Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - An educational story

An educational story

Name of the story (the value of life)

-Don't let yesterday's depression overshadow tomorrow's dream!

At a seminar, a famous speaker held a $20 bill in his hand and didn't make an opening speech.

Facing the 200 people in the meeting room, he asked, "Who wants this $20?" Put one hand up. He went on to say, "I want to give this $20 to one of you, but before that, please allow me to do one thing." As he spoke, he crumpled up the money and asked, "Who wants more?" There are people holding hands. He added, "Well, what if I do this?" He threw the money on the ground, stepped on it and ran it over with his foot. Then he picked up the dirty and wrinkled bill. "Who wants it now?" Someone still raised their hands.

"My friends, you had a very meaningful lesson. No matter how I treat that bill, you still want it, because it hasn't depreciated, and it's still worth 20 dollars. On the road of life, we will be knocked down, bullied or even crushed by our own decisions or adversity countless times. We feel as if we are worthless. But no matter what happens, or what will happen, you will never lose value in the eyes of God. In his view, dirty or clean, dressed neatly or sloppy, you are still priceless. "

Tips: The value of life lies not in what we do, nor in who we make friends with, but in ourselves! We are unique-never forget this!

1, the young monk grinds beans

Once upon a time, there was a temple in the mountains. There was no stone mill in the temple. So I send monks to the farm at the foot of the mountain to pick beans and grind them every day.

One day, a young monk was sent to grind beans. Before leaving, the big monk in the kitchen handed him a full load of beans and severely warned: "You must be careful. The income in the temple is not ideal recently. Never sprinkle soy milk on the road. "

The young monk agreed and went down the mountain to grind beans. exist

The young monk grinds beans.

Once upon a time, there was a temple in the mountains. There was no stone mill in the temple. So I send monks to the farm at the foot of the mountain to pick beans and grind them every day.

One day, a young monk was sent to grind beans. Before leaving, the big monk in the kitchen handed him a full load of beans and severely warned: "You must be careful. The income in the temple is not ideal recently. Never sprinkle soy milk on the road. "

The young monk agreed and went down the mountain to grind beans. On the mountain road back to the temple, he became more and more nervous when he thought of the fierce expression and severe warning of the big monk. The young monk carefully picked up a big bucket full of soybean milk and walked on the mountain road step by step for fear of making any mistakes.

Unfortunately, just as we were approaching the corner of the kitchen, a reckless donor came to us, and more than half of the soybean milk in the bucket in front of us was poured. The young monk was so scared that he broke into a cold sweat.

When the big monk saw the soybean milk picked up by the young monk, he was of course very angry and pointed at the young monk and cursed: "You idiot! Didn't I say to be careful? Waste so much soy milk, go and drink the northwest wind! "

Hearing this, an old monk calmed the mood of the big monk and said to the little monk privately, "Go down the mountain tomorrow, observe the people and things along the way, and write a report for me when you come back, and carry the beans over and grind them."

The young monk shirked, saying that grinding beans was not enough. How can he endure soy milk to see the scenery and report when he comes back?

At the insistence of the old monk, the next day, he was forced to continue on his way. On the way back, the young monk found that the scenery along the mountain road was really beautiful, with majestic peaks in the distance and farmers farming on terraces. Soon after I left, I saw a group of children playing happily in the open space on the roadside, and two old gentlemen playing chess. In this way, while walking and watching the scenery, I unconsciously returned to the temple. When the little monk handed the soybean milk to the big monk, he found that both barrels were full and didn't overflow at all.

In fact, instead of caring about your fame and fortune every day, it is better to enjoy the happiness of every process and learn from it in your efforts at school, work or life.

A person who really knows how to find pleasure in life from life experience will not feel that his life is full of pressure and anxiety.

2, passing clouds

Once upon a time, there was a little novice monk named Xin Tong. He suddenly got tired of meditation, thinking that time passed too slowly, and he longed to become a generation of wizards as soon as possible. One day, he said to the Taoist Zen master, "I wish I could be as profound and respected as a master." That is an enviable realm of life! "

After hearing this, Master Daofu didn't express any opinions or opinions, but pointed to a white cloud on the horizon and said to Xin Tong, "Look how beautiful that cloud is!" Xintong also echoed: "It's beautiful!" Then, the Taoist Zen master pointed to a pot of blooming flowers and said, "Look at that pot of flowers, how bright they are!" "Xin Tong also echoed and said," it's really bright! "

A few hours later, Xin Tong forgot everything just now. The Taoist Zen master suddenly asked him, "Where was that beautiful white cloud just now?"

