Fortune Telling Collection - Comprehensive fortune-telling - Who knows this story? About eight characters with the same fate but different fates.

Who knows this story? About eight characters with the same fate but different fates.

There is a story like this: after Zhu Yuanzhang became emperor in the Ming Dynasty, he heard that many people were born in the same year, month, day and hour. He thought that these people must also be "the emperor's orders". If not all of them were killed, they would definitely compete with him for the throne in the future. He learned the lesson that Liu Bang and Xiang Yu fought for the world during the Warring States Period, and Xiang Yu did not kill Liu Bang. As a result, Liu Bang won the world, and he was at the end of the road, leading to "Wujiang River killing himself". He decided to kill all the people who were born at the same time in the same year, in order to avoid someone competing with him for the throne in the future. When the killing was almost over, Zhu Yuanzhang thought, why not catch some and ask them what they do, and then kill them before it's too late. Zhu Yuanzhang personally questioned an arrested person: "What do you do?" "I am a beekeeper." "How many bees are there?" "I have nine nests of bees, about 900 thousand, and I am busy managing these nine nests of bees every day ..." Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly realized after hearing this: I am the emperor who ruled nine countries and nine kings, but he raised nine nests of bees and ruled nine queens. It seems that people born on the same day in the same year are not all emperors. There is only one emperor, that is me. Others include queen bee, silkworm emperor, fish emperor and so on. They won't come and compete with me to be emperor. So Zhu Yuanzhang was relieved and stopped killing people born at the same time.

This story illustrates the fact that many people in the world have the same eight characters but different fates. Zhu Yuanzhang's "awakening" is obviously ridiculous. The queen bee and Ren Huang can't be mentioned in the same breath, and they are far from each other. How can this "emperor" compare with that emperor? It is an objective fact that the eight characters are the same but their fates are different. There is no need for Zhu Yuanzhang to kill people born on the same day in the same year.

Why is the date of birth exactly the same but the fate is different? This question really puzzles many people.

Fortune tellers are most afraid of being asked this question, because they haven't figured out the reason and can't answer this "why", so when someone asks this question, they have to avoid answering, "no comment"-speechless, or find an excuse to change the subject and "look around and talk about him".

Because many testers can't answer this question with sufficient reasons, the so-called "materialists" who oppose the so-called "feudal superstition" seize this straw as a gold bar, use it as a powerful shell, and spare no effort to attack Yi scholars shirtless, saying that Yi is a "pseudoscience" that "deceives people".

And some "pedants" who have been involved in the study of Yi-ology for a long time and taught people in university forums for many years have also come out to rap, in line with the cry of anti-Yi-ology, saying that "I-ching has no predictive function" and so on. It seems that the book of changes, the treasure of our eastern culture, is really going to be "knocked down and set foot on it again"!

Yi scholars could not help but speak. In order to answer the question "Why the eight characters have the same fate but different fates", Yi scholars have found many reasons to explain and answer. Some people say that although people are born at the same time, they are born in different places and environments, some in the north and some in the south; Some people were born by the water and on boats, while others were born in mountains and forests. Some people are born healthy? It rains and snows in first frost, and some just meet? Hot sun, hot air and so on, so the fate is different.

The most sufficient reason is that thirteen "differences" are listed in Four Pillars Foresight to illustrate that "although they were born at the same time, their fates are different". These thirteen "differences" are: (1) different directions and positions; (2) Different years of parents; (3) Brothers and sisters have different life spans; (4) The life span of spouses is different; (5) The number of children is different; (6) Men and women have different luck; (7) Different faces and hand lines; (8) People's bones are different; (9) The geomantic omen of ancestral graves and houses is different; (10) Everyone's genes are different; (1 1) The environment and family conditions are different; (12) The starlight shines differently at birth; (13) Different religious beliefs.

Although so many reasons are listed, those opponents still "scoff" and think they "disdain to refute" In fact, in our own eyes, we are very easy to measure. These reasons are really "pale and powerless". Opponents only need to cite one fact to question; "Those twins born at the same time, the above 13 items are the same, why is the fate still different?" How to answer such a question?

Are there any facts that opponents ask? Yes As far as I know, there are twins born at the same time. Even though they are identical in appearance, appearance and height, their thoughts, behaviors, personalities, hobbies, experiences, encounters and endings are quite different. What is the truth?

In recent years, some people have put forward the theory of "feeling qi" It is believed that babies should feel all kinds of light, waves, magnetism, fields and other substances after complete delivery, and bring these substances (or weather, local gas) into meridians and viscera for life, which can affect the fate and life journey of the day after tomorrow. Some babies need a few minutes to feel their breath, while others need 30 minutes. Because each baby's breathing time, weight and quality are different, its influence on the acquired luck is also different. This phenomenon has touched the edge of the essence of the problem, but it has not completely solved the problem.

To fundamentally solve this problem and answer this question, we can only find the answer from the yin-yang theory in the Book of Changes. According to the Yin-Yang theory in the Book of Changes, the formation of a fetus is not only the combination of a man's sperm and a woman's egg. Although men and women are a combination of one yang and one yin, although they are also a combination of one yin and one yang, men and women, sperm and eggs are tangible positive substances, and their yin and yang are only yin and yang in positive substances. When we look at the Taiji diagram, we know that the Taiji diagram consists of two parts: yin and yang fish, which means that everything is composed of yin and yang, but there are fish eyes in the yin and yang fish, which means that there is yang in the yin and yin in the yang. The people we meet are all physical, positive substances composed of particles, male and female, which are the yin and yang in the positive substances, and still belong to the part of the yin-yang fish in the Taiji diagram. A person also has an invisible part of negative matter composed of waves, that is, the soul. Man = body+soul. Both men and women belong to the "body" part, belonging to the Yang fish part in the Taiji diagram. There are also some people, that is, the part of the Taiji diagram that belongs to the Yin fish, that is, the soul part. The soul dominates, controls and directs the body. Where does a person's soul come from? Soul is a biological beam floating in space. Where does the biological beam come from? It is a negative material part of people or animals in previous lives. The death of a life (human or animal) is the death of its body. After death, people's bodies rot into mud and always participate in the material cycle of nature, while their negative souls are immortal and eternal. It just leaves the dead body and floats in space. The soul is made up of waves. Waves are invisible. Can't you see or touch them? Yes, it fills the space without occupying the space position. What do these souls, biological beams, do after leaving their bodies and floating in space? Join the Six Divisions of Karma Wheel or wait? The chance of rebirth and reincarnation. Once the opportunity comes, men and women have sex in the dead, sperm and eggs combine to form a fetus, or the fetus grows up and needs to give birth. These are floating in space, waiting? The reincarnation of the soul beam will be attracted to the past, participate in the birth of a positive fetus, and form a new life of body and soul. From then on, these reincarnation biological beams will become the soul and master of this positive new life. The fate of this new life. Because these biological beams involved in reincarnation have information codes of previous lives, these information codes still exist after being reincarnated as soul bodies of new life? Function. Because each soul carries different information codes, it forms different personality characteristics and life fortune of each new life. Although twins were born at the same time, their birth conditions are exactly the same, even their bodies and looks are exactly the same, but their souls are different and their innate information codes are different, so their life journey and fate are different. This is the fundamental reason why two or more people have the same eight characters but different fates.