Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The Fortune-teller Emperor Leizhou _ Leizhou Fortune-teller

The Fortune-teller Emperor Leizhou _ Leizhou Fortune-teller

Fortune-telling emperor Leizhou

In the three hundred years of the Great Song Dynasty, there were thousands of physiognomists, among whom there were many outstanding ones, such as Zhao Pu, Li Ling, Wang Dan, Kou Zhun and Wang Anshi, and even they were regarded as a generation of sages in the whole ancient history. Not only that, most prime ministers in the Northern Song Dynasty have great personalities, and Kou Zhun is an excellent example! In the first year of Jingdezhen, Song Zhenzong (1004), the Khitan invaded the south with the strength of the whole country, and the border was in an emergency, and rumors spread everywhere. At that time, the shadow of Yong Xi's Northern Expedition was still in sight, so for the Khitan fighters, Dasong junchen had deep-rooted awe. Above the imperial court, the argument of moving the capital to avoid sharp is rampant. Wang Qinruo, an administrative officer, advocated moving the capital to Jinling, while Chen Yaocuo, a member of the Special Administrative Council, suggested moving the capital to Chengdu. Even so, other officials are in a state of panic. At this critical moment, Kou Zhun stepped forward, shocked the imperial court with a sentence "Who dares to move the capital, can be beheaded", and then forced Zhenzong to personally expedition by kidnapping, and finally signed a Covenant with Qidan at the gate of the Buddhist temple. Although the alliance of monasteries was promoted by many factors, it is undeniable that Kou Zhun played an extremely important role in promoting it. In later generations, Kou Zhun saved the day and was adapted into numerous plays. An upright, fearless and upright image is vividly displayed on the paper. Many people began to know Kou Zhun, but in fact, Kou Zhun's personality is far more complicated than what we saw. When he was eight years old, his father took him to travel to Huashan. Kou Zhun boarded Huashan Mountain and immediately wrote a poem: "Only the sky is above, there is no mountain and harmony. Look up at the red sun and look back at the low white clouds. " In all fairness, the literary talent of this ode to Huashan is not outstanding, but the momentum can be seen. Eight-year-old children have such a vision and have to be admired. It is not difficult to see their conceited mentality from the side. It is also true. Kou Zhun has always prided himself on his early wisdom. In Kou Zhun's collection of poems, Loyalty and Righteousness, many poems have a chronological label under them. For example, the above-mentioned "Yong Huashan" is marked as "eight years old at that time"; "Huaisheng" marked "fourteen years old at that time"; The annotation under the poem "Zhang Shu in Spring" is "Sixteen years old at that time" and so on. This annotation ended when Kou Zhun 19-year-old senior high school scholar. Taiping rejuvenating the country five years (980), Kou Zhun Jinshi concurrently. Different from the imperial examinations in other years, the five-year imperial examinations in Taiping Xingguo experienced the first concentrated outbreak of talents after the founding of the Northern Song Dynasty. Later generations even called it the most brilliant list in the Song Dynasty with the imperial examination in the second year of Injong Jiayou. Gong, a poet in the Song Dynasty, wrote in Dong Yuan Lu. There are four people on the Su Yijian list: Li Ling, Xiang Minzhong, Kou Zhun and Wang Dan. "Kou Zhun, only 19 years old, can stand out among so many talents, and is a veritable favored child. The young man has a successful career and a promising future. He has just entered the official career. His honest and frank temper has begun to show. The Biography of Kou Zhun, the History of Song Dynasty, records: "Try to play things in class, but the words don't agree. When the emperor is angry, he will be asked to introduce his clothes and let him sit down again. Definitely retreat. Emperor Taizong remonstrated, so angry that he wanted to leave. Kou Zhun grabbed the sleeve of Emperor Taizong and refused to leave. However, it was this character that won Song Taizong's favor. He said to others, "I won Kou Zhun, and the Emperor of Judah won Wei Zhi. "As far as practicality is concerned, Kou Zhun's pure official style of not cliques is in line with the needs of Emperor Taizong. In order to establish his image of being good at training, he also needs a young and brave courtier to assist his successor. Therefore, Emperor Taizong showed extraordinary trust in Kou Zhun. But it is this kind of excessive love that makes Kou Zhun develop a character of being aggressive and acting according to his own will. When getting along with colleagues, Kou Zhun is almost outspoken. Even his colleague and friend Wang Dan is sharp-tongued, not to mention other "mediocre officials". During the reign of Emperor Taizong, Kou Zhun was criticized by his colleagues and was demoted twice before and after, which angered Emperor Taizong. Even so, Emperor Taizong did not alienate Kou Zhun, and was often quickly reinstated and entrusted with an important task. After Zhenzong ascended the throne, Kou Zhun rose all the way by virtue of his excellent ability, became the deputy envoy of the Tang Dynasty, and began to enter the power core of the Northern Song