Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - How to write an executable promotion plan?

How to write an executable promotion plan?

65438+ 10 month, it is time for many operation and marketing personnel to write annual and spring promotion plans. Many friends write this thing for the first time, and they are worried that the boss wants to promote marketing or something. Although some friends have written it, they are still worried about how to make the marketing objectives reasonable, instead of brainstorming for writing the planning scheme. What is even more embarrassing is that the time-consuming and laborious marketing plan finally passed the boss's clearance, but it could not be implemented. So in this article, we will talk about how to write an excellent and executable marketing plan. The sharing idea of this paper is: 1. What is the marketing plan? 2. What is the purpose of promoting the marketing plan? 3. How to write the promotion plan 1? What is a marketing plan? Before we know how to write a promotion plan, we should be clear about what a promotion plan is and what are its main components. What we usually call the promotion planning scheme is the product promotion planning scheme, which is the concrete implementation scheme of the product entering the market. In vernacular Chinese, the promotion planning scheme is the scheme that guides us to do marketing work. Generally, it consists of the following four parts: goal: what is the goal of a product entering the market, such as becoming the product with the highest market share or verifying the needs of users. Strategy: In order to achieve this goal, what promotion directions we have, such as brand promotion and business cooperation, are all one of the promotion directions. Implementation: in these promotion directions, what should be done to achieve the goal optimization: how to optimize and adjust in actual implementation. This part may seem boring, but do you find that the process of writing a marketing plan is like writing a fitness plan? Objective: According to the current weight, formulate the strategy of losing 20 pounds: decide to implement it by controlling diet and running: 1 diet, eat 2 meals a day, and don't eat carbohydrates; Run five kilometers three times a week. Optimization: after one month, I found that the weight change was less than expected. Jumping rope twice a week is just to give a chestnut for everyone to understand. Let's go back to the discussion of marketing plan. After defining the components of the marketing plan, the next step is to determine the purpose of the promotion plan. Knowing the core purpose can help us not go astray when thinking about how to write a promotion plan. Second, what is the purpose of promoting the planning scheme? In different time periods of product promotion, the purpose of promotion planning scheme will be different. Take chestnuts for example, because of the purpose and means of product selection at different stages, there will be news of internal testing/public testing/opening new clothes/joining clothes/closing clothes in the game industry. So how do we define the purpose of the promotion plan according to the current stage? There are mainly the following four stages: the initial stage of the product: there are fewer users at this stage, so the purpose is to solve the problem of business objectives and strategic direction, as well as the system preparation, personnel preparation, business model and operation stage discussion needed to cooperate with the objectives and strategic direction. In the product development period: the number of users has been increasing at this stage, so the purpose is to locate the operation target and prepare for the operation in a short time. At the same time, we need to review the previous business model and verification results, and then suggest how to adjust. In the product maturity stage: relatively speaking, users are in a dynamic and stable or changing situation at this stage, so the purpose is to decompose the operation design and plan of each node, and arrange the research of competing product operation strategy and the management of market dynamics. In the product decline period: this thing, users are losing. The purpose is to work out the steps, time points and follow-up placement of the operation. Here, the promotion of the game is used to help you understand: in the initial stage of the product, through internal testing, we can find the seed users, verify the quality of the game and various data (such as retention/payment), and then decide the operation plan. If the data is poor, then it will not be listed for the time being and continue to polish; If the data is good, you can consider the next promotion. In the product development period: after the launch, there are more and more players and more data to verify the promotion effect. According to these data, we can see how to adjust later. At this stage, some game data is not good, so game users will naturally lose; While some games have excellent data, they will start to consider paid promotion/overseas distribution/channel exchange and other promotion methods in product maturity to get more traffic: when the game matures, on the one hand, more players will enter the game through open services; On the one hand, the operation will also improve the revenue of the game and reduce the loss of users through activities and perfect game design. Product decline period: at this time, players are losing, and the game operators will do a good job of follow-up resettlement by means of customs clearance and service. As can be seen from the above, at different stages, the planning purposes of products are not the same, and the final means adopted are not the same. Therefore, if you are writing a promotion plan, you must first make clear the purpose of your promotion plan. Third, how to write a good promotion plan. Now that we know what a promotion plan is and what the purpose of writing it should be, let's start writing it. In order to make it easier for everyone to understand, let's continue to lift chestnuts. Suppose your product is a maternal and child education course and the product is in the development stage. The boss asked you to write a promotion plan for 2020. Then the step should be: 1. Set goals. 2. make a strategy. 3. implementation. 4. optimization. 3. 