Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - For the writing of the year, month and day in the composition, I want to ask the pupils to write the year, month and day on the composition paper.

For the writing of the year, month and day in the composition, I want to ask the pupils to write the year, month and day on the composition paper.

I want to ask primary school students to write the year, month and day on the composition paper, so my sister and I went to find Uncle Plateau, but we couldn't find it for hours. Finally, my sister and I saw a broadcasting room. We walked into the studio and said to the announcer's uncle, "Can we find someone by broadcasting?" Uncle nodded his head. We said to the radio: "An uncle named Gao Yuan lost a bag, please come to the radio room to get it." Before long, an uncle came running, sweating profusely. My uncle said that he is the plateau of packet loss. My uncle excitedly said to us, "This is money for treating the elderly. Thank you very much. You are really good children who are not good at finding money. " We said, "Nothing, everyone will do it when they meet. This is the excellent character of our Chinese nation, and teachers have always educated us like this. " One of the most unforgettable things.

I will never forget this, because we helped others and we are very happy! Although it was only a small matter, it left me an unforgettable trace.

How to write the date in English? You mean how to express the date?

For example: 20 10 September 28th.

American month, day, year

Completion time: September 28, 2065, 438+00

Abbreviation: 09/28/20 10

British sun and moon, year

Completion time: September 28th, 20 10.

Abbreviation: 28/09/20 10

The information you provided is incomplete. You want to tell your fortune when you are born (indicate the lunar or solar calendar, gender and place of birth).

What is the spelling of English year, month and day? 123 Special

The first 1st

Second, second.

Third, third.

Fourth, fourth.

Five five


In my impression, many things have happened. One thing is fresh in my memory.

That's a class in the third grade, physical education class. It was summer, it was nearly noon, the sun was shining, and we were all sweating. Finally, I heard the PE teacher say that after class, we were extremely hot and anxious to fly back to the classroom to have a rest. So, we rushed to the classroom like an arrow that left the string. Running and running, I suddenly heard a sound of "ah" behind me. What happened? Who cares? Maybe someone had a fight. I ran to the corner and took a casual look. I was shocked by what I saw. I clearly saw Gang Lin in our class sitting on the ground, looking at the wound on his knee and crying. Kong Tao was there to comfort him, and several classmates were there to help him. My heart is very contradictory: if I go to help now, my classmates will definitely laugh at me and say that I didn't come just now, but now I just came. If you don't go, it won't do. How can you become a young pioneer without helping your classmates? Well, I think we should go. It's really funny to see someone fall and not help! I settled down, turned and ran to Lin Gang. I went to comfort Gang Lin in a friendly way and helped him up. After our comfort, Gang Lin stood up strongly. I helped Gang Lin with my hand and walked to the clinic step by step.

Everyone's parents have ID cards and put them in their wallets. Don't underestimate this little card, its function and significance are great. Do you want to know what kind of secret it has?

A small rectangular card looks like wearing a checkered red and green dress, but it uses anti-counterfeiting film and printing anti-counterfeiting technology. Name, gender, nationality, date of birth, address and other ID numbers and images are printed on the front. The number on the ID card is also unique. The middle number represents an individual's date of birth. National Emblem of the People's Republic of China and the date and term of use are printed on the back. The smart chip of contactless IC card is embedded in the card, which has digital anti-counterfeiting function, stores personal images and information, and can also be read by machine.

A small file card representing an individual, which everyone needs wherever he goes. For example: stay in a hotel, register a voter's account, apply for an individual business license and so on. You need to show it while flying. According to my mother, all the ID cards used now are the second-generation ID card reform carried out by the public security department. The first generation of ID cards used black-and-white photos, but now they use color images. The original ID cards did not have digital anti-counterfeiting function. It's easy to fake. The first generation of paper is so thin that it is easy to be damaged and broken in your pocket.

It can also bring us many uses in life. Can be used to open the adhesive tape on the carton of the packing box; If the door is accidentally locked, you can insert it into the crack of the door and open it. In a word, all of us should take good care of our ID cards. We shouldn't lend them to others casually, and we shouldn't write down our ID numbers anywhere casually. If used by criminals, we will lose a lot. I hope I can grow up quickly and have my own body in the future.