"It has long since disappeared." Look at the horizon with your heart and say it smoothly.

I don't know how many days later, just as I was carefully trying to forget the white clouds, Master Daofu suddenly said to him, "Go and bring me the pot of flowers I pointed out to you that day, and I'll see what it looks like."

Xintong hurried to find potted flowers, but the flowering period of potted flowers had passed, leaving only yellow branches and leaves. Taoist Zen master said, "It's all passing clouds!"

Until then, Xin Tongcai suddenly realized.

Time flies like a white horse. Life is short and time is precious. Cherish every minute, the flower of the soul is naturally brilliant, and flower of life is naturally lush. & gt>>>-short story and big truth

2. pebbles and diamonds

"Why do we have to learn these useless things?"

This is the most common sentence that teachers hear from students' complaints and questions. In this case, we might as well tell students such a fable:

One night, a group of nomads were preparing to camp and rest when they were suddenly covered by a dazzling light. They know that God will appear soon, so they are eagerly waiting for God's will.

God appeared and began to speak: "You should pick up more pebbles along the way and put them in your saddle bag." Tomorrow night, you will be very happy, but you will also regret it. "

Say that finish, god disappeared. The herdsmen were very disappointed because they had expected that God would bring them endless wealth, health and longevity, but they didn't expect God to let them do this meaningless thing. However, in any case, this is God's will. Although they were somewhat dissatisfied, each of them picked up some pebbles and put them on their saddles.

In this way, they walked for another day. When night fell and they started camping, they suddenly found that every pebble they put into the saddle bag yesterday had turned into a diamond. They were very happy, but also regretted not picking up more pebbles.

Knowledge that feels useless now, like pebbles, may become endless wealth in the future.

3. Educate students not to despise others.

Tell the students a story about the eagle and the dung beetle, written by the ancient Roman philosopher Mizius.

An eagle chased a rabbit and tried to eat him. When the rabbit saw that he was desperate and helpless, he suddenly saw a dung beetles. The rabbit begged the dung beetle to help him and save him. The dung beetle promised to help him and protect him.

At this time, the eagle has caught up with him. The dung beetle said to him, "Please don't hurt the rabbit, because he is my servant." However, the dung beetle looks so small that the eagle doesn't take it seriously at all. The eagle strangled the rabbit and ate it with relish in front of dung beetles.

Dung beetles will never forget this humiliation. He is waiting for the eagle to build its nest. Soon, when he found the eagle's nest and saw the eagle put the egg in it, he quietly flew in and pushed the eagle's egg to the edge of Ying Chao, causing it to fall to the ground and break into pieces.

This eagle is full of sadness and anger. He flew to the sky and came to the throne of the gods, asking them to provide him with a safe place to nest and hatch eggs. God said, "When you hatch eggs again, you can put them in my arms to hatch." . Because you are my bird, I should take good care of you. "So, it happened like this.

However, when the dung beetle learned the truth, it immediately made a dung egg, then took it to the sky, came to the gods and threw it into its arms. The god found this dirty thing and wanted to shake it off, but forgot that there was an eagle egg in his arms; So I shook them off with the dung eggs. As a result, the eagle's eggs were all broken again.

Anyone who despises others will get revenge from others.

Educate students not to be greedy.

Tell the students a story about a duck laying golden eggs. The author is German poet Bu Waldis.

A poor farmer has a duck that can lay golden eggs; But it only gives birth once a week, and only one at a time. The farmer thought, "By the way, I should kill this duck so that I can get all the golden eggs in its belly in one day."

As soon as he started, he killed the duck, but he was immediately surprised to find what a stupid thing he had done: there was not even a golden egg in the duck's stomach. The farmer regretted it and secretly complained, "Alas, I really deserve bad luck!" " I don't want to have a golden egg every Monday, but I want more golden eggs. Now, my hope, my comfort and my interests are all in vain. Now I am really poor! "

When greed is not satisfied.

5. Educate students to do things by themselves.

Tell the students a story about quail and her baby, written by German poet Bu Waldis.

A quail is nesting in the middle of a wheat field. When her children grew up and the wheat turned yellow, she said to the little quails, "the day when farmers harvest wheat is coming." I'm going out to find you something to eat now. Stay in the nest while I'm away, and be careful not to be found. If the farmer comes, pay attention to what he says and when he cuts the wheat. We must play it by ear. "Say that finish, the old quail flew away.

