Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What achievements did Emperor Kangxi make?

What achievements did Emperor Kangxi make?

Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty, named Michelle Ye, succeeded to the throne at the age of 8, ruled at the age of 14, and ascended the throne at the age of 6 1, aged 69. He is the longest reigning monarch in China's history. He is the third son of the emperor shunzhi, the ancestor of the Qing Dynasty. Kangxi studied tirelessly from an early age and was determined. He was a child when he put on the dragon robe. Although his ancestors rode horses from outside Shanhaiguan Pass to inside Shanhaiguan Pass and established the Qing Dynasty, they did not actually unify the whole country.

Anti-Qing forces and separatist activities come from all directions. The young emperor ruled at the age of 14, and at the age of 16, he got rid of Ao Bai, the assistant minister who formed a clique to bully the young master for personal gain. Weakened the power of the Eight Banners and faced San Francisco headed by Wu Sangui at the age of 20. After eight years of fighting, he calmed the war and maintained unity. Kangxi was an outstanding politician and strategist. He is cool-headed and has civil and military skills. He is self-taught and diligent and cautious about political affairs. It can better handle ethnic relations, thus creating a prosperous era of health and Gansu, promoting the social and economic development in the early Qing Dynasty, and laying the map of China's multi-ethnic unified country.

Kangxi is a great monarch and politician in China's 2,000-year history since Qin Shihuang. Why did Kangxi achieve such great historical achievements? As emperor, Kangxi reigned for 6 1 year. What is his magic weapon to be a monarch? What is the key that we want to solve the mystery of the history of Kangxi Dynasty?

Among many emperors in ancient China, Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty was the only one who seriously studied western scientific knowledge. Through his study, he absorbed a lot of European knowledge in mathematics, astronomy, geography, physics and chemistry, and presided over many large-scale scientific activities. These true stories were not only recorded in the canon, but also left hundreds of instruments for his study and scientific activities in the Forbidden City where he lived.

Diligence is an important magic weapon for Kangxi to be a monarch. He is not only proficient in the traditional culture of the Han nationality, but also seriously studies western science and technology, and is worthy of learning from the emperor. In order to continue the 10 thousand years of the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi took great pains to educate the prince and grandson. He personally selected teachers for princes, let princes and grandchildren receive school education, and regularly check their homework, which are clearly recorded in the Qing history books.

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Kangxi attached great importance to kindness to his subjects. For example, he is duty-free. For example, he stipulated that "prosperous times breed people and never add people". Later, Yongzheng also stipulated that "stalls should be buried underground." In other words, the poll tax in China for thousands of years has been abolished by this time. Kangxi's kindness to his subjects is manifested in many aspects, one of which is to punish corrupt officials and commend honest officials.

Kangxi set an example through honest officials and let them show benevolence and love, because they were in direct contact with their subjects. Let me give you an example. An upright official praised by Kangxi was Yu Chenglong. There were two Yu Chenglong with the same name and surname in Qing Dynasty. This Yu Chenglong is from Yu Chenglong, Shaanxi Province, and Yu Chenglong, who is in charge of the river in the last episode, is Yu Chenglong in Zhili. Yu Chenglong was assigned to be the magistrate of a county in Luocheng, Guangxi, after he became a Jinshi. After the war in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, the people in Luocheng County of Guangxi were poor and desolate. To what extent? It's the yamen in the county, only three straw houses. How many families are there in this county? There are only six families. When Yu Chenglong was a magistrate of a county, he and the common people, according to records, said "as a family, as close as a father and son".

He encouraged people to cultivate land, recruit refugees, and those who fled the countryside to return to their hometowns to live and work in peace and contentment. After seven years of hard work, the situation in this county has been greatly improved. Because Yu Chenglong has made very important achievements, he is recommended by some people. When he was recommended to the court, he was promoted to magistrate. When Yu Chenglong left office, the people in the county stopped the horse crying and wouldn't let him go. He said that the court appointed me to go, but I still want to go. He took a step forward, and the man kneeling on the side of the road cried. It can be said that a county official is really honest and clean.