With the development of the times and the progress of science and technology, people are more and more aware of the view that time is like money. I have a unique view of time: although time is precious, if we save time blindly for the sake of time, we will accomplish nothing and miss a good opportunity, because we should be single-minded rather than half-hearted. "Multi-purpose, fast reading" is out of reach for students in our new era. So we should seize the time and concentrate on everything, instead of doing a lot of things half-heartedly. Bill Gates is the richest man in the world, isn't he? There was once a cartoon that reflected Bill Gates' view of time: he didn't take another million dollars on the road because it would waste his nearly 100 million dollars. In order to concentrate on his career, he has no bad ideas. Yes! Life is like a clock, its perfection lies not in walking fast, but in walking accurately. The same is true of our time. We should also save time in a down-to-earth manner and don't waste time. For example, it is unrealistic and not a time-saving method to surf the Internet while brushing your teeth and watch TV while doing your homework. Because this will lead to nothing and waste a lot of time, so we should do things wholeheartedly and don't waste time. Life is like a dream, time flies. I lament the past time, because it is such a pity. At the same time, I will grasp the present and concentrate on my work. Even if it is one thing, we must strive to do our best. We should use actions to control time.

How to express year, month and daily life in English? For example, 2065438+00 July 20th at 8:20 2065 438+00.

What is the zodiac corresponding to a certain day in a month? If you have a solar calendar in your calendar, you are a Quidditch chicken.

Write an old calendar, then you are a dog.

You can check the date function type of sql server in the sqlserver field. Here is a list, and then you can try:

1. Current system date and time: select getdate ().

2.dateadd returns a new datetime value based on adding a period of time to the specified date.

For example, add 2 days to the date.

Select dateadd (day,2,' 2004- 10- 15 ')-return:2004- 10- 17 00:00.000。

3.datediff returns the number of date and time boundaries that span two specified dates.

Select datediff (day,' 2004-09-0 1 ',' 2004-09- 18 ')-return: 17。

Select datediff (day,' 2004-09- 18 ',' 2004-09-0 1 ')-return:- 17。

4.datepart returns an integer representing the specified date part of the specified date.

Select datepart (month,' 2004- 10- 15 ')- returns 10.

5.datename returns a string representing the specified date part of the specified date.

Select datename (Weekday,' 2004- 10- 15 ')-Return:Friday。

6. day (), month (), year ()-you can compare it with datepart.

Select current date = convert (varchar (10), getdate (), 120).

, current time = convert (varchar (8), getdate (), 1 14).

Select the date name (dw,' 2004- 10- 15')

Select week number of this year = datename (week,' 2004- 10- 15')

What day is it today = date name (working day,' 2004- 10- 15')

Function parameters/functions

GetDate () returns the current date and time of the system.

DateDiff (interval, date 1, date2) returns the difference between date2 and date 1 in the manner specified by interval.

Date 2- Date 1

DateAdd (interval, number, date) adds the date after the number in the way specified by interval.

DatePart (interval, date) returns an integer value corresponding to the specified part of the date.

DateName (interval, date) returns the string name corresponding to the specified part of the interval in the date.

The parameter interval is set as follows:

Value Abbreviations (Sql Server) (Aess and ASP) Description

Y yyyy Year 1753 ~ 9999

Quarter Qq q Quarter 1 ~ 4

Month 1 ~ 12

The y day of the year, and the day of the year is 1-366.

Day by day, 1-3 1

Weekday Dw w Number of days in a week, which day of the week is 1-7.

Week Wk ww week, which week of the year is 0 ~ 5 1.

Hour hh 0 ~ 23 hours

Minute minutes 0 ~ 59 minutes

Seconds Ss seconds 0 ~ 59

Millisecond Ms- millisecond 0 ~ 999

Use date () and now () in aess and asp to get the system date and time; You can also use datediff, dateadd and datepart.

These functions are used similarly in AES and asp.

For example:

Getdate () of 1.sql server: select getdate ()

2.DateDiff ('s',' July 20, 2005',' July 25, 22: 56: 32') returns 5 14592 seconds.

DateDiff ('d',' July 20, 2005',' July 25, 22: 56: 32') returns 5 days.

3.Datepart ('w',' July 25, 2005 22: 56: 32') returns 2, that is, Monday (Sunday 1, Saturday 7).

The return value of datepart ('d',' July 25, 2005, 22: 56: 32') is 25, that is, the 25th.

Datepart ('y',' July 25, 2005 22: 56: 32') returns 206, the 206th day of the year.

Datepart ('yyyy',' 2005-7-25 22: 56: 32') returns 2005, that is, 2005.

Specific syntax:

The Date function is used to manipulate DATETIME and SMALLDATETIME data and perform arithmetic operations. Like other functions, you can use the.

Use date functions in the expressions of Select and Where clauses and Select statements. The usage method is as follows:

Date function parameters, the number of parameters of different functions should be different.

