Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - What bus or train stations are there around Wuhan Tianhe International Airport?

What bus or train stations are there around Wuhan Tianhe International Airport?

If you want to go from Tianhe Airport to Yichang, take the airport bus to Hankou first. Next to Hankou Railway Station is Jinjiadun Bus Station. If you look at the time in Wuhan, you can take the train to Yichang at noon or afternoon. The train will arrive in Yichang around 3 o'clock.

If there is no train at the destination, take the bus every half hour. If the bus in Yichang gets on the expressway, it takes about 4-5 hours.

Extended data

I. Passenger flights

1.From 0: 00 on March 29th, except Wuhan Tianhe Airport, other airports in Hubei Province resumed domestic passenger flights.

2. From 0: 00 on April 8th, domestic passenger flights at Wuhan Tianhe Airport will be resumed.

3. Due to the need of epidemic prevention and control, passenger flights at international airports in Hubei Province, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan will not be resumed temporarily; Passenger flights from airports in Hubei Province to and from Beijing (including grounded flights) will not be resumed temporarily.

Second, cargo flights.

1. Since 0: 00 on March 29th, cargo flights at airports in Hubei Province have resumed one after another.

2. Encourage cargo airlines to open more domestic and international cargo flights, and encourage passenger airlines not to carry passengers to transport materials, so as to ensure the supply chain.

People's Daily Online-Civil Aviation Administration: Domestic flights in Hubei except Wuhan Airport will be resumed from March 29th.