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How old does the fortune teller say he will wear mourning clothes _ How old does the fortune teller say he will wear mourning clothes?

Many rural elderly people will put on their own mourning clothes when they are dying. Is there any explanation for this?

There is nothing to say about this, but there are funeral customs in the countryside.

The old man died and needed to change his shroud. So, who will change it?

The customs in this place should be different. Black sister-in-law only talks about our side here.

On our side, the old man did not change clothes the first time after his death, but informed his family. When everyone comes, he will give the old man the first piece of paper, also called "swearing the soul".

Every village has such a temple. When someone dies, the younger generation of the family cries and burns a piece of paper in front of the temple, which is equivalent to putting the soul of the dead old man in the temple or storing it in the temple.

After pressing the first piece of paper, everyone in the village knew whose old man died and several middle-aged women came. They often do this, and almost all of them are women in their fifties.

Here comes the question of the topic: change the shroud.

With these old people, I have been stubborn all my life and have strong self-esteem. They don't want people to see their bodies after they die, so they will put them on before they die, or let their children help them put them on.

So as not to be seen.

Of course, most people can't change themselves. Most old people are confused or afraid before they die. They have no ability and mood to change clothes, and most of them are made by these women.

In fact, when people die, it is very serious to change the shroud for the elderly. Nobody laughs, let alone talk nonsense.

Finally, when the spirit stops and the funeral is over, you should go to the temple before the funeral. This is called "awakening the soul", which means bringing back the soul of the old man who was detained in the temple and burying it with his body.

Funeral customs are very serious and complicated, and there is no room for any mistakes. Experienced people handle this kind of thing.

When one generation is old, the younger generation will have to have such a handler to send one generation away and then send another generation away. This cycle is endless, the village continues, and the villagers inherit.

This custom is rare now. Before the 1950 s, when people were old, they had to make coffins and prepare shroud in advance. Some old people have to put on their own shroud when they die.

Make the coffin in advance. When people are over 60, it is usually their children who make coffins for the elderly in advance. As the saying goes, "look at the coffin at sixty" means that people's life expectancy was relatively short at that time. When people reach the age of 60, they are not far from death. In rural customs, there is also the meaning of "looking for an official" and "changing money" for children and grandchildren. Why do you want to do it in advance? This is due to three reasons. First, rural people are simple and frugal, thinking that only what they do is solid and costs less. Second, it is done with great care. At that time, it was all manual operation, and it took several days to make a coffin. I'm afraid I can't make it to the third place for the time being. The old man saw it himself and felt satisfied and practical, but he could live longer. At that time, most of the good coffins in the countryside were made of cypress. When the thickness of the plate is more than 3 inches, only primer shall be applied after finishing, and red paint shall be applied when using.

Make a shroud in advance, and people over 70 must make a shroud in advance. Generally, it is new from the inside out, from underwear, tops, trousers, shoes and socks, hats and robes. At that time, coats were usually made of silk, satin tops and lake silk robes. Shrouds are also made in rural areas, and they rarely go to shroud shops to buy them. Several women at home will have to do it for several days. Making a shroud in advance is also for the elderly to be happy and practical, and live for a few more years. Of course, I'm afraid it's too late

At the age of 60, Wang Laohan's sons prepared excellent cypress coffins. The old man was very satisfied and put it in his south room. Every summer, the old man sleeps on the top of the coffin for a few days. After seventy, the children prepared shroud for the old man, which was better than when they were grooms. The old man wrapped the shroud and put it on the top of the wardrobe. He checked it several times a year for fear of being bitten by rats. After Wang Laohan's 84th birthday, he felt worse than before. On this day, he called his two sons to his side and told them that I always dreamed of my dead relatives these days, and your mother often called me in her dreams. I'm afraid I won't live for a few days. Sure enough, three nights after winning, Wang Laohan put on a shroud and passed away quietly.

Q: Many elderly people in rural areas will wear mourning clothes when they die. Is there anything to say?

Few old people wear shroud when they die, but there are some. Most of them were put on by children and daughters-in-law when the old man was dying.