Day ()

The syntax of the DAY () function is as follows:

Day (& ltdate _ expression & gt)

The DAY () function returns the date value in date_expression.

Month ()

The syntax of the MONTH () function is as follows:

Month (& ltdate _ expression & gt)

The MONTH () function returns the month value in date_expression.

Unlike the DAY () function, the MONTH () function always returns the integer value of 1 when its parameters are integers, that is, SQL Server thinks it is.

It's 1900 65438+ October.

Year ()

The syntax of the YEAR () function is as follows:

Year (& ltdate _ expression & gt)

The YEAR () function returns the year value in date_expression.

Reminder: When using the date function, its date value should be between 1753 and 9999, which is a date specification recognized by SQL Server system.

Wai, otherwise there will be mistakes.


The syntax of the DATEADD () function is as follows:

DATEADD(& lt; Date part & gt,< number & gt,< date & gt)

The DATEADD () function returns a new date generated by the specified date plus the specified extra date interval of $ number. Parameter "Date Part"

"It is often used in date functions to specify the components that make up date type data, such as year, quarter, month, day, week, etc.

See Table 4-9 for its values:


The syntax of DATEDIFF () function is as follows:

DATEDIFF()(& lt; Date part & gt, & ltdate 1 >,< date & gt)

The DATEDIFF () function returns the partial date difference between two specified dates, that is, the difference between date2 and date 1

The resulting value is a signed integer value. For different date parts, the maximum difference allowed by DATEDIFF () function is not

For example, when datepart is seconds, the maximum difference allowed by DATEDIFF () function is 68: datepart is.

When milliseconded is used, the maximum difference allowed by DATEDIFF () function is 24 days, 20 hours, 30 minutes, 23 seconds and 647 milliseconds.

Date name ()

The syntax of the DATENAME () function is as follows:

DATENAME(& lt; Date part & gt,< date) >;

The DATENAME () function returns the specified part of the date as a string. Specified by the date part.

Date part ()

The syntax of the DATEPART () function is as follows:

Date part (< date part & gt,< date & gt)

The DATEPART () function returns the specified part of a date as an integer value. This part is specified by datepart.

DATEPART (dd, date) is equivalent to DAY (date).

DATEPART (mm, date) is equivalent to MONTH (date).

DATEPART (yy, date) is equivalent to YEAR (date).

Get Date ()

The syntax of the GETDATE () function is as follows:

Get Date ()

The GETDATE () function returns the current date and time of the system in the default DATETIME format, which is usually used as the parameter of other functions or commands.

Digital use.

In the development of database applications, we often encounter the problem of processing time, such as querying the records at a specified time. Here are some common questions.

Combined with my own experience, I would like to discuss this kind of problem with you.

Firstly, introduce the usage of several main functions of processing time in SQL Server:

Getdate () function: Get the current date and time of the system. The type of the return value is datetime.

Usage: getdate ()


Select getdate () as dte and dateadd(day,-1, getdate ()) as nowdat.

Output result:

at present

1999- 1 1-2 1 19: 13: 10.083 1999- 1 1-20 19: 13: 10.083

(1 line affected)

Datepart () function: Returns the specified part of time as an integer.

Usage: datepart(datepart, date)

Parameter Description: the time part to be returned when datepart. Common values are year, month, day, hour and minute.

The date is the specified time.


Select the date part (month, GETDATE ()) as the number of months.

Output result:

Month number

1 1

(1 line affected)

Dateadd () function: Returns a new time value by adding an integer value to the specified part of the specified time.

Usage: dateadd (date part, number, date)

Parameter description: date part (same as above)

Date (same as above)

The numeric value to be increased, integer, positive number or negative number, positive value returns the time value after the date, and negative value returns the date.

Previous time value


Select getdate () as today.

select dateadd(day,- 1,getdate())

select dateadd(day, 1,getdate())



1999- 1 1-2 1 19:42:4 1.4 10

(1 line affected)


1999- 1 1-20 19:42:4 1.4 10

(1 line affected)


1999- 1 1-22 19:42:4 1.4 10

(1 line affected)

Datediff () function: Returns the difference between two times calculated by the specified time part. Returns an integer value. Such as 199 1-6- 12 and 199 1-6-2 1.

Between heaven and earth

The difference is 9 days, 1998-6- 12 and 1999-6-23. The difference is 1 year, 1999- 12- 1 sum.

Usage: datediff (dare part, date 1, date2)

Parameter description: date part (same as above)

Date 1, date 2 (same as above)


Select datediff (month,' 199 1-6- 12',' 1992-6-2 1') as.