Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Bedtime stories suitable for boyfriends.

Bedtime stories suitable for boyfriends.

I'm glad to answer your question. A short story before going to bed can add a lot of interest to the time between two people. I hope you like some humorous stories. They are: pick a beautiful one, have a false alarm and have a blind date.

1, "Buy beautiful"

The wife told her husband to buy oranges and said, "Remember to pick beautiful ones.

After a long time, my husband came back with a bag of oranges. My wife took a look and only saw which oranges were small and stale, so she said angrily, "Didn't I tell you to choose the good ones?"

Husband scratched his head and said, "Wife, I just picked the most beautiful one." I have seen all the fruit stalls in this street, and the proprietress of this shop is the most beautiful.

2. "False alarm"

That evening, Da Zhuang's cousin sent a message saying, "Brother, I saw my sister-in-law."

Da Zhuang was surprised to see the information. His cousin is the lobby manager of a hotel. His wife did go out after dinner, but she made it clear that she was shopping with her best friend. How did she end up in her cousin's hotel? Still not in a hurry to think about it, Dazhuang quickly drove to the hotel.

When he arrived, Dazhuang called his cousin and asked, "I'm in the hotel. Why can't I find you? "

I just heard my cousin say, "Brother, what's the matter? I have a rest today and go to the pedestrian street. "

3. "blind date"

Ahua was introduced to the blind date. After a while, the man suddenly stared at Ahua and asked, "I seem to have seen you in a fruit shop?"

Ahua was surprised and said, "Really, I often come to my cousin's fruit shop to help."

Later, the man told the introducer that two people were not suitable.

Jane didn't understand, so she asked why. The introducer said: "People say that a big girl can carry a bundle of more than 100 kilograms of sugar cane on her shoulders without blowing off dust. She thinks she can't resist you. "

How to tell a story to my boyfriend, I feel very simple.

Boyfriends are like their own relatives. You can get to the point directly and add some humorous action language to make you closer to each other. When he sleeps, you can kiss him and hug him, so that he may sleep more safely. He will think that you pay special attention to him and love him, which will make you love each other more.