At this time, a blind man didn't go, just followed Yu Chenglong. Yu Chenglong said, why don't you go? Follow me on a trip. The blind man said that when you left Luocheng County to take office, you had no money. What should I do if I have no money to eat halfway? He said, I am blind and can't help you, but I can tell fortune. When you have no food, I will tell people fortune, so that we can solve the problem of food money. Yu Chenglong was very moved and said, then you can follow me.

Sure enough, on the way, Yu Chenglong didn't eat. The blind man gave fortune-telling to others and got the fortune-telling money, which solved the problem of eating on the way.

Yu Chenglong made great achievements in making year numbers and was awarded by Kangxi. He was promoted to be an ambassador, but he was still not greedy for a penny. Later, the official was the governor of Liangjiang, that is, the governor of Jiangnan and Jiangxi, and the official was the highest. At that time, there was a nickname called Yu. What do you mean? It was Yu Chenglong who became such a big official, wearing plain clothes and eating vegetarian food. After many years, he didn't know what meat was, but he ate green vegetables. Not two days a day, nor two meals a day. He eats coarse rice and vegetables all the year round, so the locals call him "Yu". Visiting the poor and asking questions, punishing corrupt officials, and exhausting official positions.

After Yu Chenglong's death, citizens went on strike and gathered in the street to cry in memory of Yu Chenglong. At the time of the funeral, the generals, governors, prefects and various officials all went to live in Yu Chenglong, leaving nothing at home. All the officials present were moved to tears. Kangxi praised Yu Chenglong as the first upright official today. Yu Chenglong's spirit of loving the people is the embodiment of Kangxi's spirit of loving the people, and Kangxi's praise of Jackie Chan is to publicize that he should be kind to his subjects.

There is an honest official named pengpeng. Kangxi appreciated him and made him the magistrate of Shuntianfu, equivalent to the mayor of Beijing. At this time, he found a problem, that is, when Shuntianfu took the rural examination, there was cheating. Who cheated? What if the examiner and the assistant examiner collude with the strongman to cheat? That's what he wrote. But the examiner, the deputy examiner and the person who presided over the exam have a very close relationship network. The court meeting held that there was no cheating in this matter, and pengpeng falsely accused him.

Pengpeng wrote: If I talk nonsense, please chop my head off, chop my head in half, half of it will be hung abroad, and the other half will be hung in Shuntianfu official school. At the court meeting, it was discussed again that it was disrespectful and disrespectful, and that it was pengpeng. He wants to dismiss him. Dismiss him. How did Kangxi decide at this time? Kangxi said, let the examiner, deputy examiner and related people retire home, pengpeng's official photo. Why did Kangxi make such a decision?

Is it because Kangxi learned about the situation through his private visit that he tried to protect pengpeng? There is a private visit by Kangxi in the TV series. According to the historical materials I have read about Kangxi, Kangxi's memoirs, and Kangxi's private notes, Kangxi has never visited incognito. He can't travel incognito, because the Sheng family's driving will inevitably disturb the place, incognito is impossible, and he has no need to travel incognito.

Kangxi had many channels to understand people's feelings and political achievements. One of them is the memorial system, also known as the secret folding system. Kangxi distributed many people all over the country. They could secretly write the memorial, put it in a secret folding box and send it directly to Kangxi without any intermediate channels. Therefore, it can be said that Kangxi is very clear that this official is greedy, mean, diligent and lazy.

I just talked about this situation, and Kangxi was clear about pengpeng, the magistrate of Shuntianfu. The examiner cheated with them. Kangxi has mastered the situation through the secret folding system and other systems. So, Kangxi pushed people, made a decisive decision, got rid of those who took bribes and perverted the law, praised the official promotion and praised the official pengpeng. Honest officials are a mirror of Kangxi, which reflects his concern for his subjects. Therefore, we commend him, publicize his caring concept and realize his political ambition through their honest officials at all levels, from the officials at all levels of the governor, the governor, the magistrate and the magistrate.

