Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Don't persuade others to be kind without other people's personnel. Poor people must have something hateful. what do you think?

Don't persuade others to be kind without other people's personnel. Poor people must have something hateful. what do you think?

There is an old woman in the next village. She has a lame leg. Every day, her feet are shaking, and she goes to the village to fetch water to drink. Her son and daughter-in-law ignored her. Those who don't know the truth will say unfilial, and those who know will say that the old woman deserves it.

The old lady has three sons, her husband died young, and she brought up all three sons by herself. It can be said that she suffered a lot. My son grew up and thought he would enjoy happiness. As a result, the youngest son was sentenced to life for stealing cattle. The other two sons got married and gave birth to three daughters. At that time, the idea of son preference was very serious. The old lady saw that she was going to have a granddaughter, but her daughter-in-law never went to see it when she was confined. Once the mother-in-law quarreled with her daughter-in-law, the old woman actually burned incense and worshipped her two daughters-in-law, chanting: Bless his two sons to have big and fat grandchildren. At that time, both daughters-in-law were mad. If others hadn't dragged them, they would have fought long ago. Since then, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law has been extremely bad, and neither side has a good face when they meet. Later, the two daughters-in-law became pregnant again. At that time, the family planning policy was strict, and both husband and wife went to relatives' homes to escape, leaving several young children. I thought I would feel a little sorry for my granddaughter when I became a grandmother, but I still ignored it. Fortunately, I have a good neighbor who won't look after me. Once, two children were playing by the pond at the door and accidentally fell into the water. The old woman sat not far away and looked coldly at her two granddaughters struggling in the water, without any intention of saving them. Fortunately, someone saved them and did not cause great disaster. When the son and daughter-in-law came back from giving birth, they knew what had happened and said with a knife that they would break off relations. Since then, the two sons have never taken care of the elderly.

The human heart is made of meat. When you are fifteen, don't blame anyone. Neither is right.

That makes sense. I absolutely agree with that. Let me give you an example. This really happened in our village. An old couple has two sons, both married and married. Later, the younger son stayed in the countryside. The eldest son bought a house in the county and moved to the county. Mother followed her eldest son to live in the county, and then father followed his youngest son to live in the countryside. Mom's personality is ok, but dad's. When I was young, I often gambled. If I say it now, I am a sloppy old man who is not reasonable. Once, my youngest son's wife said that the old man, she said, Dad, when you spit in this trash can, don't spit everywhere, and don't wipe your nose everywhere. Then the old man got angry and went to complain to his eldest son, saying that his wife didn't want to raise him because he was unclean. His eldest son knew his father's character, so he didn't say anything, but the eldest son's wife was a big mouth and had a little conflict with the younger son's wife when the two brothers separated. On the same day, he went back to the village to meet people and said that his brother-in-law and wife had a bad personality and didn't care about the old man's sloppy. Now the youngest son's wife is always accused of not being filial to the elderly. In fact, we know the character of old people. Because of smoking, he has chronic pharyngitis and always spits everywhere. No matter in the hall or in the room, he spits casually, and he has rhinitis and a runny nose. That runny nose is also casually wiped, sometimes on the wall, sometimes on the door frame. When you take a shower in summer, no matter whether there is a woman in your family, it is just a pair of pants with a bad temper.

Sometimes it is really not to persuade people to be generous and not to suffer from others. Don't judge others if you don't stand in their shoes and don't know how difficult it is. The youngest son's wife is a living example. If an ordinary person is in the position of a wife, it is difficult to be a man.

There is a 42-year-old man in our village who has accomplished nothing and is still single. Living on the pocket money given by my father, if I can't get my father's money, I will beat my father at home and go to the police station five times in half a year.

Which son in the world can beat Lao Tzu? Then why is his son so unfilial and dare to beat his father?

The old man burst into tears when he remembered the scene where his younger son beat himself.

The old man complained that his youngest son, Zhang Hao, had been spoiled since childhood. After looking for a job for a long time, he resigned and did nothing all day, and now he is at home.

In the first half of this year, Zhang Hao, the youngest son, asked him for 30,000 yuan for his living expenses, but he was still not satisfied and often asked for money.

When the old man refused, the younger son beat him with a bamboo stick. Now, his arm and waist are still injured.

What's more, the door lock at home was also pried by his youngest son, Zhang Hao, who managed to get a new one.

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Isn't it incredible that my son dares to beat Lao Zi?

Is it true that the old man's son is so unfilial and has done such an evil thing?

The old man named Zhang Hongde and his wife have three children. The old man is over sixty years old this year.

