Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Folk proverbs of thunder in October

Folk proverbs of thunder in October

A folk proverb that thunders in October: When it thunders in October, thieves are everywhere.

The agricultural proverb "Thunder in October, thieves all over the world" is also a classic proverb, which was very popular in the past and mainly spread in the north and south of China. Literally, if there is a thunderstorm in October of the lunar calendar, it is not a good sign, and there will be more thieves in the coming year.

The reason is that the ancients thought that thunder in October indicates low temperature, and there will be more rain and snow in the future, especially in the second year, natural disasters such as floods and droughts often occur, so the result is bad timing. In the past, when people didn't have enough to eat, they would become traitors or do some stealing activities.

As we all know, in ancient times, technology was not as developed as it is today. The ancients believed in the concept of "harmony between man and nature" and believed that there was an inductive relationship between man and nature. If people are disrespectful and unfilial, and go against the sky, the sky will fall at any time. "Heaven" refers to nature. It can be said that the philosophy of "harmony between man and nature" defended by the ancients aims to require people to live in harmony with nature.

Matters needing attention in lightning

1. When it thunders and rains, it is forbidden to stay at the top of the mountain or in hilly areas. More importantly, it is forbidden to continue climbing to see the rain. You shouldn't hide under a big tree or near a telephone pole, or walk or stand in an open field. You should hide in a low-lying place as soon as possible, or try to find a house or a dry cave to hide.

2. In thunderstorm weather, don't use an umbrella with a metal handle, and take off glasses, watches and belts with metal frames. If you want to leave your bike as soon as possible, stay away from other metal objects to avoid being struck by lightning.

3. Don't go swimming, boating and fishing in rivers and lakes in thunderstorm weather.

4. When it is thunderous and stormy, tourists should immediately turn off the indoor TV, tape recorder, stereo, air conditioner and other electrical appliances to avoid conduction.