Kangxi once went out to inspect, and on the way to inspect, a person was lying on the side of the road. Under normal circumstances, he blocked the holy driving, so we should deal with it severely. Kangxi said no and asked what was going on. Wake up the man lying on the side of the road, his bodyguard. What's your name? He said my name was Wang. What's the matter with you? He said I was a domestic worker, and we talked about work today. On the way home, I fainted because of hunger and hunger and lay on the side of the road. Kangxi said not to scare him. You feed him hot porridge at once to save him.

So he heated the porridge and fed it to the king. He woke up after drinking the hot porridge. Kangxi understood the situation, this person is really difficult, and the family is also very difficult. Kangxi said that he should be given money to go back to his hometown, so he sent the king away. It can be seen from this little incident that Kangxi, as the emperor and the co-owner of the world, really has a kind spirit.


Kangxi attached great importance to western learning. He has a tradition that when his father was in Shunzhi, he began to absorb western learning. He attached great importance to his relationship with Tang Ruowang, a Jesuit. The person who participated in the chronicle was named, Qin's supervisor was. There is also a person named Yang Guangxian, who is very special in Yang Guangxian. When he was in Chongzhen at the end of the Ming Dynasty, he went to Beijing, carried the coffin to Que, and impeached a university student at that time. He was called a "strange man".

Of course, he was punished and sent to western Liaoning. Soon the Ming Dynasty perished, and he returned to Jiangnan, which was his home. When he arrived in Shunzhi, he came to Beijing again. He said that he knew astronomical calendars, so he went to Qin, where he wrote a letter saying that your Li Shixian had only been compiled for twenty years, and the Qing Dynasty was hundreds of millions of years old. Didn't these two hundred years curse the short tussah of the Qing Dynasty? It is short-lived! This is infinite. When the court accepts it, it is necessary to discuss "Li Shixian". At the court meeting, university students and ministers discussed whether Tang Ruowang was right or Yang Guangxian was right.

Can't decide. In front of the noon gate, these ministers got together for a test. The ministers didn't understand the result of the exam, and neither did Kangxi. Later, they went to the ancient observatory, which is now outside Jianguomen, and continued to observe there. These ministers still don't understand, but they made a decision, that is, they put Tang Ruowang in prison. Tang Ruowang was old and sick, wearing eight chains and shivering with a telescope. He had no strength to argue. This matter is settled. At that time, Kangxi did not lead the government, and Ao Bai, the minister of Fuzheng, presided over the matter.

Later, an earthquake happened in Beijing. Another Jesuit named Ferdinand Verbist said that the earthquake was caused by murder. He wants to retry the case, and after retrial, he will rehabilitate Tang Ruowang. At this time, Tang Ruowang was already dead. Kangxi let Ferdinand ferdinand verbiest be the imperial supervisor, and Yang Guangxian was dealt with. Some ministers said they would behead him, but Kangxi said no and sent him back to his hometown. Later, Yang Guangxian died on his way home.

Kangxi appointed ferdinand verbiest as the prison supervisor of Qin Tian and assistant minister of the Ministry of Industry, which was the beginning of westerners becoming an official in China court. Since then, Kangxi has attached importance to natural science. Just then, a group of French missionaries Bai Jin and Mr. Zhang came to the palace to see Kangxi, bringing thirty books and scientific instruments. Kangxi left Bai Jin and Mr. Zhang in the palace to serve, and put his favorite musical instruments in his own court.

Kangxi studied mathematics, astronomy, law of academic qualifications, and Euclid's plane geometry in mathematics with them. Jesuits learned Manchu and Manchu, and taught Kangxi geometry in Manchu. They also brought some scientific instruments. Kangxi did problems and did math problems.