After a while, the farmer took his son to the wheat field, looked at the wheat, and then said to his son, "The wheat is ripe. It's time for us to harvest. I will go to my neighbor's house early tomorrow morning to discuss with them and ask them to help us harvest. "

After a while, the old quail flew back with food for the children and asked them if they had heard anything. A little quail replied, "The farmer has come with his son. He said that he would ask his neighbors to help him cut the wheat tomorrow. "

The old quail said, "Don't be afraid, this wheat won't be cut all at once. Because those neighbors won't agree to help others so soon. "

Early the next morning, the old quail went out for food again. She said to the quails, "When the farmer wants to cut wheat, you should be careful and see if he can hear some new news." The farmer came again and said to his son, "I don't think anyone will come." These neighbors are unreliable. I'm going to talk to my relatives and friends and ask them to help us harvest tomorrow. If wheat is not cut, it will rot. "

When the old quails came home, the little quails chattered, "Mom, give it to us quickly."

Build a new nest somewhere else! The farmer will bring his relatives and friends to cut wheat tomorrow. "

However, the old quail replied, "dear children, those relatives and friends will not come to work in foreign farmland right away, so please pay attention to what the farmer says tomorrow!" " "

The next morning, the farmer and his son came again. The farmer took a sad look at the wheat field and said, "I think it is impossible to rely on the help of others, whether it is neighbors or relatives and friends." This crop can't be harvested today. Two sharp sickles have been put in the granary, and we will open them together tomorrow morning. This wheat can't be delayed any longer. "

Quails immediately told their mother the new news. The old quail listened and said, "Look, this is the real harvest season. It's time for us to move, so let's find another place to live Dear children, get up! If we stay here tomorrow morning, I'm afraid all our lives will be lost. "

Do your own thing; As the saying goes, the road is at your feet.

6. Let students realize that people can't be perfect.

Tell the students a sad story about peacocks, written by German poet Bu Waldis.

Peacock once complained in front of the Lord God Jupiter: "You made me so beautiful and decorated my feathers so beautifully, from the neck to the back;" My tail is colorful and shiny; I still wear a delicate crown on my head. The only fly in the ointment is, oh, my God, I haven't got the voice you promised me. In this respect, all the birds look down on me; They laughed at my hoarse voice. You treat the nightingale better than me and other birds. You gave her a good voice. She often pleases people with her loud voice at night. Think about it, how can this nightingale not be praised by the poet? Oh, my songs can't compare with the nightingale at all, which makes me so sad. "

Then god said, "didn't you say you had beautiful feathers?" I have prepared gifts for every creation. The nightingale has a good voice and can sing beautiful songs, but her feathers are gray and unremarkable. However, she is very satisfied. So, you are content with your gorgeous feathers and don't care about the nightingale's voice! "

God gave everyone the talent he deserved, so no one should envy the talent God gave others.

7. Educate students not to be arrogant.

Tell the students a story about the "proud horse". The author is the German poet Bü Waldis.

A rich man has a tall horse. He had the horse put on a golden halter, an expensive and gorgeous saddle, and a silk carpet woven with gold thread. The horse watched helplessly as his master dressed up so beautifully for him, and he couldn't help but be elated and domineering.

One day, the horse was tied tightly. He broke free from the reins and rushed out of there screaming. At this time, a donkey came up to him, carrying a heavy bag on his back and moving his legs slowly step by step. The horse chewed, foamed at the mouth and began to shout from a distance, "get out of the way!" " Who taught you to be so rude that you wouldn't let go of a horse like me? Get out, or I'll kill you and drag you out! "

The donkey was scared to death, so he quickly dodged and dared not say anything.

The horse rampaged through the bushes. However, when rushing through the bushes, his hoof crown was injured; So, from now on, he is no longer needed as a mount. The owner took the golden halter and beautiful saddle from him and sold it to a coachman. From this day on, he must pull the cart from morning till night.

Soon, the donkey saw him pulling a cart and said, "Hello, friend!" " What's the matter with you? Where are your golden halter and golden silk carpet? Why didn't I see them? That's it, dear friend. This is common in the world: arrogance will be punished. "

When happiness reaches its peak, misfortune often stands in front of the door; Don't get carried away!

8. Educate students to be loyal.

Tell the students a story about a mouse and a frog written by a German poet hans sachs.

One day, a mouse was sitting by the river. She is thinking about how to get to the other side.

"Well," she sighed, "I can't swim so far."

At this time, a frog happened to be in the shallow water not far away, and what the mouse said was heard by him. He swam to the shore and said, "I can cross you safely."