Dynasty. Kou Zhun is upright and fearless of power. Therefore, at that time, there was a proverb among Bianjing people that "when Kou Zhun went to the temple, a hundred people were at a loss". After the signing of the Great Lakes Alliance, Kou Zhun's political prestige reached its peak, and even Zhenzong regarded him as a national hero and treated him with courtesy. Kou Zhun, which is self-sustaining in the state, has also become more headstrong. In Kou Zhun's later ruling career, his personality defects became more and more prominent. He has the courage and boldness of vision as a Zaifu, but he lacks the mind and measurement as a Zaifu. Coupled with his hatred of evil, outspoken, often leave no room, so the whole court has a grudge against Kou Zhun. In the third year of Song Zhenzong Jingde (1006), Wang Qinruo, Kou Zhun's old rival, vilified the achievements of Kou Zhun's alliance with words such as "the alliance is an alliance at the gates, which is a shame in the Spring and Autumn Period", and succeeded in making the true Sect doubt Kou Zhun's intention by saying that "Kou Zhun threatened the emperor to make a personal expedition, which was really a desperate gambler's move". Soon after, Kou Zhun was exiled to Shaanxi. In the fifth year of Jingdezhen, Song Zhenzong (1008), at the instigation of Wang Qinruo, Zhenzong started the farce of "sealing Zen with a heavenly book". Kou Zhun, who was deported, joined the farce against his will in order to regain lost ground and return to the power center. He not only acquiesced in his subordinates offering auspicious things to Zhenzong, but also took the initiative to show kindness to Zhenzong and asked him to "seal Mount Tai". It is also the most criticized point of Kou Zhun in later generations, that is, he flattered him when he was old, and he didn't know how to advance and retreat. After that, although Kou Zhun returned to the center, it still sprouted. He not only tried his best to suppress Wang Qinruo's party, but even openly quarreled with ministers in the court, sometimes quarreled with Wang Dan and Li Jue, and even had constant friction with other ministers. This makes the true Sect, who thinks that Kou Zhun has "repented", have to sigh that "Kou Zhun is as angry as before". So it was demoted to Yongxing Army by Zhenzong with the honor of Tang Dynasty. Kou Zhun, who was demoted again, was hit hard and became more indulgent. He even went beyond the etiquette system and regarded it as nothing. The history book says, "Kou Zhong knows Yongxing Army very well and arranged such a sacred ceremony on Yongxing Army's birthday. Wear clothes of the zodiac at night and spend a lot of time on horseback. " What Kou Zhun did in Yongxing Army made Zhenzong very angry, and even asked Wang Dan and others to be in power: Does Kou Xian object? ""Fortunately, Wang Dan single-handedly maintained that Kou Zhun was just "straight" and had no rebellious heart, which made Jinsan give up exploring the matter. Song Zhenzong Tianxi four years (1020), Kou Zhun was promoted to be in power again on the recommendation of Wang Dan. At that time, North Korea's power was controlled by Ding Wei's Song Dynasty. Ding Wei Song Dynasty was once a talented person that Kou Zhun attached great importance to and was recommended by Kou Zhun for many times. Therefore, Ding Wei Song Dynasty was also very respectful to Kou Zhun. However, Kou Zhun's early feelings for the Song Dynasty in Ding Wei have long been obliterated by his behavior of encouraging Zhenzong to worship the West. At a banquet, Ding Wei took the initiative to wipe the beard soup for Kou Zhun in Song Dynasty to show his hospitality, but Kou Zhun denounced it as "a disgrace to the minister" in public, and then openly joked that Ding Wei in Song Dynasty was "a crane". Kou Zhun's reckless behavior made Ding Wei Song Dynasty hate him, and tried to kill him many times, which eventually led to Kou Zhun being sent to Leizhou for execution. Throughout Kou Zhun's life, people have to sigh that personality determines success or failure. As a great talent, he is a well-deserved minister and can govern the world. He was praised by people for his loyalty and selflessness. Because he was too eager to make gas, he was worried by the emperor, was repeatedly relegated, and finally died in a foreign land. Kou Zhun is not perfect. His love and hate are clear, but they are based on his own emotions. He was arrogant and extravagant after pursuing wealth, and he pursued fame and wealth in his later years, which was often criticized by literati. But it is Kou Zhun's various "defects" that make him shine and go down in history. Thousands of years later, we are still here to judge Kou Zhun, instead of simply affirming or denying him. Everyone has worldly desires, and Kou Zhun is one of the sentient beings. We hope that through a relatively objective and comprehensive way, more people can understand that historical figures are not simple stereotypes, but also have rich and diverse personalities, so it is difficult for us to evaluate them with simple dualism. The so-called taking people as a mirror can tell the gains and losses. Perhaps it is not a reference for Kou Zhun's life. References: The History of the Song Dynasty, A Mirror Record of the Senior Manager's Continuing Investment, Returning to the Field, Textual Research on Kou Zhun, Love in Kou Zhun and Their Political Gains and Losses.