At present, the old man's youngest son and his wife live 50 meters away from him. The house he left for his old age is now occupied by his youngest son, and the old man has no key to the old house.

On this day, in the town, Lao Zhang Manhongde met his youngest son Zhang Hao. The youngest son met his father as if he had met an enemy, and his tone was not good, as if he would start work at any time.

So the father and son quarreled in the town, causing people around them to watch.

It was clearly Zhang Hao who hit people first, but the younger son didn't apologize at all. He also sharply accused his father of being a bad man, an old fool and disrespecting the elderly. It was his father who touched the porcelain on purpose.

Every time father and son quarrel, Zhang Hongde acts like a victim. But there is surveillance around to prove that the younger son did beat his father.

Why did the youngest son hit his father?

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Zhang Hao, the youngest son, said: He went to his father to discuss his mother's medical expenses because her mother had an acute cerebral infarction. Mother's illness is all because of her father Zhang Hongde.

It turns out that Zhang Hongde often beats his wife. What is even more surprising is that the reason why Zhang Hongde beat his wife seems inexplicable. This time, it was only because the other party blocked the sewer and beat his wife while washing clothes.

But the old man Zhang Hongde said it was nothing. Hit it, you should hit it. If you make a mistake, you should hit it.

The old man said that he just hit his wife a few times and wiped her, but her wife was not so melodramatic.

But the youngest son, Zhang Hao, had to take his wife to the hospital. Doesn't he just want to take money from him?

The old man guessed that all this was a conspiracy of his youngest son, Zhang Hao. He didn't take care of his wife, but he coveted his 800 thousand deposit.

Why did Lao Zhang Man Hongde judge like this?

He said: My wife has a good life at her eldest son's house, and she is in good health and not sick. But the younger son has to bring someone here just to find out the 3000 pension in his wife's hand.

The old man feels that his youngest son is idle and can't take care of people at all. The youngest son's action is to possess all the property.

Zhang Hongde earned two shops by his own efforts in his early years, and he accumulated 800,000 deposits by these two shops.

The old man in the middle also bought two suites. Today, both shops are rented out at a rent of 20,000/month. Most of the rent collected was cheated by the younger son and the house was occupied by him.

The old man's eldest son has moved out because of family problems. The eldest son made it clear that he didn't want the old man's money and had nothing to do with his father.

The second son was imprisoned for a crime.

Now only the youngest son, Zhang Hao, wants to seize more property. At this time, the younger son Zhang Hao took out an agreement, which was clearly written in black and white, and the younger son Zhang Hao got the house as a separated property.

The house where the old man lives now was promised to his second son after he went to prison.

As for the deposit of 800,000 yuan, the younger son said: It was the father who prepared to compensate the eldest son.

Seeing this agreement, the old man was silent. He said that he did give the house to his younger son himself, not his younger son. However, it is also true that Zhang Hao covets his savings.

The old man went on to say: the youngest son is 42 years old and has accomplished nothing. He has never supported him for a dime. Instead, he sent money to his little son. The youngest son is still dissatisfied with himself and bullies himself.

Hearing his father's words, Zhang Hao said angrily, I am like this because of my father's persecution.

What kind of father is that old man hund? Why does Zhang Hao always say that he is a bad person?

Speaking of his wife and younger son, the old man's wife Luo Shuqiong cried: in the past 50 years, he was beaten by his wife for many reasons. If he doesn't call her husband's heart, he will be beaten for no reason.

Luo Shuqiong went on to say: My wife often had sex with others when she was young, and there was no shortage of Yingying and Yanyan around her. Also, the wife always takes her partner home for dinner, and even takes her out to be a guest, so that she can sit at a table with his confidante.

Later, she couldn't stand her wife's happiness, so she hid in her son's house.

Old Roman Shuqiong said that although she lives in her son's house, she still cooks and does housework for him. But Lao Zhang Manhongde is still a person who will hit people if he is not satisfied. If she doesn't go, her wife will make trouble at home. She was really tortured by each other.

In the face of his wife's accusation, Zhang Hongde said confidently, Stop complaining and I'll call. If you have to pay a lot of money, I will pay a lot of money.

Lao Zhangman Hunder is impatient with his wife's complaints. I don't think my behavior has caused much harm to my wife.

The old man also thinks that his wife is pretending to be ill and is taking her youngest son to cheat money.

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The old man Zhang Hongde not only beat his wife, but also insisted on the creed of filial son under the stick. He is also easy to beat and scold his son and often instills in his son the idea that learning is useless.