Not long ago, an exhibition of Emperor Kangxi was held at the Palace of Versailles in Paris, France, in which some musical instruments of the Kangxi period were displayed. After such a long time, it is still flexible and glorious. One of them is a hand-cranked computer, which can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and square root operations. Now there are ten hand-cranked computers in the Forbidden City in Beijing, which are very interesting.

It also exhibited a scale plated with copper and gold, which can be used to calculate the power and square root. Geometric models, plane geometry, solid geometry, cones, polyhedrons, and dozens of pieces made entirely of nanmu are also exhibited, which are very fine. This is the teaching mode that Kangxi used when he studied geometry. There are some other instruments.

Kangxi not only studied, but also practiced. When he visited Yongding River, he took several governors and asked them to pile piles themselves and measure them with instruments. When Kangxi personally went to galdan, he left the Crown Prince, Zisi and others in Beijing. There happened to be a solar eclipse, and the princes were observing it in Beijing. He was on the front line, and then he made an emergency report and exchanged observations.

Kangxi did not reject the west and western science and technology, but accepted it, expressing his broad mind and desire as an emperor. Nevertheless, Kangxi was only a personal court behavior, and did not form a policy to absorb western science and technology, nor did it form a system. After Kangxi died, people died, and his descendants, that is, emperors, were not interested in western science and technology. They only like to appreciate and play with the clock and the Dashuifa, but they don't use it to revitalize and develop China's science and technology. This is a fly in the ointment.


Kangxi's education for future generations is very special among emperors in China. Kangxi has a total of 35 sons, 20 daughters and 97 grandchildren, which is a big family. So how did Kangxi educate future generations? Of course, Kangxi's education for his children and grandchildren was ambitious. He taught them in many ways, set an example, and asked his descendants to hunt with him, patrol with him, and even take them with him when fighting, that is, to train and educate them in practice. However, there is a very important method, which is school education.

The place where the prince and grandson study is called the "study". At this time, Kangxi went to the study of Changchun Garden to prevent his children and grandchildren from being playful, having nowhere to escape, being idle, having fun and having fun. Books such as Kangxi's Great Works record the specific situation of the prince's grandson going to school. I want to give an example one day to see how the grandson of the prince reads.

On this day, it is from 3 am to 5 am in Yin Shi and 4 am in Yin Shi. The princes will go to Wuyi Zhai to review their lessons on the first day. It takes an hour, and it takes two hours. The crown prince is only 13 years old at this time, and he will go to Wuyi Zhai's study at three in the morning. Of course, he will get up earlier. This is Yin Shi.

Shi Mao, that is, from five to seven o'clock, the teacher comes to the classroom, the Manchu teacher Dahata and the Chinese teacher Tang Bin go to the study room. When they arrived, they bowed down to the crown prince first, then checked the princes' lessons and asked them to recite them. The lyrics are good. Then the Chinese teacher drew the following paragraph for him, and then recited the following paragraph.

The bottom is from 7 am to 9 am. At this point, four hours have passed since the students started class. Kangxi got off the court and came to Wuyi Zhai. The ministers greeted Kangxi at the outer steps of Zhai. When Kangxi came, he sat down and said that he wanted to endorse, so he asked his son to endorse. Kangxi took out a book and ordered a paragraph casually. After the prince recited it, it was really good. Kangxi said that I had to recite 65438 books when I was a child. After that, I have to recite 120 times, and I am completely proficient. Then I will switch to the next paragraph, so that I can learn the texts one by one. At this time, the minister said, 100 times is enough?

Kangxi said that he would recite 120 times, and then he asked how other masters recited it just now. Some teachers say that the prince is smart and has a good memory. Kangxi said, don't praise him, criticize them more and don't make them proud. After the inspection, Kangxi went to deal with his political affairs. The third hour, 9: 00 to 1 1, I remember that it was already several volts and very hot. When the prince is reading, he is not allowed to take a fan or shake it. At this time, he wrote, and every word had to be written 100 times before he could practice writing.

