent personality and dignity, and pursuing a happy life, which is commendable in literary works at that time. Jane Eyre is a realistic novel with strong romanticism. The whole work is written in the form of self-report. The extensive use of psychological description is a major feature of this novel. The book is exquisitely conceived and the plot is ups and downs, which creates a gloomy atmosphere for readers without leaving the middle-class family background. The author also describes the sincere love and natural scenery between the protagonists in a quoted style, with rich and strong feelings. This beautiful, moving and mysterious novel still maintains its unique artistic charm.

Charlotte has lived in a remote rural town all her life and has little contact with the outside world: she has only been to London twice and studied and taught in Brussels, Belgium twice. In Bruhamel, she fell in love with her teacher Hogg, a petite, shy and introverted girl from the hinterland. Her admiration was not answered by Hogg, and she returned to her hometown with the grief of disillusionment of her first love. Charlotte devoted herself to her beloved literary creation: seeking comfort and liberation …

Charlotte wrote four novels, Jane Eyre, Shirley, The Teacher and Villetti, as well as some poems. Another unfinished novel, Emma: Only Two Chapters. Jane Eyre is a world-famous literary masterpiece. Charlotte created an intellectual woman with an ordinary appearance, but brilliant, passionate and full of longing for love. Charlotte allowed Jane Eyre to realize her love ideal and fulfill her long-cherished wish, although there were secular prejudice and ideological limitations in Charlotte's era: Jane Eyre was still an immortal image in the history of world literature; Charlotte is also immortal because of Jane Eyre. ...

Please forgive my shortcomings. ...