As a result, none of the three brothers had a high degree. Zhang Hao thinks that the reason why he can't find a good job is that he has suffered from illiteracy. Moreover, his eldest brother and his second brother are also very different in personality. One is in charge and the other is directly in prison.

This situation is caused by the lack of family warmth and the result of Zhang Hongde's long-term violent rule.

In this regard, Zhang's wife blamed herself for not giving her sons a good family environment. Zhang Hao, the youngest son, has accomplished nothing now. He is 42 years old and not married.

Luo Shuqiong said that she would rather give up a quiet life than grow up with her son.

Zhang Hao grew up watching his father beat his mother and lived in the shadow of his parents' discord, which inevitably affected his character.

In the face of his father's domestic violence, Zhang Hao was very distressed by his mother when he was a child. When he grows up, he hopes he can give shelter to his mother.

Zhang Hao put all the responsibility on his father.

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But Lao Zhang Man Hongde doesn't feel that he is wrong. He said: He has worked hard to support this family, and he should have the highest say. If the wife and children do something wrong, they should fight.

The father and son held their own words and refused to give way to each other, but Zhang's wife always needed treatment.

Zhang Hao, the youngest son, wants to sit down with his father and discuss his mother's treatment fee.

However, the old man still questioned the impure intention of his younger son and thought that his wife's hospitalization was a big conspiracy. He can take full charge of his wife's affairs and take her back to live with him, provided that the younger son leaves him alone and doesn't hit him.

In this regard, Zhang Hao was noncommittal about his father's words. But what the mother should do in the future, he feels that it should be left to the other party to choose.

To be honest, Zhang Hongde's family has come this far, partly because of Zhang Hongde's old man.

As the saying goes, that's "fish begins to stink at the head", "My father is heartless and my son is unfilial, and my brother is as cold as ice".

The fate of the old man Zhang Hongde is also the cause and effect he planted in his early years: poor people must have something hateful.

If the old people don't practice stick education, then the sons won't have such a character.

If the old man doesn't pursue the theory that reading is useless, then perhaps his three sons may become brilliant and knowledgeable.

If the old man hadn't abused his wife, he wouldn't face her accusation now.

When the old man was young, he was merry and happy, completely ignoring the feelings of his wife and children, and completely failed to be an example of a good husband and father. Old, still living in his own world, completely unaware of his mistakes.

Really, today's embarrassing situation is also caused by the old man. Poor people must have something to hate and think about.

At first, I was angry that my little son hit his father. How can a son beat Lao Zi? But after knowing what happened, I really don't know what to say:

We not only sympathize with the old people's current experience, but also hate the old people's domestic violence against their wives when they were young, which has affected the children and led to the current situation.

Therefore, without other people's personnel, you can't say that others are good. There must be something hateful about the poor.

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Conclusion: Violence cannot solve the problem, and domestic violence is even more undesirable. Domestic violence is not only harmful to the wife's body, but also affects the child's mind, which in turn affects the child's life growth.

If Lao Zhang Man Hongde could be a good father in his early years, maybe this family would have a different situation.

On the other hand, one can't take being born in a family as the reason for his misfortune.

Zhang Hao, the youngest son, can't blame all his failures on his father. After all, people always have to learn to grow up alone. No one can choose his birth, but he can choose his future direction.

Don't persuade others to be kind, don't suffer others! One of my neighbors is a poor man! The old woman is 79 years old and looks honest! Smile all day! However, none of her relatives and friends like her! It ruined the three views! People are going to collapse!

The old woman once had her parents-in-law. In my hometown, one lived to 98 and the other to 97! Her husband is an only child! This old woman doesn't support her parents-in-law or take care of her grandchildren! Let alone a daughter-in-law! No matter who she is, she only knows how to burn incense and worship Buddha and pray for Buddha's blessing! Peace, health and happiness!

Don't persuade others to be kind, don't suffer others! No spring breeze, no spring rain. People are still simple, listen! My parents-in-law are so old and sick that they can't move their arms! Ignore, don't even look! How can I let my son and daughter-in-law follow suit! Everyone is getting old! It doesn't matter if the daughter-in-law gives birth to a child and waits until next month! Little grandson doesn't watch it for a day! Why let the daughter-in-law wait on her! No spring breeze, no spring rain. Some people just ask others to be kind to him, pay for him and be selfish blindly! I don't remember the benefits of others at all! It's all others. I'm sorry! Then, others have difficulties and watch the fun! Such people are old and sick. Of course nobody cares about her! Poor thing, I found it myself! Serve you right! ! ! ! The right path in the world is vicissitudes! ! Good people are safe all their lives! ! ! !