From eleven to one noon, it's time for lunch. The guards brought the meal, and the ministers invited the teacher to dinner. The teacher put the rice on his knee and then went to the seat to eat. The princes are eating on the other side. After dinner, they didn't rest and continued to do their homework. It's very late at the bottom, that is, from one to three. At this time, the vassals went to a courtyard outside Wuyi Zhai, where there were targets and archery. One is to rest, the other is to practice riding and shooting, and the other is to practice martial arts.

At the time of applying for the World Heritage, that is, from 15: 00 to 17: 00, Kangxi went to Wuyi Zhai to check his homework and asked his ministers to recite it. His princes lined up one after another. It's You Shi, 17:00- 19:00. This class is to practice archery outside Wuyi Zhai. Kangxi first let the philosophers shoot one by one, then let the masters shoot one by one, and finally Kangxi himself shot an arrow. According to historical records, this is called "Lian Zhong Lian", and he left school after finishing his homework.

From three o'clock in the morning to seven o'clock in the afternoon, please note that it is not a day, but every day, which is the so-called "endless cold and heat" and every day.

As can be seen from this example, Emperor Kangxi's education for future generations was very strict. Under his education, there are several types of Kangxi's sons. One is political. For example, Yongzheng became emperor and Qianlong became emperor. It should be said that Kangxi's education was successful. His son Yongzheng is an outstanding emperor, and so is his grandson Qianlong. Where is Jiaqing Daoguang? Kangxi can manage two generations, but not so much behind.

His prince and grandson can't both be emperors, only one can be emperor, and the other is a scholar. Yin Zhijun, the emperor's third son, was an outstanding scientist who presided over the compilation of 10,000 volumes of ancient and modern books. The third is art, writing and drawing. Some princes write well and draw well.

The fourth type is life style. His mother is in a low position among concubines, so he can't compete for the throne. But he lived in peace all his life, so there were no Wan Ku and no villains among the grandchildren of Emperor Kangxi. An example of Kangxi's success in educating his children is Yongzheng, who succeeded to the throne after Kangxi's death.

Emperor Kangxi Michelle Ye

March 18th, 11th year of Shunzhi (April 24th, 1655), Ren Jing Palace in the Forbidden City, sai-jo.

Princess Tong Jiashi gave birth to a boy, Aisingiorro Michelle Ye, the future Emperor Kangxi. Ancestors were born.

Of the eight sons, Michelle Ye ranked third. Who would have expected that after eight years, this inexperienced child would be easy.

On the throne of the emperor! With his brave talent, he has achieved a great cause, which is eternal.

A rare wise monarch.

The first section is smart and diligent

Michelle Ye was loved by young parents as soon as he was born. He specially entrusted a reliable wet nurse to take him.

Eating outside the Forbidden City. He didn't get smallpox when he was a child, and his parents were afraid that he would catch this incurable disease.

I have to take this measure. As a result, he didn't get it at his parents' knees for a day. How many years later, he

I still regret it. Fortunately, he finally got the pox safely, leaving only a few tiny spots on his face.

Numbness This gave him lifelong immunity to the most terrible disease at that time. He has been vaccinated.

This is a favorable factor for him to inherit the throne in the future.

Michelle Ye is a gifted child. He began to read and write at the age of five and soon showed his diligence.

The gift of learning. Later, he talked about his study. Eight-year-old "study exegesis, ask it.

Careless, happy. Japanese readers will memorize every word and never deceive themselves. And the book of four sons

Now I have a thorough understanding, read the history books, and realized the diligent pursuit of ancient emperors in the exegesis of Dian Mo. "So,

"It's easy to read, and it's really enjoyable to watch and play with it." Since then, I have developed a good habit of reading, "Music!"