The mouse believed his words and readily agreed. At this time, the frog found a rope, tied one end to himself and the other end to the mouse's tail, and then jumped into the water himself; When he dragged the mouse in the river for a while and suddenly dived into the water, the mouse had to follow him to the depths of the river. "Help!" Then she couldn't help crying. "Do you want to drown me? How can you do such a treacherous thing to me! "

However, the frog replied, "As the saying goes, there is treachery behind sweet words. Why don't you be careful?

At this moment, a white crane flew in and saw the mouse struggling in the water. He dived down, grabbed her and took her back to his nest with the frog. But he didn't see the frog at all when he caught the mouse; He found him when he returned to his nest and said, "How did you get caught?"

"Well," replied the frog, "what goes around comes around. I want to make the mouse unlucky and drown her; But now even I am in trouble. "

"Yes, you deserve it," said the crane, opening his mouth and swallowing the faithless frog.

Set a trap for others and fell down.

9. Educate students not to betray their friends

Tell students a story about "Betraying a friend is the most shameful act", written by German writer Han Wei Kirkhoff.

An arrested partridge begged the hunter to spare his life and said, "I will attract many partridges and their companions in the future." As long as you open the net, you will definitely catch a mountain partridge. "

Hearing this, the hunter said, "You are so sinister and vicious to your compatriots, let alone to others and to me as an enemy." I'd rather kill you now, it's safer! Say that finish, the hunter unscrewed the partridge's neck.

People who resort to deceit and intrigue will be ruined in the end.

10, educate students not to pursue gorgeous appearance.

Tell the students a story about the Master of the Bow by German playwright and literary theorist Lessing.

A man has a big bow made of ebony. He can shoot far and accurately with this bow. He regards it as a treasure. But one day, when he looked at it carefully, he couldn't help regretting: "Alas, you are just a little thick!" " ! A little smoother would be perfect. What a pity! "

"However, there is a remedy," he suddenly thought of an idea. "I'm going to find the best sculptor and ask him to carve beautiful patterns on this bow." He did.

The sculptor carved a complete hunting map on the bow; What could be more appropriate than a hunting map?

The man was very happy: "You really deserve this decoration, my dear bow!" " "Say that finish, he can't wait to have a try. He tightened the bowstring, pulled, pulled-pa, the bow broke.

1 1. Educate students not to be greedy.

Tell the students a story about hamsters and ants by Lessing, a German playwright and literary theorist.

"Poor ant," said a hamster, "you have worked hard all summer just to collect such a little food: is it worth it? I really should show you my grain reserves! "

"Listen," replied an ant, "this is because you store much more food than you need, so humans have to dig you out of the soil, empty your granary, and let you atone for your greedy robbery with your life: it is so reasonable for them to do so!"

12, educating students to help each other

Tell the students a story about the blind and the lame. The author is German writer Coffey Gellert.

A lame man happened to meet a blind man on the road, only to see that the blind man was expecting someone to take him down hopefully.

"Hey," said the lame man, "shall we go together? I am also a person with difficulties, so I can't go alone. You look great. You must have great strength! You carry me behind my back and let me show you the way. Your solid legs and feet are my legs and feet; My bright eyes will be your eyes. "

So the lame man lay on the broad shoulders of the blind man with a cane in his hand. The two kept pace and achieved the effect that one person could not achieve.

You don't have the talent that others have, and others lack your talent. Through similar communication, this defect can be made up. So, please don't complain about God's injustice! He didn't give you some advantages, but gave them to others. This is the same. We can communicate by ourselves.

13. Educate students to develop their special skills.

Tell students a story about a fox and a cat, written by two brothers, German linguist and folk literature researcher Green.

Once, the cat met Mr. Fox in the forest. At this time, the cat thought, this guy is smart and knowledgeable. So he greeted him warmly and said, "Hello, dear Mr. Fox. How have you been recently? How have you been these days? "

The fox held his head high and looked at the cat from head to toe. For a long time, he didn't know how to answer. Finally, he replied, "Oh, you poor long beard, you flashy fool, you poor man, you dirty dog, what do you want?" How dare you ask me? What have you learned? How many skills do you have? "

"I only have one skill." The cat replied modestly.

"So what is skill?" Asked the fox.

"If the dog chases me, I will jump into the tree to save myself."

"Is that all you have?" The fox said, "I know a hundred skills, and I have a bag full of tricks." I feel sorry for you. Come with me, I want to teach you how to avoid dogs. "

Just then, a hunter came with four hounds. The cat jumped nimbly into a tree and sat at the top of it. Branches and leaves covered her.

"Open your pocket, Mr. Fox, open your pocket," the cat shouted to the fox. By this time, however, the hounds had rushed to catch him and kept biting him.

