Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Bing Xin's poem Stars and Springs

Bing Xin's poem Stars and Springs

Bing Xin's poems, stars and springs, stars? What do you know about springs? The following is the original text compiled by Bian Xiao and its related appreciation. Welcome to reading and understanding. A star is shining ―― Have you heard their conversation in the deep blue sky? In silence, in the twilight, they deeply praised each other. Appreciate a few short sentences, but draw a beautiful, aesthetic and natural picture. Moreover, the author's imagination is so magical and wonderful that the stars without feelings in the ice Leng Ye sky can still praise each other, and the author expresses his pursuit of "human love" very implicitly. The second childhood! But the truth in the dream is a tearful smile in memory. Appreciating childhood is our lost time, beautiful and sad, so it is the truth in the dream. Because it once really existed, it was a real dream, and it was also the trembling of 30 thousand hectares with tears and smiles that I recalled-the moon on the dark island came up to where the source of life died! Appreciation of the first three sentences is to describe the scenery and environment of the moon rising. Trembling refers to the ocean. If you live by the sea, you will have a deep understanding of this. The most difficult thing to understand is the last two sentences, "the source of life, the place of death!" " As soon as you touch it, you can find that the moon rises from the sea and falls into the sea at dawn. For the moon, the ocean is both a place of birth (rising) and death (falling), so it is the source of life and the place of death. Here, what the author wants to express is a kind of reincarnation thought. Everything in the world has this law, from the beginning to the end is reincarnation. Life is the same, grow up first. Then when they are old, they will return to their children's psychology (in fact, the elderly will find that their psychology is very similar to that of children when they are exposed to more). This is the law of the world. Four little brothers! Three bright and happy stars in my soul. Gentle, unspeakable, deep-rooted children! Appreciate the treasure of childlike innocence, childlike interest, childlike innocence and all new things. In the eyes of poets, the world full of childlike innocence is the most beautiful world in the world. Five dark, how to draw deep? Deep in the soul, deep in the universe, rest in the brilliant light. Appreciating this little poem is a very appropriate metaphor for darkness. As long as there are no distractions, there is no darkness in the heart. In the universe, it is dark, but there are many stars like the sun, which bring us warmth and light; There is no sunshine in the rest place of brilliant light, but the rest time of sunshine is in the dark night. Soon, the silent night will be replaced by the powerful light of the sun, so darkness will never overcome light. Six-sided mirror-look at the opposite side, but it feels unnatural. Might as well turn it over. The appreciation of the poet advised us to grasp the present, study hard and work down to earth. Only by "painting your present picture with your heart" will your future career be brilliant and your life path be broad. Only by "recalling the past" can we "not regret wasting time and not be ashamed of doing nothing"! Only in this way can you proudly say that my life is full and meaningful. A word "be careful" can penetrate the back of the paper with exquisite words and infinite care and exhortation. Only lonely and angry people are awake! Listening to the gong of fortune telling breaks the fate of the world, which is intended to awaken numb people. The gong of fortune telling symbolizes the cruel future. People who are at a loss should be aware of and alert to the eight residual flowers on the branches. The bird flew away and red was scattered all over the floor? d? D is life also a general glimpse? Watching the scene of birds flying to the ground in a hurry, Bing Xin, an old man, compared life. She wondered whether life would "come and go in a hurry" as she saw in this world. The old man Bing Xin may be sighing for someone that her (his) life is so embarrassing. Have pity on her (him)! Nine dreams are the most obvious, clear and frank, telling the secrets and worries in your own soul. Appreciate dreams and reality and tell you honestly that how you solve your problem is the key. "Stars in the Spring" (10) The bright green bud said to the youth: "Development: yourself!" Pale flowers, and the young man said, "contribute yourself!" " The crimson fruit said to the young man, "sacrifice yourself!" [Appreciation]: From the "confessions" of Yael, Wahl and Guoer to the youth, we can not only see Yael, Wahl and Guoer's expectation and longing for the youth; From the words of Ya Er, Hua Er and Guo Er, we can also see from the side what their usual life is like. Usually it is silent dedication. Where can I find infinite mystery? After he smiled, his words were infinitely mysterious. Appreciating the infinite mystery here should be the