Never tired of it ","never tired of it ",often reading late into the night, but I don't know how tired I am. He is seventeen or eighteen.

At that time, because of overwork in reading, I refused to give up until I hemoptysis. No wonder he is knowledgeable and knows the past and the present, thanks to this.

Because of his efforts over the years. What he said above is not bragging. official files

It is not too much to praise him for "the administration of emperors, the mind of sages and the essence of the Six Classics".


On the one hand, Michelle Ye eagerly studied cultural knowledge, on the other hand, he received strict military training.

Riding and archery are the main subjects of training. He has developed superb riding and shooting skills. In the prime of life,

He can bow fifteen horses, send thirteen arrows, and open the bow left and right, without exception, every arrow hits. Strict requirements in the palace

And his own unremitting hard training soon cultivated him into a versatile, literate and martial arts person.

Rare talents.

In the process of growing up, I especially want to mention the careful cultivation of his grandmother Xiaozhuang Wen. black

Ye lost his father at the age of eight and his mother at the age of eleven. His grandmother directly took the responsibility of raising him and taught him wholeheartedly.

Educate an adult and teach him how to be a man and how to govern the country. As Michelle Ye himself said, "I can learn to walk since I was a child.

When you said it, you were taught by your holy grandmother. "My grandmother is very kind to Michelle Ye and is very strict with her everywhere. Fanyin

Eat, talk and act according to the rules and etiquette, and any negligence will be blamed. After repetition

Teaching, these have been deeply injected into his young mind, even if he is alone at ordinary times, he dare not cross the line.

Come back. He has been in power for more than 60 years. "All daily life and diet have their own rules and have not changed." special

It is in government affairs that grandma always gives advice and gives a general plan, so that he can learn to deal with all kinds of complicated problems.

Title. This virtuous grandmother greatly influenced Michelle Ye's thoughts, helping and pushing him to accomplish a goal.

Represents a great cause. At the end of the 26th year of Kangxi (1687), my grandmother was critically ill, and he waited on the medicine day and night.

I deeply remember my grandmother's kindness in raising me. He recalled: "My parents died early when I was a child, and I followed my grandmother."

I have been teaching for more than 30 years, and I have succeeded. Without my grandmother and Empress Dowager Cixi, there would be no today.

Established. Confused kindness is hard to repay all my life. "He has deep and sincere feelings for his grandmother, even in far away places.

Far more than the memory of your biological parents.

Michelle Ye was different from ordinary children when he was young. He has a strong ability to accept and respond to external things.

Sensitive, imitating the words and deeds of adults, more than other children of the same age. At the age of six, once, he and

Brothers greet their father. Fu Lin wanted to try their respective ambitions, so he asked them what they wanted to do in the future.

The second son, Fu Quan, said, "I want to be a good king in the future." Lao Wu Changning is only three years old and still doesn't understand what his father means.

When asked about Michelle Ye, he replied: "Be a long man and imitate the emperor's father." A six-year-old child with extraordinary language skills,

Fu Lin was surprised. I can see that Michelle Ye was really a precocious child when he was young!

Two years later, this little ambitious child finally got what he wanted.

The second quarter summit

In the eighteenth year of Shunzhi (166 1), Ye Xuannian was only eight years old, and his 24-year-old father Fu Lin suddenly fell ill.

Passed away. Fu Lin is in the prime of the Spring and Autumn Period, and he hasn't considered the events of his heirs behind him. When he was seriously ill,

Judge in the burning eyebrows. He wanted his second son, Fuquan, to inherit the throne, but the Queen Mother Xiao Zhuang disagreed and went her own way.

Let Michelle Ye, the apple in her eyes, become the emperor. Fu Lin couldn't make up her mind and didn't dare to disobey her mother's opinion, so she sent it.

I asked his foreign friend Tang Ruowang for advice. Tang Ruowang thinks that Michelle Ye has had acne, and it is most beneficial to take over.