Like my aunt, she spent a lot of money when she was young. I never thought I would be too old to work. On the day when I can't make money, I will spend as much as I earn, and I won't save a penny.

My uncle earns a lot of money, and outsiders think his family is rich. When my son got married, he borrowed some foreign debts and paid them back with a gift. Now that my uncle has passed away, my aunt is old and has no money, and the funeral expenses have to be paid by the children. The son and wife thought that the aunt had money and put it in the daughter's hand, which caused the contradiction between the son and the daughter. The two families are at loggerheads, and menstruation wipes her tears at home every day. All her relatives know that her daughter didn't take her parents' money, but her son and daughter-in-law just don't believe it, and the contradictions between brothers and sisters can't be reconciled, and they don't know what to do. So my aunt belongs to the kind of person who hates the poor, and has made enemies for her children. Nobody likes her now.

Although I divorced my husband two days ago, call her mother-in-law! Mother-in-law is a good person, hardworking, enthusiastic and hardworking. Whenever something happens, she always rushes to the front! She has only one son. Since she was born, her father-in-law has never taken a penny from home. Children are brought up by their mother-in-law! They divorced more than ten years ago, but they still live together. My father-in-law is still looking for a mistress outside, regardless of his family! Mother-in-law washes clothes and cooks for him every day, and sometimes she is rejected because of poor cooking! My father-in-law yelled at her if he wanted to, scolded her if he wanted to, and often started fighting. My mother-in-law's brothers and sisters also came forward to help, but they didn't tell her after playing for so many years! The whole family advised her mother-in-law to leave her, but she just wouldn't listen! So after the fight, no one stood up for her! Last week, I went to her house to listen to relatives and said that when her mother-in-law entered the new house, her mother-in-law was going to give a performance. My father-in-law said, "Go wherever you go like a dog. If you don't work, you will move!" At that time, relatives quarreled with him, and her mother-in-law didn't say a word! At that time, I was directly shocked. I said if I were you, I would do anything. Dare my family try? I talked to her before and told her directly that it's really worth losing your family for a man. Although it hurt her, most of it was her request. Obviously, she can get rid of those cowards!

Nothing can be said to death in a word. Everything has two sides. Look at things rationally with materialistic dialectical eyes, and persuade others to be kind without other people's personnel. But there must be something hateful behind this poor man, which may not be obvious. There are many poor people in the world, and some people are born poor. Then where is his abomination? And some people have experienced war disasters, natural disasters and man-made disasters, so where is their hatred?

Looking at the world's development history for more than 200 years, how many countries have been ravaged by the jungle principle of the western world? Their iron hooves are deeply imprinted on the poor, so where is the hatred of these poor people?

China was ravaged by Eight-Nation Alliance and Yuanmingyuan was burned. In the western world, everyone in China has to pay a silver or two. What is the abomination of China people at this time?

In addition, the United States made every effort to suppress enterprises in China, led by China. Although Huawei has not fallen, it is still strong and alive. Where is the hatred of Huawei people? Where is Meng Yuzhou's hateful place?

In today's fast-developing society, there are still people who don't have enough to eat and don't wear warm clothes. Do you feel sorry for him? Is he hateful?

Earlier, under the influence of the one-child policy, a couple had many empty-nest parents, old and old. Now they are inconvenient to move and are in urgent need of social care. To tell the truth, some of them have become poor. Where are their abominations? Can you give me an explanation?

Everything is cause and effect. Speak and think logically, not black and white, nor black and white. It is both contradictory and unified. It's okay to say it easily, but it's not enough to turn it into an article and a logical public opinion to comment on the whole society, misleading people and misleading people.

As the saying goes, the head decides the ass, but the ass also decides the head. Where you sit, what you think and what you write will determine the scope of your control. Hobbies, on the other hand, your public opinion orientation, the depth of your article, your audience and fans, these ordinary external things, we must know the level, left and right, personality and direction of your ass.

A gentle and lovely colleague was at work when he suddenly received a phone call and became hysterical. She ran to my office to help, saying that a rogue relative came to borrow money from her just outside the yard. I comforted her and called the security room, saying that outsiders in our unit could not stay overnight and let the security guard blow her away.

I made her a cup of jujube tea to calm her nerves. She said gratefully, thank you! Told me about this relative.

Her uncle, an only child in the countryside, was spoiled by her grandparents and did nothing. My colleague's mother is still his sister, and she has to boil water for this young man to cook. When he grew up, the old uncle married his wife. Both of them are lazy and have never had an economic concept. Just like African workers, as long as they are paid, the factory will definitely be empty the next day.