truth, goodness and beauty praised by Bing Xin. To sum up: sometimes the embodiment of truth, goodness and beauty is actually very simple. Needless to say, a smile is enough, and it is not as infinitely mysterious as people think. One or two humans! Love each other. We are all long-distance travelers with the same destination. Although everyone's life experience is different, the same thing is that each of us is on a long road of human growth, so we are compared to a long-distance traveler until the end of our lives, so everyone's destination is the same, that is, death. Because people always die, in this short and long life, people hate each other and live in pain; It is better to love each other, live in harmony and make life full of love and joy. This sentence actually reflects the "philosophy of love" that Bing Xin has always advocated, that is, the blue sky with a 130-corner wall is boundless-that is, it is the appreciation of heaven and earth. After reading these words, there is a feeling of vastness. Above the city wall is a blue sky, as far as the eye can see, bordered by endless scenery, which is heaven and earth. /Everyone should have lofty goals and look forward. No matter who you are, you should achieve your goals in this vast world! Even people in the sky. We are all babies of nature, lying in the cradle of the universe, appreciating and personifying nature and the universe, and shrinking human beings to show their smallness and ignorance in front of nature. Nature is a rich boy! You can come into my garden, but don't pick my flowers ―― watch the thorns of roses stab your hands. Appreciation probably means that I can tolerate you doing something in a certain space, but please don't touch my bottom line, otherwise it will hurt one or six young people! Carefully draw your present picture for later memory and appreciation. Study hard now, work hard, make contributions to society, and don't do things that you will regret in the future. Leave something memorable for the future, friend! Why do you say I am "silent"? In the world, some authors are unknown, but they have made practical efforts, while others talk a lot, but they just talk without practice. September 18th writer! Sow your seeds on purpose and find your fruits anytime, anywhere. Appreciation shows that writers have carefully observed and discovered literature. Cultivate seeds and harvest fruits. My heart is like a boat, crossing the choppy sea of time. Highlight inner loneliness. Ups and downs mean mood. One is that I am hesitant and sad. The second is that fate and road are nowhere to be found. The sea of time refers to the fate of the future and the road of life. It also tells the dangers of the future road. I'm a little confused about myself. It highlights the sadness and loneliness of the author's mood at the moment. Happy flowers look for the perfect person in the hands of the god of fate. Happiness comes when you don't notice it, not on purpose. What touches my heart is the string of destiny in my hand outside the window! How can it only be deeply entangled in the lingering sound? The sound of trees is infinite, and the moon is infinite. In the aftersound of the piano, I heard the infinite sound of trees and saw the infinite moon, which reflected the beauty of the world. I shouldn't just be surrounded by "echoes"-it was a hazy month of death-it was a languid appreciation of fallen flowers. When I leave my beloved alive, I always look at the moon involuntarily at night. At this time, my sadness and thoughts make people feel sad. When I died, great sadness came to my heart and made me haggard. This is what Li Qingzhao said: "Yellow flowers are piled all over the ground, withered and damaged. Who can pick them now?" It can be said that these two sentences accurately describe where you will go. The lamp of the soul is bright in silence and extinguished in excitement. When we are quiet, it is easier for us to know ourselves, because at that time our behavior is more introverted. When we are busy, we pay more attention to our appearance and ignore our heart. Therefore, the beauty of the soul should be found in quiet time/in the noise. The surrounding environment arbitrarily encroaches on our senses, and the senses arbitrarily occupy themselves. People become slaves to the surrounding environment and forget themselves. In silence, all the senses calm down, people can hear their inner voices, people can communicate with their inner voices, and we know ourselves in communication. Sunflower admits to those who have never met Bai Lianhua that they are best friends. When the white lotus emerged from the water, the sunflower looked down and appreciated her elegant pride. The poet wrote the pride of Bai Lianhua with the feelings of sunflower. Sunflowers have different feelings before and after the lotus leaves the water. Especially after writing that the white lotus came out of the water, sunflower felt ashamed and was impressed by the pride of the white lotus. This anthropomorphic description distinguishes two different personalities, from which we can see the poet's value orientation. 