So, without hesitation, he decided to declare his third son, Michelle Ye, the Crown Prince, inherit the throne and live a distinguished life.

Four ministers, Sony, Suksaha, Qi Ba Bilong and Ao Bai, who are famous for their works, are assistant ministers and lead the Michelle Ye government.

In the previous period, we supported and assisted in handling state affairs.

On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, Michelle Ye officially ascended the throne and changed his name to Kangxi. Since then, the history of the Qing Dynasty has entered Yikang.

A prosperous era marked by Xi.

As soon as Michelle Ye ascended the throne, his grandmother, Empress Xiao Zhuang, asked him what he wanted when he became emperor.

He replied: "I only hope that the world will be peaceful, and I hope that the people will live and work in peace and share the blessings of peace."

However, the road in front of the young master is not a straight road, but clusters of thorns.

There are many obstacles, full of risks and stormy waves. How long will it take him to achieve his goal?

There is still a hard way to go, how much to pay!

When Emperor Kangxi ascended the throne, the large-scale civil war in China was drawing to a close. In the eighteenth year of Shunzhi, Wu Sangui

He led the army into Myanmar and captured Zhu Youlang, the last emperor of Nanming. In the second year, we will wait in Kunming forever.

The execution of the people marked the final end of the Ming and Qing wars. A serious problem that follows is that in the same agriculture

Wu Sangui, Shang Kexi and Geng, who developed rapidly in the military struggle between the People's Uprising Army and the Nanming regime.

The occupation of Yunnan-Guizhou, Guangdong-Guangxi, Fujian and other provinces by San Francisco forces has constituted a hidden danger threatening centralization. this

Outside, the rest of Li Zicheng and Reng Zhang were active in Sichuan and Hubei, and they did not stop arming the Qing Dynasty.

Resist. The former generals headed by Zheng Chenggong also led a powerful army and occupied the southeast coast.

Go back to Taiwan Province Province and continue fighting. Therefore, although the large-scale war is basically over, people's hearts are not stable.

The Qing dynasty's rule over the whole country was far from being consolidated and unshakable.

After the peasant war in the late Ming Dynasty and the unification war in the Qing Dynasty, the north and south of the great river, the Yellow River basin, agriculture

Production was severely damaged. The land is barren, people flee, and the population drops sharply because of the killing of the war.

Production reduction, output decline, national tax, all provinces are in arrears. Sichuan, for example, was still there until the tenth year of Kangxi.

A field that can be cultivated, but there are no people to cultivate it. "The prosperous south of the Yangtze River is also a" depression ",with fewer people and less land.

Waste. "This is a true portrayal of the economic ruin at that time. Realistic political, economic and military struggles

The struggle must also be reflected in the upper ruling group. Therefore, the emperor and the four auxiliary ministers are mainly the same.

The struggle of Ao Bai Group. It is very important for a young emperor to solve and deal with these complicated problems.

It's not easy to say it

This is the case at home and the international environment is not beautiful. Whether Kangxi emperor realized it or not, his position

The situation is also very dangerous. As early as the Qing soldiers entered the customs, Russia's vicious colonial forces expanded in Asia.

And has crossed the ural mountains, invaded the Heilongjiang coast of China, and established military strongholds as their own everywhere.

We plundered China's territory and continued to expand the basis of aggression. In the south of our country, western colonial robbers are pouring in.

Let's go /kloc-In the middle of 0/6th century, in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, Portugal beat us to it and invaded Australia in China first.

Doors. Then, the Dutch colonists occupied chibi city in Taiwan Province province. There are Spanish, British, French and other colonists.

Break into the southeast coastal areas of our country. They used gunboats and missionaries as two weapons in an attempt to open the ancient

Old China gate, in order to achieve their evil purpose of wantonly plundering China.