1 goal All work needs to proceed from the goal, and the marketing work is naturally the same. Without a clear and definite goal, we won't know whether we have done it well after the work is over. Or did you screw up? Take chestnuts for example. Xiaoming and Xiaogang both got 90 points in this exam. Can't you tell whether they did well or failed the exam without looking at their scores? Therefore, the first step in the marketing promotion process is to determine a clear and reasonable goal. So what is clear and reasonable? There are two standards: clarity: clarity is measurable, and in short, it is clear. According to this standard, "I want to sell the course better this year" is not a good goal, because "selling better" is immeasurable and should be changed to "I want to increase the sales of the course by 20% this year compared with last year" and so on; Rationality: the second is rationality, that is, integrating all existing resources and industry levels. The proposed goal is achievable, but there are some challenges. For example, your course continuation rate was 10% last year, and it is unreasonable to increase it to 99% this year. On the contrary, it is unreasonable for you to set the repo rate at 1 1% this year because it is not challenging. So what is reasonable? Goals can be set in combination with historical data or data similar to accounts. For example, if you know that the repurchase rate of your peers is 20%, you should take stock of your own resources and energy and set the repurchase rate at 25%, which is a relatively reasonable goal. According to the standard of this goal, take our mother-child course as an example. Last year, the income of the course was assumed to be 350,000. This year, we want to do better and set the goal at 500,000. So how to reach 500 thousand? It's time to work out the next strategy. 3.2 The strategy has set a goal in the last step, but it is not enough for us to just set a goal when making the promotion marketing plan. We also need an executable strategy to achieve our goals by formulating reasonable strategies. So what kind of strategy is reasonable? This requires us to analyze users, channels and ideas. Let's talk about users first, then channels, and finally creativity. Users: When we determine the user groups, we often need to analyze the products first. The user groups of products to be promoted are the same as those we face in marketing planning. For example, if you plan to study in Zhihu, you should focus on answering questions related to studying abroad, not medical topics. Channel: after talking about users, let's talk about channels. Under a big promotion plan, there are often many channels. Such as online WeChat /Tik Tok channel and offline supermarket channel. Although there are many channels, starting from the company's marketing cost, we should choose the appropriate channel in combination with the objectives and resources in the marketing plan. For example, if you are going to make a takeaway, Meituan/Hungry is a more suitable channel for you, while App Store/ Taobao is an inefficient channel for you. Creativity: Usually, we do promotion planning schemes in order to get effective traffic. To put it bluntly, how are you going to win the favor of users and give them a reason to choose you? There are also many ways to get customers. At present, there are three main ways to get customers: by content, by cooperation and by activities. According to the standard of this goal, taking our mother-infant course as an example, we can consider formulating such a strategy (just to make it easier for everyone to understand chestnuts): Users: From the data feedback last year, it is clear that 90% of users are women, aged between 25 and 30. The main purpose of the class is to know how to take care of the newborn baby of 0- 1 year. Their needs include xx/xxx. At present, the demand of xx has been met, so we can consider the channels to meet the demand of xx: from the data feedback, the important channels for us to obtain customers are Zhihu and Confucius Center, accounting for XX% respectively, and users who recommend/course platforms /seo. Considering that the current marketing effect of micro-signal is not good and it takes up too much manpower maintenance, it is necessary to reduce investment this year; The conversion effect of user recommendation is good. This year, we should consider the idea of optimizing the recommendation process: last year, we mainly made money through the community/content. Among them, Zhihu Channel has already done content marketing and can consider paid promotion; Facilitate the community to increase fission activities to complete the implementation strategy of Racine 3.3. It's just a general direction for us. When we know our generosity, we will determine a more detailed part to facilitate our implementation of our plan, which is called execution. Then how should we formulate the operative part? Let's take the maternal and child course as an example. Suppose we want to sell 200,000 courses through the community this year. It can be said from three aspects: innovation, active retention and transformation. Racine: Where are we going to find the target users? Are we doing fission activities, content marketing or old user recommendation? If you do fission activities, how to set fission rules and how to set fission bait to stay active? How can we let users stay in the group after they come? Are there any dry goods or KOL in it, or can they discuss interesting things with children in the group? If you do dry goods, how should the source of dry goods be generated? Transformation: What should be the way for community users to transform? What should I do at every step, from knowing the course, getting familiar with the course to buying the course? Please pay attention here! As we mentioned earlier, many plans have not been implemented, mainly because there is a problem in this link, and the plans formulated cannot guide our daily work. A good promotion plan should be able to guide your work. It's like we made a marketing plan for the mother-infant community above, which is actually an idea. We can continue to decompose and make the plan more grounded. Take community innovation as an example. Will the following plan be more practical? 1. Racine's expected target: 1 month, 1000 people, a group of 200 people. 2. User expectations.