The custom of rural people is that the old man is dead and must not be allowed to walk with his kang on his back. He must try his best to die on the bed board, which is the real good repair.

Just before the old man died, someone would set up a bed board in the hall, and the son and daughter-in-law in the back room would put on the shroud for the old man, and then he would be carried to the bed board to settle down and let the old man swallow his last breath. This is a natural death.

Before the old man died, his body was soft, so it was convenient to wear clothes and carry things. After the old man died, his body became stiff, so it was difficult to wear a shroud again.

The bed board for the elderly has two door panels. If there is no door panel, you can also bind seven straw handles. Put the two benches together, push the back eaves to the north, close the curtains, cover your face with yellow paper, and you can burst into tears.

It was New Year's Eve when the old man put on the shroud. The old man in his seventies and eighties felt that he was dying, so he put on the shroud made in advance and sat on the chimney root of Fangshan Kang, waiting for the arrival of the New Year. The old people think that only when he puts on the shroud and sits at the root of the chimney for 30 nights can he reach the homesickness platform, and this shroud belongs to him. Otherwise, he went to the underworld and saw his usual costume without a shroud.

My grandmother was 84 years old when she died. When she was over 70 years old, she made a shroud for herself. There is a saying in the countryside: seventy-three eighty-four, the ghost king doesn't ask himself to go. She may be preparing for her 73-year-old hurdle. The cloth and cotton she used to make the shroud were bought by herself, and the shroud was sewn by herself. After the shroud was made, it was kept in one of her own boxes, and no one else could see it at all.

My grandfather died early, and I have no impression of him at all, but I have never forgotten my grandmother's voice and appearance. My grandmother died safely at the age of seventy-three, but at the age of seventy-four, she got hemiplegia and stayed in bed for ten years.

Her next door neighbor is her cousin, and the old couple live alone. In my memory, the old man was paralyzed in bed and the old lady waited on him. One winter, the old lady died suddenly. She was fine when she slept at night. At noon, the old lady's son came to see them and found that the old lady had been dead for a long time. Because the old man is paralyzed, he can't move. He could only watch the old lady die. He tried to call someone, but he could only make a weak voice. In winter, he closes the door and windows. Who can hear him?

Grandma naturally burst into tears when she heard this. She said that when her cousin came to talk to her yesterday, she felt something was wrong. Her cousin speaks in different ways. She already felt sick, but she didn't expect to die on the kang so soon. Living is enough, and you have to carry the kang after death. What a crime she committed in her last life!

Since my cousin died, grandma has become depressed and has lost her appetite. If you eat less, your body will naturally become weaker and weaker. Before, you could roll over and sit up. Later, others served. Her room smells strange. I don't like going to her room. But every time my mother takes me there, she forces me to stay at my grandmother's house for a while. I just stayed for a while, and then I managed to escape to my uncle's house to play with my cousin.

Grandma is 84 years old. One day, after school, my mother took me to my grandmother's house. On this day, there are many people in grandma's family, including my uncle and aunt, and all the people in our family came. But I don't see anything unusual in the atmosphere. Our children were very excited when they were together, and soon they played wildly together.

Dinner was eaten in grandma's room, which is said to have been requested by grandma. Grandma set a table on the kang and underground, and the whole family crowded into grandma's room for a meal. Aunt made a big bowl of noodle soup for grandma, but grandma didn't eat it. She just leaned against the rolled luggage and watched us eat. Seeing that grandma really didn't eat it, my aunt gave the noodle soup to our children. It was really delicious, and I still remember its taste.

After supper, all our children ran out to play. It was about nine o'clock, and my mother didn't let me go home. At this time every day, we all go home early. I'm a little sleepy. I just want to call my mother. Suddenly I heard a cry from grandma's room, mixed with her mother and her shouts. We children all froze for a moment, and then rushed over.

We ran to grandma's house and saw grandma lying on a door panel on the ground. She is wearing blue trousers, a blue cloth cap and blue cloth shoes. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was slightly open. She's dead. When the adults saw us children suddenly crowded in, they hurried us out. We stood in the yard, watching the adults in a hurry, the women crying, and some were at a loss. It's all honest now.