The old uncle has been gnawing at the old, and his wife saw that he had no talent, so she ran away with others, leaving him and his son. Later, he actually found a woman and brought a baby girl. My old uncle was obedient by this woman to help people move things. It is said that he also sold blood. Later, I did odd jobs and drove a tricycle to solicit customers, and my life was finally reluctant.

My uncle's son fled to his grandparents' house because he couldn't stand the abuse of his stepmother, and left school early because his parents divorced.

Grandparents were squeezed out of the last drop of oil, and they usually relied on my colleagues, mothers and aunts to help them, and finally came to the end of their lives. Grandparents' ancestral home just happened to catch up with the demolition and was assigned to a new house. My colleague's uncle's wife insisted on writing her and her daughter's names in it. My uncle was forced to write by her. My colleagues, mother, aunt and other relatives went to tell my uncle that never. My uncle and aunt quarreled with those relatives many times for this matter, saying that they all coveted his house and wanted to divide the property. My colleague's mother was very wronged and cried several times. Cut off contact from now on.

My second aunt, a colleague, has grown up and is working in the next city. She wants to buy a house. This woman is not simple. She is in charge of all the savings on weekdays and gives them to her daughter. Then she wants a divorce and the husband and wife share the house equally.

My colleague's uncle is old and has arranged a janitor's job in the community, but he still doesn't go to work well every day, either playing cards or gambling with others, and he loses everything every time. After being beaten several times, no one played cards with him until he knew he had no money.

Sometimes some relatives see it on the road and say that they haven't eaten for several days, which is extremely painful. Relatives felt sorry for him and gave him 500 yuan. Then he went to the supermarket happily, found a restaurant to eat, and ran out of money the next day. It's always like this, and relatives are afraid.

Later, the residential property fired him, and he rode a tricycle to solicit customers. Then I hooked up with a woman named Susan, who was caught and raped. From time to time, a few close relatives will ask if there are any leftovers to take home to heat up.

Colleagues said that I thought the word uncle was derogatory since I was a child. Later, I discovered why other people's uncles are so good. Some uncles send them to study, some give them advice at work, some help them with their homework, and some treat them as their own children. Seeing others get married, my uncle always sits in position C. If she gets married, this uncle really really doesn't want him to appear.

The last time she came to ask for money, she took a little money from her meager income not long after she worked. This time, it was my uncle's son who came to borrow money, saying that he wanted to talk about marriage and invited her home. She said she had had enough, and she was really going crazy. Because before, the uncle's son borrowed money from her aunt, saying that he would be pregnant with a woman and have an abortion, or he would be killed. As a result, he borrowed 5 thousand yuan and never paid it back. He also borrowed new debts and threatened to kill his uncle's house. What the uncle's son said in the WeChat circle of friends, such as "Advise you to be kind", "You should be kind to everyone", "Don't look down on the poor" and "Be a long-term person", was sent to our relatives to advise us to be kind, sympathize with him and donate money to his family. I really feel poisonous! Not all people deserve to be gentle. I've had enough since I was a child! Don't persuade others to be kind without other people's personnel. Poor people must have something hateful.

After listening to so much, I think, don't be confused by the present, you may not see the appearance, so don't jump to conclusions.

Excuse me, friends, what kind of person is your uncle? How is your relationship with your uncle? Can you tell me?

I totally agree, because I'm inside.

I don't get along well with my mother-in-law Everyone advised me that my mother-in-law was that kind of person, so let me take it easy. But I really can't get over it. My mother-in-law is honest, lazy and doesn't like to do things. But the heart is not bad, just doing things hurts too much.

On the day of giving birth, I had a stomachache for half a night the night before. The next day, she asked me to go to my relatives' house. I told her I had a stomachache and couldn't go! Then she went to visit relatives with my grandfather!

I'm pregnant, she can't cook, so she can only cook noodles for you!

The baby was ill, so I asked her to go with me. I went to park the car, but I couldn't find anyone. Because we had a little friction before, she got angry, didn't want to talk to me and left without saying hello.

Some goose eggs my father sent me are bad. She saw it when she put it away, but she didn't tell me. It stinks in the end.

The baby was ill in hospital, and she took 1000 yuan. After the baby recovered, she said she had no money, so I gave her 1000 yuan. But she told Jie Gu that I had taken all the money from my family and kept quiet about what I gave her. ...

Everyone says that she is honest and thinks little, but honesty is no excuse. I have a problem with her because she is honest. Everyone thought she was funny, but no one thought about what I had experienced!

Yes, this is the feeling of people who have experienced a lot!