Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Fable of life

Fable of life

Fable is a literary genre that gives meaningful truth to concrete stories and gives people inspiration. It's short, but concise. The following is my life fable (selected 19) for your reference, hoping to help friends in need.

A fable of life 1 The weasel went to the fox's house as a guest and saw many stolen chickens in the fox's house. The fox taught him a trick and said, "midnight is a good time to steal chickens, because people are sleeping soundly and it is not easy to wake up." In the evening, the fox went to steal chickens again. Unexpectedly, people are on guard. The fox failed. When he got home, he saw that all his chickens had been stolen and thought, "The weasel actually used the method I taught him to deal with me. This is really the retribution of instigation. "

There is no morality and no faith between bad people.

Fable of life 2: A hungry wild boar is walking under a fruit tree. Seeing the wild boar shivering with hunger, the fruit tree felt sorry for it, so it shook the tree and dropped some fruit for him to eat. The wild boar is full and energetic. When he saw so much fruit on the tree, his heart was very bad, so he bit off the trunk and ate all the fruits on the tree.

Be kind to the wicked, and they will extort more.

Fable 3 of Life: Goats successfully walk a tightrope on the top of the mountain. Everyone called it a hero, because it did what no one could do. The goat failed to walk a tightrope on the top of the mountain for the second time and fell into the mountain stream and died. Everyone says it is a fool, because it has done something that no one wants to do.

Success or failure hero is a very smooth concept.

Fable 4 of life: The wolf stole sheep from the sheepfold and was caught in a net by a shepherd. The shepherd said to the wolf, "you are evil by nature and can't do good." What should you do? " The wolf said, "There is no distinction between good and evil. People say that goodness is based on human interests. What conforms to the people's interests is called good, and what goes against the people's interests is called evil. If we look at the problem from the standpoint of cattle, horses, pigs and sheep, people are the worst. First, we use them to work for ourselves and kill them when they are useless. Can this sinister intention be called good? "

Fable of life 5 Peacock heard that Venus was a beautiful god, and was dissatisfied, so he went to Venus to compare beauty. Peacock was surprised to see Venus naked. Venus said: "The human body is a masterpiece of God, and the beauty of the human body is better than all artificial affectations." Peacock thought he would be beautiful without feathers, and he was as ugly as a bald chicken after taking off his feathers.

A strong body is better than beautiful clothes.

Fable of Life 6 Hungry wild boar envies the rich life of domestic pigs very much. He wants to eat in the pigsty. When he saw that the domestic pig was fat and strong, he was dragged out by his master and slaughtered. None of them lived to be alive. The wild boar said, "It is better to be a hungry wild boar. In recent years, the poor have not starved to death, and the rich have all died. "

Fable of Life 7 The fox fell into the pit and asked the bear for help. The bear went down to the pit and lifted the fox out of it. He stayed in the pit and could never climb up again. The bear said to the fox, "I fell into the pit to save you." Try to get me out. " The fox said, "Your body is so heavy that I really can't help it."

Before you help others, think about whether you can help others.

Fable of life 8 Python swallowed a sheep and was attacked by a crocodile while drinking water by the river. In the battle, the python was killed by a crocodile because it was too full and its heavy body could not exert its strength. Before he died, the python said to the crocodile, "It's not your sharp teeth that killed me, but the sheep in my stomach."

Wealth can also be a burden to misfortune.

Fable of life 9 ⊙ The little fox asked the old fox how to pretend to be a learned man. The old fox said, "First, we should always scold others for being tacky, second, we should pretend to look down on things we don't understand, and third, we should make a summary speech on the issues discussed by others."

The fable of life When the magpie went out, a crow occupied its nest. The magpie asked the crow, "Why did you do this?" The crow said, "Because the cuckoo occupies my nest, I am homeless." The magpie said, "You should drive the cuckoo away and go back to your nest." The crow said, "No, don't you see that I am living well here?"

Some people are bullied by others, so they bully another person.

The fable of life 1 1 The duck catches fish in the pond and muddies the water, which is exactly what it likes. At this time, a group of swans were flying in the air with white feathers and graceful movements. The duck said to the swans, "Go to the pond and earn some extra money." The swan said, "The water there is too dirty." The duck said, "What have you been playing these days? No matter whether it is dirty or not, what you get is good. " The swan continued to fly and flew to the bright place.

Personality determines lifestyle, and lifestyle determines the realm of life.

The fable of life 12 The tiger was shot by a hunter and lay dying in a pool of blood. The wild boar saw what happened to the tiger and treated it with a tongue wound. After the tiger recovered, he said to the wild boar, "When I get back to the mountain, I will make you king." The wild boar said, "I am satisfied to be friends with you." After many days, the tiger returned to the mountain to be king. The wild boar missed the tiger and went to see it with a gift on his back. At this time, the tiger felt it was too shameful to make friends with the ugly wild boar and shouted, "You ate my blood when I was in trouble, and you should be put to death!" " When the wild boar saw that he was the king, he was ungrateful and turned against him. He turned around in fear and ran away, thinking, "Since ancient times, emperors have been ungrateful people, who can * * * suffer losses and can't * * * enjoy happiness."