After a while, menstruation came to take us back to her house and told us to go to bed quickly. No one can go home to sleep today. Because of such a big change, we children are much more honest and lie there silently. Soon, I fell asleep.

We were stopped before dawn. Mothers came, dressed us in mourning clothes and let us come to the yard. It turns out that grandma has passed away. A purple coffin has been placed in the yard, with offerings in front and burning paper in a clay basin. Mothers led us to the coffin, made us kneel and kowtow before the coffin, and then led us aside. Soon, many people carried the coffin away together, and then a woman was crying.

Later, I heard that my aunt found that grandma seemed to be ill when she woke up that morning. Her brain was a little confused and she was full of nonsense and couldn't understand anything. She sent her uncle to the village for a doctor. The doctor came to have a look and told my uncle to prepare for the funeral. The old lady may have to leave. I gave grandma some medicine, and in the afternoon, grandma seemed to wake up, which made everyone have a meal in her room, and she also took the opportunity to meet all the people.

After dinner, she asked her aunt to take out her shroud and put it beside her. At nine o'clock, her breathing became disordered. She pointed to her shroud, meaning that everyone should help her put it on. Because of the tossing of clothes, after putting on the shroud, grandma was already venting more and inhaling less, so everyone had to carry her to the door panel prepared in advance on the ground. As soon as she put it on, she straightened her clothes and died.

It is rare for an old man to put on a shroud before his death, but many people ask their children to help him put on a shroud before his death. It is said that if he can't wear a shroud before he dies, he can't take it with him in the future, so he can only go on the road naked. Some old people may have a premonition before they die, so they will ask their children to help them put on the shroud. They say people can't die on the kang when they are dead. If you die on the kang, you have to carry it on your back, and you will always be crushed by the kang, and you will never turn over. Of course, this is just a legend. Whether this is the case, we living people naturally don't know.

Isn't it incredible that many rural elderly people will put on their own shroud when they are dying? In fact, this kind of culture has a long history. It not only helps children and grandchildren put on shroud, but even buys shroud, coffin and so on several years in advance.

For example, in Mo Yan's "Big Breasts and Fat Buttocks", my mother put on a shroud sewn by her mother-in-law on her sixtieth birthday. Her mother was ingenious and dug two round holes in her breast to facilitate her children to eat milk.

Under normal circumstances, our shroud is worn after death, but there is a tradition of "happy burial" in many places, that is to say, people over 60 "like burial", and they should be as lively as when they get married, beating gongs and drums, entertaining guests and dressing the elderly with shroud, which they have never enjoyed in their lives.

Shrouds are divided into hats, clothes, shoes and socks, at least three sets. The number of sets generally requires an odd number, not an even number, because even number means pairing and taking one person away. Shandong is very particular about shroud. At present, many old people wear 9-piece suits when they die, 5 on the top and 4 on the bottom. There are five sets, three sets above and two sets below. If you are under age, you can't enjoy this treatment. You should halve the shroud.

The origin of shroud is said to be popular when the Qing army entered the customs. After the Qing army entered the customs, it was not only required to wear braids, but also to wear clothes from the Qing Dynasty. But these regulations do not include the dead, so many people will wear the clothes of the former dynasty after death, and this custom has been preserved.

These shroud are very special. They asked for cloth made of cotton thread, children from bedding to underwear, and robes, shoes and socks to show filial piety. However, in recent years, people gradually like to buy ready-made clothes instead of making them themselves. Shrouds are basically customized according to the official uniforms of the Ming Dynasty, mostly in cyan and red cloth, which symbolizes the prosperity of future generations. Because people believe that the soul of the elderly can stay in the ancestral temple and bless future generations. In addition, the shroud can't use buttons, only a small cloth belt, indicating that there are successors.

So judging from this set of etiquette, in ancient times, people attached great importance to shroud. The old man hopes that he can go to another world smartly. He doesn't want to see his ancestors without faces or faces. Even at the end of the Republic of China, during the war, many families would scrimp and save and prepare shroud and coffin for the elderly.