Obviously, a certain degree of crisis lurks at home and abroad. If it is not handled properly, it will

Will make some contradictions explosive. This dangerous situation at home and abroad had to make the upper ruling group of the Qing government

Feeling worried, the idea of going deep into the ice is increasing. The unstable Qing government faced a series of tests.

In front of the government Emperor Kangxi, as the supreme ruler, inevitably faced the grim reality. Indeed, the calendar

The mission of history fell on the shoulders of Emperor Kangxi.

The third quarter to capture Ao Bai.

When Michelle Ye ascended the throne, he was just a sensible child and could not handle state affairs. Isoni

The four assistant ministers headed by him actually hold the supreme power of the country. Such as major policies, all come from him.

The hands of the four of us, but they were all carried out in the name of the emperor. In a word, they are the agents of the emperor.

Men are really acting as emperors.

The four ministers headed by Sony are outstanding court elders and ministers. Sony's surname is hershey.

Stone, Manchu flag bearer. As early as the Nurhachi period, he returned to the late Jin Dynasty with his father. Father is a master of color, and uncle is a blessing.

Entering the museum is the founding father of the Qing Dynasty. By Huang taiji, he has become a confidant, handling Mongolian affairs.

The daily duties in the inner court won the trust. After the death of Huang taiji, Wang Zhengduo acceded to the throne, and Sony insisted on establishing a prince, which was effective.

Stopped dourgen's attempt to seek the throne. After the Qing Dynasty entered the customs, Dourgen was good at politics, but Sony disagreed.

He also argued for this, was hated by Dourgen, and finally drove him out of the court and sent him to Shengjing (Shenyang).

Take care of Huang taiji's mausoleum. It was not until the death of Dourgen that Fu Lin, who was in charge of this matter, was recalled to Beijing and resumed his post.

First, promoted to minister and director of the office of the Minister of the Interior. Suksaha, surnamed Nora, is from Manchuria.

When Nurhachi started his business, Zhengbaiqi people also came back, and his father Su Na was recruited. He once belonged to many families.

His subordinates are highly valued. But when Dourgen died, he first exposed his treason and was promoted to leader.

Prince Jia Taibao, Minister of Guards.

Ao Bai, surnamed Guarga, was born in Zhenghuang Banner of Manchuria. He has been a soldier since Huang Taiji,

He won the most military achievements and was awarded the title of "Batulu". Ding Jing, a native of Nanchuan, is expensive. He destroyed the front line and the front line.

He has repeatedly made meritorious deeds and received unique rewards. Because the Lord set up Wang Wei, which was excluded by Dourgen. Fu Lin is in charge,

Minister of State and Minister of Guards. Qiba Bilong, surnamed Niu Zhilu, belongs to the same flag as Ao Bai. Father's forehead

They are also one of the five ministers of Nurhachi, and they are recruited as the forehead. Their mother is Princess Heshuo. He was born in the war.

In the years of struggle, he was promoted to the position of minister of parliament and minister in charge of the security guard with military achievements, and accumulated a small number of Fu and Taibao princes.

Sony and other four people are the elders of the three dynasties or four dynasties, and they all belong to the three flags of the emperor himself. male

There is no doubt about the status of children in the court. Naturally, Fu Lin's edict asked them to be ministers of Fuzheng, which was really very.

The right person. But the deeper reason is that Fu Lin, especially Queen Xiao Zhuang behind the scenes, has the same surname.

Wang Beile, such as Dourgen, was good at political affairs alone, and the resulting power struggle between kings seriously threatened the emperor.

The authority of the emperor, so I would rather choose a minister with a different surname other than the royal family to assist the young master, which is conducive to knowing people and being good at their duties.

The growth of royal power. Secondly, Sony and other four people stood firmly on the side of Sai-jo and sourdrang dowager politically.

On the one hand, he fought against Dourgen and won their trust. When Dourgen died, Sony was four.

Power status has soared, and it has reached the position of assistant minister.