People with high status are not necessarily virtuous.

The fable of life 13 The dog sneaked into the butcher's shop, stole a pig's heart while the butcher was not paying attention, and turned and ran. The butcher shouted when he found out, but the dog had escaped. The butcher scolded: "hey, you beast, remember clearly, and I will be on my guard wherever you go in the future." You stole one of my pig hearts and gave me another. "

Being stolen by a dog is both a bad thing and a good thing. A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. Lost the "heart", but got the "heart", there are gains and losses. It is inevitable to feel pain and anger when you see that your hard-written manuscript has been stolen and you have made money, but what better way can you take?

Fable of life 14 A scholar went to Beijing for the third time to catch the exam. Two days before the exam, he had three dreams. The first dream is that he grows cabbage on the wall. The first dream was rain. He wore a hat and an umbrella. The third dream is to lie back to back in a bed with my beloved cousin.

The scholar asked a fortune teller to interpret his dream the next day. Hearing this, the fortune teller patted his thigh continuously and said, "You'd better go home. Think about it, isn't it futile to grow vegetables on high walls? Isn't it unnecessary to wear a hat and an umbrella? Isn't it impossible to lie in a bed with my cousin back to back? "

Hearing this, the scholar was disheartened and went back to the store to pack up and prepare to go home. The shopkeeper was surprised and asked, "Isn't there an exam tomorrow? How did you go back to your hometown today? "

When the scholar said this, the shopkeeper was happy: "I can also interpret dreams." I think you must stay. Think about it, isn't growing vegetables on the wall high (middle)? Doesn't wearing a hat and an umbrella mean that you are prepared this time? Lying back to back in bed with your cousin doesn't mean it's time for you to turn over? "

Hearing this, the scholar made more sense, so he took the exam happily and got a flower exploration.

Fable revelation: positive people, like the sun, shine wherever they shine. Ideas determine our lives. What kind of ideas, what kind of future.

Fable of Life 15 A man went to buy a parrot and saw a sign in front of him: This parrot can speak two languages, and the price is 200 yuan. Another parrot is marked: This parrot can speak four languages, and the price is 400 yuan. Which one should I buy? The man turned and couldn't make up his mind. Suddenly I found an old parrot in 800 yuan. The man quickly called the boss: Can this parrot speak eight languages? The shopkeeper said, no. The man thought, This parrot is old and ugly. How can it be worth this price? The shopkeeper replied: because it is the boss of the other two parrots.

Fable revelation: A true leader is not necessarily very capable. As long as he knows how to trust, cherish and give up, he can unite forces stronger than himself and improve his social status.

Fable of Life 16 In ancient times, a man from a small country came to China to pay tribute to three identical gold people, and the emperor was very happy. However, the people who paid tribute were very unkind, and a question was raised: Who is the most valuable of the three gold people? The emperor asked the jeweler to weigh and watch the work. The three gold men were exactly the same. Finally, an old minister said he had an idea. The old minister is holding three straws. First, he put a straw in the ear of the first gold man, and the straw came out of the other ear. The second straw fell out of the mouth and the third straw fell into the stomach. The old minister said: the third gold man is the most valuable! The messenger even claimed that the answer was correct.

Fable revelation: This story tells us that the most valuable person is not necessarily the most talkative person. Being good at listening is the most basic quality of a mature person.

The fable of life: a pigeon keeps flying. It feels that every time it lives in its new nest for a short time, there is a strong strange smell that makes it breathless and has to keep moving. It was very upset, so it complained to the old pigeon. The old pigeon said, "it's no use moving, because that strange smell didn't come from the nest, it came from yourself."

Fable revelation: incompatible with the team, the problem comes from yourself!

Fable of life 18 Three people are going to be put in prison for three years. The warden said they can have a wish. Americans love to smoke cigars and asked for three boxes of cigars. The French are the most romantic and want to be accompanied by beautiful women. The Jew said he wanted a telephone. Three years later, the first person who rushed out was an American, with a cigar in his mouth and shouting, "Give me a fire, give me a fire!" " "It turned out that he forgot to make a fire. Then the French came. I saw him holding a child, the woman leading a child, and she was pregnant with a third child. Finally, the Jews came out. He held the warden's hand tightly and said, "I have been in contact with the outside world every day for three years." My business has not stopped, but has increased by 200%. To show my gratitude, I'll give you a car! "

Fable revelation: This story tells us that what kind of choice determines what kind of life.

The fable of life Two men met a big tiger in the forest. A quickly took off a pair of light sports shoes from the back and put them on. B was so anxious that he scolded, "What are you doing? Changing shoes can't beat the tiger! " A said, "I just want to run faster than you."

Fable revelation: No sense of crisis is the biggest crisis in 2 1 century.