Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - The legend of three small mouths

The legend of three small mouths


According to legend, in the past, there lived a family near Ximen, Hefei. There was an old mother in the family, who was over the age of ancient times. He has three sons under his knee, who are well-known dutiful sons. In order to take good care of the old mother, the three sons took turns to carefully guard the left and right, never leaving. This year, my mother unfortunately got abscess and purulent blood. In order to alleviate the pain of the old mother, the third son took turns sucking pus through his mouth. In order to cure the old mother's illness as soon as possible, Sanzi visits famous doctors and folk remedies every day. However, the disease was incurable at that time and it was not easy to cure it. In desperation, the third son had to turn to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha. One day, the third son met a fortune teller in front of the temple. The third son tried to tell the truth and hoped for advice. After hearing the story of his third son, the fortune teller pleaded, "If you want to cure your mother's illness, you must supplement it with live broth." This is a deliberate fabrication of fortune telling, suggesting that mother's illness is incurable. However, the third son didn't understand the meaning of these words and believed them without thinking. When praying for the clay idol, I gouged out a piece of meat from my leg and cooked it into soup for my mother immediately after I got home. All methods were exhausted, but still failed to save the mother's life. After the death of the old mother, the third son turned to sell his family property and bought a coffin to take care of his mother's affairs.

In addition, it is said that there is a red original stone buried under Ximen Street, and the key of Dashushan is under pressure. Take out this key, you can open the door of Dashu Mountain and get the gold and silver treasures of Dashu Mountain. However, some people say that if this original stone moves, Hefei will catch fire, so no one has dared to act rashly. Unexpectedly, this legend was learned by a greedy rogue in Hefei. He took advantage of the dead of night to quietly open the red original stone and stole the key to Dashu Mountain. The key to Dashushan was stolen and the fire started. At that time, smoke billowed from Ximen Street, and the fire grew stronger and stronger. I saw that the fire had reached the third son's house. In order to protect the coffin, the third son actually fell on the coffin and vowed to live and die with the coffin. It seems that the gods were moved by Sanzi's pious behavior, and the fire jumped over his home.

After the fire, the houses in the whole street in the west gate of the city were burned to ashes, but the houses of the three sons were intact. As a result, this place was later called "Sanxiao Temple". Sanxiaokou's address is in the Changjiang River section of this city. Regarding this legend, it is recorded in the "He Fei County Records": "Zhu Song brothers were buried together in the room, and the coffin could not be moved. Three people dare not lie on the coffin, vowed to mutually assured destruction. All three people died, but the coffin was intact. At the beginning, my mother's illness was very serious, and the more she smoked, the worse she became. " This passage records that although the specific details are not consistent with folklore, the basic content is similar.