Thick burial culture In recent years, thick burial has become popular in many areas in the south. Not only are coffins more luxurious, but shroud is also all-encompassing. They even put on 15 clothes worn by ancient emperors, which means "Ninth Five-Year Plan" and sewed dragons.

Such careful preparation is the wish of children and the long-cherished wish of the elderly, so many elderly people begin to prepare their own shroud, tombs and so on. After the age of 60, and from time to time they will take it out and put it on, and lie in the coffin to see if it fits. People don't want to pawn their shrouds and coffins. These things entrust the old people's imagination of the future world, unless they are rich or encounter disasters.

Looking forward to the world after death, we China people are very taboo about death, and we will not talk about it in public, especially after the founding of the People's Republic of China. Apart from the "four seniors", it has also eliminated our reverence for religion. Therefore, in the city, these new generations who have received proletarian atheism education have no hope for the future world, and they are also desperate when they are dying.

In our countryside, a "heavy burial" can not only impress future generations, but also make the elderly have a good vision for the afterlife and the world after death.

In many southern areas, such as Hunan and Hubei, there are even shroud exhibitions in many areas. When people combined the Ming Dynasty costumes, they also joined the modern fashion art. In addition to the rule that buttons and odd numbers should not be changed, many shrouds also incorporated elements such as tunic suit and cheongsam, which looked more like rebirth than leaving.

So it is not surprising that many old people not only have no fear of death, but even have expectations. In some places, the elderly will let their children wear their own shroud to avoid their children's "disaster year" and let their children grow up healthily. Therefore, in their view, the shroud is not only fearless, but even the treasure of the family. Therefore, it is not surprising that many rural elderly people can't wait to put on shroud before they die.

Birth, old age, illness and death, this is the law of life, no matter you are a powerful person or a common people, no one can change [dizzy]!

As long as there are people in the countryside who are seventy or eighty years old, more exquisite women will make their own shroud when they live to this age. We commonly call it "wrapping clothes" and "sending old clothes" here. I think what I made fits me very well. I like the fabric and color I chose. It feels comfortable to wear it carefully.

If the old man is ill in bed for a long time and his condition becomes more and more serious, there will be children to help him put on the shroud. According to folklore, this is bad luck! I hope the patient will come back to life and give up his life. Putting on the shroud in advance is to tell the old man that the clothes are ready for him and reassure him. If the old man is conscious and knows that he has not left this world naked, then he will be relieved to die. Moreover, the body is soft and not stiff at this time. It's easy to put on the shroud and stretch it. This is also the purpose of wearing a shroud on the deathbed.

However, there are few examples of old people wearing shroud before they die. After death, most people, on the one hand, inform the person in charge to be present, on the other hand, find experienced people or family members to put on the shroud for their old friends. It is unlucky for family members to wear shroud. Men and women generally wear five and seven. (Underwear, coat, jacket, cotton gown) The colors are mainly black and blue, wearing hats; Women wear red skirts, coats and cotton-padded jackets. Both men and women wear socks and shoes, and there are no buttons on their inner and outer clothes. After wearing it, put a copper coin in the mouth of the deceased, which is called "mouth money", indicating that you are steady and keep your word. Cover your face with white paper, you can carry it to the coffin bed with a mattress with a yellow background and white edges, cover your feet with hemp rope, light a ever-burning lamp on the gong table, burn three incense sticks, set up four fresh fruit plates and four plates with dog cakes, get a big bowl full of slag ash in the middle, and insert seven dog sticks, and you can do nothing. Remember! The deceased should put the body on his head and feet.

Rural people say that "the dead are the biggest", and the ancestors left many details and rules to do things well. But in today's high-speed development, people's lives have undergone earth-shaking changes, and everything is fast-paced. Therefore, we should break the old and establish the new, and do white things with environmental protection, civilization and frugality as the center! No matter what you said in the past, the old man is still filial and opposes fooling around after death! Respect the old and love the young, everyone loves them, and a harmonious society is well-off.

Teachers and friends, do my thoughts represent you? Welcome to communicate!