"Well, Mr. Fox," cried the cat, "you are trapped in a hundred skills. If I can climb trees like me, I won't lose my life. "

14. Educate students not to ignore minor problems.

Tell students a story about nails, written by two brothers, German linguist and folk literature researcher Green.

At the market, there was a businessman with a prosperous business. All the goods are sold out, and his pockets are full of gold and silver.

He is going back now and wants to get home before dark. So he tied his travel bag with coins to his horse and rode away.

At noon, he came to a city to rest; When he was ready to go on the road again, the servant led the horse to him and said, "Sir, there is a nail missing from the iron palm of the horse's left hind hoof."

"Less," replied the businessman. "I'll walk for six hours, and I won't lose my grip at this time. I'm in a hurry. "

In the afternoon, the merchant dismounted and asked the servant to feed the horse. The servant came to the small guest room where he was resting and said, Sir, the iron palm on your horse's left hind hoof has fallen off; Shall I take it to the blacksmith? "

"Put it down," replied the master. "There are two knives? It's time, and this time the horse can hold on. I am still in a hurry. "

The merchant continued on his way, but after a while, the horse began to limp; Before long, it limped and began to stumble; It wasn't long before I tripped, fell and broke my leg. The businessman had to leave his horse, take off his travel bag and carry it on his shoulders, and walk home until midnight.

"What bad luck," the businessman said to himself. "It's all because of that damn nail!" This is really haste makes waste!

15, educate students to respect others

Tell the students a story about the boy and the echo. The author is British writer Dan Stoop.

A boy went to herd cattle for the first time in his life. He and the cow climbed a high mountain, and a valley appeared in front of him, with a panoramic view of the dense spruce forest. There is a beautiful echo in the Woods, and there is no such beautiful voice anywhere: the boy knows nothing about it.

The boy began to play the flute and looked for delicious and smooth forage for his animals. The countryside is long and very pleasant; Unexpectedly, there was an echo in the distance. But the boy doesn't know what happened. He looked around, but there was no one. He couldn't help saying to himself, "Who is playing the flute there?" .

"Who's playing the flute there-?" I just heard someone ask. But the boy doesn't know who is talking. "Who are you?" He shouted again.

"Who are you-?" There shouted again. He felt that the voice was familiar; He can't help secretly happy: now he can talk and chat with a brother. "Come to me!" He shouted.

"Come to me-!" Echo said.

"No way! He said.

"I can't-!" It's also said over there

In this way, you came and went, sentence by sentence, which lasted for about a quarter of an hour. At this time, our little boy thought that his strange friend was playing tricks on him, so he began to scold each other, and the other party began to scold him. Both sides are very angry with each other. All these words echoed in the Woods. The little boy is hot-blooded, witty and funny, and calls each other donkeys. All these beautiful words echoed in four valleys.

At this time, an old man who was collecting medicine happened to pass by, and he listened carefully to the abuse. "child!" It was a long time before he asked, "Why are you yelling like that?" Nobody bothers you here. "

"alas!" The boy said, "Please tell me, do you know that boy?" Why did he scold me in the forest over there? You treat me like a fool and keep yelling at me. He scolded me like this, but I didn't offend him; Now I really can't stand it. I can't wait to teach him a lesson. I hope he will come here; If he is as old as me, I will slap him! "

"Come on, kid!" The old man collecting herbs said, "I heard clearly that you started this dispute first." If someone scolds others, others will retaliate against him, and then he will have to pay the price! "

16. Educate students to be filial to their mothers.

Tell two stories. One is a mother who came to the station from the mountains to see her son off. She found that her son's travel bag was broken and the car was about to start. What should I do? The mother was in a hurry, took off her belt and tied her son with a travel bag. My son left, and my mother stood at the station with a red face. The son doesn't know how his mother walked home step by step, but his mother's belt, the son, has always been kept, accompanying him on the journey of life.

The other is a story between the prisoner and his mother. Today is visiting day. My old mother, who lives in a poor mountainous area, lifted her skirt and took out a white cloth bag from her underwear pocket. She opened it and found a bag of shiny sunflower seeds, white, fragrant and warm, like a tongue. This bag of melon seeds is so unremarkable among other people's colorful visiting objects, but the son who served his sentence knows that this bag of melon seeds was bought by his mother selling eggs, one by one, day and night, reluctant to eat one and took a good one. He took the carriage first, then the bus, then the train, and finally walked from the station to the prison to give it to himself. Looking at the old mother's gray hair, my son's hand with melon seeds trembled and "plopped".