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Stock trading depends on fortune telling _ fortune telling.

How to tell whether a man's palm is suitable for stock trading?

There is a wealth palace in the palm, which is the prominent position of the root of the index finger. Just like the nose representing wealth in palmistry, it is fixed. But as it turns out, besides the Palace of Wealth, there is another place where we can see how much wealth there is. This is the solar line, so even if your money palace is average, if the solar line is good, you can still have a good fortune. According to the trend of the sun line, you can roughly see how much wealth you will have and which class you belong to.

As long as you compare the pictures, it is easy to find your own sun line, that is, the vertical extension line located at the root of the ring finger and extending downward, that is, the sun line. This line usually affects the size of wealth, and whether you can have very huge wealth often has a great decisive role.

① Well-off society. When the sun line in your hand extends downward, that is, from the root of the ring finger to the emotional line, it implies that your wealth can generally reach a well-off state, such as having a car, a house and a certain deposit. That's the case, the upper level is insufficient and the lower level is surplus.

② Fu Xiao. To achieve the wealth of life to a small state of wealth, in addition to your God of Wealth Palace to grow full, the positive line in your hand must be "further" than the first situation above. That is, the sun line extends downward from the root of the ring finger and passes through the emotional line, indicating that you can have good luck or good luck in your life and reach the level of small fortune. Generally, such people will gradually reach the peak of their careers around the age of thirty-one.

(3) Zhongfu. There are two situations: first, after the sun line passes through the emotional line, it can bend and extend to the second Mars hill (see picture); Second, after the sun line passes through the emotional line, it can extend to the vicinity of the moon hill. In either case, it shows that the wealth of your life can reach the level of medium wealth, and you will have more wealth.

(4) Dafu. In modern life, there are absolutely few rich people, just a few. Therefore, Dafu's palm reading is definitely rare. For example, the sun line extends downward from the root of the ring finger and intersects or approaches the lifeline to achieve great wealth in life. This is definitely rare, because the average person's solar line is not that long.

Others, such as more than one solar line, are intermittent, and this type of men and women are prone to ups and downs in economy or wealth. In other words, it is impossible to save money when there are some cross lines or island lines on the sun line. Of course, wealth is not the only criterion to measure success in life. For example, some people are famous, and some people have made great achievements by inventing some technologies that can affect human beings. Therefore, the so-called success, there is no unified standard, depending on what everyone's own correct pursuit and ideal are.

Compare the pictures and words with your own hands, right? What kind of wealth are you? I hope everyone is either rich or expensive! Next time friends get together, you can read your fortune and palm to see whether their wealth in this life is big or small!