25 people are dead! Get up and praise him. He is silent, but he will rest forever. For the author, death is just a deep sea with 26 mountains, which belongs to a resting place and deserves praise-a cold heart and warm tears. Poor little guy! Appreciate and sigh the greatness of nature and the smallness of human beings. Erqi poets are the greatest happiness in the world fantasy, and in fact they are also the deepest disappointment. Appreciate and sigh the difference between ideal and reality. . I wrote that the poet was very entangled. . I am the waves of my hometown! The waves you splashed once pounded my rock drop by drop, and now they are pounded my heartstrings drop by drop, expressing my love for my hometown and homesickness. The sea waves in my hometown gradually struck the poet's heartstrings, pulling his thoughts deeper and deeper. 29. My friend feels sorry for you. All I can offer is a cold smile. Serious and cold. But when a friend met something good, he didn't bless him, but gave him the coldest smile. Is it that three years have passed and nothing has been done except hazy thoughts? Appreciation warns people to cherish time, don't just think about it without doing it, just think about it without paying attention to reality, which will accomplish nothing. Trinity is the most ungrateful thing-people's tears are the appreciation of his harvest. I can't find this sentence on the internet, and I can't understand it. . The thorn of the rose is the climber's resentment and her own comfort and appreciation. It should be said that when others hurt others, they may hurt themselves. Three, three, mom! Put aside your sadness and let me fall into your arms. Only you are the settlement and appreciation of my soul. My deep attachment and kindness to my mother expressed the author's feelings of giving up his love for her. /that is to say, let mom not worry, tell me the sorrow and let me share it. Mother must not fall down because of sadness, because you are the harbor where my soul lives. It was not the rolling waves that created new land, but the tiny sediment beneath him appreciated the created land, not the rolling waves, but his sediment, which reflected the author's definition of ordinary people! People are noble, ordinary, this wave of noble people, this sediment is ordinary people, only ordinary people can make up Qian Qian's Qian Qian ten thousand people! Isn't a noble person the result of the efforts of ordinary people? Everything in the world is made up of the smallest molecules, and all the smallest talents make up the largest. Everything is an accumulation process. Three or five thousand angels will get up and sing praises to the children! His small body contains a great soul. This sentence is the author's singing and appreciation of innocence, and it is also the author's treasure of all new things, which shows the author's innocence, delicacy, admiration for truth, goodness and beauty, and strong self-confidence and spirit of struggle. /is a deep and affectionate tribute to the mother, laying a deep and delicate emotional tone for the work. Closely connected with the praise of maternal love is the treasure of childlike innocence, childlike interest, childlike innocence and all new things. In the eyes of poets, the world full of innocence and childlike interest is the most beautiful in the world. The sun shines into the crack of the stone, and the small thorn fruit says, "Come out with my strength and liberate your imprisoned self!" " The trunk was exposed and the hard rock split in two. Appreciate the tiny thorn fruit as the main character, and later thorn fruit liberated his prisoner with the help of the sun and his self-confidence. Because with the help of the power of sunshine and the confidence of firm victory, the thorn fruit finally came out, and the solid rock (rock) split in two. In this poem, I wrote down my firm belief that I should speak well and overcome evil. Sanqi artist! Don't people and the world always appreciate mortals and artists through the heavy fog? The fog refers to the clarity and fuzziness of identifying art. On March 8, the mine field listened to the river at the foot of the gurgling mountain-the chilly wind blew the hair on the horizon-and there were several more lights on the ground. Is it a star or a lamp to appreciate and depict the beauty of nature? I caught a glimpse of the brilliant sunrise in the clouds below the mountain when I woke up from my dream on March 9! You were miserable when you left. How can you see me again now? Appreciation four, friends! Don't believe that I will make you worry infinitely. I'm just a weak person driven by ideological trend! Appreciate my betrayal. Please don't believe me. I'll get you into trouble. Actually, I'm also a victim. I told you not to trust him. He is just a coward who has lost control of his mind. 4. The night is deep and my heart is open. Thinking of a Wandering Traveler God came to enjoy the night unexpectedly, and his heart was open. In order to meet the god of thinking, he is eager for knowledge. Clouds in the sky, people's thoughts on the ground are imprisoned by facts, which is the root of all pain.