People are going to die. After surviving, they will be awake for a while, and the spirit is the so-called death ray. At this time, the patient will put on his shroud, then play in the mirror, and then die suddenly. Why would they do that? I think it should be the following reasons.

People have come to the end of their lives. In order to dress neatly and enter another world, they will feel relieved when they put on their clothes. If you let others put it on in a hurry after death, it will not fit you and you will be laughed at in another world.

In addition, there is a saying in the countryside that people should put on the shroud before they die. If you don't put on clothes before you die, it is that a person's soul is naked. If you go to the western paradise naked, you will lose your adult.

Another reason is that people die for a long time, their arms and legs can't be bent, and their clothes are not easy to wear. Sometimes they have to cut clothes before they can put them on. How can they bear to let them hinge?

In view of the above reasons, the old people are willing to put on the shroud before they die, so that they can leave at ease.

Uncle Li is a neighbor of my hometown. He likes to play jokes on people. He usually looks cynical. A few years ago, he suffered from lung cancer. Later, when he learned of his illness, he realized that his days were numbered. His family has prepared a shroud for him.

Uncle Li is also an enlightened person. A few days before his death, he put on a shroud and asked his family to help him walk from one street to the next, which surprised and frightened everyone.

In his own words, no one has ever walked in the street wearing a shroud. Today, he wants to show everyone the big living people wearing shroud.

Like uncle Li, he put on a shroud when he died. I think he should be very sad; There are both helplessness at the end of his life and nostalgia for the world when he is near death.

What is there to say about this? Many rural elderly people don't want to bother their children too much, so they know to put on the shroud in advance when they are dying! It is also possible that the relationship between the old man and his wife is not very good, so I think I don't want them to wear it for me after I die. Some daughters-in-law with bad relations can't wear shroud for their dead mother-in-law.

Some people's children don't wear shroud at all after the death of the old man, but just put on clean clothes or even clothes. Just wipe the old man's face and neck with a towel! Almost all old people want to wear shroud after death, and at worst they can put on new clothes, but some children just don't. Therefore, some old people prepared their own shroud, and asked their children or wives (whose wives were not dead) to help them put it on when they died, and even put on their own shroud when they were alive!

There is an old man in our village (his wife died). I have no daughter because I have a bad relationship with my daughter-in-law. Once, she was ill and felt that she was dying, so she put on her shroud and knew she could still move. Unexpectedly, she recovered after a while. Her sons also took her to the hospital for examination and treatment for some time. It's not a serious illness or anything, but it's quite serious. The doctor advised her to stay in hospital for a while and then come back, but her son didn't have much money to treat her, and he was discharged after only staying for one day. The old man thought he was terminally ill or something (suspecting that his son was keeping it from her) and that he was going to die, so he put on a shroud for himself in advance.

There will be many funeral ceremonies after the death of farmers and old people living in rural areas. Every place is different, and every village has its own customs. The family will ask the master of ceremonies to put on the shroud, and after all the processes are over, the old people will be buried. Although the rituals in each village are very different, the only similarity is that the old people wear shroud. Why?

It is reported that when wearing a shroud for the deceased, relatives of the elderly should try it on symbolically first. After trying it on, weigh it with a scale, instead of weighing it, and say in front of people, "This was bought by future generations with money." Show filial piety of children and grandchildren. However, putting on the shroud is not so simple. How to wear it and how many pieces to wear are all exquisite. Generally speaking, the number of shrouds is usually odd, with a difference of two from top to bottom, such as at most seven, at most five or at most nine and then seven, and at most eleven and then nine, that is, wearing eleven coats and nine pairs of trousers.

The second reason is to show respect. Modern people live a good life and think that shroud is not valuable, but it was still very expensive in ancient times, and many ordinary people could not afford it. In fact, children buy shrouds for the elderly just to make them walk decently, which is not only a kind of respect, but also a kind of filial piety.

To sum up, wearing a shroud to hold a funeral after death is not superstition, but a kind of respect for the deceased. In fact, there are many such customs in rural areas, whether scientific or not, but they are all people's good wishes for future life and respect for their elders. Do you have anything to say about it?